Favoriting Beneath The Underground with John Pietaro and Laurie Towers: Playlist from February 19, 2025 Favoriting

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Renegade Arts of Downtown NY: John Reed to Lou Reed and Post-Punk to Punk Jazz…

Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting February 19, 2025: Easy Money

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Yoko Ono  Kiss, Kiss, Kiss   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Yoko Ono  Kiss, Kiss, Kiss   Favoriting  
King Crimson  Easy Money   Favoriting 0:04:26 (Pop-up)
John Lennon  Dear Yoko (stripped down mix)   Favoriting 0:11:47 (Pop-up)
Yoko Ono/Danny Tenaglia  Walking On Thin Ice   Favoriting 0:14:53 (Pop-up)
Yoko Ono/Jason Pierce  Walking On Thin Ice   Favoriting 0:17:47 (Pop-up)
Yoko Ono  Walking On Thin Ice   Favoriting 0:22:48 (Pop-up)
The Music Improvisation Company  Third Stream Boogaloo   Favoriting 0:26:17 (Pop-up)
The Muslims  Punch a Nazi   Favoriting 0:51:48 (Pop-up)
The Muslims  Punch a Nazi   Favoriting 0:51:57 (Pop-up)
The Muslims  Punch a Nazi   Favoriting 0:51:57 (Pop-up)
Phil Ochs  I Ain’t Marching Anymore   Favoriting 0:53:55 (Pop-up)
Sonic Youth  Youth Against Fascism   Favoriting 0:56:37 (Pop-up)
Band of Susans  Ice Age   Favoriting 1:00:18 (Pop-up)
Anne Husick & Exit 99  Nickel Down   Favoriting 1:09:28 (Pop-up)
Live reading: John Pietaro  Fantasmas for 47   Favoriting 1:12:31 (Pop-up)
Cabbage  Uber Capitalist Death Trade   Favoriting 1:13:10 (Pop-up)
Jackie Curtis/Paul Serrato  Zodiac   Favoriting 1:22:37 (Pop-up)
Jackie Curtis/Paul Serrato  Who Are You?   Favoriting 1:23:23 (Pop-up)
Anne Waldman & Fast Speaking Music  Astral Omens   Favoriting 1:25:47 (Pop-up)
The Fugs  Slum Goddess   Favoriting 1:32:32 (Pop-up)
The New York Dolls  Jet Boy   Favoriting 1:34:26 (Pop-up)
Hal Blaine  Love-In (December)   Favoriting 1:39:03 (Pop-up)
Paul Revere & the Raiders  Indian Reservation   Favoriting 1:41:29 (Pop-up)
Simon & Garfunkel  America   Favoriting 1:44:05 (Pop-up)
Adele Bertei  American Elegy   Favoriting 1:47:59 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno-David Byrne  America Is Waiting   Favoriting 1:51:19 (Pop-up)
Dave Sewelson & Claire Daly  Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries   Favoriting 1:54:42 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  Subterranean Homesick Blues   Favoriting 2:01:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


A good looking girl can make plenty of money in a kissing booth...:)
lorraine leckie:

Lorraine and Broghan from Bensonhurst are tuned in and turned on! Billys outta town!
Avatar 🌃 10:11pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

dang I was groovin' and got lost in the music - HELLOOOO LOVES! Happy Wednesday! Hola CC, Hola Lorraine and Broghan. And of course my wonderful - OUR wonderful - John and Laurie!!! XOXO
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:12pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey under dwellers, Subterraneans and outsiders. Thanks for joining us on this special night saluting Yoko Ono’s 92nd as we as the loss of ultra avant percussionist Jamie Muir and the birth anniversary of Warhol superstar Jackie Curtis. And there’s more! 😻

↳ Song: "Easy Money" by "King Crimson"
Dig the drumming on this...:)
Avatar 10:14pm

↳ Song: "Dear Yoko (stripped down mix)" by "John Lennon"
Avatar 10:15pm

Did you ever stop to think maybe John fell for Yoko because her name is so easy to rhyme with?
lorraine leckie:

Hey Kids! I used to do Yokos makeup and she was super cool and funny!

↳ Roberto @10:15
Oh no!!!...:)
Avatar 10:16pm

↳ lorraine leckie @10:15
Hearing this makes me happy!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:16pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @10:11
Uncle Sister, Sister Uncle! We love ya
Avatar 10:17pm

OK it was her birthday yesterday. Had to check!

↳ Roberto @10:17
My mom was born in 1931 and she's still doing well as well...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:20pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ lorraine leckie @10:07
Ah, as long as you and Broghan are around, all is good
Avatar 10:21pm

↳ CC @10:19
Mine in 1929, also doing well (as well) (knock on multiple substances).
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:22pm

Hello Laurie, John and folks. I've been going to sleep around this time but tonight I'm staying up with all y'all.
Avatar 10:22pm
Mr Fab:

Hey there, cellar-dwellers!

Had no idea there were these other versions of “Walking in Thin Ice.” I loved the John&Yoko orig single- it was like their response to the NYC punk thang.

↳ Roberto @10:21
That's great!!!... my mom did pretty good after leavng my father who used to wear a zoot suit and tried playing drums back in about 1958???...:)
Avatar 10:25pm

↳ CC @10:24
Oh, my! My mom and dad have been married 73 freakin' years!

↳ Roberto @10:25
Man!!!... that is awesome congratulations!!...:)
Avatar 10:28pm

↳ CC @10:27
Thanks! I think those two just might make it after all!
Avatar 10:31pm
Mr Fab:

Speaking of downtown NYC icons, I’m doing a tribute to David Johansen on my show this Friday morning, and his wife sez that they’ll be listening!!!

So say hi to David Jo in the chat while he’s still above ground.
Avatar 10:32pm

↳ Roberto @10:28
I'm not THAT old, btw. They were married for a long time before they had kids.

I guess we've all heard how terrific your mayor is???...:)

When you shake a Republican's family tree you'll see nothing but a bunch of nuts fall out!!!...:)
Avatar 10:36pm

Fuck these fuckin' fucks!
Avatar 10:41pm

I hate the word "woke" only because it's grammatically disastrous.
Jill Kroesen:

Is there a book explaining how to fight against stupid frat boys who couldn’t get into college.

Marshall Mcluhan...what are you doing???...:)

I've heard that Every Man Has a Woman Who Loves Him???...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:52pm

Mr Fab show this Friday:
lorraine leckie:

Yes! tomorrow night at Mathilde which is 676 5th ave in Park slope!

Did I hear someone mention Buster Poindexter???...:)
Avatar 10:54pm

↳ Song: "Punch a Nazi" by "The Muslims"
So many nazis, not enough fists.

↳ Song: "I Ain’t Marching Anymore" by "Phil Ochs"
Sooo righteous!!!...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

Howdy Laurie and John and pals
Avatar 10:59pm

↳ CC @10:51
Seems unlikely.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:59pm

↳ WR @10:52
Should have provided context, that link is to the playlist for Mr Fab's program this Friday, Feb 21 at 9AM ET which will be a tribute to the (hopefully) still alive David Johansen in his many musical incarnations and probably some non-musical incarnations as well. Johansen's family are planning to be listening with David. Johansen has been on WFMU several times. The most recent I think was a phone interview about the Scorse film. Will look that up.

↳ Roberto @10:59
Well... you can always count on your mom...:)
Jill Kroesen:

Bob Dylan’s Idiot Wind might be appropriate these days!
Avatar 11:02pm

↳ CC @11:00
She's a real trouper!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

Any orange russian fat asset been thrown out of a window yet? Asking for a friend and hoping
Avatar 11:03pm

↳ Jill Kroesen @11:01
I do often wonder how tRUmp supports still know how to breathe.
Avatar 11:03pm

↳ Roberto @11:03
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:05pm
Beneath the Underground:

Wow, so much chatter. We love it! Sorry. We’ve been juggling records and CDs

↳ Roberto @11:03
Who knows maybe the majority of the voting public don't support Trump and they just want us to believe that they do... like your vote is the meaningless joke???...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:06pm


Program from April 2023
Last 1/3 of the program has music and interview with Johansen, mostly focused on the Scorsese Johansen doc that was on Showtime in 2023.
Avatar 11:07pm

↳ CC @11:05
Many have lost their reverence for the vote. They see it as a means to troll those who make them uncomfortable.
Avatar 🌃 11:07pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Beneath the Underground @11:05
I didn't know you could juggle!!!
Avatar 🌃 11:08pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @10:58
Hola Oleh!
lorraine leckie:

Ice Age is a killer track!
Avatar 🌃 11:09pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Jill Kroesen @10:41
Hi Jill - I've been told the best use for that book is to beat them with it. Jus sum'tin I hoird...
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @11:08
Sis UnkLeo, que paso mine friend. How’s your health?
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @11:09
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ lorraine leckie @11:08
Avatar 🌃 11:11pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @11:10
Holdin' up Oleh, bandaids and scotch tape, but holdin' - and you my friend? feeling better?

↳ Roberto @11:07
I've noticed that the right wing trolls people to become monkey see monkey do voters...so sad that so many people fall for it...:)
Avatar 11:11pm

The good news for those of us who actually want a functional government is that our candidates tend to fare well when the Big Dipshit isn't on the ballot. The key over the next few years will be making sure we still have the right to vote in some form.
Jill Kroesen:

Hi Leo and all the fabulous people listening and creating this fabulous show!!!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:12pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @11:11
I am, thanks. A pulmonologist gave the cure.
Avatar 🌃 11:13pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @11:12
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ Jill Kroesen @11:12

I've always thought that the problem with democracy is that if you brainwash the majority of people into being idiots then the rest of us suffer?!?...:)
Avatar 11:17pm

↳ CC @11:14
"Treat others the way you would want to be treated"

Fuck that, a lot of people like being treated like garbage!
Avatar 11:17pm
Mr Fab:

Dr Jeff played Green Days’ “American Idiot” earlier today. 20 years old! But hasn’t aged.

↳ Roberto @11:17
So most people are masochistic???...:)
Avatar 11:20pm

↳ CC @11:18
Not necessarily most, just enough to make those of us who aren't masochists totally miserable.

↳ Roberto @11:20
Well... I hope that doesn't make you feel like going out and beating up a masochist???...:)
Avatar 11:23pm
Mr Fab:

It looks like you’re saying: Punch a Nazi! Punch a Nazi! Punch a Nazi!
Avatar 11:23pm

Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:24pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ TuXXXy @11:23
Avatar 11:25pm

↳ CC @11:22
I practice martial arts and take it out on the bags.
Avatar 🌃 11:25pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ TuXXXy @11:23
Hey TuXXXy

↳ Roberto @11:25
Well... I've heard that ancient Egyptians believe that while masturbating you think hard enough and you get what you create...???...:)
Avatar 11:26pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Who Are You?" by "Jackie Curtis/Paul Serrato"
Lou Reed immortalized Jackie Curtis: “ Jackie is just speeding away,
Thought she was James Dean for a day…”
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I in Florida wearin my Laurie E Towers AXE THE OLIGARCHY NECKLACE AND EARRINGS!!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:28pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ Mr Fab @11:26
Hi Mr Fab, but valium would have helped that bash
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:29pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ TuXXXy @11:27
Yes! Thank you, Tucky😽
Avatar 11:29pm

↳ CC @11:26

↳ Roberto @11:29
Think about it...it's deep!!!...:)
Avatar 11:31pm

↳ CC @11:30
Nah I'm good lolz
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:31pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Mr Fab @11:26
Oh yes….and we are working w Curtis’ cousin and the executor of his estate, Joey Preston, who just published his memoir JACKIE CURTIS UNDRESSED. Book release bash will occur 3/10 at the historic Stonewall Inn.

So many knots to untangle...:/
Avatar 11:35pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Beneath the Underground @11:31
Cool! Looking forward to it. Jackie’s colleague Holly Woodlawn wrote an excellent book “Low Life In High Heels.”
Avatar 11:37pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Jet Boy" by "The New York Dolls"
lorraine leckie:

Broghan is a huge Fugs fan!

↳ Song: "Indian Reservation" by "Paul Revere & the Raiders"
Not to mention that we were the only country that dropped an atom bomb on anybody else...:\
Avatar 11:48pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Slum Goddess" by "The Fugs"
Caroline Golum sang a karaoke version of this at the Holiday Cocktail Lounge in the recent movie "A Different Man".

I've got some real estate here in my bag...:)
lorraine leckie:

This playlist is pure genius! thank you Laurie and John! Broghan said he sent it to you guys just before airtime :)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:51pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

Thanks Laurie and John. Have a saner and safe week everyone

This ain't America you can't fool me...home of the shaft land of debris...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

thank you for the pep rally, John, Laurie and folks. My spirits have been raised and ready to fight another day.

Goodnight...Cheerz all!!!...:)
Avatar 11:58pm
Mr Fab:

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Sister Uncle Leo:

Avatar 🌃 12:01am
Sister Uncle Leo:

Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:04am
Beneath the Underground:

Yes yes yes TAKE IT. Love to all of our listeners. Hear you next week, some bat time, same bat place. Fight the power and #fcktrump
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:05am
Beneath the Underground:

↳ WR @11:57
U b d best, WR!
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