Favoriting The Ed Shepp Radio Experiment: Playlist from July 22, 2005 Favoriting

Each week Ed Shepp and his guests explore a theme plucked randomly from the perfume cloud over Macy's. May include (but is not limited to) talking, music, turkey sounds and eargasmic eclectitude.

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Favoriting July 22, 2005: Drugs


The topic for this show is Drugs.
My guest is Michael Collins, a friend of mine from those crazy college days...

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments
  Heather's Anti-Drug          
Ed Shepp  The Ed Shepp Radio Experiment Theme (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting N/A  N/A  2005   
FIRST MUSIC SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Fire on High  Float in a Dream of X-TC (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Technorave III      I used to love this song way back in the day. It was on this compilation my sister had called Technorave III: Technomania. If I'm not mistaken, also on that compilation were: Shut Up, Elvis Has Left the Building and No Sex Until Marriage.

Text is from hedweb.com: The Good Drug Guide. This text demonstrates one thing: I really need to proofread the texts that I use! I didn't notice the grammatical errors in it until I'd heard it read back, and by then it was just too late to redo it. I had a similar problem with the America show, reading that piece of text from wikipedia, except I noticed while I was reading it that it was very clumsy text. But time was too of the essence to edit it. Alas!
Radioactive Goldfish  LSD Is a Bomb (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting       Another song from way back in the day. The spoken part, "Know Your DOPE FIEND," comes from a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas CD. 
  Don't Do It! (Listen: Pop-up)   Grass: The Soundtrack      An old PSA. 
Tara Delong  Overdose Scare (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting You Do the Math      A song that I discovered on the K48 compilation CD that Halloween. I wish it were a bit less low-fi, cux I'd like to know all the words, and I just can't make them out. 
FIRST MICHAEL COLLINS SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Prefuse  Perverted Undertone (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting       Plays under Michael Collins 
Cex  Theme Song to Cex (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Role Model      Plays under Michael Collins.

Cex just does great stuff.
SECOND MUSIC SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Christopher DeLaurenti  cocaine (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting red disc      "Armed with two microphones and a tiny card inscribed cocaine, folks read from the card while I taped the results. cocaine is an ear-popping mosaic of voices, vehicles, words and other urban sounds." 
Whitney Houston  It's Not Right, But It's OK (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting My Love Is Your Love      Whitney makes a brief, acapella appearance. 
J.J. Cale  Cocaine (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Grass: The Soundtrack       
Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel  White Lines (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting       Text is from hedweb.com.

Thanks to Tonya Townes for pointing this song out to me. I had never actually listened to it! I rememeber hearing it all the time in gay bars in Tallahassee and other places, and I hated it! I would think, 'ugh, it's that stupid disco song with that 'higher, baby' part.' I never listened to it, so I had no idea it was about cocaine! But when I listened to it, I thought, DUH.
Stewie Griffin  Cuckoo for Crack (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting        
Ed Shepp  Back to the Crack Shack (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Radio Friendly  N/A  2004   
  Amphetamine Psychosis (Listen: Pop-up)   Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas       
  [text] (Listen: Pop-up)         Text from The Speed Culture, a cheesy old anti-drug (or rather anti-amphetamines) book from the 70s. Song underneath is Sing, Sing, Sing, sped up and distorted a bit. I LOVE that song! It's gotta be my favorite big band-type song ever. I remember listening to it election day last year, and it just made everything seem even more exciting. ...it was last year, wasn't it?! 
SECOND MICHAEL COLLINS SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
eric laurence  strungout (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting       Plays under Michael Collins 
THIRD MUSIC SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
The Beatles  Yellow Submarine in Pepperland (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Yellow Submarine      I thought I remembered hearing that 'yellow submarine' referred to a barbiturate, or something like that. But apparently that might just be a myth. Who knows. 
William S. Burroughs  Heroin Is a Vitamin (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting        
  [text] (Listen: Pop-up)         Text from hedweb.com. Sounds underneath: a melange of a piece from the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack, Silencio from the Mulholland Drive soundtrack, sitar sounds and, of course, the remnants of Yellow Submarine. 
Michael Jackson  Morphine (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Blood on the Dance Floor      Another gem, courtesy of Tonya Townes, who had this album in her collection. This is only a small part of the song--the rest is an uptempo, dance-type number, and ghastly in that way that most MJ songs are. But it has this teensy little interlude in the middle. the noisy elements you hear I guess are supposed to preserve some continuity between this and the uptempo parts of the song.

Now, can I just say how unbelievably well this piece works for this show?! It works on so many levels! First of all, the MJ cheesiness, and how he feels the need to inject his own cheesiness in this serious song (with the 'hee-hees' and all). Second--I just think it's a great song, this part--I love the pattern of the lyrics, the tune is catchy, the mood is evocative, it has those great little flourishes like that flute-sounding thing that allude to the subject matter. I think it's great. Third: THOSE LYRICS! Sung by MJ, they take on a whole other meaning: Before I put it in, close your eyes and count to ten... Eeew! And while he's probably not saying it per se, it sounds like at the end there he's saying, "Oh my, his god is Demerol." That can't be what he's saying, though. It would be too good to be true. Fourth: The piece is perfect for the show because he keeps saying 'Demerol' in it. Can't get more to the subject matter than a brand name like that.

There is a danger to this piece, though: don't listen to it too much, cux it will get STUCK IN YOUR HEAD. And then you'll get all depressed. You don't want to have that lingereing in your head all day.
Snoop Doggy Dogg  Chronic Break (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting        
  Lucy (Listen: Pop-up)   Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas       
Rita Lee  Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting        
  Science Experiment (Listen: Pop-up)   Grass: The Soundtrack       
Child's Garden of Grass  Psychological Effects (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting A Child's Garden of Grass       
Ed Shepp  Ed Shepp's Scenes from a Life (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting N/A  N/A    The music under the segment was Cex's You Kiss Like You're Dead, from Being Ridden Instrumentals 
THJIRD MICHAEL COLLINS SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
400  Daydream (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting       Plays under Michael Collins 
Aphex Twin  Flim (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Come to Daddy      Plays under Michael Collins

I can't stress enough how much I like this piece. I've wanted to use it for something since the first time I heard it. I find it bittersweet, more emotionally complex than other stuff I've used. For me it has a wistful, nostalgic, slightly melancholic feel, at the same time a little joyful. Michael Collins, after haring the show, said that when this piece comes in it seems to evoke the mood of being slightly depressed after a long high. I think it ends on the perfect note, because it seems to look back and conclude at the same time. But the tone it ends on is conclusive and open-ended at the same time, almost reverberant, like memory. Hmmm, I hope those are all real words. I said to someone, referring to the piece, "I'm painting with a little blue in this show."

There were a couple of processing issues with this piece, however. It seemed that in the end some of the vibe/elec. piano sound dipped, and that really drives the piece. So I hope it comes through more when I air it. I'm not actually sure it dipped, though, but it sounded different after processing. But processing was necessary, so, alas!
FOURTH MUSIC SEGMENT (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Ed Shepp  Ed Shepp Exposes: Ritalin (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Radio Friendly  N/A  2004  Sped up with music added. 
Ween  Zoloft (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Quebec      Text is from Listening to Prozac. Yes, Listening to Prozac is an old book (actually, it wasn't that old at the time the show refers to), but I wanted to use it cux I like how it gives this really rosy view of antidepressants and what current pharmacology is capable of. Plus, it's a classic. 
Cab Calloway  Reefer Man (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Grass: The Soundtrack       
William S. Burroughs  Just Say No to Drug Hysteria (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting        
  Parents Beware! (Listen: Pop-up)   Grass: The Soundtrack       
Ed Shepp  Partydance (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Five  N/A  2005  People probably got this song in the spirit I intended it, but I wasn't always sure. I think some people thought I was serious. But I thought that the whole 'smoke some XTC, or take a marijuana pill' made it seem evident that this whole piece was tongue-in-cheek. 
  [text] (Listen: Pop-up)         Final Thought. I felt like I should add a disclaimer in at the end. At first I was going to put a cheesy, over-the-top 'just say no' thing in, but then I thought it might be better to put in something with a little balance. This is what I came up with. 
This show is dedicated to the memory of Ron Odyssey

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