Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from January 9, 2006 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting January 9, 2006: The Dusty Show - Hometown - Episode XV

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
  The Dusty Show - Hometown - Episode XV
  I went home for the holidays intending to do a big show filled with interviews and locol color. But ... I ended up on the couch with a remote when I wasn't scouring thrift stores and old barns for records. I did conduct a couple of interviews which I managed to arrange into show form. Hope you enjoy it. It's a Hawkeye thing.
C.W. McCall  Audubon   Favoriting Rubberduck  Polydor  1976  LP  C.W. McCall is perhaps the most famous export of my hometown. In the 70's there was a big CB (citizen's band radio) fad that swept the country. CW, alias Bill Freis, had gone off to Omaha to work in the advertising field. He wrote a commercial for the Old Home Bread Company about a truck driver named CW McCall who hung out at the Old Home Filler Up and Keep On Truckin' Cafe. The commercials were a big hit! They went on for some time with many new ones continuing to tell of the adventures of CW and his dog Sloan and a waitress named Mavis. The spots were so popular that Bill was signed to a record deal and had a big hit with the song "Old Home Filler Up and Keep On A Truckin' Cafe." This was followed by "Wolf Creek Pass" and his biggest hit of all ... "Convoy." After his career and the CB craze waned, Bill (CW) became the mayor of Ouray, Colorado where he still resides today. Another famous person from my hometown is Mary Arnold who was a member of Kenny Rogers and the First Edition and was later married to country music legend Roger Miller. 
Interview With Sam the Mayor/Barber
  Sam's Barber Shop has been there as long as I can remember. Not long ago, Sam's was used as a political litmus test by the Des Moines Register to guage the political climate in Iowa prior to the presidential caucuses. Many famous politicians have passed through his doors including Gary Hart who promised that, if elected, he would make Sam the White House barber!
A Little History
Meredith Willson  Rock Island (Edit)   Favoriting The Music Man  Warner Bros  1962  LP  My favorite musical ever, for obvious reasons. 
An Interview With Maggie
Gordon Lightfoot  Carefree Highway (Edit)   Favoriting Sundown  Warner/Reprise  1974  LP  A great album by Gordo. This song always makes me homesick. 
Farm Talk With Sam
  1980's background music by Prince; the instrumental part of "I Wanna Be Your Lover."
  Excerpt from a Trojan Seed Company flexi-disc. "A Visit With Trojan" (Eva-Tone -circa 1965). Saw this in a little antique store and I had to get it. Trojan was a big hybrid corn seed dealer and this flexi-disc promoted their new plant in Sac City, Iowa. It also offered a chance to enter to win a new Ford Mustang.
The Demise Of The Family Farm
  Excerpts from "Trust Me" LP (Hans Petersen - GRT Records 1977) and "Supershrink" LP (Alan Robin - Janus Records 1971)
Rex Allen  Melody Of The Plains   Favoriting Melodies Of The Plains  Design  1962  LP  Born in Willcox, AZ, Rex Allen did 19 movies for Republic Pictures. Called 'The Arizona Cowboy," Allen's horse Koko was nearly as famous as he! The last of the singing cowboys, he did his final movie for Republic in 1954. He then went on to narrate over 150 films for Walt Disney. 
Maggie's Fear of Flying
Art Linkletter  Cain And Abel   Favoriting Art Linkletter Narrates The Bible ... In The Beginning  20th Century Fox  1966  LP  Found this in a thrift store in Carroll, Iowa. Art Linkletter holds a warm spot in the heart of every kid who grew up in the 60's. Music by Toshiro Mayuzumi. Ulla Bergryd is Eve. Richard Harris is Cain. Voice of God is unidentified. Filmed in D150™!!! 
The Joy Of Vinyl
Excerpt from The 44th Street Portable Flower Factory doing Donavon's "Atlantis" from a 7" EP originally in Scholastic Magazine (1970)
Excerpt from "Basic German" (TMI-Grolier Records) Instructional 7" - 1963.
  Excerpt from "International Morse Code Instruction Course" (Audio Fidelity Records - 1959)
Los Felinos  Bailalo   Favoriting 45 rpm  Musart  1973  45  Found this at Chuck's Bargain Barn! Thrift heaven. 
Sam Talks Small Town Politics
First Haircut
The Fabulous Fryers  Bringing Home The Roses (Edit)   Favoriting 45rpm  Painted Pony  1981  45  Promotional 45 distributed by Pizza Hut for the '82 Rose Bowl game featuring the Iowa Hawkeyes vs. the Washington Huskies. Iowa lost 28-0!!! 
Maggie On Global Warming
The Cowsills  Hair   Favoriting The Cowsills In Concert  MGM  1969  LP  "Hair" was the Cowsills biggest hit. Sadly, bassist Barry Cowsill was found dead in New Orleans, an apparent victim of Hurricane Katrina. They were the group that the Partridge Family was based upon and they had many hits including "The Rain, The Park and Other Things" and "Indian Lake." Very talented family who wrote good songs and sang and played well. RIP Barry. 
Sam on the Tonsorial Arts
Excerpt ... Robert Preston with The Buffalo Bills - "Sincere" from The Music Man
Biblical Barber Pole Lore
A salute to the Dusty Show E-Mailers and Callers!!! Great hearing from you.
Phillip On The Dusty Show Answering Machine! 201.521.1375 Call Now!
Crowded House  Don't Dream It's Over (Harsh Edit)   Favoriting Crowded House  Capitol  1986  45  A great song. Feel kind of guilty for butchering it in the name of cheap humor. Sorry Phillip! 
Kolonel Karl and Dusty Want A Little Roger Miller
Roger Miller  Chug-A-Lug   Favoriting Dang Me  Smash  1964  LP  As I mentioned earlier, Roger was married to Mary Arnold from Audubon, Iowa. Aside for singing in the First Edition, Mary was also a member of the popular 60's youth choir, The Young Americans. These days she lives in Nashville and is designing a Roger Miller Museum in his hometown of Erick, Oklahoma. 
Maggie and the Coffee Gals
Huey Long on Roosevelt
Lice Lice Baby!
Li'l Wally  Bushels And Bushels Of Kisses   Favoriting In Miami Beach  Jay Jay    LP  I initially thought this was just a silly tourist album until i started reading about Li'l Wally. Seems he literally revolutionized polka music in the states. Walter Edward (Li'l Wally) Jagiello was from Chicago. He figured out a way to slow down polkas so people could dance to them all evening and he injected them with true heart and emotion. He was called America's Polka King and eventually, he moved to Miami. He played for the Pope twice! Dig THIS quote from the Miami New Times .... ""Li'l Wally was an extremely important figure from a polka-history perspective, comparable to Charlie Parker in jazz," says ethnomusicologist Charles Keil, coauthor of Polka Happiness (Temple University Press, 1996). "He turned the whole style around, as much as any single individual." 
Shaving Balloons
Nixon Cuts
Barbers vs. Beauticians
The Lords Of Flat Top
  Excerpt from live broadcast on KJAN Atlantic, Iowa for Fay Pharmacy in Anita.
Maggie's Gone-A-Milking
Comb Overs and Flow-Bees
John L. Sullivan  Tear Time   Favoriting 45rpm  Shue  1968  45  Obscure artist from Norfolk, Nebraska. This song was written by Jan Crutchfield in 1967. Originally recorded by Norma Burgess. I love this record. Pink and White. Sometimes just the cover of an LP or the color of a 45 can endear it to me on some inexplicable soul deep level. I love this record and lonf lost John Sullivan ... wherever you are. I am glad I can play this for people. 
Post-Vacation Depression
Gilbert Mack and Don Elliot  El Kabong!   Favoriting Quick Draw McGraw  Golden  1960  LP  Fantastic record of old cartoon themes with very clever music and voices. This was my favorite, followed by Super Snooper and Ruff and Reddy. Triggered many forgotten Saturday Morning Menories! El KaBoooongg!!! 
  Most of the background music for Sam and Maggie's segments was taken from the Chet Atkin's LP "Finger-Style Guitar"
  Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoyed the show. I invite you to e-mail me with comments, questions, thoughts, etc dusty@wfmu.org tell me where you are listening if you are outside the NJ/NYC area. Also ... Please call the Dusty Show Answering Machine at 201.521.1375 and leave a message I can play on the program. Have fun with it. Scream, yell, poetry, stream-of-consciousness, world and life observations ... it's anonymous so go for it. Until next time .... take care and .... always remember.

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