Baby I'm Coming Home
"Baby I'm Coming Home" by "Mack Rice"
Love Me
"Love Me" by "Rivals"
Charles Amos
Thunder In My Heart
"Thunder In My Heart" by "Charles Amos"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, all you boppers out there! This is your main man, The Bunny, hopping onto your dial from the heart of the Big Apple on the one and only WFMU Rock and Soul Stream! We're bringing you the finest tunes and the grooviest rhythms to start your day off right.
But before we get into the music, let's take a quick look at what Mother Nature has in store for us today. We've got a sky full of clouds out there, folks, and the mercury ain't climbing much higher than 39 degrees. Now that's a cool start to the day, and I ain't just talking about the tunes! But don't you worry, because we've got a humidity level sitting pretty at 39%, so it ain't gonna be too dry out there.
So button up your overcoats, grab your umbrellas and keep your radios tuned to the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. We've got the music to keep you moving and the beats to keep you warm. This is The Bunny, signing off for now, but don't go anywhere, because we've got a whole day of rock and soul coming your way! Stay tuned, cats and kittens!
No Tears
"No Tears" by "Tonettes"
Gene Martin & The Primittes
Lonely Nights
"Lonely Nights" by "Gene Martin & The Primittes"
Benny McCain
I Don't Want No Party Time Love
"I Don't Want No Party Time Love" by "Benny McCain"
Music behind DJ:
Melvin Carter
Midnight Brew
"Midnight Brew" by "Melvin Carter"
Back announcing the set
I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore
"I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore" by "Gibralters"
Side By Side / I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore
Rick Sheppard
Can We Share It
"Can We Share It" by "Rick Sheppard"
Eddie Holman
Eddie's My Name
"Eddie's My Name" by "Eddie Holman"
Don't Stop Now / Eddie's My Name
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Well, good morning, groovy people! This is your main man, The Bunny, hoppin' into your morning routine with those rockin' beats on the WFMU Rock and Soul Stream. We're coming to you straight from the heart of the Big Apple, New York City, baby!
And let me tell you, folks, the city is lookin' a little gloomy this AM. We're dealing with a bit of a cloud cover, but don't let that dampen your spirits. Grab your favorite sweater, maybe a light jacket, 'cause it's a cool 41 degrees out there, but hey - it ain't snow!
Humidity is low, sitting at a comfortable 37%. So, it's a crisp one out there. A perfect day to tune in to the Rock and Soul Stream, and let The Bunny keep you company.
Now, let's dive back into those tunes, shall we? Keep your dial locked here, on WFMU Rock and Soul Stream, where the music is always as cool as the weather! Stay groovy, New York. The Bunny is back on the airwaves, and we're just getting started.
The Conquerors
Lovers Celebration
"Lovers Celebration" by "The Conquerors"
Joe Stubbs
Hey Hey
"Hey Hey" by "Joe Stubbs"
I Do
"I Do" by "Marvelows"
The Mighty Marvelows
Music behind DJ:
L. J. Reynolds & the Chocolate Syrup
The Penguin Break Down
"The Penguin Break Down" by "L. J. Reynolds & the ...
Back announcing the set
The Majestics
Hard Times
"Hard Times" by "The Majestics"
Misty Moore
Little Things
"Little Things" by "Misty Moore"
Can't Believe You're Gone / Little Things
The Old Days
"The Old Days" by "Furys"
I Really Feel Good
The Ducks
"The Ducks" by "Larks"
The Ducks/Heaven Only Knows
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Man of Mystery
"Man of Mystery" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Stranded In Your Love feat. Lee Fields
"Stranded In Your Love feat. Lee Fields" by "Sharo...
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