That Flaming Fire song was pretty neat. Is the whole album as good? I am thinking of buying it.
Hi Sarah - Yeah, the whole Flaming Fire CD is great, but that track is my favorite. You can't beat a song with background vocalists chanting "incest."
Yo. Viva mashups. Viva Kleptones! thanks for turning me on to them, my favorite music of the last couple years. Too bad so many tracks of theirs are not so FCC compliant.
evan cordes:
I don't sleep, I listen to WFMU instead!
I've been looking high & low for Harpo Boogie Woogie, lately. Excellent to hear it again. Thanks...
(Comments RULE.)
Watched Jim Jarmusch's "Broken Flowers" Saturday. His birthday was Monday. Then the Winterlong clip gets played here. Happy Birthday Jim!
Thanks Evan, thanks Phillip. I've been listening to the Kleptones Hip Hopera on the iPod lately, forgot how good it was. There's a definite "anti-mashup" backlash going around now, which I can understand given the amount of crappy ones that have come out in recent years. But there's definitely some of them that still sound great to me and don't sound gimmicky. One of the worst ones I have heard in recent months was the godawful mashup of Sergeant Peppers and Pet Sounds.
We *do* believe in all of the above (and for the reasons given). We do, we do.
extra good show, spef. the live Wire (that song is sorry boring studio) the Egyptian mythology, the Jack Palance, Rosko, and I've only been listening for a half hour
You Marx-playing commie pinko!
Oh and hey, if you want to hear mashups taken to their logical extreme, and done really well, check out the most recent Girl Talk record, "Night Ripper." I haven't heard this on WFMU (and possibly none of it is clean enough for airplay except maybe track 5... but the web-only DJs could play it). Instead of two or three things mashed together, each song is 15 or 20 things mashed together, and with impressive skill, too.
Do you know where one could obtain a copy of "original cold scrubs" by Braces Tower?
This new feature is very tempting to write nonsense in.... I will simply grovel and say what a lovey three hours it was, especially hearing guest announcer Vicky.. My palms were sweating ... willing me to pick up the phone thank god she finally rang and saved me the embarrrassment - I am compelled to act the goat all the time.... will you delete inane comments like mine?
Speaking of Jack Palance, his 1962 opus Sword of the Conqueror is a definite must see.
Linda - I dont think that the track by Braces Tower ever came out on vinyl or CD. It was something I downloaded a few years ago.
James - sorry, I will not delete your comment, it does not sink to the required level of inanity.
Dan - Palance was also an excellent scumbag in Godard's "Contempt."
And thanks to everybody for helping us test out the playlist comments feature, we're uncovering some minor problems here, which we want to work out before we roll this out on more DJ's playlists.
what is that horrifying, animated pic you have up above there? also, loved the Liquid Liquid remix + Pulsallama one-two dance punch. Would blow my mind if I heard a club DJ pull that trick!
Thanks Lars! That Liquid Liquid to Pulsallama segue surprised me as much as anybody! You almost woulda thought I had planned it out, but alas I had not. Just another happy accident...
I don't know what the hell that animated gif is up there. I have so many animated gifs on my home computer, I dont know what to do with them all...
I wish this feature was up while you were DOING your show.. then you perhaps would have not had to wait for Vicky to call in.. and it would give us all a chance to HOUND you while you are on the air!!! hah
and uh.. what was the deal with the ramones song? did you do the shortening? or is there a whole album of that - I imagine the whole album would be 9 minutes!
Finally got to listen to your show today (after having it on my playlist for a while). So happy you played The Lexie Mtn Boys - they are old friends of mine from Boston/Baltimore. Their live show is just incredibly fun. Oh, and that Jack Palance album is an old favorite of mine as well. I'm not a big celebrity singing fan, but his voice works so well, and his songs are so creepy. "Goodbye Lucy" really gives me the chills.
"I Don't Sleep..." was a surprising cover. It was by early 90s NY folkie Brenda Kahn who I saw when I first came to New York for CMJ years ago. Her record didn't go anywhere (I liked it), but obviously it made an impression on someone in Japan. I love strange music lineage like that.
Awww, you played my Operator irritation mix. Thanks! I really enjoyed the mini Blitzkrieg Bop - and indeed, all the one minutes going up on the blog. Can't wait for that show.
Hi Ben - We're going to wait and see whether or not to start allowing comments while the show is still in progress. That raises all sorts of issues, technical and metaphysical.
That Ramones tune came from an Italian arts group called Media Corti who did a series of shortened songs a few years back. I was talking to a FMU blog reader about my idea for the sixty second song contest and he sent those to me, but he had already done them a few years back.
Hey Clinton - My Jack Palance LP has a skip in it! Do you have a copy of it? I will have to check out "Goodbye Lucy." Once I heard "The Meanest Man Who Ever Lived," I stopped listening to the rest of the LP!
I'm not sure when I'm doing the sixty second show - I should wait until after the Feb 23rd contest deadline but then that's right before the marathon. So we shall see... But I'll be playing lots of one minute songs in coming weeks.
kjell magne bondevik:
hi ken. i'm listening to your show and i like it. i live in norway - is that cool? am i the only norwegian who dig your show? i hope so, because that make me feel totally global (and cool).