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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, December 2, 2006 Favoriting
Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia + Julian Kytasty

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The Koliadnyky of the village of Kryvorivnia and Virlana Tkacz of of New York’s Yara Arts introduce the Koliada ritual and music of the Hutsul people of the Carpathian mountain region, western Ukraine. Plus, Ukrainian-American bandura player Julian Kytasty.

The koliadas as they are remembered in the Carpathians are sung incantations that assume the magical power of voiced words. They are some of the best-preserved examples of oral literature from pre-Christian times. Koliada songs are part of a winter ritual that now coincides with Christmas, but is much older in origin and symbolism. It is considered to be the most important event of the year, since people believe that spring and the harvest will not come to the village unless these songs are sung in every household.

Ivan Zelenchuk is lead singer and leader of the Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia. His father's handwritten notebook of winter songs helped preserve this tradition in the village despite intense persecution under fifty years of Soviet rule in this area. Now in his fifties Ivan considers his involvement in the Koliada his personal mission.

Singing with him are his brother Peter Zelenchuk and his son Mykola Zelenchuk who plays the trembita, a traditional twelve- foot long mountain horn. They will be accompanied by Dmytro Tafiychuk, a virtuoso traditional fiddler, as well as a master player of the volynka, bag pipes made of goat skin.

There will be several related events in New York and Philadelphia (and a photo exhibit in Saratoga Springs NY). Some will also feature Paris to Kyiv, Julian Kytasty's project with singer Alexic Kochan.

On Sun Dec 3 Koliadnyky perform at the Ukrainian Museum, 22 E 6th St at 3pm.

On Fri Dec 15 Koliadnyky will be at the Ukrainian Institute, 2 E 79th St at 8pm with a guest appearance by Paris to Kyiv.

On Sat Dec 16 there will be vocal workshops featuring the Kolidanyky and Paris to Kyiv at the Ukrainian Institute. 2 E 79th St 1-4pm.

On Sun Dec 17 Paris to Kyiv will perform at the Ukrainian Museum, 22 E 6th St at 2pm .

Info on these events, the Philadelphia concerts and the photo exhibition at:

Paris to Kyiv website:

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new, *** = special)

Nomo: We Do We Go Favoriting / New Tones / Ubiquity

Extra Golden: Osama Rach Favoriting / Ok-Oyot System / Thrill Jockey / *

Bana Congo: Madeyi Favoriting / Various Artists: Africanos en Madrid / Caracol

Gwigwi Mrwebi: Nyusamkhaya Favoriting / Various Artists: London is the Place For Me 2 / Honest Jons / ***

Gwigwi Mrwebi: Botyana Favoriting / Mbaquanga Songs / Honest Jons / *
New anthology

H-Bomb Ferguson: She's Been Gone Favoriting / Big City Blues / Rev-Ola / *
New anthology

Dolores Vargas: El Trinquilintrin Favoriting / 45 / Belter

Ojos de Brujo: Color Favoriting / Techari / Six Degrees / *

Orchestre D'Essono: La Vie Favoriting / Various Artists: Sally Nyolo and the Original Bands of Yaounde / Riverboat / *

Orchestra Baobab: Diarabi Favoriting / A Night at Club Baobab / Oriki Music / *
New anthology

Bole 2 Harlem: Hi Loga Favoriting / Bole 2 Harlem / Sounds of the Mushroom / *

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Mountain Horns Favoriting

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Arrival Song Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Is the Master Home? Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Still the River Flows Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Song to the Mistress of the House Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Song to a Young Man Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Song to the Departed Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Dance to Call the Bees to the House Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Koliadnyky of Kryvorivnia: Farewell Wishes Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Julian Kytasty: Koliada to a Young Man (excerpt) Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Paris to Kyiv: Stone Age Carol Favoriting / Variances / Olesia

Paris to Kyiv: Bukovynska Koliadka Favoriting / Prairie Nights And Peacock Feathers / Olesia

Mariana Sadovska: Midsummer Night Favoriting / Borderland / EVOE

Song of Autumn: Ich Ha-n-e Opfel Funde Favoriting / Various Artists: Sounds from the Mountains / Musiques Suisses

Shelly Hirsch and David Weinstein: Haiku Lingo Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Yodel / World Music Network / *

Ilhan Ersahin: Radio Favoriting / Our Theory / Nublu

Balkan Beat Box: Red Bula Favoriting / Various Artists: Electric Gipsyland 2 / Six Degrees / *
With Mahala Rai Banda

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