Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from December 8, 2024 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting December 8, 2024: Moonlit Neural Stridulations

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Robert Schwarz  SWY   Favoriting Stridulations 1-14  Superpang  2024    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Turco (Piero Umilani)  Sospetto   Favoriting Suspence Elettronica  Telesound  1983      0:03:54 (Pop-up)
Daniel Davies  Sisters   Favoriting Soeurs De Glisse (original motion picture soundtrack) (Sliding Sisters)  Sacred Bones Records  2019      0:06:08 (Pop-up)
dj + 1  Mangostino   Favoriting Frutas Locales - EP  Tambien  2024  AKA Columbian producer Gregorio Hernandez  *   0:08:09 (Pop-up)
Illusion of Safety  Coming To Ground   Favoriting Frontal  Humanhood  2023  AKA Dan Burke    0:12:17 (Pop-up)
Yoshi Wada  Earth Horns with Electronic Drone (excerpt of 162-minute performance)   Favoriting Earth Horns with Electronic Drone  EM  2009  Wada designed the Earth Horns with the alphorn in mind, using plumbing materials in lengths of 10 and 20 feet and calibrated in octaves. These are combined with an electronic tone, tuned to the harmonics of the AC line cycle (or electric hum) of the room. / Recorded live in 1974 in Syracuse, New York    0:21:53 (Pop-up)
Lolomis  Tres Sirenas   Favoriting Carmen 404  Airfono  2024  Lolomis is French group Elodie Messmer, Louis Delignon, Romane Claudel-Ferragui, & Stélios Lazarou  *   0:47:47 (Pop-up)
Basil Kirchin  Third World - Track 4   Favoriting I Start Counting (Soundtrack)  Trunk  2018  "Third World" was composed in the early 1980s & was released with the 1970 film soundtrack for "I Start Counting"    0:52:29 (Pop-up)
Bell Curve  Just A Lil Bit Of Sweat   Favoriting Heart Alarm - EP  Moveltraxx  2024    *   0:54:23 (Pop-up)
Cluster & Eno  Schöne Hande   Favoriting Cluster & Eno  Sky  1977      0:58:23 (Pop-up)
Andrea Belfi & Jules Reidy  Up   Favoriting Dessus Oben Alto Up  Marionette  2024  Belfi is a drummer from Italy & Reidy is a guitarist from Australia - now based in Berlin  *   1:07:35 (Pop-up)
Nala Sinephro  Continuum 2   Favoriting Endlessness  Warp  2024  "Endlessness" is Sinephro's 2nd album  *   1:22:08 (Pop-up)
Stina Stjern  Shrug (Knowing)   Favoriting Vivid Peace Restored  SusannaSonata  2024    *   1:28:54 (Pop-up)
Dylan Nyoukis  Peasant Swill - Part 1   Favoriting Peasant Swill  Chocolate Monk  2024  Nyoukis runs the Chocolate Monk label  *   1:31:42 (Pop-up)
Toru Takemitsu  Vocalism Ai (Love)   Favoriting Coral Island - Water Music - Vocalism Ai (Love)  RCA Victrola  1969      1:40:28 (Pop-up)
Diane Barbe  Les Marecageuses (The Marshes)   Favoriting Musiques Tourbes (Bog Musics)  Forms of Minutiae  2024    *   1:44:13 (Pop-up)
David Tudor  Neural Synthesis No. 6 (Binaural) (excerpt)   Favoriting Neural Synthesis Nos. 6-9  Lovely Music  1995  NEURAL SYNTHESIS (Nos. 1-9) was a work created by David Tudor in collaboration with engineers Forrest Warthman, Mark Holler, and Scot Gresham-Lancaster. It used an analog neural network synthesizer developed by Intel to generate complex oscillations. The synthesizer's performance console controls the neural-network chip, R-C circuits, external feedback paths and output channels. The chip itself is not used to its full potential in this first synthesizer. It generates sound and routes signals but the role of learner, pattern-recognizer and responder is played by David, himself a vastly more complex neural network than the chip. During performances of Neural Synthesis (1-9), Tudor chose from up to 14 channels of synthesizer output, modifying each of them with his other electronic devices to create the final signals. He debuted the synthesizer at the Paris Opera (Garnier) in November 1992 in performances of Neural Network Plus for the dance Enter with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. In 1994, during later experiments with the synthesizer in Banff, four discrete channels representing 12 recorded tracks were mixed to stereo.    1:48:36 (Pop-up)
SETI  Signal 007   Favoriting SETI  Instinct Ambient  1994  SETI is duo Savvas Ysatis & Taylor Deupree    1:59:16 (Pop-up)
Steve Reich  It's Gonna Rain (1965)   Favoriting Early Works  Elektra Nonesuch  1987  features vocals by San Francisco street poet Brother Walter / In '64 while at Berkeley in San Francisco, Reich was experimenting with tape recording and one afternoon in Union Square he recorded a preacher named Brother Walter who was declaiming a sermon about Noah and The Flood. At one point Walter warned, "it's gonna rain.".Word is that Reich, recording all this, was going through a painful divorce at the time and -- what with the Bay of Pigs debacle and the killing of JFK -- the phrase resonated with him. Later he cued up two tape decks with that phrase on each in the hope of cutting from one to the other so the result would be "It's gonna" from one machine and "rain" from another. But he cued them wrongly and they played the same phrase simulateneously -- but then Reich noticed one was running slightly faster than the other so the phrase was gradually going out of synch. Listened to on headphones this created a weird, slightly Doppler Effect, impression as the sound panned across from one to the other.    2:08:02 (Pop-up)
Zaliva-D  Eye-Flowers   Favoriting Total Withered 萬​物​枯​萎  WV Sorcerer Productions  2024    *   2:25:08 (Pop-up)
Carmen Villain  Nutrition   Favoriting Nutrition EP  Smalltown Supersound  2024    *   2:29:23 (Pop-up)
David Harrow  Soft Left Hand   Favoriting High Voltage Dubs  David Harrow  2024    *   2:33:55 (Pop-up)
Laibach & Silence  White Christmas   Favoriting White Christmas - 2 track single  Mute  2024  from their bandcamp page: "White Christmas" was originally written by Irving Berlin - a Russian-born Jewish immigrant who didn’t celebrate Christmas - for the 1942 musical, "Holiday Inn." The Bing Crosby version of the song, which reminisces about an old-fashioned Christmas, is not only the best-selling Christmas song of all time, it's also the best-selling single ever according to the Guinness Book of World Records. True to the season, the song has an inherent melancholia about it, and was dedicated to Irvin Berlins three-week old son who died on Christmas Day. Laibach - in collaboration with their compatriots Silence – invite us to consider what future Christmases...will look like.  *   2:40:27 (Pop-up)
Beak>  Secrets   Favoriting >>>>  Temporary Residence Limited  2024    *   2:43:57 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  Yesterday Is Here   Favoriting Franks Wild Years  Island  1987      2:48:51 (Pop-up)
GZA | Genius  Liquid Swords (clean)   Favoriting Liquid Swords  Geffen  1995      2:50:58 (Pop-up)
The Tape-Beatles/Public Works  Stress   Favoriting Music With Sound  Staalplaat  1997      2:54:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good morning everyone!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good Morning, Carol! Good Morning, Moonbeams! 'Tis the season for light in the darkness ✨Glad I get to spend it with you! 😊
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Bonjour everyone
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:04am
Dead Seminal:

Good day dear sonatutus and Carol from the ancient and beautiful republic of Venice. This first track WOW
Avatar 🌜 6:05am

Good morning deejay Carol who somehow cues the record needles in the Moonlight.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Good morning Carol & all!
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol! Good Morning Early Risers!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:11am
Balthazar B:

Warmest greetings Carol C and all Serious Moonlight Sorts.
Avatar 6:12am
William Hellfire:

Good morning Carol!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:15am

Good morning Carol and moonlight afficionados!
Avatar 6:18am

Good morning everyone! So happy to be here with you all today!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:21am
Dead Seminal:

It's already a mythic set!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:22am
Dead Seminal:

Positivily moonalithic.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:23am
Dead Seminal:

↳ Song: "Coming To Ground" by "Illusion of Safety"
Without my glasses I read initially this combo as Illusion of Salary
Avatar 🌜 6:26am

So, how goes it in the fading, decrepit democracy?

Morniiing! Good day, good afternoon, good evening aaand goodnight!

Good morning Carol and everyone. I’m happy to be listening to one of my favorite radio shows
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:28am
Balthazar B:

↳ TDK60 @6:26
Which one?
Avatar 🌜 6:32am

Morning Balthazar. Ha! Yes. I could laugh -- to keep from ... pouting, y'know?
Avatar 6:34am

Good morning Dan-From-Augusta!
Avatar 6:34am

Good Morning, bluecharlie!
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Bonjour duke
Avatar 6:35am

Good day Dead Seminal
Bob from Middle TN:

Good morning. The background noises on this track keep making me think someone is in my apartment.
Avatar 6:35am

Good morning TDK60
Avatar 6:35am

Good morning bradford!
Avatar 6:35am

Good Morning Greg k!
Avatar 6:36am

Warmest greeting to you, Balthazar B!
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Good morning JeremyB!
Avatar 6:36am

Morniiing Charles!
Avatar 6:37am

Good morning Otto
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Michael of Cologne:

Top of the day to you, Carol & all.
Avatar 6:38am

Good morning Bob from Middle TN. Haha:)
Avatar 6:38am

Top of the day to you, Michael of Cologne.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:40am

Good Sunday Morning Carol and all you Moonlighters out there...
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:41am

↳ Song: "Earth Horns with Electronic Drone (excerpt of 162...
Morning Moon-Guide Carol , and all on the Moon Tour Bus .
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:44am
Balthazar B:

↳ TDK60 @6:32
This is my main strategy!
G'morning to you.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:48am

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:49am

The Moon-Bus will be stopping at the NYS Thruway Sloatsburg Rest Stop, for those that need to use the facilities. Also there is a Shake Shack, Panda Express, Chick Filet (closed on Sundays), digital kiosk, and convenience store for Haribo Gummies and New York State memorabilia.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:50am

↳ Song: "Tres Sirenas" by "Lolomis"
Wow! What a piece!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:52am

Good morning Carol, Good morning Lunar Listeners, we're at the dog park here in Norfolk VA where it's a toasty 40°F today
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:56am

↳ Song: "Just A Lil Bit Of Sweat" by "Bell Curve"
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Balthazar B:

↳ RB @6:56
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:57am
Dead Seminal:

↳ TDK60 @6:26
It goes sooo well, grazie. Blustery olive trees a flappin in the wind. Venezia v Como (football) later...
Avatar 🌜 7:05am

Good morning Dead Seminal. You're in Andalusia, with the olive trees?
Avatar 7:05am

Sun’s coming up. Time to feed the neighborhood ducks before the geese swoop in.
Avatar 7:06am
William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Third World - Track 4" by "Basil Kirchin"
I have this on Blu-ray!!! I saw John Carpenter and his son live!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Balthazar B:

↳ TDK60 @7:05
Italy with Venezia v Como
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↳ Balthazar B @7:08
Oh right, Venezia and Como are in Italia. They got olives too. Grazie.
Avatar 7:11am

I think I am here. Loving the Carpenter related music

hellos all, seriously
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Good Sunday Morning Strandlund
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Morning Moon-Tuner RB.
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Morningggggggggggg PaulRobeson1924
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:14am
Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

Good morning Carol and moon 🌙🌛🪙 units!
Avatar 7:14am

@RB@6:49: Haha! I pass that service area on my way home:)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:14am

good morning.
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Good morning NotARealDoctor & pups in toasty Norfolk VA
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@William H@7:06: Ha! Wow! :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:16am
Balthazar B:

↳ TDK60 @7:10
They've got the lot!
Avatar 7:16am

Welcome love2laf
Avatar 7:17am

hellos Katharsis, seriously
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:17am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and moon dancers.
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I figure I should put - "now based in Berlin" into my musical resume. Even though I'm nowhere near.
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Good morning Peter from Saranac Lake NY🌙🌛🪙 !
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good morning dale.
Avatar 7:18am

Good morning, Ken From Hyde Park.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:19am
Joey C says:

Good morning Carol and everyone listening
Avatar 7:21am

Yay! Tech snoggled brain still working! Checking in from hospital (all good)!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:21am
Joey C says:

↳ Song: "Up" by "Andrea Belfi & Jules Reidy"
Beautiful controlled cacophony of sounds
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Good morning Carol and all!!!
eric from lake hiawatha:

Carol you have enlightened a few youngsters to your brilliant musical choices. Thanks
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:23am
Balthazar B:

↳ love2laf @7:21
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:23am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ love2laf @7:21
I hop no one sneezes in your direction!
Avatar 7:25am

Good morning Joey C
Avatar 7:25am

Good morning Will thee SG OCNY!!!
Avatar 7:26am

@eric from lake haiwatha@7:21: :) :)
Avatar 7:27am

↳ Song: "Continuum 2" by "Nala Sinephro"
This is something special. And new.
Avatar 7:29am

↳ love2laf @7:21
Hanging at the hosp?
Avatar 7:33am

Yes @Fredericks, mobile chat is a bit tricky but I am happy to be connected with WFMU once more!
Avatar 7:34am
William Hellfire:

Ok I definitely took the wrong medication this morning.

Avatar 7:36am

↳ Song: "Peasant Swill - Part 1" by "Dylan Nyoukis"
Some of this is kind of funny.
Avatar 7:38am

↳ love2laf @7:33
Ask for an extra pillow
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:43am

↳ Song: "Vocalism Ai (Love)" by "Toru Takemitsu"
sexy music in the AM.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:45am

↳ love2laf @7:21
Save the fruit cup for later
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:46am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Carol, your stomach is growling. Maybe you could grab a muffin or something?
Avatar 🌜 7:48am

What? No Xmas tunes? :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:51am

↳ Song: "Neural Synthesis No. 6 (Binaural) (excerpt)" by "...
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:52am

↳ WinksFMU @7:48
Simply having a wonderful YOU CAN’T REMEMBER WHERE IT WAS
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and moonsters. 🌙
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:53am

↳ Song: "Neural Synthesis No. 6 (Binaural) (excerpt)" by "...
sounds like David Tudor is in the bog, too.
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Welcome Fredericks
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Hi kev
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↳ CarolCrow @7:53
Hello there.
Avatar 7:53am

Hello WR
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@PaulRobeson@7:51: Hey, you never know what the 3rd set will bring :)
Avatar 7:55am

Good morning Cooh John 🌙.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:55am
Balthazar B:

↳ CarolCrow @7:54
cud be anything!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:56am
Balthazar B:

↳ Song: "Neural Synthesis No. 6 (Binaural) (excerpt)" by "...
This is something else.
Avatar 7:57am

Extra pillows ordered ages ago! Just waiting on brekkie the music is whetting my appetite @Carol!

Oh yeah!

Oh wait, this is not the jungle song. You fooled me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am

↳ Song: "Neural Synthesis No. 6 (Binaural) (excerpt)" by "...
I was wondering whether I'd seen that show, but no. I only got regularly to Garnier in 1993 (not going there anymore). I saw many Merce pieces, but I don't think I caught that one
Avatar 🌜 8:04am

2 CDs!!???
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:04am

🤣 How is second set always so fast! It's wild. It's because I'm holding on with the tightest grip to right now.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:05am

good morning carol
  Swag For Life Member 8:05am

Morning Carol and all
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:08am

↳ Song: "Neural Synthesis No. 6 (Binaural) (excerpt)" by "...
The conductor of the biological orchestra is on sabbatical
Avatar 8:09am

Thank you, offf for a while. Amazing music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am

↳ Song: "It's Gonna Rain (1965)" by "Steve Reich"
I love this, why didn't I see anyone dance to it?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:11am

↳ Song: "It's Gonna Rain (1965)" by "Steve Reich"
This and the Takemitsu were early favorites in my record store clerk days in 1971.

I'm dancing, Fred.
Joey C says:

Terrific. I just twisted both my ankles trying to dance.
Myles from Maine:

When I woke up to a dark snowy 5:30, I didn't expect to wake up into WFMU but this has been a great show! This must be the best hour to listen! :) Like a two AM carnatic festival for Americans.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:13am

I was dancing, though to others it just looked like shoveling snow
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↳ Song: "It's Gonna Rain (1965)" by "Steve Reich"
The irony is, it actually ended up snowing...
Avatar 🌜 8:14am

↳ Song: "It's Gonna Rain (1965)" by "Steve Reich"
Well, I tripped myself up dancing the rain dance to this Reich.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:15am

mad meteorologist
Avatar 8:15am

↳ Song: "It's Gonna Rain (1965)" by "Steve Reich"
Did it start yet?
Avatar 8:16am

It's all rain.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Hello, moonbeams.

Couldn’t open the door
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:18am
Balthazar B:

Avatar 8:19am

Can you see em?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:19am

sealed by the hand of god
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Balthazar B:

Avatar 8:19am
William Hellfire:

This show reminds me of the time I was tripping on acid by myself and I started watching TV. The incredible hulk came on and I got so scared I couldn't get up and turn of the TV. After it was over I went into my bedroom and recorded a song with my cat.
Avatar 8:20am

Hello and welcome Quinn02!
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Hey Winks
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good morning newton
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Morning lpfnrobin
Avatar 8:21am

@fred@8:10: :)
Avatar 8:21am

Welcome Myles from Maine!
Avatar 8:22am

Hey HyperDose
Avatar 8:23am

@William H@8:19: Sorry, man.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am

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William Hellfire:

↳ CarolCrow @8:23
Haha!!! I love your show!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:26am

↳ Song: "Eye-Flowers" by "Zaliva-D"
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↳ William Hellfire @8:19
this might be my favorite story ever

Another terrific show, Carol. Thank you.

Ahhh, all better now
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:35am
Balthazar B:

Fly me to the moon!
Avatar 8:37am

↳ William Hellfire @8:19
That show mildly terrified me as a child, yet never turned the channel…I was surprised to fine out later they were two different actors because I was also mildly dumb
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:40am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ dennymcdenny @8:37
I hear orange is the new green.
Avatar 8:41am

↳ Song: "Soft Left Hand" by "David Harrow"
thoroughly enjoyed that
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:41am
Balthazar B:

↳ dennymcdenny @8:37
That is quite superb. I would be more generous and say you bought into the whole fantasy angle.
Avatar 🌜 8:41am

↳ Song: "White Christmas" by "Laibach & Silence"
Finally! Some holiday cheer!
Avatar 8:41am
William Hellfire:

↳ HyperDose @8:29
First full hit of LSD my friends and I walked to Skylands Manor through the woods. Spent the day staring at the bats n bones in the clouds. During our bathroom break I went through the wrong door and ended up in the gift shop. My bubbling brain thought I walked into a court house so I exclaimed "Wheres the mayor!" This little old guy was like The mayors here? I quickly found the exit...then couldn't find my friends and walked home through the woods by myself accompanied by 1000 snakes.
Avatar 🌜 8:42am

↳ Song: "Soft Left Hand" by "David Harrow"
Mr. Harrow I betcha was a bit influenced by Augustus Pablo. I dig it.
Avatar 8:43am
William Hellfire:

↳ dennymcdenny @8:37
I rode in an elevator with lou farigno. He told me friend to stand up straight.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:43am
Balthazar B:

↳ WinksFMU @8:41
Avatar 8:44am

↳ William Hellfire @8:41
Glad you made it home safe to tell the tale. Those masonic snakes are no joke! ⚒️🐍

Good morning from South Jersey
Avatar 8:47am

Didn't know Lou was part of the posture police, but I believe it
Avatar 8:48am
William Hellfire:

↳ HyperDose @8:47
Yeah, he meant well. He was all fitness and were were all drugs. Lou was right. He's still alive I think my friend is dead.
Avatar 🌜 8:49am

Gmornin i slept in, I missed EVERYthing
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Joey C says:

↳ Song: "Yesterday Is Here" by "Tom Waits"
Wonderful Waits
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:50am

↳ Song: "Yesterday Is Here" by "Tom Waits"
T Dubya !

Hi all
Been listening all morning but just now started open my eyes and to slowly move

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Balthazar B:

↳ Squidocto @8:49
apart from all those zzzZZ's
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↳ Balthazar B @8:50
The zzzs were delicious, not gonna lie
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Song: "Yesterday Is Here" by "Tom Waits"
Tom Waits' birthday yesterday.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:51am

Thank you! Carol!
Avatar 8:51am
William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Yesterday Is Here" by "Tom Waits"
!!!!! Great show Carol. I don't think I'll have to check in to the hospital after all.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Balthazar B:

↳ Squidocto @8:51
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:52am

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @8:51
Need to add that to the Advent Calendar
Greg from ZONE 5:

Carol is so deep she’s picked up on radios in tunnels!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:53am

Many thanks, Carol!

This song’s making me happy. Been a while
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:54am
Balthazar B:

↳ Quinn02 @8:53
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↳ Quinn02 @8:53
I'd like to give this comment a star.

Can you not say cocaine on this channel or is that part of the track edit?

Thanks Carol!
Avatar 🌜 8:56am

↳ Song: "Stress" by "The Tape-Beatles/Public Works"
(Speaking of Beatles, it was 44 years ago today we lost John.)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:56am

Send it! 😍 ahhhhhh...yes, Carol. Yes 🙌🏼 🤩🥰🫠 I love this. Heading out with the dogs so bye fur now, Moonlight! 🚀
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:57am
Balthazar B:

↳ bluecharlie @8:56
Have fun!
Avatar 🌜 8:57am

Carol: Much thanks for spinning trax while the Moon is still stuck spinning with us too.
Avatar 8:58am
William Hellfire:

↳ TDK60 @8:56
And Darby Crash.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Mlle Carol Thank you All stray safe and be well
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:59am

thanks carol!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Balthazar B:

The whole three sets have been a joy..you bossed it..as ever..many thanks. Be good everyone!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol. First quarter moon arrives 10:27 this morning. 🌓
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Dead Seminal:

Putting the ooo in the moonlight Carol, thanks!
Avatar 9:08am

Sending out love & thanks to everyone today! Hope everyone has a great week!
(C) 2025 WFMU. Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson