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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, October 15, 2005 Favoriting
Guest DJ Dave Buttle of Mr Bongo Records

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Mr Bongo, celebrating its 15th anniversary, specializes in digging up old Latin, Brazilian and African gems as well as discovering edgy new artists from thereabouts - trendy now, but the label was one of the first in the UK to work these angles.
Dave will spin records at Black Betty, 366 Metropolitan Ave, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Sunday night October 16.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

The Mothers: Breathe Together Favoriting / Township Sessions / Mr Bongo / *

Charlie Palmieri: Descarga Charanson Favoriting / The Montuno Sessions - Live From Studio A / Mr Bongo

Marcelo D2: Qual E Favoriting / Looking for the Perfect Beat / Mr Bongo / *

Lenine: Ninguem Faz Ideia Favoriting / Incite / BMG / *
European release on Mr Bongo forthcoming

Juca Chaves: Take Me Back To Cala Bassa Favoriting / Various Artists: Brazilian Beats 6 / Mr Bongo / *

Verde Amarelo: Vibrando Com A Selecao Favoriting / Various Artists: Batucada: The Sound of The Favelas / Mr Bongo

Barbatuques: / Corpo do Som / MCD

Novalima: Bandolero Favoriting / Afro / Mr Bongo / *

Bukky Leo and Black Egypt: Ake Bo Je Favoriting / Black Egypt / Mr Bongo / *

Uniao Black: (Track 6) Favoriting / *
From forthcoming cd from re-formed 70s band

Jorge Ben: Carolina Carol Beta Favoriting / Brazilian Beats Volume 1 / Mr Bongo
with Toquinho

Batutinha DJ: Megamon Favoriting / Various Artists: Favela Chic Postonove / BMG

Amadou and Mariam: Je Pense a Toi Favoriting / Best Of / Circular Moves / *

Markus James: Are You Thirsty Favoriting / Nightbird / Firenze

Bob Brozman: Rabaul Taun Favoriting / Songs of the Volcano / Riverboat / *
with Drop Sun Band from Papua New Guinea

Gary Lucas and Jozef Van Wissem: A Hawk From a Handsaw Favoriting / The Universe of Absence / Bvhaast

Ali Farka Toure: Baliky Lalo Favoriting / Red & Green / Nonesuch / *
New combined reissue of Toure's "Red" and "Green" LPs

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