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Transpacific Sound Paradise
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Raul Rothblatt / African Xylophone Fest Preview
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Guest DJ: Raul Rothblatt, cellist, composer, co-founder of Jumbie Records and member of Eletfa, Dallam-Dougou and Kakande.
Raul plays African music that inspired him, his field recordings from travels in West Africa, and a few tracks from artists to be featured at Jumbie Records' 2nd Annual African
Xylophone Festival (May 5-6 at Columbia University and May 6-7 at Makor).
This Week's Playlist:
Coumba Sidibe:
/ Various Artists: Women of Mali
/ Sterns
Sekouba Bambino:
Ka Souman Ma
/ Le Destin
/ Popular African Music
Kouyate Sore Kandiya:
Soir Ici
Fusayni Jinjali:
unidentified cassette
Mahama Braimah:
Ninsal' Ku Toi Ban O Dalrllana
/ Master Fiddlers of Dagbon
/ Rounder
"A Human Being Cannot Know His Benefactor"
Samba Uri:
Field Recording by Raul Rothblatt
Samba Uri:
Field Recording by Raul Rothblatt
Momo Wandel Soumah:
/ Matchowe
/ Buda Musique
Field Recording by Raul Rothblatt
Abou Sylla and friends:
Field Recording by Raul Rothblatt
/ Pre-release
/ Jumbie
Gange Brass Band:
Remember Fela
/ Whendo
/ World Village
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