Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from March 14, 2025 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 14, 2025: John and The Pidge get a surprise visit from a real life couples therapist! (MARATHON SHOW)

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Artist Track Comments Approx. start time
iggy  morning show   Favoriting   0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
disco zombies  drums over london   Favoriting   0:03:41 (MP3 | Pop-up)
yo la tengo  surfin with the shah   Favoriting   0:07:46 (MP3 | Pop-up)
lee harvey oswald band  lightning strikes   Favoriting   0:09:51 (MP3 | Pop-up)
buyg club  quality pints   Favoriting   0:12:32 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Ed Schrader's Music Beat  daylight commander   Favoriting Pledge $20 or more to get in the drawing for this LP on Upset the Rhythm  1:33:48 (MP3 | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:04am

good morning!!
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Handy Haversack:

JA. J'All.
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Andrea C:

Hi JA and Clay, that was very kind of you John!
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

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that was fing something over in wake pledged!!! morning all
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Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05am

clap clap clap clap JA gonna pledge to your show now
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Handy Haversack:

↳ ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore) @9:04
To answer your question from WAB, Recently, yes. But not always. There have been years when the pledge counter had to stay up a while.
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Good morning JA, Clay, and all!!!
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

Good morning JA, Clay, volunteers and all. Nice opener.
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what it is, soul people!
Brian from Charlottesville:

Johnny and Clay and you and me. Pledge!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Make it happen for Johnny & Clay!
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

↳ Song: "morning show" by "iggy"
My 19yo son says to my NB kid and I last weekend, "Could Iggy Pop just please put on a f***ing shirt?"

I love the stuff my kids come out with at times.
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

JA. Clay. Hope the jazz police aren't eavesdropping.
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Listener Bryan (the Professor):

↳ Song: "morning show" by "iggy"
morning JA and Clay, & all JAAMers. And IGGY! What a great track.
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Deano de los Muertos:

Hey JA and Clay!
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Good morning all! Love this Iggy. Fitting for this morning show dream team!
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

↳ Handy Haversack @9:05
Oh, thanks for answering, Handy!
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Good morning JA, Pidge, & all!
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Triple G:

Hello John, Clay, volunteers, and pledgers!

Fine work on WnB today btw
rx "rexy" scabin:

Good morning, John, Clay, and Everyone.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:09am

Please JA. Please give Mr.Clay the opportunity to go use the special room. He works hard and may have had to hold it in since before breakfast
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Jack McGuire:

Watch it. Jazz SWAT is on the premises.
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ Song: "drums over london" by "disco zombies"
dig this song
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:10am

Happy Friday Y'all!!
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "morning show" by "iggy"
Hey, JA, did you bring pie in today?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:10am

Good morning JA and MC Clay
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Triple G:

The mini-JAAmers love Disco Zombies!

is this song supposed to be against england for invading india?
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Capt. Moonlight:

bet clay wants to play the flute to this
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "drums over london" by "disco zombies"
This song goes good with pie. Right?
rx "rexy" scabin:

@Tom from Stirling everything goes with pie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

↳ Song: "surfin with the shah" by "yo la tengo"
Nice Urinals cover.
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Bob Tankenstein:

Good morning to all
Avatar 9:13am
the other nadia (hectic):

i can't find the disco zombies first album for sale anywhere :(
honest Bernardo from Argentina:

Mmm pie I wish I had a slice of rhubarb right now.
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Bob Tankenstein:

I like hanging out with the radio stars
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↳ Bob Tankenstein @9:13
Rictus grin, etc.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ honest Bernardo from Argentina @9:13
Strawberry rhubarb pie is quite tasty
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the other nadia (hectic):

↳ the other nadia (hectic) @9:13
not first album. only album.
Tom from Stirling:

Lou Christie
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↳ Song: "lightning strikes" by "lee harvey oswald band"
My kind of jazz right here.
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Handy Haversack:


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↳ Song: "quality pints" by "buyg club"
classic! 🐞🍺
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↳ ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore) @9:06
Sounds like Fabio.
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Deano de los Muertos:

↳ Song: "quality pints" by "buyg club"
“Buyg club”
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):


  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am
bearded wonder:

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this remix is sick
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Bob Tankenstein:

Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "quality pints" by "buyg club"
No pressure. No wrong answers
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Don't skip the pints...
honest Bernardo from Argentina:

Oh man is my radio messed up?? 😂

You turn the radio off for a minute and a half and this is what you come back to?!?!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning! Picturing the Pidge as a pile of quivering feathers, cooing meekly.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

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Will thee SG OCNY:

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I could go for a pint
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↳ Strandlund @9:18
that's what i was thinking
Toothgrinder Tom:

I miss Fabio’s ‘hot takes’.
Colin & Eddie in Durham, UK:

Check out the Bug Club’s new song Have You Ever Been To Wales
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Os it the plug or the jack
honest Bernardo from Argentina:

La Bella Luna! What is the tide doing? Is it high?

It was the full moon lunar eclipse JA!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Pidge Soundboard Sampler platter situation happening love it
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lazy pierogi:

A monkey never cramps 🍌
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Deano de los Muertos:

Note for JA: bop it, twist it, pull it
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The Oscar:

Clay has become such a regular fixture of this show that I found myself thinking "I wonder who the co-host is going to be?"
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "quality pints" by "buyg club"
Nice work, JA. Quality, one might say.
Scott from Boston:

Pledge! Pledge! Pledge!!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Now the sky is totally clear. It clouded up during totality last night. Bad for eclipse-watching, but good for solar panel action, I guess.
  Swag For Life Member 9:23am

the thrift shop SWIRL closed unfortunately...very missed
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Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:22
Quality cut up remix
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Handy Haversack:

The color of the Jazz Police uniform is impossible to unhear.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:23
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geo in jc:

↳ honest Bernardo from Argentina @9:20
Today along the Passaic River near Sesselman Park on the west side of East Rutherford, the next high tide rolls in this morning at 9:25am and the low tide follows this afternoon at 4:42pm.
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Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ Roosty @9:21
The full blood worm moon lunar eclipse was rad
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ geo in jc @9:23
What time does the space station dip an antenna in our direction?
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Deano de los Muertos:

Hope John gets the help he needs
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"Whatever I can do, as long as it is not too difficult."
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geo in jc:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @9:24
Then the International Space Station will pass directly over the WFMU Glistening area. Look for it to begin reflecting sunlight at 7:50pm when it’s just above the southwestern horizon, as it makes a long 7-minute appearance while traveling towards the northeast.
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Matty Cannabis:

John Allen, creating jazz warriors, one by one!
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Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ geo in jc @9:23
0 minutes to the tide 🌊
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I got Ken to describe Fabio's shirt yesterday.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ geo in jc @9:23
4.26 feet over MLW at Hunters Point on Newtown Creek. Fairly high though not too extreme.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I am totally hearing that in Clay's voice. Haha!
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

clay <3
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Matty Cannabis:

Anybody who plays Bill Frisell is a friend
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Pledge for the Hammer
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Pledge for the Knife
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Make the phones ring

💻 Pledge Online pledge.wfmu.org...
JA In The AM with John Allen!!!
☎️ Pledge via phone 1 800-989-9368
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Deano de los Muertos:

I half expected Clay to say “youre making a real ‘go’ of it here..”
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:27am

Where is JA's pup? She was so cute at the puppy fest Sunday night!!!
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Asheville Jon:

knife story? not sure i've heard that one.
how about the full Deep Purple story instead.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Come for the banter, stay for the sweet jazz 🎶✨
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

I’m here for the jazz, and the talking is good for John.

They say “John’s perfect for getting into midday”
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

↳ Deano de los Muertos @9:27
As opposed to say, an...Artificial...Go?
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Will thee SG OCNY:

WFMU is our rock, all of us are hanging in there because of DJs, crew, Volunteers,  and pledgers like you!!!

Soo many facets to pledge for...
The Mothership 🎸, Rock'N'Soul🎵, Give the Drummer 🥁, Sheena's Jungle Room🎶, brick and mortar building 🏢, Monty Hall 🎟️, the awesome and extensive Archives 💾🗃, the servers💻, the website🌐, the bandwidth📈, multiple transmitters📡🗼, electric💡, plumbing 🚽, licensing fees💲, unexpected and expensive repairs 🛠️, etc!!!
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↳ Asheville Jon @9:27
JA made it pretty clear that the Deep Purple fan fic was shutdown

I wanna hear more about when Fabio pulled a knife on JA
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

↳ Avspuk @9:28
me too
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Will thee SG OCNY:

WFMU is the GOAT!!!🐐
Long live the WFMUniverse!!!

Do you have a car that you are looking to get rid of?
Donate it to WFMU. Check out the info here:

Here is some information on the Swag 4 Life program.

This is the list of station Swag available for different pledge amounts wfmu.org...

This is a list to see of your employer matched donations
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29am
captain beef fart:

↳ Avspuk @9:28
me three
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

Whoa - JA getting poli-charged!
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One of those cute, little jazz songs.
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Check out the swag
Dj Premiums wfmu.org...
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

just a teeny tiny jazz song please
Wild Cheddar:

I wear that shirt to the Utah Jazz game every year at Barclays
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:32am
captain beef fart:

clay is gonna sleep until hoof & mouth after this
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Do it for Johnny & Clay (...and Fabio's knife!)
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Asheville Jon:

a small, jazzy Kenny G sampling would go a long way
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢) @9:31
Now I am wondering what's the shortest jazz song?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

... the few people who like you... LOL!
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @9:32
1 quantum jazz song please
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Steve Del Sol:

I been using 5-HTP as a sleep mask...Its' been interesting

Poor Johnny his head felt like it was injured because he had scarlet fever.

He doesn't even remember that he was the inspiration for the velveteen rabbit.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Will thee SG OCNY:

Current station status $358,862 Left to Go!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Ken From Hyde Park https://youtu.be/wwOipTXvNNo?si=T0lpxQPSAiKevsNF
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Good ♀︎Friday FMUvianz ~
...occurs to me that when I term the JA~Clay thang off-brand Muppet Jazz ...that this might sound derisive. It is not. Purely a descriptor...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am

Bite yer lip and take that trip
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Asheville Jon:

waiting for the $180 Lou Reed jeans to slip into the converstaion...

Murfreesboro is one of the fastest growing cities in the US with a sizible student population

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Deano de los Muertos:

↳ ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore) @9:28
Ai is everywhere these days…it’s gotten into the jazz!
Avatar 9:37am

Agreed! This is peak programming
Avatar 🎸 9:37am

Clay on fire this morning
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Asheville Jon 9:27 I like to think it involved Fabio saying in an Australian accent ‘you call THAT a knife?’
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↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:34
LiXiviated Life:

Clay & John
You two together
is compelling radio.
I’ve been fascinated
by the dynamic
ever since the
one armed push up’s.
Avatar 9:39am
bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @9:34
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Jim the Poet:

Good morning to all
Kirsten 🍀 Nauset CC:

Good Morning. I'm so sorry Kirsten's Billboard is coming down. It would be cool to recycle the material into tote bags and sell them.
They sell that tarp material for upcycle stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:34
The Morning Zoo with JA & Clay should be able to pull that in - 2h20m is no problem!
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

↳ PaulRobeson1925 @9:34
LiXiviated Life:

I listen to the dialogue
and then
I’m thinking about it
the rest of the day.
LiXiviated Life:

Don’t kill the vibe
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @9:34
Bob Tankenstein:

Hey Will C! Let’s party at Rudy’s!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Pledge for the JAzz!
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Hugo (NL):

Love the friday (afternoon) jazz you bring us. And the banter
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Matty Cannabis:

"Cringe Jazz" Let's Go!!
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Asheville Jon:

they allow jazz in iowa?
Scott from Boston:

I loved volunteering at FMU! Thank you so much
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Weather Report will always be cool idc
Avatar 9:45am
bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

oh thanks
LiXiviated Life:

Iowa exists only as
a quantum superposition
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @9:34
What a crazy video!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Good times with Return To Forever 🕊️🏙️🌀🍄✨
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am

Awesome pledge message!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Everything’s fine until the ‘cringe jazz’ police knock at the door.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Ken From Hyde Park Right! One of the Important Videos of the YouTube of yore
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:47am

Pronate, never supunate
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Oh boy, concussion stories!
LiXiviated Life:

I was 6 years old
I was hit by a car
while on a bike
and was in a comma
for a week
Early 1960’s
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ LiXiviated Life @9:47
LiXiviated Life:

“You’ll be fine just don’t watch TV”
That’s sage advice

Man Clay, you’ve lived a dangerous life!
Avatar 9:50am
bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

despite many injuries including a broken nose i'm not sure i've ever had a proper concussion. knock on wood
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am
Deano de los Muertos:

we gotta get Clay a helmet! Precious cargo!
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JA and Clay
Perfect together!
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Steve Del Sol:

I have had 6 concussions. Somehow I am OK. You make it this far from them, we're fine Clay.
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Clay, do you recall the lyrics to Holidays In The Sun?
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Triple G:

"Be free."

That's WFMU freeform radio.
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Handy Haversack:

I've been knocked out twice, both times very briefly. By a baseball once. And once because I was adjusting the temp in the shower and my bare booty brushed the heat pipe in the tiny bathroom and I launched myself forward and knocked myself out against the bottom of the tub!

A 20-foot 4X4 once fell on my head while a set was being struck, which I assume gave me a concussion, but I didn't lose consciousness.
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Paulo AD:

I want to know if Clay is in the Jazz police
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Man I've had some concussions
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↳ Handy Haversack @9:52
Was there blood?
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Triple G:

↳ Paulo AD @9:53
Wow, imagine if he's a Jazz Police NARC
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lazy pierogi:

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Handy Haversack:

↳ Woo @9:53
Weirdly, no!
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↳ Asheville Jon @9:45
Only Fusion.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

"I want you to stay in your place" "🌌✨🎶Well would you look at that, anyways..."
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Steve Del Sol:

It's all happening and it's all true, Clay.
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What Jazz are they talking about?
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↳ Fredericks @9:55
Narc jazz

It’s Marie from Germany (: everything made sense haha
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Paulo AD:

↳ Triple G @9:53
Hey you never know!
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lazy pierogi:

Need more workshop sounds as we workshop ourselves
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Asheville Jon:

↳ Fredericks @9:54
i dunno. i think fusion is closer to prog than it is to "real" jazz.
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(Not sure if narc jazz is different than regular jazz)
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↳ LiXiviated Life @9:47
I was in an explanation point.
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Paulo AD:

↳ Karl @9:56
Don't make me call the police
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(maybe narc jazz is just... prog?)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

This enuff signs for ya ? :
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↳ Karl @9:56
how DARE you
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

If only they could give us a little karaoke "What the world needs now is love sweet love"🗣️🎙️🗣️🎙️✨
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↳ Karl @9:56
I'm afraid that is the case.
Avatar 9:59am

↳ Asheville Jon @9:56
Not in Iowa.

What makes you say that?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Fredericks @9:56
...you can joke about concussions
- but not about menstruations
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Evan makes it rain
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Triple G:

↳ Karl @9:56
I think they're now flirting with talking about Zodiac Jazz--very starry/dreamy. Maybe in the vein of Roy Ayers, Dexter Wansel....
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Triple G @10:01
Only one out of every twelve jazz songs is a Pisces.
Bob Tankenstein:

@TripleG Mary Lou Williams wrote a zodiac suite!
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @9:57
a great karaoke pick
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Clay appreciate the sentiment about the nice pledge messages even though things go so fast during marathon, it's nice that the DJs still get to feel the love shared
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↳ Handy Haversack @10:01
But only 13/8 songs are narc jazz
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I'm a long time Mouser who is sad I won't qualify for a copy of the LCD book.
Christy D:

Hark - do I hear the bad boys of Boston?
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Seasons of Whither
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↳ Woo @10:03
I mean Wither
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Was Clay a fan of Beaker Street on KAAY?
honest Bernardo from Argentina:

You need the drugs. It is true.
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2/3 of the Perrin Family:

Pledge for the upstate meetup! Pledge for Jazz! Pledge for JA & Clay!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @9:59
Wait, I was unaware that jokes about menstruation were off limits. That really cramps my style.
honest Bernardo from Argentina:

My favorite band stopped drugs and they are terrible now. They have no pain no dread to draw from for their song writing
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Joe Belock HATES Aerosmith
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Woo @10:03
...Steven Tyler would Summer here in NewHampshuh - & Winter in NYC. This is about getting stuck in NH a little too long...
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↳ Woo @10:05
take him to go see Dirty Honey 🤣
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The Oscar:

A friend of mine used to wear a t-shirt to straightedge shows in high school that said "Aerosmith was better on drugs," and he said everyone got mad because they couldn't argue with it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ The Oscar @10:05
...when they're on drugs or when you are...
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Talk radio over soft music like this is so perfectly soothing to my overall adhd brain vibe situation
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Omg we droppjng the ol Gary Wright!! owee dream weaver!!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Crowbar kills this song man it's so good
Scott from Boston:

Buddha, so nice meeting you! Just pledged again!
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LoVe is alive
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Triple G:

RE: Gary Wright

I recall Irwin talking about his fondness for Spooky Tooth

All of the above

What goal do we hit to unlock the Fabio/John knife fight story…?
Lil Nicky:

Yay Todd! I appreciate him!
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Audrey from Colombia:

yeah, South America in the house! ✌
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Todd playing hard to get
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Dylan is alive
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Slow Train Coming, great record
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Street Legal is straight fire
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i'm with you, clay. blood on the tracks
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San Pedro Girl:

Blonde on Blonde
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The streets are fields that never die
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

How bout artists that got better after getting sober (or at least off hard drugs) !! It's different for everyone but personally I'm not in the "misery creates good art" camp; David Lynch has some good thoughts on this
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He goes for the cermoney that isntight that’s right
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Well ...♐︎Sag & ♓︎Pisces are both Traditionally Ruled by expansive optimistic visionary ♃Jupiter. They are both Mutable Mode signs - which are @ the end (last third) of seasons - & so distribute & disperse the energy stored up in them. Versatile & adaptable.
♐︎Sag is a Fire Sign - energetic, inspirational & visionary - & ♓︎Pisces is a Water Sign - emotive, intuitive & imaginative... ♓︎Pisces of course is also strongly associated the Modern planet of ethereal empathic Mystic ♆Neptune...
But then - these are just ⦿Sun Signs. JA could (...say) have the☽Moon in ♓︎Pisces & Clay the ☽Moon in ♐︎Sag for all we know - & they should just get Married...
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↳ PaulRobeson1925 @10:12
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Karl @10:11
'Street Legal' probly underrated.
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Flute juice is slang for I O AOssining Ny
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63 Thank u for dropping this info here! I find that Sag can sometimes have a "serious streak" paradoxically especially in service of their values :~)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Drugs probly good for inspiration, vision, depth
- less good for execution & achievement.
Also hard to manifest Art when yer demised.
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nice freestyle, Clay
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Party it down.

We can't get even one little Jazz song?
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That 1st track on Bloydswin Pig is great
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @10:15
Irony is ♐︎Sag is both the Outlaw & the Cleric ...they can be philosophically self-righteous.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:16
Joana and the Whale
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:17
...♐︎Sag is the Philosophy & Religion - where ♓︎Pisces is the Mystical experience...
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Vamos argentina!!!
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↳ Jim the Poet @9:39
Hi Jim! Can't wait to get your hand made premium undies (too fun) and hope you're having a fun marathon (from your biggest Rochester via JC fan)!
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Audrey from Colombia:

Grande, Corrientes
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63 Love JA/Clay synergy though totally agree, I hear wedding bells :~P ♓🐟💞🐎♐ Love what they bring out in each other

That Argentina donation note is so cool, like wow
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

"Let the love flow man" 🥹✨ For the whole town to hear !! 🗣️📢🔥 That's fire
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I have donated in anticipation of possible jazz
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If you wait around long enough, they’ll call you and give you a radio show.
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

oooh clay pigeon lore
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Ann Arbor part of the origin story ! I gotta look into this The Professor 🔍🕵️‍♀️
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Triple G:

"Yeaaah, I'm getting into the tri-state area," had a good mischievous tone
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Astrology is spurious, babyy
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I mind
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I've been listening to Clayton since, I believe, pre-Mondo era.
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ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore):

No jazz? It's been five songs in an hour 25! haha

Not a complaint, just saying.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Maybe just a few extended chords.
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"Sniff that jazz out."
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Barno in Akron:

Clay, when you were in Milwaukee did you ever see the bands, "Little Blue Crunchy Things," or "Man Planet"?
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↳ ThunderDumplin' (MW in Baltimore) @10:24
Flip to Z-100 and report back! Please quickly
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ PaulRobeson1925 @10:24
...which, no doubt, you know from studying it with industry...
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Serialist killers

This is Jazz
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Matty Cannabis:

Jazz Police Dogs.... Hey, that's not swinin' enough! Chomp!
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I did it!!! 101.1 FM HERE I GO AGAIN ON MY OWN!! Goi my down the only road i’ve ever known!!!!!
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Oh wait that's a Bryce show thing
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↳ Karl @10:25
i got my money's worth on that pledge
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CAN’t make thisnstuff up!!! Not it’s we’ll make heven a place on earth ooo Heaven is place on earth!!
rx "rexy" scabin:

John is perking up talking about a jazzy serial killer.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

If I desperately wanted to hear Jazz at this very moment specifically, I'd just flip on my records. People and moments like this are important to me too
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jazz vigilantes
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Now* Place in Earth Belinda Carlise!! Ooo baby do u know what that’s worth!!!
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Handy Haversack:

Axe ownership has declined sharply since.
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Jazz Butchers

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @10:12
Saw a clip the other day where the vocalist/guitarist of Dying Fetus said he wrote what many would consider their best album- Reign Supreme- right after quitting drugs and alcohol and just made music his sole coping strategy.
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Why the hell do New Jerseyians need axes anyway?
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"Tell your ma, tell you pa, our loves agonna grow hoo ah"
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ GorillaFella @10:27
Good for him.
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What's the prize?
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Jazz police have some work to do
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@JDub I always figured at a certain point you just grow up and purchase an axe like, just in case.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@GorillaFella That's what's up!! 🤘
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↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @10:23
He was a big Bob Lassiter fan as was I.
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The Oscar:

One of my college radio shows was called "Songs for Swingin' Larvae!"
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I think I have them on a Ralph record compilation.

Kathleen B. is from Brooklyn via Milwaukee! The latter being way cooler right.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

I didn't know Globochem Pit Pat did vocals !
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Bob Tankenstein:

↳ Matty Cannabis @10:25
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Ed Sheeran 💀🦅 (Eagle Screech) (Sounds of a keyboard furiously searching the term "Bromance")

Kathleen B. from Milwaukee is also a Sag.
12/7 day that will live in infamy
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↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @10:33
Mr Show
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"new guy" checking in! Thanks for the shout
Bobobob.. plasticland:

I played disco drums at the Interns ..lit dance Floor ..then in 80s..toured recorded with Plasticland
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

We need that diss boom sound effect on the roster
rx "rexy" scabin:

The Bop Shop is the shop I go to. Tom is great.

Lol cut off by BLASTING MUSIC
Paulo AD:

↳ Song: "quality pints" by "buyg club"
BTW, the bug club have a great song about wales :)
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Elvis Costello on the beat

Kathleen..I'm also a Sag.from Milw/River West/Allis . Sagittarius forever Nov 23

Do you think the axe killer will pledge? For jazz!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ kathleen @10:33
Used bookstore in the airport! Class act all the way!
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↳ Song: "daylight commander" by "Ed Schrader's Music Beat"
Is this the prize? Sounds like the Voodoo Idols a little.
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thanks boys. this has been BONKERS! 😸
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Fredericks I just looked into Bob Lassiter and I can already tell it's gonna be a fun listen
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@anxietyburrito Hello and welcome! 👋

no way bobobob! so great.
i grew up on the east side milw
lookin for that sagittarius luck
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...knowing Teardrop Explodes is the bonus round (I didn't til much later)...

Ed Schraeder’s Music Beat sounds like English Beat, which is great
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Published June 27, 1990|Updated Oct. 17, 2005
The bawdy, raucous bar band Deloris Telescope bagged four trophies Monday night at the second annual Tampa Bay Music Awards, unseating longtime favorite Stranger as band of the year. Deloris Telescope also won for most outstanding rock band, while frontman Kacy Ross took the awards for most outstanding male vocalist and most outstanding guitar player.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

🦀 Gang
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↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @10:41
Honored to be a laugh track for this discourse
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Triple G:

That's regular 7SD caller Zachary!

(I'm a Cancer too 🦀🦀🦀, hey red_door!)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Fredericks @10:43
'Deloris Telescope' *sounds like* a real interesting band...
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Triple G:

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↳ Triple G @10:44
Good morning Triple G!

Cancers forever!

Wait...that doesn't sound good.
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↳ Triple G @10:45
Suggested this too!
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↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @10:43
Hey, hey!
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Are you jazz clowns gonna write a song now that you got a big pledge
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Just tuning in! Excited for a full morning of JA + the pidge!

Some of JA's listener are deputies in the Jazz Police
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christmas tree cut from bryn mawr campus
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Triple G @zachary 🦀🦀🦀Gang gang! Everything Is Crab 🏖️
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

↳ Avspuk @10:46
I applied for a position in Evidence Control.
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And for the record, I always enjoy Clay and John's banter. The holiday song episode was amazing. =)
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↳ mrs.bucci @10:46
Good morning mrs.bucci.

Great banter as usual.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Rednex 👈👈👈
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Barno in Akron:

The first album I purchased was from a Ben Franklin store. I took my 9-year birthday money and rode my bike to the Ben Franklin to get The Monkee's Greatest Hits / 1976, Lindenhurst Illinois
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↳ Rednex @10:46
That was the deal, right? Big pledge = song?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Srsly ! ...this has to develop into a spontaneous on air Songwriting partnership...
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Triple G:

↳ zachary @10:49
Maybe they're just dangling the carrot a little longer.....
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Triple G:

125 pledges 👏 👏 👏
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:45
They were interesting. The frontman interacted well with the audience. Their covers were eclectic and excellent. Sex Pistols and the Jackson Five when I saw them.
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↳ Triple G @10:49
Yeah. More donations = more songs! Makes sense.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Is that axe man making his way through the rubble?
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↳ Barno in Akron @10:49
Was that the floppy vinyl?

↳ No Big Thing in Chicago @10:48
Presumably 'jazz cigarette' are compulsory & the JP arrest you if you arent carrying?
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Triple G:

↳ zachary @10:51
🧠 🎵 🧠 🎵
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↳ zachary @10:49
They're trying to wiggle out of it by not knowing if the pledge is real or not

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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

what's going on over there
bobobob plastic land:

What about the band Warrant I know Clay liked them
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

It's 22 degrees, the federal workers are on their knees, the axe man swinging from the trees
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omg get the Mo grease
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

is he making a glass smoothie
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Mister Dobalina:

Someone is gettin' Pigeonized.

that sounded like ABC or Haircut 100😟

$351,818 to go for the whole shabang!
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Triple G:

↳ bobobob plastic land @10:51
"Cherry Pie" on Pi Day?

(Not sure how JA would feel about that--the Jazz Police have more authority than the Hair Band Police 'round these parts)
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lazy pierogi:


Scratch that!
Big drop!
$351,746 now
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Yay Providence!
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next on JA: repouring Babbit Bearings
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

↳ Triple G @10:53
Cherry Pie by Sade on pi day sounds good to me

Damn another huge drop!
Down to:
Who is donating huge amounts????
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Barno in Akron:

↳ bobobob plastic land @10:51
Warrant's Janie Lane, from Brimfield, Ohio. My aunt was his high school choir teacher. When she started her job, the student's weren't happy about losing thier previous choir teacher. Janie told her to put a bag over her face, (or probably, "bag your face" made popular by Moon Unit Zappa's "Valley Girl") so she did and the class thought it was funny and they started warming up to her.
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Triple G:

"This Is BASIC" = great LP
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Barno in Akron:

↳ Barno in Akron @10:56
Field High School in Brimfield, Ohio
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Got them both, Clayton!
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Deano de los Muertos:

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BASIC was killer live
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Triple G:

↳ bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢) @10:54

acab does include jazz police and parking enforcement
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↳ Triple G @10:56
The new BASIC record Dream City E.P. is great
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

so frickin good I love the sounds
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I was hoping for a jazz record as a prize to pledge for.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

New spot on donation forms for your zodiac sign

rad track from ed sheeran
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Barno in Akron:

Isn't Warren Buffet from Lincoln, Nebraska? Hit Warren up for a pledge and end this thing. LOL!
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101.1 is playing Shulman Hill injury lawyers
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@teenageriot 👈👈
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One of my favorite hobbies is making lists.

I especially enjoy conversation lists.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

This track seriously groovy
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

One of my first ways of grasping the world was making lists, even before I could spell
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

↳ Karl @10:58
I didn't hear, are they giving away that or the LP?
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↳ No Big Thing in Chicago @11:02
They're giving away This is BASIC
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(I think)
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

dang i wanna go to that show
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Romantics rock
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

↳ Karl @11:03
Gotcha, thanks!

And agreed, the new EP is great.
Yorkville Crooner:

I met him, at Sweat Records in Miami. Biggest deal celeb I could’ve met, was psyched.
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The Oscar:

I can't believe you guys just had a conversation about what you like about the Romantics without quoting the song.
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Mister Dobalina:

That's a good question.
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Iggy was at WFMU in the 60's I think. He threw up on Danny Field's Shoes.
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Triple G:

↳ Karl @11:02
Yup, they are -- $20 pledges get you in the running for "This is BASIC" LP

(Thanks for the recommendation on their new EP, Karl)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ The Oscar @11:04
There's an ascetic element to their partnership.
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Now it’s the summer of 69…
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San Pedro Girl:

I saw Sonic Youth open for Neil Young at West Point—late 80s. Weird Venue. Odd booking.
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

↳ The Oscar @11:04
Clay admiringly gazes at JA: "When I Look In Your Eyes"
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

such a pisces
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↳ Spankyflop @11:04
Correction Vin Scelsa's shoes. blog.wfmu.org...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

♓︎Pisces - emotionally manipulative ? ...never :D ...

What melody is that in the bed music?
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i don't have any problems
rx "rexy" scabin:

Couples therapy.
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Triple G:

↳ tgravel @11:06
This is a track from the BASIC LP that is up for grabs -- think it's "Nerve Time"
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@No Big Thing in Chicago 🥹🌌
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Handy Haversack:

Call if you're on Zoloft.
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gimme that Z
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

I'm Listening.
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @11:08
I may be too old, lame and unplugged to decipher that!
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Achieving bold new levels of jazz here
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...becomes transactional...

jazz therapy
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

The old double-bind of the ego. Can't live with it can't live without it
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“Back in the summer of 🎵 69…” do you want yer radio to play this 6 or 7 times a day? Eye of the tiger? Here I again in my own walking down the only road i’ve ever pledged

Could make anyone CraZy
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ No Big Thing in Chicago @11:10
It's a pictorial representation of the stars in Pidge's eyes looking at JA. 🥹🌌 Pardon my flagrant emoji use, I like pictures and I was moved by your comment, teehee

crazy horse
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↳ PaulRobeson1925 @11:13
To–day is gonna be the day
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101.1 Fm will scare you straight
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lazy pierogi:

There it is. Thank you JA 🔨🪚🫶
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ PaulRobeson1925 @11:14
Nothing scares me straight.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ ∫ydniuß @11:14
"Hold the flashlight, Gary!"

How about some Pharoah Sanders as bed music?
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Oops lol I didn't mean to respond to you lol
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Deano de los Muertos:

good ole softie! 🍦
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Now 101.1 is playing “I want it that wayyy” backstreat boys for the 4th time today
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↳ The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door @11:15
🫶🏻 you coo
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Fredericks @11:15
Great suggestion!

Love the shop sounds!!

↳ San Pedro Girl @11:16
Tell that to the boys.
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Fabio could call in and talk to Regina about his experience with that radio Astrologer who told him about The Truck
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ ∫ydniuß @11:16
I was gonna say to you tho New Years 2020 the bar I ended up at rang in the new year with "Champaign Supernova" and that's when I shoulda known 💀 An Omen
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No Big Thing in Chicago:

↳ The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door @11:13
hahahaha...I'm glad I asked! That rules!
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In the name of jazz
Once more in the name of jazz
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

The JA/Clay Therapy Hour would be a very successful show 🤩
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Delicate Chester:

Will pledge for Moth Cock
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Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

I need that therapist rec
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This is especially enjoyable as I have a therapy session today in 2 hours

mkultra indeed
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joe mulligan:

↳ Song: "surfin with the shah" by "yo la tengo"
There’s a butthole surfers song called “the shah sleeps in lee Harvey Oswald’s grave”
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Triple G:

Instead of there being a Jazz Police plant in the room there was a therapy spy all along -- a diabolical breakthrough
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

"I think that's an old people term" 💀💀💀

So much to unpack here I'm dying lmaoooo
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clearly Clay was an MK Ultra victim
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Handy Haversack:

Yay, Erica in Cranford!
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ Faye @11:22
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Shannon you're a star, move over Frasier Crane
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do the pledge chant! Time is running out!
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Triple G:

Dr. Katz
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Handy Haversack:

Man, I had my fingers crossed for Fairbairn! At least Winnicott!
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Lucy Van Pelt is my favorite psychiatrist. She charges 5 cents.
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Triple G:

Great show

↳ joe mulligan @11:22
I saw Eugene Chadbourne cover that song with Han Bennink on drums.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

The Stoic Niles meets Dr Katz, incredible
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Go South Plainfield Tigers!
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Lizardner Dave !:

There's a curling club in South Plainfield. Exit 4 off I287.
rx "rexy" scabin:

@Fredericks Eugene is the best as is H.B..
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Marty McSorley:

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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Congrats Doc!!

↳ rx "rexy" scabin @11:27
It was a fun show.
rx "rexy" scabin:

Like a DJ.
David from Rockaway:

I could listen to this all day
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Handy Haversack:

That Party Dozen LP is great!
Cooh John:

Feen-a-mint. Funee.

Anyone know what song this is that JA normally speaks over? Just heard clay say it was by bob james
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Faye @11:22
Other recruits were Charles Manson and
Ted Kozinsky, the Unibomber.
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Triple G:

↳ Wimpy @11:31
"Westchester Lady"

Very into Shannon joining Clay & JA weekly for couples therapy.
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This show rules so hard I'm gonna sh*t! I love @JA and @Clay!

↳ Triple G @11:31
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↳ Nicole @11:32
Another vote for weekly Shannon!
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joe mulligan:

↳ Fredericks @11:26
Wow that’s some crazy shit, I’d never imagine anyone covering such an obscure song
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

It's That Love Vibration Baby tap in!!
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Triple G:

↳ chris_in_space @11:32
What an endorsement!
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Nobody ever asks the Bob James Machine how it feels
Mike W.:

The one guy says he’s done with “beard rock” but then “here’s some more Chris Forsyth,” then the second guy finally FINALLY admits on-air that he’s “total bs,” and everyone just leaves the comment sitting there? Hoo boy. Well, here’s another twenty bucks I guess.
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Handy Haversack:

Shannon, maybe couples' therapy is in your future.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

I love hearing JA squirm when Clay gets a bit too sentimental for him
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↳ Faye @11:22
Success Story!

BACK IN THE SUNMER OF 69! 101.1 FM 4 times a day! Right now i flipped
The dial to Z-100 for a
Juxtopostion and “sing 🎵this song forever we’ll still have eachother nothing’s gonna stop us now!!”
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

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Rich in Wading River:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:35
Shannon has some skills.
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Jazz battle to the death
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Handy Haversack:

They're just taking turns throwing each other under the psychology bus.

this conversation has gotten me through an hour at the gym, thank you shannon

To quote Spongebob- "YOU CANT HIDE WHATS INSIDE"
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ask for money!
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Real talk
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

pledge for an intimate moment with JA

This is the strangest fundraising show I've ever heard. And I have heard hundreds of them.
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the couples therapy radio i didnt know i needed
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Westchester Transference
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

This is going in their medical files

↳ joe mulligan @11:34
Made my daughter happy. She disliked everything else.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Shannon definitely should get her own call in show - let’s call it keep talking weirdo

↳ Marley P. Dogg @11:38
I would love this so much
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can someone I know please take a photo of shannon on mic & text it to me so I can post it all over the internet
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hey i need a beer over here too
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Clay is wanting to connect with people on another level.

Nothing wrong with that.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Marley P. Dogg @11:38
I mean, Ken was talking yesterday about all the things he *hasn't* done to cement the cult status of WFMU ... are we sure Shannon isn't his plant to finally break down the staff psychologically so he can enact the final protocol?
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A beer would really help this jazz argument go down smooth
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Matty Cannabis:

Clay, I'm not famous, but I'm a pretty dope drummer, I'd jam with you!
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↳ Handy Haversack @11:40
What show was Ken talking about this? I need to go back and listen.
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Did he cheat at the puppy bowl or did Bucci just do the worst job ever at reffing?

A Flock of Men Without Seagulls.
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I'd love for a weekly Clay/JA jam session then a follow up couples therapy with Shannon
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Awww Clay the world isn't always ready for that midwestern love but keep being sweet and down-to-earth and changing hearts
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↳ mrs.bucci @11:41
;-) It was comical to watch. I love the shades coming on and off! Ha!

↳ zachary @11:41
It was Fabio’s show yesterday
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joe mulligan:

The rules were anti dachshund
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Fredericks @11:41
Yeah, like NBA-point-shaving-level dubious reffing.

In his defense, I don't think he had any idea what was going on.
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↳ Wimpy @11:42
Thanks, Wimpy. That's right. Ken was on. I only heard the beginning. I'll need to listen in the archives.

The marathon timeline is blurred in my memory.
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

you guys are killing me
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↳ Handy Haversack @11:43
Very true. He's never seen a dog before this.
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this is intense! and hilarious
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Handy Haversack:

↳ mrs.bucci @11:44
They are becoming fairly popular now after the Puppy Bowl.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...you're like TheBeatles Jan. '69. All the time...
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Lizardner Dave !:

I hope this is mostly a bit because I'd hate to think Clay feels that badly about a show that brings so much happiness to so many people.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

True I love hearing Clay relax and chill w JA You get to see all sides
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Sharing is caring
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

get john the help he needs!!

Bob James does not qualify as Jazz for me.
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Handy Haversack:

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The Pidge must be tired, been on-air since 6 am. Good thing there's a therapist to moderate these proceedings.
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joe mulligan:

Alpha struggles hahaha

I feel like JA in the AM is like Clays decompression chamber, esp since he probably goes to bed shortly after this its like taking a relaxing shower after a good gym run
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Talk therapy is the truest form of jazz
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joe mulligan:

↳ GorillaFella @11:48
Spot on!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Bklyn_Dutch @11:48
Wait till they get Shannon's bill!
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bixa (𝘣𝘦𝘦-𝘩𝘢):

gotta run, fun show today guys good luck in therapy xoxo
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Tha ks JaZZ
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Twisted Nerve is the greatness
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Seattle Washington.... Dad a cop... Frasier Crane.... Pepe Silvia... it's all coming together
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Listener Bryan (the Professor):

To a lesser extent!
Dave V:

Jazz Cop! Could be a good tv show.
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↳ Handy Haversack @11:50
It's giving me flashbacks of couples therapy.
Can you imagine what a three hour therapy session would cost?
Pledge that amount!!! Everyone it's the home stretch!
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Deano de los Muertos:

Thanks John and Shannon, and Clay for doing 6hrs straight
Kevin from Bloomfield:

The takeaway? Some of the listeners have puked in their mouths with all the passive / aggressive psychotherapy this morning. Love you clay n John !
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Handy Haversack:

Well, this was ridiculous. And sublime.

Thanks, fellas. Shannon, thanks for keeping them together. I hate to think about who would get JAZZ in the divorce.

Thanks, JAZZ! And JAZZ pledgers!
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Three solid hours of radio gold. One for the books. The therapy books
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Will thee SG OCNY:

💻 Pledge Online pledge.wfmu.org...
JA In The AM with John Allen!!!
☎️ Pledge via phone 1 800-989-9368

This has been really entertaining and interesting haha

↳ Handy Haversack @11:53
As far as I can tell, there is no jazz to be found here.
rx "rexy" scabin:

Thank you, John, Shannon, Clay, and Everyone.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

Love all three of you. Say it back John!
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Handy Haversack:

Man, I have been putting off walking the dog because it's impossible to quit this. Gotta go!
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I'm kvelling ILY shan
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Delicate Chester:

You guys made real progress today ❤️❤️

JAs squirmin again!
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Was this jazz? Will we ever know? Tune in next week!

Thanks Shannon

↳ Delicate Chester @11:54
Not Jazzwise, Chester.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:


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Here for the JA squirm.
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Would love one more call before the end of my shift! Check in at 800.989.9368
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Mister Dobalina:

Last weeks jazZ show was top notch.
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joe mulligan:

Yes what color is the t shirt? Let’s hear it
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Take the wheel Michele!
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Thank you JA, Clay, Shannon, Volunteers, and Pledgers!!!
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I think you both need to relax, take a nice long stretch and head on into the weekend. Thanks to all for all you do WFMU!
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Thanks Pidge, JA, Shannon & the rest of the volunteers & pledgers. Loved this!
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Triple G:

↳ chris_in_space @11:55
WFMU could put it up for sponsorship


↳ Mister Dobalina @11:56
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Thanks John, Clay, Shannon, and all of the volunteers!
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↳ Triple G @11:57
Good idea!
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the other nadia (hectic):

this was great! thanks john, shannon, and clay
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joe mulligan:

Clay cheats on JA with Fabio
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Charles in Chicago:

Oh man I just missed 3 hours of Clay and JA! Ooops!
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

omg this moment I'm dyyyyyying
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY DJs JA, Clay & Shannon ~

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I think Shannon needs to join this Paris trip to mediate
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Triple G:

Thanks all! Goal smashed ✔️
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Thanks all! So much fun.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

This was a Marathon highlight. Great job, fellas & Shannon.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ Charles in Chicago @11:58
One for the archive hall of fame ⭐
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im healed

Great session today 🤝

↳ The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door @11:59
Not Jazzwise.
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ Fredericks @11:59
It's all jazz, baby

Outstandingly weird show today, loved it! This is the kind of funky humanity you can only find on WFMU.

Totally agreed fleetwood macbeth

and the leathery folds of Santa’s skin
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No JAzz *hmmph!*
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Greg from ZONE 5:

↳ FleetwoodMacbeth @12:00
Let's see an AI podcast do THAT.
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joe mulligan:

↳ coop @12:01
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The Frasier Crane of Ypsilanti // Red Door:

↳ Triple G @11:57
💯💯💯 Agree 🤭🫶
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