Favoriting Everybody's Songs with Cricket: Playlist from January 11, 2025 Favoriting

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Folk music with no single author and no single audience. Songs by everybody, for everybody.

Saturday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 11, 2025: Red as the Blood, Black as the Coal

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Etta Baker & Cora Phillips  Jaybird March   Favoriting Black Banjo Songsters of North Carolina and Virginia  Smithsonian Folkways Recordings  1998  featuring Etta Baker on banjo & her older sister Cora Phillips on guitar    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Moon Socket  The Secret She Had to Keep   Favoriting Moon Socket  Derivative Records  1995      0:01:38 (Pop-up)
Prince Forbes  'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus   Favoriting Music of the Bahamas, Vol. 3: Instrumental Music from the Bahamas Islands  Folkways Records  1959      0:03:23 (Pop-up)
Grant / McGuire / Flaherty  Dry and Dusty   Favoriting Grant / McGuire / Flaherty  Carbon Records  2024      0:04:37 (Pop-up)
The New Year  Sinking Ship   Favoriting The End is Near  Touch and Go  2004      0:07:27 (Pop-up)
Sage Alyte  Araignée incolore   Favoriting Paume de pierre  Vlek  2021  https://sagealyte.bandcamp.com/album/paume-de-pierre    0:10:38 (Pop-up)
Riley Puckett  Come Be My Rainbow   Favoriting Red Wing / Come Be My Rainbow  Columbia  1928  recorded Oct 31, 1927 in Atlanta, GA    0:15:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Douglas Quin 

Frog Nocturne #2   Favoriting

Caratinga: Soundscapes from Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest 

Earth Ear 




0:18:00 (Pop-up)
Georgia Jokers  Hannah Open the Door   Favoriting Fonotone Records: Frederick, Maryland (1956-1969)  Dust-to-Digital  2005  originally released in 1964 as the B-side of "All On Account of Somebody"    0:27:16 (Pop-up)
Magic Tuber Stringband  Waltz for Things with Wings   Favoriting When Sorrows Encompass Me 'Round  Feeding Tube  2021      0:30:02 (Pop-up)
Weirs  Mole in the Ground   Favoriting Prepare to Meet God  West Hill Records  2020  https://westhillrecords.bandcamp.com/album/prepare-to-meet-god; Roud 4957    0:34:36 (Pop-up)
Pennikurvers  Heliotrope   Favoriting Dying to Tell  Numero Group  2025  originally recorded in 1995  *   0:42:06 (Pop-up)
Chris Watson  Lectern (excerpt)   Favoriting In St Cuthbert's Time  Touch  2013      0:48:02 (Pop-up)
Sarah Ogan Gunning  Old Jack Frost   Favoriting Girl of Constant Sorrow  Folk-Legacy Records  1965      0:51:45 (Pop-up)
Clark Jones  The Holly Bears a Berry   Favoriting Early American Folk Music and Songs  Folkways Records  1982  Roud 514    0:52:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Douglas Quin 

Frog Nocturne #2   Favoriting

Caratinga: Soundscapes from Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest 

Earth Ear 




0:56:39 (Pop-up)
Allan Gilbert Balon  Lustras   Favoriting The Magnesia Suite  Recital  2024  https://recitalprogram.bandcamp.com/album/the-magnesia-suite    1:05:29 (Pop-up)
Bug Bus Piano  Unlucky #6   Favoriting Passing Through All Happy Dreams Like Hallways  self-released  2024  https://bugbuspiano.bandcamp.com/album/passing-through-all-happy-dreams-like-hallways-2  *   1:15:23 (Pop-up)
Bug Bus Piano  Unlucky #2   Favoriting Passing Through All Happy Dreams Like Hallways  self-released  2024  https://bugbuspiano.bandcamp.com/album/passing-through-all-happy-dreams-like-hallways-2  *   1:16:24 (Pop-up)
Bug Bus Piano  Besoured   Favoriting Passing Through All Happy Dreams Like Hallways  self-released  2024  https://bugbuspiano.bandcamp.com/album/passing-through-all-happy-dreams-like-hallways-2  *   1:17:18 (Pop-up)
James "Son Ford" Thomas  Cemetery Conversations (excerpt)   Favoriting Voices of Mississippi: Artists and Musicians Documented by William Ferris  Dust-to-Digital  2018  conversations between James "Son Ford" Thomas, William Ferris, & friends conducted in various cemeteries in which Thomas was employed as a gravedigger    1:18:48 (Pop-up)
Scott Dunbar  The Memphis Mail   Favoriting Voices of Mississippi: Artists and Musicians Documented by William Ferris  Dust-to-Digital  2018  recorded by William Ferris c. 1968    1:21:07 (Pop-up)
Green Bailey  I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground   Favoriting Kentucky Mountain Music, Pt. 5  Yazoo  2005  originally recorded in 1928; Roud 4957. note: Bailey also recorded under the pseudonyms Amos Baker, Aaron Boyd, & Harvey Farr    1:24:31 (Pop-up)
Jimmie Strothers  I Used to Work on the Tractor   Favoriting Virginia Traditions: Non-Blues Secular Black Music  Blue Ridge Institute  1978  recorded by John Lomax & Harold Spivacke at the Virginia State Prison Farm in Richmond on May 31, 1936; new book on Strothers's life & music due out via UVA Press in Feb 2025: https://www.upress.virginia.edu/title/10039/    1:26:52 (Pop-up)
Palmer Crisp  Roll On John   Favoriting Rufus Crisp  Folkways Records  1972      1:28:13 (Pop-up)
Kinloch Nelson  Company Leaves   Favoriting Partly On Time: Recordings 1968-1970  Tompkins Square  2019  recorded between 1968 & 1970    1:32:13 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Douglas Quin 

Frog Nocturne #2   Favoriting

Caratinga: Soundscapes from Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest 

Earth Ear 




1:35:10 (Pop-up)
Steve Kruger & Trevor McKenzie  The Ore Knob (Shirley and Smith)   Favoriting The Freshet  self-released  2024  https://stevekrugerandtrevormckenzie.bandcamp.com/album/the-freshet-2    1:44:50 (Pop-up)
William DeLee  for Twelve String Guitar   Favoriting Improvisations for Guitar and Charango  bud tapes  2024  https://budtapes.bandcamp.com/album/improvisations-for-guitar-and-charango    1:49:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🪕 9:01am
Don in Tampere:

Hi Cricket! Greetings from snowy Tampere. I hope you found something interesting in the links I sent. I'll try to send more soon.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

morning cricket and errrbody!

Etta Baker was something special.
Avatar 🪕 9:04am

Good morning Cricket.
Avatar 9:04am
Mark T:

Morning to you Cricket and everyone.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:05am

guten morgen cricket and friends
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:05am

good morning cricket & cricket players
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

↳ Song: "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" by "Prince Forbes"
Interesting. Joseph Spence always struck me as a real one-off. Now, I need to rethink that.notion.
Avatar 9:06am

good morning, everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am

...and good morning. Got a little snow...
Avatar 9:09am

↳ Song: "Dry and Dusty" by "Grant / McGuire / Flaherty"
I am so happy this type of music is still being played. Seems essential in this era of A.I.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Handy Haversack:

Morning, cricket, crickteers, everybody.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:09am

A little snow in TO?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

↳ chresti @9:09
Yup. Couple cups of icing sugar out there. Hanging in down there, ok? Hope so.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Handy Haversack:

↳ StringOFperils @9:11
We got a dusting in NYC as well.

Glad to see you on the boards, chresti.
Avatar 🪕 9:15am
Bonnie Prince Jamie:

Greeting cricket, it’s a pleasure to be with you all here today
Avatar 9:16am
Mark T:

↳ Song: "Come Be My Rainbow" by "Riley Puckett"
Love it.

i really like riley puckett
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Handy Haversack:

Does anyone know why reception would be better here when we set it to FM Mono instead of FM Stereo?
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:17am

gm Cricket and crew. waiting for the second city water test to pass here in Richmond, VA.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:18am

↳ StringOFperils @9:11
Last night was the first night we didn't smell smoke but the AQI is still up there @157

Riley was born in Alpharetta Ga..Died in East point ga ..Food poisoning

hey Handy ..thanks forda mono stereo info
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Delicate Chester:

Hello Cricket, all. Let's get our pads on and have a jolly good innings
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Handy Haversack:

↳ bobobob @9:21
Wish I knew why it worked that way! Maybe I'll ask Scott. He knows all!
Avatar 🪕 9:30am

↳ Handy Haversack @9:28
Ho Handy. I knew this and put the FM radio on mono a lot if the stereo is too staticy. But I never looked up the why.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am

↳ Handy Haversack @9:28
FM bandwidth and RFI noise vs MONO explained >
Avatar 🪕 9:31am
Don in Tampere:

Since this is a show that probably attracts a fair number of folk music fans, I should mention that the program for the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, the biggest and oldest folk festival in Finland, is starting to be announced, and, also, anyone who wants to come as a "pelimanni" in return for a free all-week festival pass can currently apply. Just in case anyone would like to combine a Nordic vacation with some music. I've been every year since 2016 except during Covid and it's a very cool festival. kaustinen.net...

Georgia Jokers is a good name bc there plenty to go around down here!!!!!!

arthur collins also recorded hannah wont you open that door in about 1904. it must have inspired open the door homer somehow
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Handy Haversack:

↳ TDK60 @9:30
I just discovered it by accident. Our reception had been so good for months and then in December got real staticky -- I wondered if there was a new unshielded electronic device in the bldg. somewhere. Then accidentally hit the "Band" button and was all "Whoa!"
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:32am

stereo needs more bandwidth which then is subject to more noise and degradation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

'morning cricket, everybodys
Avatar 🪕 9:33am
Don in Tampere:

↳ Song: "Waltz for Things with Wings" by "Magic Tuber Stri...
I listen to this and wonder why a label that put out this and Fed Lane's Icepick to the Moon was not interested in Banjo Machine Music....
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Handy Haversack:

↳ StringOFperils @9:31
Thanks, SOp! Wish I'd known weeks ago!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am

good morn
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↳ Don in Tampere @9:33
what's that? i haven't heard of it, but the name is highly intriguing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

years ago when i lived in nj i often would get cleaner reception with mono, and required a mono setting when shopping for a car stereo, for wfmu (which eventually was not an option anymore)
- but i'd choose a bit of static in stereo over clean mono, usually.
Avatar 9:39am

↳ TDK60 @9:30
hey TDK, I wanted to let you know, I've been working through a backlog of emails, and I'm hoping to respond to yours as soon as possible! don't want you to think you're being ignored. very sorry for the lengthy delay
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↳ Song: "Mole in the Ground" by "Weirs"
Sounds like Jake Xerxes Fussell gone experimental.
Avatar 🪕 9:43am
Don in Tampere:

Not sure if you mean Icepick to the Moon or Banjo Machine Music. The former is the first album by Rev. Fred Lane in 30-something years (I first discovered him on WFMU on a visit in the late 80s when his Car Radio Jerome album was getting airplay). Banjo Machine Music is my second solo album, which has been unsuccessfully looking for a label for quite some time, a drone/loop/feedback/improvisation project with remixes by other musicians including Pekko Käppi, whom I mentioned in my e-mail. I still plan to get it out this year, even if I have to self-publish. The money isn't the issue, but the right label might expose it to a few people.
Avatar 🪕 9:45am
Don in Tampere:

↳ Fredericks @9:41
It brought back memories of our not altogether serious drone metal banjo trio project of a few years ago that we called Banj 0))). We did two gigs and one CD-EP, which contained long drone metal versions of Oh Death and Boil Them Cabbage Down. Here's a link if anyone is feeling masochistic. hulina.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:45am
listener 126464:

This show is required listening!
Avatar 9:46am

↳ Don in Tampere @9:45
Thanks, Don.
Avatar 🪕 9:47am
Don in Tampere:

I may have to try this West Hill Records. I first got the wrong one, a jazz label in the UK.
Fred and Alan:

↳ Don in Tampere @9:01
Don in Tampere love from Fred and Alan
Avatar 🪕 9:48am
Don in Tampere:

Hi Fred and Alan, love back at ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am

↳ listener 126464 @9:45
Agreed. Like a rich vein of gold just sitting here while the rest of the world is lining up to invest in the plastic mines.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:49am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Don in Tampere @9:45
Thanks, Don!

Do you know Muskeg Mudsuck? Gets some FMU play sometimes. Ken and Michele have both played him. muskegmudsuck.bandcamp.com

Death Metal Banjo Trance from Alaska
Avatar 🪕 9:50am
Bonnie Prince Jamie:

↳ Song: "Lectern (excerpt)" by "Chris Watson"
Love the very surprised sounding birds (?)
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

↳ Handy Haversack @9:49
Oh yes!
Avatar 🪕 9:51am
Don in Tampere:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:49
Thanks, I didn't, will check him out. He's had more luck with airplay than I have. As far as I know, nothing I have sent has ever been played.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Don in Tampere @9:51
I don't see how something like Banj O​)​)​) wouldn't get played!
Avatar 9:54am

↳ Don in Tampere @9:45
I just realized Jake Xerxes Fussell and Eugene Chadbourne are both from North Carolina.

Good morning!
Avatar 🪕 9:58am
Don in Tampere:

↳ Fredericks @9:54
Yep, the Doc is right there in Greensboro. I actually opened for him with my then-duo Fractal Cauliflowers the last time he was in Tampere.
Avatar 🪕 9:59am
Don in Tampere:

I hadn't heard of Jake Xerxes Fussell, another one to check out. Nathan Bowles is also in NC as far as I know.
Avatar 🪕 10:02am
Don in Tampere:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:52
I think I had given up by the time that one came out. Brian D did bring my solo album and a couple of Dark Bottle records to the stacks recently but I'm not aware that anyone has played anything.
It's time for the daily workout now, so I'll be listening but on headphones so not chatting. So I'll go ahead and say thanks for the show, the chats and the new music tips! Off tonight to an anarchists against Putin thing at the local punk club featuring the only member of Pussy Riot that escaped the country.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Don in Tampere @10:02
Later on, Don!
Avatar 10:06am

↳ Don in Tampere @9:59
I own and really enjoy Good and Green Again.

According to Pitchfork his newest, When I’m Called, is his fifth and best album.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Barney Grubbs:

↳ Don in Tampere @9:45
that’s fantastic! messed around with contact-miked banjo through a fuzz pedal—it makes a beautiful racket. there’s a mercifully short cover of a palace bros song up if you want to hear the sizzle bggb.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:07am

I think I stumbled upon Magic Tuber String Band doing a search on something you played on the show, then a week or two later you played them on the show! Synchronicity, sort of.
Avatar 10:11am

thanks for all the links to your banjo experiments, everybody, can't wait to listen
Avatar 10:12am

↳ melinda @10:07
& that's so cool! the crickronicity
Avatar 10:16am

morning cricketeers, bowlers, batsmen

/(best cricket pun i could come up w/ so earlie in the 'morn....
rx "rexy" scabin:

Good morning, Cricket and Everyone.
Avatar 10:19am

↳ Don in Tampere @9:59
For some reason Nathan Bowles frequently slips my mind.
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↳ Song: "Besoured" by "Bug Bus Piano"
This piece is wonderful.
Avatar 10:20am

↳ Don in Tampere @9:58
Hey, that seems like a good pairing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

Love the Country Blues DJ Cricket! Happy New Year : )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

Open tunings open doors
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am

Wow! Thanks String. Open Doors open ??????
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:37am

Of the music kingdom?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am

...communication with others. Step across the thresholds and see.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am

Other rooms?
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:41am

Whenever I attempt to tune the guitar by ear, I often end up breaking a string.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:44am
Barney Grubbs:

↳ StringOFperils @10:24
they are also good if you have a guitar sitting around and a toddler careening around who likes to whack the strings (though it has been a few years now).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am

Baby's first chord
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

...well, aside from the umbilical cord
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Barney Grubbs:

much more difficult to tune
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Handy Haversack:

Gotta get started on brunch. Thanks, cricket! A treat, as ever!
Avatar 10:48am

↳ Handy Haversack @10:47
thank you so much! enjoy the brunch!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am

It is 1/11/2025 In New Port Richey, Florida, United States of America, North America, Earth : )
rx "rexy" scabin:

Thank you, Cricket (and Everyone). It is always a delight when I can listen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
greg g:

Thank you Cricket . Its been a nice soundtrack for the morning.
  🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:53am

What a great show! It's always a delight to hear the sounds of Magic Tuber Stringband and Kinloch Nelson on a Saturday morning. I'm really curious now to look more into the cemetery conversations. That's so fascinating. Thanks, Cricket!
Avatar 10:54am

gonna start logging out, cleaning up, & getting ready to skedaddle - thanks so much for listening & chatting with me this morning, everybody! hope you all have a great weekend
Avatar 🪕 10:55am
Bonnie Prince Jamie:

Wonderful show cricket!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

Thanks, Cricket. :)
Avatar 🪕 10:56am

Well, I'm fairly folked up for the day. Thanks, Cricket.
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 10:57am

thanks cricket!

Great show, Cricket, thank you.
Avatar 10:59am

thanks cricket!
Avatar 🪕 Swag For Life Member 11:03am

thanks cricket!
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