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November 12, 2001: A Toast To Those Who Are Gone (fill-in for Irene Trudel)
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This is only my third dj shift on WFMU since the move to the new home in Jersey City. Truly enjoyable. This entire second hour is all artists whom I admire greatly, and have who died in recent months. Fred Neil, Mimi Farina and Sandy Bull are three artists whose work I have presented regularly and with great reverence over these many years. John Hartford whose work I knew, but I really came to admire the week after he died when I saw the film Down From The Mountain. In the Pennebaker/Hegedus documentary he is a great, gracious, and funny MC and he shines as the center of the film. Ken Kesey died just two days ago, and the recording of him played here was my first ever radio assignment at the tender age of 15. Colored Blind James also left this earth recently. I never met the man, but he left a family, alot of great friend, and a legacy of music. I played him at the end of the show. The program is is dedicated to all these artists, as well as WFMU DJ Frank Ballesteri who passed us by last week, and whose spirit live on at this frequency on your dial, and whose old programs are being archived for our edification, and last, but not least, the 1/4 thousand folks who fell out of the sky this morning. May they all go in peace. Nicholas Hill “If I should leave you, please try to remember the good times, warm days filled with sunshine, and just a little bit of rain” FRED NEIL - “Just a Little Bit Of Rain”
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