Favoriting Stop Hitting Yourself with DJ Greg "Spacebrother" Bishop: Playlist from January 13, 2025 Favoriting

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Weird and wonderful sounds from outsider to weird covers and occasionally painful stuff from the Golden Age Of Stupidity.

Monday 4 - 5pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting January 13, 2025: SHY #285 - Los Angeles

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
ME  Stop Hitting Yourself Intro   Favoriting Sheena's Jungle Room  Sheena's Jungle Room Records  RIGHT NOW  LP  Los Angeles Fires Donations   
Deanna Durbin and Robert Paige  Californ-I-Ay   Favoriting Can't Help Singing  Ace Of Hearts  1963  LP  https://recovery.lacounty.gov/  0:02:06 (Pop-up)
Woody Guthrie  Los Angeles New Year's Flood   Favoriting Library Of Congress Recordings  Elektra  1964  LP box set  American Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/  0:05:01 (Pop-up)
Spike Jones and His City Slickers  It Never Rains In Sunny California   Favoriting   RCA Victor  1952  78  Mutual Aid LA Network www.mutualaidla.org  0:09:41 (Pop-up)
Russ Morgan  California Orange Blossom   Favoriting   Decca  1949  78  California Fire Foundation Wildfire & Disaster Relief
Fund www.cafirefoundation.org/what-we-do/for-
communities/disaster-relief  0:12:43 (Pop-up)
Kay Kyser/ Gloria Wood  When Veronica Plays the Harmonica On The Pier In Santa Monica   Favoriting   Columbia  1948  78  Wildfire Recovery Fund www.calfund.org/funds/wildfire-recovery-fund/  0:15:33 (Pop-up)
Roy Rogers  San Fernando Valley   Favoriting   RCA Victor  1949  7" box set  LA Regional Food Bank www.lafoodbank.org  0:18:16 (Pop-up)
Mel Tormé  San Fernando Valley   Favoriting Mel Tormé's California Suite  Bethlehem Records  1957  LP  Community Foundation's Wildfire Recovery Fund Supports intermediate and long-term recovery efforts for major California wildfires, as well as preparedness efforts. www.calfund.org/funds/wildfire-recovery-fund  0:20:49 (Pop-up)
Robert Clarey  Hollywood Bowl   Favoriting   Blue Chip  1949  10"  World Central Kitchen Nonprofit that immediately prepares and serves meals to communities impacted by natural disasters and during humanitarian crises. wck.org/news/first-alert-ca-fires-jan25  0:26:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Lyric Writing Contest 

Hollywood Polka   Favoriting





Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles Assists in rebuilding homes for those affected by wildfires. www.habitatla.org/support-us 

0:28:50 (Pop-up)
Lulu Porter  Malibu Seal   Favoriting   Musicman Records  1966  45  Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation Nonprofit that directly supports the @losangelesfiredepartment website: supportlafd.org  0:31:29 (Pop-up)
Teddy and Darrel  Beast Of Sunset Strip   Favoriting Mondo Hollywood  Tower  1967  LP  Just found out: N95 MASKS ARE AVAILABLE AT ALL LOS ANGELES LIBRARY LOCATIONS.  0:33:44 (Pop-up)
Johnny Aloha (Richard Cheese)  California Gurls   Favoriting Richard Cheese Presents... Johnny Aloha – Lavapalooza (Tiki Music Versions Of Rock And Rap Hits!)  Coverage  2010  CD    0:36:04 (Pop-up)
Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo  California Girls   Favoriting           0:38:11 (Pop-up)
Frank Zappa and the Mothers Of Invention  Eddie, Are You Kidding (Live At Pauley Pavilion, UCLA, Los Angeles, 1971)   Favoriting Just Another Band From L.A.  Reprise  1972  LP    0:41:02 (Pop-up)
The Runaways  California Paradise   Favoriting Queens Of Noise  Mercury  1977  LP    0:44:14 (Pop-up)
Camper Van Beethoven  I Live In L.A.   Favoriting El Camino Real  429 Records  2014  CD    0:47:07 (Pop-up)
Stan Ridgway  Bing Can't Walk   Favoriting Slamdance Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  Island  1987  LP    0:51:23 (Pop-up)
X  Los Angeles   Favoriting Los Angeles  Slash  1980  LP    0:56:32 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Flat Duo Jets 

California Luau   Favoriting

Lucky Eye 

Outpost Recordings 




0:59:04 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Good hello Greg!
Avatar 4:02pm

↳ Otis @4:02
Yo! Hello!
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Hi Spacebro - glad you're safe.
Avatar 4:03pm

↳ Herbie @4:02
Thank you. I'm good.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm

Good to hear you weren't directly affected. So far I know of 1 regular listener whose house is gone.
Avatar 4:04pm

That's a picture I took on Wednesday morning when getting off the Hollywood freeway at Melrose.
Avatar 4:04pm
Mr Fab:

*cough, cough, wipes eyes* Another day in paradise, eh, Greg?
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

Those aerial photos of the Palisades are crazy - like Berlin after WWII.
Avatar 4:06pm

↳ WR @4:03
That's terrible. It's affected a lot of people. I've been ferrying air filters and generators to friends.
Avatar 4:06pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:04
I'm glad you and Mrs. Fab and "little" Fab are ok!
Avatar 4:06pm
Mr Fab:

↳ WR @4:03
DJ Jessica on the mothership lost the family house she grew up in. She did a whole show about rain, which we're praying for right now.
Avatar 4:07pm

↳ Herbie @4:05
It's been insane. I saw the Palisades fire beginning on Tuesday morning.
Avatar 4:07pm
Mr Fab:

Woody's introduction is as long as the song!
Avatar 4:08pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:07
It is! I guess this is sort of a plea for rain. Sort of.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:06
Ah man - that sucks. 🙁 The vids of people setting fires and looting make me sick.
Avatar 4:10pm
Mr Fab:

I'll be doing a tribute to the great Wild Records label this Friday - instruments, recording equipment, master tapes, back catalog, all gone. Apart from being their actual house they lived in.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:12pm

↳ Herbie @4:09
Looting is bad but setting fires, that is insane.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:13pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:10
Avatar 4:13pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:10
It just keeps getting worse as we find out more.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

↳ WR @4:12
It's a racket... set fire... loot. Scum.
Avatar 4:19pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "San Fernando Valley" by "Roy Rogers"
Way before the Zappas, this was the anthem for us Vals.
Avatar 4:20pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:19
Stands to reason! Another SF Valley song coming up.
Avatar 4:23pm
Mr Fab:

It's funny how country western these early Valley songs are. Like it's way out in the desert or something. Now it's all pavement and malls, haha.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:19
Avatar 4:25pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:23
Some communities in the North Valley still look like they have a few of the old ranch houses.
Avatar 4:35pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Malibu Seal" by "Lulu Porter"
Never thought there would be so much fire damage to Malibu. It's right by the frikken ocean! All that water nearby, such cruel irony...
Avatar 4:35pm

I tried to get some of the songs to mention areas of LA that have been / are being affected by the fires
Avatar 4:37pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Beast Of Sunset Strip" by "Teddy and Darrel"
The sight of abandoned cars on Sunset Blvd was like something out of a post-apocalyptic zombie movie.
Avatar 4:37pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:35
Yes, very startling and tragic.
I saw a video of Dick Van Dyke and his wife and an assistant evacuating. I hope his place survived.
Avatar 4:39pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:37
Yes, and some of them were bulldozed out of the way by firefighting crews. I thik this might have happened in the Palisades fire.
Avatar 4:42pm

↳ Song: "Eddie, Are You Kidding (Live At Pauley Pavilion, ...
This is for really old people who remember the Zachary All ads in the 1960s and '70s.
Avatar 4:45pm

↳ Song: "Eddie, Are You Kidding (Live At Pauley Pavilion, ...
Little did I know I'd someday be living minutes from the former Zachary All location on the Miracle Mile.
Avatar 4:52pm

↳ Song: "Bing Can't Walk" by "Stan Ridgway"
Lots of Los Angeles refernces in this song.
Avatar 4:55pm

The playlist doesn't have too many silly songs. Sort of by design.
Avatar 4:56pm
Mr Fab:

Speaking of Stan R, as much as I love "Mexican Radio," it's probably best to not hear a song that starts "I feel the hot wind" right now...
Avatar 4:57pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:56
Exactly! Plus, no LA references.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

↳ spacebrother @4:45
Speaking of which... is there still a Wilson's House o' Leather?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

Thanks Greg for the hour. Take care and sending love to all out west.
Avatar 4:58pm

↳ Song: "Los Angeles" by "X"
This song is making me cry. I may never leave L.A.
Avatar 4:58pm

↳ Herbie @4:58
Alas, I thnik that's gone too.
Avatar 📖 Swag For Life Member 4:59pm

Thanks Spacebro - stay safe!
Avatar 4:59pm
Mr Fab:

Wonderful show, much thx Greg.
Avatar 5:00pm

↳ Herbie @4:59
Most welcome!
Avatar 5:00pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:59
Glad you enjoyed it! We'll get through this.
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