Favoriting Transmissions from Echo Beach with Derek Westerholm and DJ Babs: Playlist from January 2, 2025 Favoriting

Derek Westerholm's avatar View Derek Westerholm's profile Favoriting
DJ Babs's avatar View DJ Babs's profile Favoriting

Description: Exuberance/Ebullience, banter, possibly an interview, context and connection, the familiar, the strange.

Find: Symphonies of Treble, Words Of Expectation, stab, skronk, shimmer, sheen, The New Sound of Now, Ideas for Walls, pleasure, pith, Flutter and Wow, Motorik, cowbells, disco akimbo, at least one Cantankerous Singer, The German Language, shards of glass, Ethiopian Punk, organic, synthetic, sawtooths & squarewaves, Library Riffage, yesterday's recipes, the wrong speed, intentional static, floating, ethereal, time and timelessness.

Thursday 8 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting January 2, 2025: EST Day 2 2000-2200 2025

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:

Comforting Ocean Waves 2   Favoriting

Comforting Ocean Waves 

Lotus Sound 




0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Not A Band  Never Really Here   Favoriting Secrets  Self-Released (Bandcamp)  2024  Hopefully 2025 sounds like this. Released December 13, 2024. Expanded newly to a 6-piece, Toronto's Not A Band closed out 2024 with a new four song EP recorded by Nick Joy and Dave Kleiser, and mastered by Josh Korody (Breeze). Their live shows are spectacular and not to be missed. Their expansive sound & multi-directional no-wave, percussive proggy-punk is excellent. They will be playing Toronto in Kensington Market at Supermarket on Fri. March 14, 2025 with Gold Watch. They are here: https://hiwerenotaband.bandcamp.com/  *   0:02:10 (Pop-up)
Nylon Club  Snake Pit Poetry   Favoriting Nylon Club Volume II  Self-Released (Bandcamp)  2024  Released November 23, 2024. Available digitally for "Name Your Price" They are a trio from Berlin, writing, recording, mastering & artworking their albums as they go... They describe themselves as "wirery synthetic rock from Berlin" ///// VOCALS & SYNTH - VALENTINA ALEXANDER GUITAR AND BASS - DRAKE ELLIOTT //// DRUMS - MARK GEANAKAKIS ///// WRITTEN, RECORDED, AND MIXED BY VALENTINA ALEXANDER & DRAKE ELLIOTT //// 2023/2024 BERLIN //// MASTERING BY MARK GEANAKAKIS //// ARTWORK BY VALENTINA ALEXANDER https://nylonclub.bandcamp.com/  *   0:06:16 (Pop-up)
Psychic Graveyard  Your Smile is a Hoax   Favoriting Wilting  Artoffact Records  2024  Released June 7, 2024. Released on Toronto's Artoffact Records. Psychic Graveyard was formed by members from bands such as Arab On Radar, Chinese Stars, Doomsday Student, Some Girls, and All Leather.“‘This Butthole Surfers bass guitar sounds awesome! Let’s put some synth and bass guitar together.’ That was the main impetus for creating this song—the craving for a fuzzed-out bass guitar. Over the years, we’ve realized that our songs are birthed in pairs. ‘Your Smile is a Hoax’ is the sister to another Psychic Graveyard track off this album called ‘Haunted By Your Bloodline’. Both feature the use of two low-register instruments playing off of each other, with a higher synth note popping obnoxiously out of the mix. We feel as though it helps keep the chaos grounded. Those higher swirl elements come from a forgotten field recording of an ambulance passing by Nate’s house in San Diego. Lyrically, it fills in the listener with some of our experiences as an afflicted band in today’s world, traveling all over the place while we’re wounded, but somehow having a blast while we’re out there—bleeding everywhere. Showcasing an intense surge of creativity through four complete albums—’Loud As Laughter,’ ‘A Bluebird Vacation,’ ‘Veins Feel Strange,’ and their latest standout release ‘Wilting’—Psychic Graveyard reliably produces captivating and disquieting musical compositions.” Psychic Graveyard: Your Smile is a Hoax | OFFICIAL VIDEO    0:08:44 (Pop-up)
Gold Watch  Make The Grave   Favoriting Gold Watch  Desired Parts  2024  Released August 2025. Toronto duo Gold Watch is comprised of two Matts... Matt Mason was formerly in Anagram & Surinam and takes care of the vocals. Multi-instrumentalist Matt O'Rourke takes care of everything else. They will be playing Toronto in Kensington Market at Supermarket on Fri. March 14, 2025 with Not A Band. Find Gold Watch here: https://gold-watch.bandcamp.com/album/gold-watch  *   0:11:33 (Pop-up)
Essential Logic  Alkaline Loaf In The Area (BBC John Peel session)   Favoriting Essential Logic – John Peel session 21​.​02​.​79  Precious Recordings  1979 / 2024  The 1979 Essential Logic Peel session was released at last on March 15, 2024 on Precious Recordings. "Shortly after parting company with X-Ray Spex, post-punk icon Lora Logic went into the BBC’s Maida Vale Studios with the first incarnation of her own band, Essential Logic. Now officially released for the first time by Precious Recordings of London to coincide with its 45th anniversary, this is that legendary four-song session for John Peel – pre-dating the group’s debut LP, ‘Beat Rhythm News’, for which these tracks would be re-recorded, and a famous 30-date Rough Trade UK tour with Stiff Little Fingers and The Normal." https://preciousrecordingsoflondon.bandcamp.com/album/pre-040-essential-logic-john-peel-session-210279-2    0:13:44 (Pop-up)
HOUSE Of ALL  The Good Englishman   Favoriting HOUSE Of ALL SOULS  Tiny Global Recordings  2024 / 2025  Album forthcoming Feb 14 2025, this is the second advance track of the two previewed in 2024... Co-founder of The Fall & Blue Orchids leader Martin Bramah recruits former members of The Fall (& one Blue Orchids fill-in who stuck) for HOUSE Of ALL, currently housing 7 rotating members in all... Writes the label: "The return of HOUSE Of ALL! This album is probably notable for the surprise return (unless you listen to rumour-mongers) of Karl Burns, who played on the very first records by The Fall, left and returned a few times. //// We think it's their best yet . . . darker, more of a band feel, with an unusual array of styles, possibly due to three separate two-man drum line-ups and as many as three guitarists on some tracks" https://houseofall.bandcamp.com/  *   0:18:41 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Gong Gong Gong 工工工 & Mong Tong 

Something Isn’t Right 蹺蹊 / Untouchable 凜然 / Unreal Shapes (Dreamland II) 幻境二 / Escaping Encirclements 出重圍 - 2024.11.28   Favoriting

L​Ó​NGHǓ B​Ě​IJ​Ì​NG 龍​虎​巡​迴​•​北​京 

Self-Released (Bandcamp) 


"*Free download until the last day of The Year of Dragon on 2025.1.28 //// *為報答各方工友支持,龍年結束前免收費下載!到二〇二四年一月二十八日為止 //// LǑNGHǓ BĚIJĪNG showcases Gong Gong Gong and Mong Tong’s fiery collaboration, recorded to tape during the two duos’ final show of an 18-stop tour from Taipei to Beijing, in November 2024. //// Where the original Mongkok Duel tape presents a flowing psychedelic chemistry between two groups meeting alone in the studio, LǑNGHǓ BĚIJĪNG captures a different experience. In front of a packed audience of 500 in Beijing, the duos charge forward with the locked-in ferocity that can only come from a month of performing together on the road. //// 《龍虎巡迴 • 最終回》//// 正謂:「巡迴路上三十日,夢工到處虎嘯現; 幸得記錄磁帶中,神龍事成入雲天!」 //// 工工工祝工友們新一年: 「心想事成、財源廣進、笑口常開、闔家平安!」 //// Released December 31, 2024•法蘭克”" //// Find it for free while you can, or name your price: https://gonggonggong.bandcamp.com/album/l-ngh-b-ij-ng?from=fanpub_fb 


0:23:30 (Pop-up)
Cool Flowers  The Message   Favoriting Cool Flowers  Cool Flowers  2019  Cool Flowers: Dub post punk from US. Cool Flowers was a band. Now they are not not a band...but no longer a band. Their music is free to DL on Bandcamp.    0:34:07 (Pop-up)
The Unfit  Bad Guys   Favoriting Disconnected  Share It Music.  2024  Released in late November...The Unfit are a group of nobodies from Seattle. Probably some of the least interesting people you've never met. They don't really like to do much, but sometimes they get together and pretend they're a band. They hail from Seattle. On their very angry release they say "That so many people are spending their lives in servitude to bullshit and soulless institutions instead of doing what they want or what they know they should be doing. That so many people feel stuck in painful or meaningless lives and are suffering and struggling every day. Feeling like they don’t have a place. Wanting to give up...."  *   0:36:02 (Pop-up)
FEMME FUGAZI  Hide Your Secrets Pt. 1   Favoriting Look At You  FEMME FUGAZI  2024  Another release from just before the holidays...FEMME FUGAZI A frontwoman driven garage/post-punk band from Nijmegen. The band combines spoken word, punk ethos and distorted guitars into an unpredictable whole. FEMME FUGAZI is inextricably linked to bands from the emerging post-punk wave of recent years. Think of a mix between Dry Cleaning and IDLES. They are pissed. We are all pissed. They have been playing together since 2022  *   0:38:30 (Pop-up)
Geo  So Many Ways   Favoriting Out of Body  GEO  2024  Post-punk/no wave oddity Geo are like a sentient slot machine: whatever seems happenstance is actually by design, and the more mismatched the moving parts appear, the more their music starts to make sense. Since the Groningen quartet’s inception in 2019, they have built a framework of skeletal agit-funk, cartoonish chromatics and neoteric art punk vignettes – sketching negative spaces where chaos and cacophony can sound perplexingly catchy. Out of Body is an oblong snow globe utopia where dancing with two left feet is an actual custom. Out on Erste Theke Tontraeger on April 26, 2024 – this collection of songs constitutes material Geo have been writing and performing when they first entered the circuit. These jitterbug, birdbrained post-punk spiels are in the spirit of gung-ho deconstructionists like The Contortions, The Fall and Gang of Four. On Out of Body the band play emotions out against each other like some kind of absurdist Punch and Judy show. I am also sold on anything using wood block.    0:42:59 (Pop-up)
Tigers and Flies  Adaptive Release   Favoriting Nervous Entertainment EP  Gathering Speed  2024  Tigers & Flies are the new noise in Manchester. The four piece who move up north to the windy indie city are flying the flag for post-punk – the future/modern scene that has been with us for four decades. Having immersed themselves in their parent’s record collections, they reimagined the classic era on their own terms with a Smiths meets XTC very British quirk on dripping glorious melody. This attitude of fun first even appears in the way they write songs. Their process is geared around creating songs that they all enjoy, and then developing them further. “You know something’s good when everyone’s enjoying it” Arthur states, with the rest of the band echoing his sentiment.    0:45:58 (Pop-up)
PyPy  Lonely Striped Sock   Favoriting Sacred Times  Goner Records  2024  It’s been exactly a decade since PYPY’s debut album, Pagan Day, a healthy dose of insane psych rock brought to you by the demented punk and post-punk rockers of Duchess Says, CPC Gangbangs, Red Mass, etc. As a band that achieved cult status with one release and crazy live shows, PyPy has carved out a delicious niche. Sacred Times cranks up the madness to an unadulterated 11. Annie-Claude Deschênes’s vicious banshee vocal screams are still strong and true, and she slays on the toy-like synthesizers, as Roy Vucino’s shifting monster guitar riffs put you in a state of wild delirium. Philippe Clement’s bass riffs are as thick as golden molasses and Simon Besré’s drums, while steady, have many freakout flourishes as well. It may have taken a decade, but PYPY has done it again. This track also has all the Ze Records aesthetic and that makes it even more perfect.    0:48:36 (Pop-up)
G2g  Up   Favoriting The Gherkin  Lulu's Sonic Disc Club  2024  Formed by the dirty old Harbour somewhere around 2018, G2G are a group with true gang mentality. A real brat pack. They’re a tight-knit unit with a starry-eyed lens on the relationship between life and rock and a language of their own. The laws of attraction feel central to G2G’s core philosophy. Every action generates a reaction. Every call has its response. If there’s a high, there’s a low. There are moments of beauty. Moments of lament. In-jokes. Universal truths. This is the day to day. A celebratory ode to getting through it. Repetition, repetition, repetition - it’s tradition. Looking through starry eyes to the other side. Hanging out.    0:53:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Waitresses 

Hangover 1/1/83   Favoriting

Wasnt' Tomorrow Wonderful? 

ZE Records 


Though new wave fans might just remember them for "I Know What Boys Like," New York's Waitresses served many other appetizing dishes than that. Starting out from the ashes of under-rated odd-ball art-pop/rockers Tin Huey, proud Ohio native Chris Butler turned a small project with singer Patty Donahue in the late 70's into a full-time concern as they transplanted themselves into Gotham, rounding up a full band that included Television's drummer and former members of no-wave legends the Contortions. 


0:55:44 (Pop-up)
AK/DK, Thick Richard  Nobody Shouts [feat Thick Richard]   Favoriting Strange Loops  Little Miss Echo Recordings  2024  Released Oct 25, 2024. A Brighton, UK duo, who are on this track accompanied by Thick Richard. //// "The duo create improvised layers of fuzzed-up synths, delays and thunderous double drums. Known for their high-energy and structural abandon as a live act, their stream of largely improvised layers of fizzing arpeggios and crushing motorik drums has earned them places on stages and at festivals all around the UK, Europe and South America." //// "Thick Richard is a critically acclaimed spoken word artist from Manchester, UK. His work, characterised by sharp wit and incisive social commentary, has earned him a dedicated following and widespread recognition in the UK’s spoken word and poetry scenes. A must-see. // At first listen, the track might evoke comparisons to groups like The Fall and Sleaford Mods. However, Thick Richard playfully dismisses these parallels, stating, “I’m sure he (Mark E Smith) would have absolutely hated the track. In fact, I’d be very disappointed if he didn’t.”" https://akdk.bandcamp.com/  *   1:04:24 (Pop-up)
Architorti  TV eye   Favoriting PlayPunk  Felmay  2009  The Architorti are an Italian classical music group based in Pinerolo. Translated from the Italian Wiki page: "performing concerts since 2000. In the context of this activity, the peculiar feature is the performance of transcriptions and reworkings of songs taken from every musical genre, from punk to techno to early music, from films and tradition. //// Leader and composer of the Architorti quintet is Marco Robino. Over forty musicians collaborate on the project and take turns in the formation of the quintet. Recently, wind instruments have been added to the strings. Among the musicians who collaborate most frequently:"    1:07:48 (Pop-up)
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp  Les Bœufs   Favoriting Ventre Unique  Les Disques Bongo Joe  2024  Amongst our fav. things from last year, this was released Nov 8, 2024... "Ventre Unique – their sixth, and the successor to 2021’s acclaimed We’re Ok But We’re Lost Anyway – is as exuberant as it is emotionally fraught with a dream amalgam of folk, krautrock, post-punk and African rhythms that feels both uncluttered and beautifully organic." --- "Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp is a perpetually evolving ‘orchestra’, loosely modelled on the great 20th-century African groups like Tout Puissant Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou and tipping its hat to revolutionary French artist Marcel Duchamp." Bœuf = Ox, btw. "An ox is a castrated bull, more precisely a male domestic bovine (Bos taurus) that has undergone castration as part of its breeding. As they have become calmer, these animals are mainly intended for the production of robust animals for cattle traction or beef production. This practice is becoming less common in the West, but it was once the main meat, hence the generic name "beef", or more simply "beef", still commonly used to refer to all kinds of beef in everyday language." https://otpmd.bandcamp.com/  *   1:08:45 (Pop-up)
De Kift  Dageraad   Favoriting Niemandsland  Self-Released  2024  Released Nov 14, 2024. "De Kift is a Dutch musical ensemble that was formed in 1988. Their music might be best classified as fanfare with influences of rock and punk. The band is closely connected to and befriended with The Ex with whom they did several projects together." ////"De Kift is a poetic nine-piece fanfare-punk band from the Netherlands. Boundless energy, theatrics, intimacy, melancholy and euphoria intertwine and alternate effortlessly during the controlled on-stage chaos created by the band. Bizarre rhythms, guitars, horns and unusual instruments, plus Dutch song lyrics that consist of playful fragments of world literature. Next to the Dutch, Russian and French ones, there are also English, Irish and American authors such as William Shakespeare, Jack Kerouac, Samuel Beckett, and Flannery O' Connor making their regular appearance in the lyrics. De Kift brings a melancholy mood, to laugh and to cry, stomp and dance. For almost thirty years De Kift’s performances transcend language, style and time." //// Dageraad = "Dawn" in Dutch. //// This release does not appear to yet be on Bandcamp, but most of their catalogue is: https://dekift.bandcamp.com/  *   1:11:21 (Pop-up)
Church Chords  Recent Mineral   Favoriting elvis, he was Schlager  Otherly Love Records  2024  Released Feb 2024. "...full-length album from Stephen Buono’s Church Chords on Otherly Love Records. To say the project is built upon collaboration is to understate things, with the wide ensemble of musicians which constitutes Church Chords fundamental to its very existence. Devin Hoff (Julia Holter, Sharon Van Etten), John Herndon (Tortoise, A Grape Dope) and Ben Boye (Ty Segall, Bonnie “Prince” Billy) helped craft the core of the record before Buono enlisted a seemingly endless list of guests including the likes of Sam Barsh (Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar), Nels Cline (Wilco), Jeff Parker (Tortoise), Mark Shippy (US Maple), Josh Johnson (Leon Bridges’ musical director), Kenny Wollesen (Bill Frisell, Tom Waits) and Nate Walcott (Bright Eyes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Phoebe Bridgers). //// In the end, Buono stepped back to allow the accumulated talent to do the talking. Becoming less of a creative leader of the project as the conductor shaping its potential into its best form. A communal form of songwriting which throws ego out at the door and instead pushes every available element towards its highest potential... ....Take the comparatively up-tempo ‘Recent Mineral’. With Portuguese lyrics written by Ricardo Dias Gomes and sung by Genevieve Artadi, the song feels very different from the others. A shifting electro pop made dark and surreal with the drawl of distorted guitar." https://churchchords.bandcamp.com/album/elvis-he-was-schlager    1:14:45 (Pop-up)
Coffin Prick  Loose Enchantment   Favoriting Loose Enchantment  Temporal Drift  2024 / 2025  Released December 13, 2024 - "Loose Enchantment—the forthcoming Coffin Prick record—is music conceived of in a different frame of mind for humans living in a world nearly-disenchanted with itself. The title track is representative of the album’s DNA, unmistakably anchored by layers of sideways guitars, basses, synthesizers, insistent drum machines, and abstract lyrical ruminations. The full album is coming in 2025. //// All words and music written, recorded, and performed by Coffin Prick at Pancho’s Dome, Los Angeles, CA, 2023. //// Additional vocals by Kathy Lea. //// Mixed by Mike Kriebel at Abbey Road West, Los Angeles, CA, October 2024. //// Mastered by Dave Cooley at Elysian Masters. //// https://coffinprick.bandcamp.com/  *   1:18:51 (Pop-up)
Edvard Graham Lewis  Last Scene   Favoriting Alreet?  Upp  2024 / 2025  Wire bassist Edvard Graham Lewis has announced that he will release a new solo album, Alreet?, through Upp Records on January 24. //// At the same time Lewis has shared the first new music from the album, whose title refers to the time-honoured cheery North Eastern greeting. Last Scene Of All typifies the new album's art rock stance, experimental, with echoes of Scott Walker and Bowie, and the odd reminder that Lewis is part of the Godfathers of post-rock. //// Alreet? has been co-produced with Swedish songwriter, producer and musician Max Lorentz, who has previously worked with ABBA’s Agnetha Faltskog. It also features contributions from Wire bandmates Matthew Simms and Robert Grey, cello by Kevin Kirs Vestege, hurdy-gurdy by Harald Pettersson and guitars sampled from ex-Wire member Bruce Gilbert." https://edvardgrahamlewis.bandcamp.com/  *   1:23:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Gong Gong Gong 工工工 & Mong Tong 

Something Isn’t Right 蹺蹊 / Untouchable 凜然 / Unreal Shapes (Dreamland II) 幻境二 / Escaping Encirclements 出重圍 - 2024.11.28   Favoriting

L​Ó​NGHǓ B​Ě​IJ​Ì​NG 龍​虎​巡​迴​•​北​京 

Self-Released (Bandcamp) 


"*Free download until the last day of The Year of Dragon on 2024.1.28 //// *為報答各方工友支持,龍年結束前免收費下載!到二〇二四年一月二十八日為止 //// LǑNGHǓ BĚIJĪNG showcases Gong Gong Gong and Mong Tong’s fiery collaboration, recorded to tape during the two duos’ final show of an 18-stop tour from Taipei to Beijing, in November 2024. //// Where the original Mongkok Duel tape presents a flowing psychedelic chemistry between two groups meeting alone in the studio, LǑNGHǓ BĚIJĪNG captures a different experience. In front of a packed audience of 500 in Beijing, the duos charge forward with the locked-in ferocity that can only come from a month of performing together on the road. //// 《龍虎巡迴 • 最終回》//// 正謂:「巡迴路上三十日,夢工到處虎嘯現; 幸得記錄磁帶中,神龍事成入雲天!」 //// 工工工祝工友們新一年: 「心想事成、財源廣進、笑口常開、闔家平安!」 //// Released December 31, 2024•法蘭克”" //// Find it for free while you can, or name your price: https://gonggonggong.bandcamp.com/album/l-ngh-b-ij-ng?from=fanpub_fb 


1:26:52 (Pop-up)
Fleur  L'Amour!   Favoriting Fille Sauvage  Soundflat Records  2024  One of my favourite releases of 2024, as evidenced by how many tracks we've played. Fleur: For me, personally, this album was exactly what I needed. People who’ve seen me play live will acknowledge that I’m high energy on stage. Kind of like the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes, if you know what I mean. And the upcoming album has that energy. It’s less girly, less sweet, and more power and punk. It’s like growing up. The third album sheds our sweet candy wrapping but keeps the sound. We move outside that ‘60s box—less France Gall, more Debbie Harry. I’m not a little girl anymore; I’m a woman now. So yes, it will indeed be different from the previous albums, but it’s still “Fleur.”    1:37:27 (Pop-up)
Fulo Miziki  Bopeto   Favoriting Mokano EP  Moshi Moshi Records  2024  Fulu Miziki is a collective of artists who comes straight from a future where humans have reconciled with mother earth and with themselves. This multidisciplinary collective of artists is based in the heart of the Congolese capital city Kinshasa. For several years now, our members have spent an amount of time conceptualising an orchestra made from objects found in the trash, constantly changing instruments, always in search of new sounds. Making our own performance costumes, masks and instruments is essential to their approach of Fulu Miziki’s musical ideology. Our unique sound supports a pan-African message of artistic liberation, peace and a severe look at the ecological situation of the Democratic Republic of Congo...    1:39:32 (Pop-up)
Dragged Up  Missing Person   Favoriting High on Ripple  DU Recs  2024  I think my new 2025 thing might be surf post punk. ‘High on Ripple connects the lofi garage sound that can also be heard on previous releases, which is reminiscent of the flair of sleazy low budget films of the early 60s, with rich, against-the-grain punk, classic doom metal influences and recited poetry to a dense brew’...Sort of Dead Moon meets The Slits. Distinctive elements of originality, bags of attitude here, loose & slovenly one moment, tight & geometric the next’...they are from Glasgow which is looking to be my 2025 Australia....    1:42:50 (Pop-up)
Outer World  Outer World   Favoriting Who Does the Music Love?  HHBTM Music  2024  Who wouldn’t want a break from Planet Earth after the past few years we’ve all had? Kenneth Close and Tracy Wilson have built themselves a new universe in the form of a home recording studio to transport themselves a galaxy away from the grief, fear, and worry the pandemic brought. The duo dubbed themselves Outer World and they blasted off into an entirely new to them corner of the musical universe to create their debut album Who Does the Music Love? Tucked into the layers of Who Does the Music Love? is a century of recorded music from all over the world. We find the dynamic swing of a Swedish soul jazz singer on top of Bond-worthy spy themes. We hear the sensuality of France in the 60s, when in swaggers a wink to 90s house music. There is a tug-of-war between 70s angular post-punk and experimental Brazilian psych. Cosmic Jazz, noisecore, freakbeat breaks, space-age bachelor pad Moog mayhem, and the treatment of the iconic retro-future group Broadcast as a genre and chosen family. This diverse blend represents just some of Outer World’s psychedelic garage-pop points of inspiration. It is music to make any crate digger’s heart skip a beat.    1:46:40 (Pop-up)
March - Al Baabi Dub Remix  Dub Remixes & Instrumentals   Favoriting Juniore  Le Phonographe  2024  A wonderful companion to a 2024 release that again, tops my best of the year list....Jean’s 1990s childhood, during which she spent a lot of time in the United States, has always impacted her musical output. During our discussion, I noticed that the songwriter would often link whatever she was talking about back to the world of film and television, something that she said was an integral part of her upbringing. “Being a kid in the ’90s, I think we grew up watching a lot of TV,” she said. “I think our parents didn’t have babysitters; they just had a television, so we watched a lot of films.” This fact should come as no surprise to anybody who has listened to Juniore, as their work has always maintained a certain cinematic quality. Explaining this innate tenet to Juniore’s discography, Anna Jean theorised, “I think we grew up thinking that our lives were like films. So everything was very romanticised. We made a soundtrack to our own imaginary films where we were losers but with charm. You know, charming losers. I think that’s how we make music. It’s as if it were the soundtrack to our very obscure loser films.”  *   1:49:34 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Dick Hyman, Mary Mayo 

Moon Gas   Favoriting

Moon Gas 



Moon Gas, a 1963 collaboration between pianist and organist Dick Hyman and singer Mary Mayo, hits the center of the space age genre directly, with its dreamy tunes; haunting, melancholic vocal melodies; and groovy, swinging compositions that invite the listener to an easy dance. Strange little sounds whistle and sparkle around the rather uncomplicated, easy-listening, jazz-pop compositions. The songs alone would certainly be on par with the best contemporary hit tunes of their age, but what really makes them outstanding is this combination with the sound-world of a space laboratory or starship. 


1:53:17 (Pop-up)
Boyhood  Magic   Favoriting Shells EP  Boyhood  2024  Just released this past November... Boyhood crafts slow, moody, and haunting alt-pop with an unmistakable 80s synth edge. Belleville, Ontario’s born-and-raised Caylie Runciman has been putting out music under the moniker Boyhood since 2014. Coming of age in Ottawa, Ontario, her solo project’s defiant take on low-fi has defined Caylie as a force to be reckoned with. Bad Mantras reaffirms Caylie’s reputation as a total powerhouse holds true. " If you’re a woman and you feel not good, I’ve got your fucking back. Everything is going to be okay. Keep your head up high. I know that’s tiring because we always have to do that. But the sun always rises! *She pauses* I know there is way more darkness in that. I’m still trying to figure it out myself"  *   1:57:56 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
DJ Babs:

Greetings greetings Beachers! Happy 2025!!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

Babs! Derek! Beach Bums! Happy new year! mastodon.social...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm
Derek Westerholm:

Yay! Happy new 25 to you all... We're a quarter there...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
DJ Babs:

Allo allo UD! Hope you’re doing great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Derek Westerholm:

Happy new year, indeed, Ultra!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

Part Cop Part Machine All Woman www.cinemaclock.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

G'day Babs, Derek & New Calendar Beach Babes!
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

happy happy new new beach buddies!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
DJ Babs:

Heya V Dawg! Fuzz, Scott!

hi alllll!! what exciting sounds to start off the first show of the year!!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
Rich in Washington:

Guten abend, Babs und Derek!
  🏝 8:04pm

Happy New Year all! excited for the first transmission of 25

what year is it, 1979 or 2025??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Kristine!Hi Rich! Oh we have good sounds for sure!! And GS...helloooooo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hi v-dawg! Hi Prof.fuzz! Hi Scott_Oz! Hi Kristine... Ahhh... Love that you are finding the sounds exciting! Hello RichinWA, hello GSuu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:04
Funny you should ask that. Always one of my favourite questions.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
DJ Babs:

I am loving the bouncy pointy

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:05
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

Stabby jittery
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:05
And mine!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

Don’t forget Ranty!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
DJ Babs:

I’d say “jittery” is a good way to describe the start of 2025 LOL
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:08pm

↳ Song: "Snake Pit Poetry" by "Nylon Club"
Picked up both of these recently, so good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
DJ Babs:

Yeah this is fucking great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
DJ Babs:

So yeah how did everyone ring in the new year?

had a headache that day and stayed in, fell asleep before 11. clear headed and awesome the next day however!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
DJ Babs:

Ahhh you are an inspiration my dear! We celebrated into the wee hours lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
DJ Babs:

Headaches are no fun tho!

oh damn its MATT MASON! i will BE at this show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

↳ Song: "Make The Grave" by "Gold Watch"
Very Joy Division.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

Yes. Derek played him
A few weeks ago!
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

We did our annual virtual NYE livestream on fb.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Alkaline Loaf In The Area (BBC John Peel session)...
Speaking of 1979 in 2025... Here's some.

its funny, i met matt on the street this summer, and asked him if he was working on something, he was like 'not really'. ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile @8:15
I saw that! Sorry to have missed it! We went to see some very fine comedians, one of them happened to be Derek’s brother who absolutely slayed! Then we returned home and drank ourselves silly and ate crudite and charcuterie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:16
That sounds like Matt alright. It came out in August. Haha.

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:15
fer sure! so much brilliance here. sax, fall light intro, her vocals
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:16
Essential Logic have become one of my favourite bands over the years... Didn't know them until the 00's
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

That sounds fun too. Our video is still up on our fb page for late(r) viewing…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile @8:15
What does this livestream entail? Live musical performances?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

↳ Song: "Alkaline Loaf In The Area (BBC John Peel session)...
I've got this one, Precious did a good job with the cards 'n'all...I recommend The Flaming Stars one too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile @8:15
Ah that’s perfect!
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

Yeah, we play some songs, talk smack to folks on the comments, eat snacks. Miss cricket played an organ solo while the humans took a short snack break.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @8:16
Agreed. I’ve always liked her work but waited too long to dive into the whole catalogue and it’s mind blowing!

derek, you dont realize that over the years i learned a lot about guitar bands from you, craig, jonny dovercourt, soundscape dudes since a loonng time. You LENT me the double cd of essential logic back song ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile @8:19
This all sounds delightful and I’m going to have to check it out!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

↳ ultradamno @8:18
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:19
Yes, I have been tempted by many of the Precious 7"s, but they are even more pricey to get to Canada w/ shipping & dollar disparities... They've been nice to keep in touch w/ us, too. We'll definitely have our eyes & ears open for future Precious Recs releases... They're great!
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

This was the 6th or 7th year we’ve done this. We do occasional non-holiday livestreams too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @8:18
I applaud your musical purchases. I did some holiday shopping for myself, I have some records in the post. It’s murder tho with our dollar so weak and shipping costs are obscene.

oh i was unfamiliar with precious records, just checked it out now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:19
Ah, yes, we've all been lucky to enjoy & be gifted with rich musical friendships within our life! (Rich in experience, I mean, to clarify.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
DJ Babs:

Buying anything from sound flat is a nightmare. I love them but they are the least efficient Germans ever lol

may i ask about advice on record players? how do ppl feel about the general audio technica? its a good price point (ie. cheep)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile @8:21
Please continue to keep us posted! I love livestreams. Blush, our chatroom friend does them regularly and they are a blast. I stream with a 45 group every so often…
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

Will do!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:25pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:21
My vinyl of the Cuckoo soundtrack arrived today.

Side A inscription: It’s your fault, Gretchen, you know that? Side B: Your family belongs here

i have never heard of these guys! v cool
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

↳ ultradamno @8:25
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @8:24
I think that it's a good entry level turntable for someone who wants to listen to and enjoy records. The most important thing is having a good needle, taking care of it and changing it every so often.

↳ DJ Babs @8:28
great! its been awhile since i had one. thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @8:25
That sounds very cool. I treated myself to the soundtrack of the Q Lazzarus documentary that has both versions of "Goodbye Horses" on it. I need it for Djing and an OP is PROHIBITIVELY expensive!

hey gang! better late than never! i forgot what day it is 🤣
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Shelliiiiiii welcome welcome!!!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:31pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ DJ Babs @8:29
Oh wow. I didn't know there was a Q Lazzarus documentary! Must see that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm
DJ Babs:

More info there Rich! My hope is that it's a good pressing because Sacred Bones can sometimes not be so great...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ DJ Babs @8:33
Tru dat! My first encounter with SB was their Eraserhead soundtrack reissue, which sounded abysmal.
To their credit, though, they immediately shipped me a replacement disc when I informed them.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ DJ Babs @8:32
Thanks! Ordered! Worth it for the two versions of Horses!
prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile:

Gotta go grab some dinner. Will be listening from the car.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
DJ Babs:

The Mort Garson stuff isn't bad. I have two...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz in the fuZZZmobile @8:36
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Rich in Washington @8:36
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ shellioh @8:31
Hi ShelliOh! Lovely to see you in the chat... Happy 2025!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ DJ Babs @8:37
OOf! I can relate but shipping to Canada must be insane!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:39pm

SB had good Lynch/Chrystabel and John Carpenter releases this year too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Rich in Washington @8:39
I often pay more in shipping than for the actual record. 🥲

oh woowwwwwww... this is amazing for an intro
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
Rich in Washington:

The Eraserhead thing was the only pressing issue I've ever encountered with Sacred Bones, but then, I'm no audiophile.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
DJ Babs:

We are very post punk tonight! This tune is awesome and I love the vocals..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
DJ Babs:

Don't ever get a friend who is also an audiophile. He's ruined me LOL

this wins for top prize in brooding car category

brooding guitar category
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
DJ Babs:

Though the system we have now is much more geared for broadcasting/studio work than acutal listening and appreciating. It's servicable tho. The sweet spot is currently on the floor in front of the mixer which is where you often find me and meepmoop during derek's sets LOL
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

↳ Song: "Hide Your Secrets Pt. 1" by "FEMME FUGAZI"
Yay! FF!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm
DJ Babs:

We will not go quietly in to 2025, lol.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
DJ Babs:

1979? 2025?

↳ DJ Babs @8:44
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
DJ Babs:

This tune has all my things. Wood block? Check? Pointy simple guitar? Yep. Random screams? Yep!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:46pm

Thoughts on Hot Frosty mastodon.social...

veering close to egg punk!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ DJ Babs @8:41
Mine too. I can listen with some confort/fidelity, but I need the classic stereo Maxell ad (comfy chair and speakers to blow my hair back, etc.) setup either in my master bedroom or living room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @8:48
He kinda turns into Joe Strummer at the end and I like that.
Avatar 8:49pm
Alli B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Rich in Washington @8:48
I agree. I like a good stereo setup. When we had ours at peak performance we tested it with the first B-52s album and it was a revelation. I'd never heard that record sound so fucking good. And it sounding AMAAAAAAZZZZING
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Alli B @8:49
Heyooo Alli!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Rich in Washington @8:48
Listening to Kraftwerk on my audiophile buddy's setup literally reduced me to tears. It was fucking life changing. I do not say this lightly LOL

↳ DJ Babs @8:50
how does one lose peak performance with regards to stereo set up?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
DJ Babs:

We swapped out amps, speakers...and that's ultimately what matters most.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
DJ Babs:

I have a gorgeous tube amp just sitting in storage.
Avatar 8:54pm
Alli B:

It’s a thing of beauty, Babs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
DJ Babs:

I do miss the warm vintage tube sound...but we switched to a more reliable and less fussy system. And I'm ok with that. Our good speakers are next to the TV and purely decoration right now LOL

another is it 79 or 24. this sounds like that other band with the swiss french singer..whats the name again..
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Hi DJ Babs, Derek, and all!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @8:56
Hello there Will Thee SGOCNY!... Happy New Year!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Alli B @8:49
Hello AlliB! 2025 helloes to you!!!

MEEEEEEP MOOP!! miss ya bud
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

I just recently watched this you tube video on Waitresses history and Donahue and Butler's falling out...(resulting in the Butler free Donahue Waitresses record that isn't so well known)

i organized a festival in 2004 we had duchess says play!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

↳ ultradamno @8:59
The Comb should have been as big as Boys Like...or at least Square Pegs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @8:56
Hi will happy new year!!!!
Avatar 🏝 9:06pm

beep borp new years, y'allsers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:00
I think she’s one of the best front people ever. So engaging and entertaining!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

There should be an AC/DC cover band called PAL/NTSC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ northguineahills @9:06
NorthGuinea! Hellllllooo! Happy 2025!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:07
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
DJ Babs:

Hello NGH!! @UD that’s some nerd humour right there! I almost played a song about nerds tonight lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
DJ Babs:

Is this what I think it is?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:07
In Radio & Television school they referred to NTSC as "Never Twice the Same Colour" because it wasn't reliable in terms of a standard in regards to... uh... colour.

↳ northguineahills @9:06
hey NGH! happy new year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:09
I was never in AV club in high school but let’s just say that they were in my dating pool LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
DJ Babs:

I also think it's hard to be sad when you're listening to music with tubas.
Avatar 🏝 9:15pm

↳ Kristine @9:09
happy hellos!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
DJ Babs:

How was your NYE NGH?
Avatar 🏝 9:17pm

nye was nice. had dinner w/ friends in brattleboro. I was in jersey for xmas.....
Avatar 🏝 9:19pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:16
danks for asking, how was yours?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
DJ Babs:

Super lovely! We went to a comedy show, had all you can eat sushi, and a hell drank lots of wine and champers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
DJ Babs:

This is quite the tune!!!
Avatar 🏝 9:23pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:22
hey, i had sushi for nye as well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ northguineahills @9:23
Tried a piece Herring sushi. I was surprised to find it most pleasing, though I have Swedish/Finnish roots, so I might already be a bit biased towards things herringly. It had yellow roe at the bottom, was quite cold, and had a very unusual texture.

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:26
oh interesting! where did you get this? had herring myself at christmas

i find herring alright, its been part of the christmas meal in my fam forever, curious what it would be like in different non pickled formats
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

I like mackerel, though the king variety can be mercury heavy
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

(and with fish labeling, who knows what you're getting)
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

It sounds like the title for a porn version of a Coffin Joe movie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:27
We went to spring sushi and dundas and yonge

Good Evening & Happy New Year!
Avatar 🏝 9:33pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:26
i heart all things herring...(even surstroming)

↳ DJ Babs @9:32
neat, i love an ayce sushi! thanks

↳ northguineahills @9:33
oh wow, you have a strong stomach!
Avatar 🏝 9:37pm

↳ Kristine @9:34
i had hakarl in iceland (fermented shark, usually buried for a few months). it was served in a mason jar and smelled like ammonia (it stung my nostrils, but tasted nice).

↳ northguineahills @9:37
yeah i have heard of the pickled shark. even my icelandic friend was like, no one eats that. good on you!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

↳ Song: "L'Amour!" by "Fleur"
Alot of this record I describe as April March with a nastier stomp box...which isn't really on display here, but it is on the record
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm
DJ Babs:

Yes. I ordered this record and it was stupidly, stupidly expensive. But it really does have so many good songs...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
DJ Babs:

I also desperately need to see Fulo Miziki live. I think it would be a crazy dancefest!

they would be super fun to see live!

this sounds great!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Bopeto" by "Fulo Miziki"
I loved that one... Had to clicky star a song from our own playlist, because Babs finds stuff I don't know pretty much all the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
DJ Babs:

I now rate a show's quality by how much my back hurts the next day LOL.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

hey! i'm back. did i miss anything? will it be on the final exam???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
DJ Babs:

oh you missed some good shit but luckily there's still some good shit LOL
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:45
woot! and even luckier, there's the archive!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:44
Agreed, I clicky starred this one, too... It seems weird to clicky star tracks from our own program; but I'm realizing I forget way too much of the stuff Babs discovers.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

↳ Song: "Missing Person" by "Dragged Up"
"surf post punk" is right up my alley
Avatar 🏝 9:47pm

↳ prof.fuzz @9:45
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DJ Babs:

Yes. I want surf post punk with ZE records influences.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

↳ northguineahills @9:47
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Is that not Atomic Bongos?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:48
Yes. More like that I want MORE. And dub. I want more DUB in 2025
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
DJ Babs:

Side note I'm wanting to cut down on smoking joints in 2025 so I dusted off the old vaporizer and wowweeewowow does that thing pack a punch LOL.
Avatar 🏝 9:52pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:50
kevin martin (the bug) has new stuff coming out nowish.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
DJ Babs:

This is literally perfection. I love this album but the dub versions....eeeehhhs so lush....

this is magnificent!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

↳ Song: "Moon Gas" by "Dick Hyman, Mary Mayo"
I will never be mature enough to not chortle at his name
Avatar 🏝 9:56pm

thanks babs and derek, love y'alls!

↳ ultradamno @9:55
for sure, same!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Thanks Babs & Derek, enjoyed ya fun show guys. But didn't chat cos I'm a bit distracted by the Cricket.
Avatar 9:57pm
Bob Barth:

Another Fun show you 2!! Follow me this way gang into the next hour... www.wfmu.org...

thanks gang!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

thx derek and babs!
  🏝 9:59pm

thanks for another magical night!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
DJ Babs:

Thank you thank you all! This was a great evening. As always so GRATEFUL to be with you all here sharing awesome fun and tunes!

Thanks. I did not talk because i was lying down most of the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Derek Westerholm:

Thank-you all for being here with us! 2025 is lovely w/ all of you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
DJ Babs:

HAHA I love you guys you are all so awesome!

Thanks for another fun-filled Transmission From Echo Beach, Derek, Babs & Meepmoop!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Tyler @10:00
Hi Tyler!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Tyler @10:00
Forgot to say hi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Tyler @10:00
Bye Tyler!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Tyler @10:00
Remembered to say bye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Tyler @10:00
Happy 2025 everyone... Go and find Bob Barth, his link above several messages back in the chat!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Thank you DJ Babs and Derek!!!

↳ Derek Westerholm @10:01
Happy New Year, Derek! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03pm
DJ Babs:

Hello and goodnight Tyler! Thank you for joining us tonite!!!
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