Favoriting Beneath The Underground with John Pietaro and Laurie Towers: Playlist from January 1, 2025 Favoriting

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Renegade Arts of Downtown NY: John Reed to Lou Reed and Post-Punk to Punk Jazz…

Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting January 1, 2025: Time’s Up!

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Artist Track Approx. start time
    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Density Black Cat  Time Running Away   Favoriting  
Allen Ginsberg/Phillip Glass  I’m an Old Man Now and a Lonesome Man in Kansas   Favoriting 0:05:15 (Pop-up)
Isaiah Collier & The Chosen Few  The Time Is Now   Favoriting 0:11:11 (Pop-up)
Jad Fair/Daniel Johnston  Frankenstein vs. the World   Favoriting 0:15:52 (Pop-up)
Laurie Anderson  Let X=X   Favoriting 0:18:17 (Pop-up)
Cynthia Ross/Tim Bovaconti  Prayer   Favoriting 0:24:28 (Pop-up)
Rubicon Trio  Evidence   Favoriting 0:30:17 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  What Keeps Mankind Alive? (Brecht!)   Favoriting 0:53:32 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed/Ornette Coleman  Guilty   Favoriting 0:55:01 (Pop-up)
Coby Koehl /Janousek  Life is Free   Favoriting 1:03:49 (Pop-up)
Isaiah Collier & The Chosen Few  The Hate You Give is the Love You Lose   Favoriting 1:05:06 (Pop-up)
Sky Vega  Keep it Hot   Favoriting 1:13:24 (Pop-up)
Didi Champagne  Fancy Jazz   Favoriting 1:16:56 (Pop-up)
Captain Ronzo  Creepy Old Musicians   Favoriting 1:19:20 (Pop-up)
The Ruminators w Patti Rothberg  bye bye love   Favoriting 1:43:51 (Pop-up)
Chris DeBlasio  Walt Whitman in 1989   Favoriting 1:44:37 (Pop-up)
Anne Waldman  March On   Favoriting 1:45:13 (Pop-up)
John Cale/Anne Magnuson  Helmet Newton Told Me/Wish You Were Here   Favoriting 1:46:31 (Pop-up)
Cheryl Pyle and Axel Weiss w Stan Z  Let Go with the Flow   Favoriting 1:48:14 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  Subterranean Homesick Blues -alternate take!   Favoriting  

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🌃 10:09pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

Hoppy Nu Cheers fellah Underdwellahs. Hola to Laurie and John!
Avatar 10:14pm
dennis doyle:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @10:09
Happy New Year John, Laurie, and Undergrounders! Thank You for having Density Black Cat start the New Year 2025 Playlist with "Time Running Away"!
Avatar 10:18pm
dennis doyle:

↳ dennis doyle @10:14
sorry Sister, I meant to post in main area
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:18pm
Beneath the Underground:

Wishes and demand for a happy, healthy New Year, sisters, brothers n beloved others. Wow, we are in 2025. The gloves are OFF
Avatar 10:22pm
dennis doyle:

Happy New Year John, Laurie, and Undergrounders! Thank You for having Density Black Cat start the New Year 2025 Playlist with "Time Running Away"!
Avatar 10:25pm
Sky Vega:

Happy and blessed New Year everyone! Digging all the melodic poetry.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hi Sr Leo, Dennis, Sky and other Subterraneans. Hoping youhad something fun and exciting to wish the old year well rather than simply, “Another year come and gone, Charlie Brown.” We get to shape 2025. Shaping begins now!
Avatar 10:27pm

Howdyo subterranean stars!!9🌟
Avatar 10:28pm
Sky Vega:

Arise Audio Sculptors! ;-)
Jill Kroesen:

Great show!!! Busy cooking string beans and turkey in lemon butter sauce. ❤️❤️❤️ Hi all!
George Wallace:

Happy New,Year, all rise! George Wallace
Jill Kroesen:

Hi George!!
Happy New Year for 3 weeks all!!
Avatar 10:49pm
Sky Vega:

Love me some Trudy Silver and Tucky Parkis...The are both feature in my latest music video STAR along with creatives from all over the globe.
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Happy New Year, friends! Howdy and thanks Laurie and John!
Avatar 10:50pm

WHERES THE OUTRAGE Performance!! Kenn Rowell does BLANKFEST, a benefit for blankets, and Xmas Eve blanket distribution. To show the NYC Mysic Community cares for the unfortunate!!
Avatar 10:53pm

We meet at Lucky, a bar at 168 Ave B hosts our gathering to divide up the blankets and then we all split up and give them on. XMas Eve. Frank Wood Punk Promoter stars as Bad Santa!!
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Hah! I was listening to Monk’s early alternate takes box this afternoon. Scratched into my DNA standards
Avatar 10:54pm

Love that Sax forward piece, SMOKIN! I was in with the sax player for 15 years
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Avatar 10:59pm

Happy to see Sky, George W., Jill K, Oleg from the Pit, DENNIS D, Sis. Unc., John P, Laurie E. ! Snappy New Beer said the tortoise!🐢
Avatar 🌃 10:59pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

ThanK YOU John and Laurie for your wonderfully kind words :)
Avatar 11:00pm

Users to listen to Ornette in the 90s on Modern School Of Modern Jazz Radio Program at midnight on WMNF in FLA.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:03pm
Beneath the Underground:

Guilty as charged! Ornette aerial over Lou Reed and throbbing funk. Damn, why didn’t these two work together more often?
Jill Kroesen:

Guilty is fantastic!!!
Avatar 11:03pm
Sky Vega:

I AM because We Are! (The African spirit of "UBUNTU")...I love collaborating - Njoy STAR here...


Hi John and Laurie and all of you good thinking people...Happy New Year... it occurred to me while listening to Tom Waits that affordable food clothing housing transportation and some decent level of healthcare tempered with peace love tolerance understanding patience...mmmm... concern for the ecology and the economy while caring and sharing with each other would be a good beginning toward staying alive happily ever after...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Jill Kroesen @11:03
Avatar 11:11pm
Sky Vega:

My fav. thing about the creative community is that we all realize our gifts are for higher purpose.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @10:59
🤧 are you still sick? Hope not
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ CC @11:09
Avatar 🌃 11:14pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

left over "productive coughs" but waaaay better. It's been a rough 7 days
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:14pm
Beneath the Underground:

↳ Sky Vega @11:11
Avatar 🌃 11:15pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Song: "The Hate You Give is the Love You Lose" by "Isaia...
love this
Avatar 11:18pm

Wowow Kipp It HoTTT!!
Avatar 11:21pm
Sky Vega:

↳ TuXXXy @11:18
Time is the theme and all we have in now...till u drop, keep it hot baby!

I still think that the trick to changing minds is to say the things that no one can argue with???...:)
Avatar 11:25pm
Sky Vega:

↳ Song: "Keep it Hot" by "Sky Vega"
Hi Mom listening from Athens, Greece!
Jill Kroesen:

Great cut Sky!!!
Avatar 11:26pm
Sky Vega:

↳ Jill Kroesen @11:25
Big love Jill!
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

This Cap Ronzo is fun. Love that gravelly Captain Lou Albano signifying
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Sis Unc Leo, may you heal up soon. I hear you: been hacking from bronchitis residua for weeks. Horrible viruses out there. Please take good care of yourself.
George Wallace:

Creepy old musicians rocks it raw.

↳ Oleh from Pittsburgh @11:34
Nothing worse than a dry cough...:\
Jill Kroesen:

Great cover!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:39pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ CC @11:36
It is pure misery. Soon feels like your lungs are being scrubbed with a dry Brillo pad.

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @11:39
And you sure don't accidentally want to get a big whiff of mustard or horseradish...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:44pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ CC @11:43
Hah! Or dusty books and records!
Avatar 🌃 11:45pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Oleh from Pittsburgh @11:34
Thanks Oleh - my town is very small and there were two viruses going around, a chest thingy and a stomach thingy...horrible - had to close our kids camps for a couple of days...

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @11:44
Some things are unavoidable...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:49pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @11:45
Terrible. I hadn’t been ill with anything in 4 years. In the last few months all hell broke loose. Norovirus in ascendance now. Oy!

Some people think women prefer dumb guys???...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:51pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ CC @11:46
Oh yes. Need those antibodies in that special homeopathic/sociopathethic way
Avatar 🌃 11:56pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

Great way to kick of 2025 with my Wednesday music family! Thank you John and Laurie for starting me off right!!
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Sensational show John and Laurie. Thank you so much Have a great rest of the week everyone!

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @11:51
Natural vaccines are good..:)
Avatar 🌃 11:57pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Oleh from Pittsburgh @11:57
Avatar 11:58pm
Sky Vega:

Grateful Laurie & John. Love and chicken soup everyone!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ Sister Uncle Leo @11:57
You too, my friend.!
Avatar 🌃 11:58pm
Sister Uncle Leo:

↳ Sky Vega @11:58
Captain Ronzo:

Great mix of music and spoken word pieces tonight! So glad to be part of it. I really liked the Isaiah Collier and the Chosen Few track. I'll have check out more of his music.
Avatar 11:59pm

I’m here for your convo AND the comments. But mostly, I want to hear you talking on the show, because it doesn’t come in archive, however, comments do.

I remember John Lennon quoting someone who said you get what you project.. I think that's true...:)
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ CC @11:57
I’m not too well informed about natural vaxx. I’m too strange for anything natural

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @12:00
You got to go out and play in the dirt...:)
Avatar 12:01am

Jill GE, I am anti -cooking. cleaning out fridge.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:01am
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

↳ CC @12:01
Now that I can dig. Literally
Avatar 12:02am

Creepy Old Muaicoains
Avatar 12:02am
dennis doyle:

Thanks Laurie and John!! Great to be included in this 2025 mix!!
Avatar 🌃 12:02am
Sister Uncle Leo:

JILL GE?? where??? HIiiii (and bye) TAKE IT
Avatar 12:03am
dennis doyle:

and Thank You TuXXY!
getting me over here
Avatar 12:05am
Sky Vega:

ok Im gonna look like a creepy old musician if i dont get some shut-eye so gnite cool kids! Keep shining.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:06am
Beneath the Underground:

Gracias, Subterranean Army. We love you! Until next week…✌️
Avatar 12:06am

Heya THIS PLACE AND TIME ROCKS!! These 2 (Words fail me) lovely folks are keeping this amazing show going STRONG!!!
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