Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from November 7, 2005 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting November 7, 2005: The mysteries of string driven things with Jozef van Wissem and Sean Smith.

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Artist Track Album Label
Dominic Frasca  "Forced Entry"   Favoriting Deviations  Cantalope Music 
Pat Metheny & Ornette Coleman  "Police People"   Favoriting Song X [Twentieth Anniversary Edition]  Nonesuch 
Joshua LaRue  "For Real"   Favoriting Landscape Tracks  After Hours/Bubb 
Robbie Basho  "Street Dakini"   Favoriting Guitar Soli  Takoma 
John Fahey  "America"   Favoriting America  Takoma 
Mum  "Green Grass of Tunnel"   Favoriting Finally We Are No One  Fat Cat 
Monkeyworks  "Black Eyed Dog" (N.Drake)   Favoriting demo   
Tape  "Long Lost Engine"   Favoriting Rideau   
Sean Smith  "Silver Ships on Plasmic Oceans"   Favoriting Sean Smith  Isota Records 
Live performance by Jozef van Wissem (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
On his latest disc, "Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear," Jozef van Wissem continues his fascination with musical palindromes. Jozef's also incorporated a fair amount of taped airfield recordings and electronics into his latest project. The Netherlands-based master-lutist dropped by WFMU to perform on a trip to the New York area.
  -"At Night, the Silence Seems to Flow"
Jozef van Wissem  "God's Own Country"   Favoriting Objects in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear  BVHaast 
Steve Tilston  "I Really Wanted You"   Favoriting An Acoustic Confusion  Scenes of 
Live performance by Sean Smith (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
The mysterious and amazing fingerstyle guitarist, Sean Smith, whose compositions make more than a passing nod to greats like John Fahey and Robbie Basho. By way of introduction, "Sean Smith was born on a grey day in Pacific Grove, California in 1981 and has yet to emerge from the fog. He currently lives all alone in a rambling Victorian house on the coast of California overlooking the Pacific ocean. The high ceilings and hardwood floors of this century old house make for great opportunities in recording his solo guitar explorations, but the dining room in which he sleeps is so cold at night it's like wearing ice ear muffs." Sean's surroundings make for great musical inspirations, and you can hear the result as he plays live. Smith's seil-titled debut is out on Isota Records.
  -"Crawdad Hole"
  -"Alice Street Waltz"
  -"Love Always Beautiful"
  -"Someone Somewhere has Sensed that I am a Frightened Man"
  -"I Can't Wait for Winter"

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