Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from November 25, 2024 Favoriting

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Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage: techtonic.fm

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Favoriting November 25, 2024: Technology we're thankful for, from listeners

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Today: Technology we're thankful for, from listeners

Amidst all the headlines about predatory tech companies and misbehaving billionaires, we're taking a moment to remember that some tech is actually good. Drawing on listener submissions, Mark will discuss the tools, gadgets, and systems that people are genuinely thankful for.

Thanks to all the listeners who sent in their favorite tech!

Thanks to these WFMU DJs for their contributions:

• Alan from Six Degrees - Friday Midnight - 3am (EST)

• Dan Morfitt from WFMU Lite - Thursday 3 - 6am (EST)

• Jim the Poet from Three Thumbs Up - Tuesday 6 - 7pm (EST) (previously of Bad Animals and Showy McShowface)

• Olivia from Radio Ravioli - Wednesday 9pm - Midnight (EST)

• Land Phil from Anti-Music Club - Monday 3 - 6am (EST)

• Perro Caliente from Secret Canine Agents - Thursday Midnight - 3am (EST)

Follow Mark on Bluesky or Mastodon.

PAST EPISODES: techtonic.fm lists recent Techtonic shows.

PODCAST: If you use an open podcast player reader, here’s an RSS feed. If you have to use a Big Tech podcast app, here’s Techtonic on iTunes.

Artist Track Images Approx. start time
  Technology we're thankful for, from listeners
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting
  Mark's comments  
0:00:13 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Human Error  Going to Town   Favoriting
0:55:57 (MP3 | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

Mark! Techtonateful!
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Good evening Mark Hurst and all!!!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

Hi Mark and techtoniques!
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David (in London):

Evening Mark and all Technoids.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Handy Haversack:

Mark! Thankful Techyons!
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Webhamster Henry:

Hi Mark & Friends! Time for a nice, upbeat show!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, Mark and infrawoodenstructure!
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I'm going with electric unicycle theawesomer.com...
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

Hello Mark and all. One piece of tech I'm thankful for is the Android Bluetooth adapter for my phone. Now I can listen to WFMU when I'm driving in the radio wasteland of the north country.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

The steam-powered polygraph still rules.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Halloween is superior. You can elect to buy candy and costumes, but that's for other people's delight
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

Espresso machines
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...and you're encouraged to support horror
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Handy Haversack:

I'd like Thanksgiving a lot more if it weren't so meat-centric in the wider culture. That gets awfully oppressive. And, you know, the whole "let's celebrate killing people for their land" aspect of it. But I like that we have a holiday that isn't religious and where you have time to cook and eat stuff you don't regularly get to.

But Marathon, Hellraiser, and SWAGVENT are the only holidays worth keeping. We should get rid of the others before they do more harm!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanksgiving parades generally beat other holidays' parades.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Spikey BXL:

Hi Mark, luddites
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I suppose that does get oppressive, along with the celebration of oppressors
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:06
Love this, Handy!
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Spikey BXL:

BeMyEyes is what I am thankful for. Wish I'd get more call to help more people.
Avatar 6:08pm

↳ David (in London) @6:00
David van der Stoke

Found a copy of my #73 bus poem from 1988??
"Aberrant Thoughts on the 73"

I'll send it to the email...

Medical technology in general. I don’t know how to work any of it, dunno what exactly all of it does, but thanks to medical professionals there are folks with expertise operating the tech
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Handy Haversack:

The inclined plane is pretty cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Mike Sin:

↳ Saltonstall @6:09
Gotta agree here. At home ECG Monitors probably added a few years to my father's life.

I'm thankful for llm's!
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Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Spikey BXL:

↳ Mike Sin @6:10
Stellar work on Weegee earlier 👌🏻👌🏻

Evening Mark, Technocrats & Techno-Crits!

Just found this on Listener Jonny in MA's profile, which is somewhat on the flipside of tonight's topic:

Avatar 🤖 6:11pm

Do my Blue Air purifiers count? Pretty grateful I bought them a few days before the Canadian wildfires turned NYC skies orange last spring.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm
Mark Hurst:

Alan's "outdoor roofed hangout space," built with power tools, pictured here on the playlist.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

Hello, Mark and friends!
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Will thee SG OCNY:

I've been using power tools... Using a drill press snd fostner bits right now
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Mark Hurst @6:11
Alan's backyard concerts: always a great time! Well done, power tools!
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Mark Hurst @6:11
Avatar 6:13pm

Well Done Alan !!!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

I am thankful for the technology that allows WFMU to stream!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

Also, the gaslight, because we wouldn't have a word for people trying to fool us into believing an alternate reality without it.
Rick K.:

Thankful for digital tuners and clip on tuners on my guitar

A job well done, Alan, my compliments.

I am thankful for my 2006 iPod classic and rockbox open source software it’s how I mainly listen to music in my car now…even though it has Bluetooth I choose 3.5 mm jack and sometimes plug it into my Walkman and listen to cassettes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

hey now. 15 or so years ago i built a firewood shed like that. i just enclosed it, using windows i got free on marketplace and bought a solar generator for meager power like some LED lights and a radio. better tools make you a better journeyman.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

Dan's show is pretty good, I hear it in the morning while working out.

UPC codes. I watched a show last night about the history of grocery stores. At some point in the 60s, lines at the registers had become a problem, with the cashiers banging out the prices for every single item on cash registers, so the heads of the various supermarkets got together with the CEOs of grocery suppliers, and came up with UPC codes. Problem, solution, voila!
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

Something I'm NOT thankful for. When some business sends you an invoice via email, and the assess a $25.00 "convenience fee" to pay it online. Total BS.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

my shed was like alan's, but i was going for a greek temple feeling.

Tom from Stirling:

3 A M Eternal. Ha
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

I have friends who absolutely loved the minidisc and used it for ages!
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Webhamster Henry:

I submit the BBS and XModem: RIP Ward Christensen! the secret ingredient of social media when it was a force for good, mostly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

*groan* back to the shadows
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Handy Haversack:

↳ spodiodi @6:19
Only the spodi knows!
Avatar 🤖 6:20pm

Hey. Thx for reading, mark. Thought - if my parents just died maybe I’d ask Alan to use his power tools. And saw parents head off, and ask Elon to do some cryogenics (bad joke. Sorry)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

↳ tim @6:18
did they have laserdiscs?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

There was a funny moment in that HBO Koresh/Waco mini where the agents outside the compound are looking at Lawnmower Man and saying "he LIKES this?"

When I saw Helios Creed in Bloomington I remember overhearing him say to someone that he had just seen it at the theater down the street. He liked it and I'm not contradicting that guy.
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Webhamster Henry:

And I echo praise for 21st century medicine - radiation zapping last year cured my cancer. AND got me some excellent CAT scan data that I turned into a Tshirt.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Mennlinn Rebarts:

  Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

Meditation is an ancient technology. I don't practice hard, but the folks that do get alot out of it.
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In one of his '50-'60s novels, Philip Dick wrote about people walking around with mini-phonographs on their belts..
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Mennlinn Rebarts @6:21
Nice, Mennlinn. And herb!

YES! Thank you, Dan! I stlll have my MD console player, and it still works! I've also recorded some things off of WFMU on it! And I have "Johnny Mnemonic" on DVD (the *first* DVD release)!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

One could argue that Greg Lake abused the good of synthesizers but I save that for the next show.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ dale @6:17
Your shed looks awesome, I'm working on assembling and refabricating a playset for my daughter. Took me 8 days to take apart and bring home. Going to take much more time to build it nice
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:21
No budging!
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Handy Haversack:

I am Anonymous!
GC in Bmore:

Hang on —-synthesizers are not necessarily Digital! But still wonderful. Analog synthesizers are having a golden age currently FYI
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:22
Handy who?
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Mark Hurst:

internetaddictsanonymous.org, website for the ITAA (Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Mark Hurst:

ITAA episode of Techtonic: www.wfmu.org...

MiniDisc are reusable!

I am thankful for iPods with Wolfson DAC and rockbox firmware, for electronic ink tablets and pirate books, for live radio streaming and, needless to say, for electric stringed instruments and valve amplifiers
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:23pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ GC in Bmore @6:22
My synths are either purely software or hybrid Digital + Analog.
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Handy Haversack:

Good call, anonymous listener! Keep coming back!
Avatar 6:23pm

The Dreams Our Stuff is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World

Thomas M. Disch
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

I don't recall mini-discs, but Strange Days was the high water mark of early VR movies....until eXistenZ anyway
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ mateo @6:23
I'm listening to this show right now on an iPod Touch.

What a great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @6:22
lots of good lumber and hardware in playsets.

thank you! T!-11 is now like 45 a sheet, screws are 10 bucks a pound...it's getting pricy out there. all the trim and framing wood is stuff i scrounged stopping at builder's source in middletown for free pallets and wood.
Anonymous Frequent Commenter:

Thanks Mark!

Some older 12-step programs still meet over the phone... but IMHO that's not great. Difficult to tell who's talking, share detailed info, etc.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Spikey BXL:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:22
You are legion

I know people who have achieved sobriety on AA Zoom meetings exclusively
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Mennlinn Rebarts:

Some certain social media platforms provide their own baked-in Ludavico Technique.

↳ Fredericks @6:23
Just one down side: The discs themselves are not shockproof. Iearned that the hard way with on MD I dropped. It still plays, but I can't erase and re-record on it, else it becomes totally unusable.

Jeff G!

Right now I can't help but think of the John Prine song "Living in the Future".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

↳ ultradamno @6:20
I saw ‘Lawnmower Man’ at that theater. I wonder if Helios Creed was there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

I love radio!! And telephone. Thomas Edison, Graham Bell. What was the first radio message?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

Yes, Handy! Print is NOT dead
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I took vocational print shop in high school...I like the press.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

Oh yeah, patio is awesome Alan : )

↳ Webhamster Henry @6:24
oh shit is that possible?? i'm still looking for a real ipod with bluetooth
David (in London):

Handles, great proposal, expertly delivered. Runza magic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

Digital media is very susceptible to being ‘memory holed’.
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We'll see how books hold up if they don't have good ink and paper.
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Handy Haversack:

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↳ JohnEBGood @6:29
watson - i need you!
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Jeff Moore:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:32
BTW, nicely written audio comment, @Handy!
  Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

mom is running in the rain and then jumping into an open car door!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Jeff Moore @6:35
Thanks, Jeff, David!

↳ morphe' @6:21
I think it was Chrysler that put record players in some of their cars...late 50s I believe.

Yea you used to have to put WFMU bumper stickers all over your car to find it…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

↳ Folsom @6:32
All the more reason to rescue the ones that exist, and to take care of them so that someone in the near future can utilize what's inside of them. They might be unobtainable for various reasons. They might be essential.

Problem with fobs is that they require batteries?
  Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

↳ biomurph @6:35
At 92!!

↳ Folsom @6:32
Provided President Schlump doesn't make "Fahrenheit 451" a reality.
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Some great things to be greatful for so far
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

i'm thankful for overnight broadcast band dx'ing. been waking up in the night and scrolling around am radio and loving the magic of hearing boston, atlanta, washington, philly, toronto, cleveland, chicago....
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

Yeah, cable companies wiped that out with their own DVRs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

What do you have against ads for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis?!?
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Handy Haversack:

↳ StringOFperils @6:36
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↳ dale @6:34
Who sent the message?
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↳ JohnEBGood @6:37
alexander graham bell.

Tivo was a force, I remember audience members losing their minds when receiving them from post school afternoon talk show giveaways
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Handy Haversack:

↳ egould @6:37
"Gets rid of blackheads, heartbreak, and psoriasis
Christ, you don't know the meaning of heartbreak buddy "
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

jim programmed a fisher price see and say?

↳ ultradamno @6:24
I got a free Britney Spears minidisc with some purchase back around 2004 or so. Never played it, even tho it was the one Spears song I kinda liked. Used it as an overhead fan pull thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

Oh wow Dale. Who received the message?
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Flip side of zipping thru tv commercials- I taped shows off tv w vcr. As I watched I hit pause during commercials. But I’ve some shows that the timer recorded. Commercials are intact. And years later, I watched those old commercials, and laughed. Or was reminded of old pop culture.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

Whoa...two hours of prog tonight! That could be up to five full tracks! mastodon.social...
Marie in Chicago:

My fave technology is a toilet--I'm so rreatful that my "output" is flushed away

Gosh, without the toilet and the written word, there'd be no Facebook or WFMU messages board
Marie in Chicago:

↳ @6:41
Is that Andy? @)
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

↳ StringOFperils @6:36
How many books are made with acid free paper? Also, I think the ink needs to have metal to keep from fading.
David (in London):

I bought a high end Dyson vacuum cleaner but I never use it. It just sits around gathering dust.

The invention of the sewing machine was a major technological achievement. Clothing was now able to be mass produced.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

Buy Now: Is Rev. Billy involved?
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Netflix also did a startling doc on elder abuse recently, but it was plagued by buffering issues.
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Handy Haversack:

Good one, String. And along those lines: www.ravenbookstore.com...
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I hate to be so negative but if you have something like a 'smart' toilet or heated seat toilet, you're screwed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

↳ ultradamno @6:43
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!!! the electric guitar !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

I loathe noisy, gas-powered leaf blowers, but I bought a whisper-quiet cordless one and it's fantastic
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Big second for broadcast radio, have loved it since my youth, including DXing AM stations at night, and it helping build my musical tastes. Sadly, I know firsthand younger generations' use of streaming and apps is killing it.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

Air fryer!

↳ herb.nyc @6:41
That reminds me of the old print newspapers I have that date back to the 1920s, 30s, 40s etc. The big stories are good, but the old ads and the little filler stories are the best.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Handy Haversack:

Matt Warwick's air fryer recipe for a grilled cheese is to coat the outside of the bread in mayo.
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Webhamster Henry:

How about a nice new SURVEILLANCE air fryer?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

↳ Folsom @6:42
I think all of the NYRB imprint is on acid-free stock. A lot of my library form the last 50 years is holding up well. The Penguins, not so much...but the riches are still there, even though the seem printed on autumn leaves. If we're all still here at all in 125 years, it'll be a miracle, at this rate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

↳ ultradamno @6:43
I didn’t watch the fight. But I walked into my local pizza joint to order a takeout pie; and was greeted by Mike Tyson’s naked old ass on the 70” screen TV.
Did not like.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

Go go go Olivia and Air - Fryers. Yes, Gret for hot dogs!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

↳ Handy Haversack @6:45
who grills in an air fryer? USE A PAN AND/OR GRIDDLE.
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:45
notice Olivia didn't mention THAT - or the cleanup
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

↳ egould @6:46
I think that was the iconic image from the whole thing...I was listening to Burn It Down while everyone was waiting for it start.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Mr. Corey LLC:

I love Olivia's show, but I am confused by air fryers... isn't that just a fancy name for "convection oven"?
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ dale @6:46
Hey, I'm just the messenger. To the extent I know what an air fryer is, it sounds like it needs counter space, which means I'll never have one.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ Billybob @6:45
I'm reading a lot of microfilm , and old newspapers were like social media, reporting parties, graduations, vacations, and stuffed with filler articles , poems, comics, and ads for thinks you can't buy anymore.

(Phil must be a closet steampunk, lol!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

personally i am thankful for USB but not the proliferation of different USB connection types
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That Land Phil sure plays some loud scary music between 3&6am
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

For my independent-study homework I'm gonna rewatch Connections with James Burke, and The Secret Life of Machines.
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:45
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

↳ Handy Haversack @6:47
the problem with air fryers is that the convection fan bearings ALWAYS seize up from the greasy environment they live in. two or three years out of an air fryer is all one should expect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

super fuzz big muff!
Henry Hudson's Distant Relative:

Robocall blockers! RoboKiller, Nomorobo et al.

I remember at some point when Silly Putty no longer picked up the ink from the color Sunday comics. I don't know if the ink changed or the paper.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

I saw that the story broke that Pokemon Go was help map earth for AI...that captchas are basically doing the same thing (but to teach driving cars) has been ignored in the stories I've seen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

the only great thing about an air fryer is that they cook food quickly without turning your kitchen into a sauna in summer.
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Possible solution to biggest air fryer problem www.allrecipes.com...
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Jeff Moore:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:43
I don't want to yuck Olivia's yum, but when she sang the praises of her air fryer I just wanted to share this, which gave me a chortle:

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Handy Haversack:

↳ ultradamno @6:50
I think that's been covered here? Certainly it's on my mind whenever Bandcamp panics because I'm on a VPN.

I’m thankful for Headlamps with red lights! Helps you do sneaky things at night hands-free.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

Thankful for: the printing press, the French press, the phonograph, the radio, and the camera.

Fingertip technology
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:50
I know the captcha issue has, I don't recall if the Pokemon Go thing has or not.
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Haha, of course Perro (& dogs) love grass. It feels so good. But nyt had article recently of Los Angeles homes removing grass and concrete in front of their homes. And putting in farms gardens. (I hate being a party pooper)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Jeff Moore @6:50
Like the first rule of Cross Fit: Always talk about Cross Fit.
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Thankful for techtonic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

Don't take grass for granted. That un-monetized real-estate is just screaming for a concrete cap. The green of grass is increasingly worth more than the green of money.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

Happy Thanksgiving Mark and my WFMU family : )
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I don't understand the air fryer hype, but maybe I just didn't try the right recipes... or maybe I just have a particularly crappy secondhand air fryer.
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↳ Handy Haversack @6:47
all Air Fryers are not created equal. Big enough to heat a pizza? or a turkey? More expensive.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

The other big issue with air fryers is Teflon, or more specifically PFAS PFOA.. stainless steel is much safer if you can get a more expensive air fryer
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:52
That's so true. When my ex was cross fitting, it was forefront in her life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

↳ Dano59 @6:51
French Press youtu.be...
Henry Hudson's Distant Relative:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:50
Which reminds me. Bandcamp!

Just a theory behind the reason why DJ Pedro Caliente named his show "Secret Canine Agents": He's either a fan of the old FoxKids cartoon "Spy Dogs", or he loved the "Cats vs. Dogs" movies.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Handy Haversack:

I will say this in the plainest text I know how to use: Thanks, Mark! I am thankful for Techtonic every damn week!

I also just open a .txt file to take notes on whatever the hell is going on.
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Webhamster Henry:

ASCII? How about UTF-8 UNICODE? I am a renowned ASCII artist, BTW. www.echonyc.com...
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Will thee SG OCNY:

I like notepad++ and edit pad... Droid edit on my phone
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Jeff Moore:

↳ Handy Haversack @6:52
You never need to wonder for long if someone you're talking with is vegan, or has a rescue dog, or Has Never Owned a Television.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

Air fryers are part of nu wave ovens. They gr8

I was recently lamenting how I used to like doing color infrared photography with the setting changes, the exposure differences, the various filters I used for different effects...and how now, all it is is one of many options in Photoshop.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Webhamster Henry:

I use Nano and Lynx (terminal HTML browser)
.docx stinx, but markdown is pretty good!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Jeff Moore @6:55
Ha, I'm like a little less than two-thirds of those and NEVER mention it! People are always like, "Is he a rescue?" And I'm all, "The dog? Well, he's from the pound -- I mean, where do YOU get dogs?"
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Real people use EBCDIC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

had a couple of nu wave ovens and they are great. until the fan seizes up. have ninja foodie now and i don't see it lasting forever because it's impossible to clean the inside.
Avatar 6:57pm

Thanks Mark and all !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

You know, I'm retired. The conversation always ends up with food!!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ Folsom @6:57
Real people use BCD, before it got "extended"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Thanks Mark.
  Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Wow thanks Mark, great show

Thank You Mark!!!
Avatar 6:58pm

Did folks mention the spork? Hi tech.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Handy Haversack:

Great one, Mark!
David (in London):

Thanks Mark.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Sometimes the internet ain't so bad. Thank Mark!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Thanks Mark!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

great show this wk Mark
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

I'm sure they are great, but as previously observed good air fryer seem like more of an investment than I'm prepared to make
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

↳ Handy Haversack @6:56
But did Radio rescue you?

↳ herb.nyc @6:52
I've seen the front yards utilizing native plants rather than grass. Usually looks like hell.
Avatar 6:58pm
Jeff Moore:

↳ Folsom @6:57
Yeah, I used to be able to read text just from EBCDIC card-punch patterns
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Boy am I late and Mark sounds stressed! I’ll have to archive this one. Stay strong!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Mark. Thankful for the various technologies that bring us all together on Monday evenings.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

Thank you, Mark!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Webhamster Henry:

I'm thankful for the film restoration tech that has revived so many nearly lost classic films!

Give me C64 BASIC anytime!

I'm thankful you're alive and defending our right to user-safe technology, Mark!
Keep fighting the good fight!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Webhamster Henry:

Thanks - Hear ya next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Thanks Mark
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Mark Hurst:

Thanks, everyone! Good comments & submissions! Have a great Thanksgiving.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Also, venmo...because I now know what Gaetz uses for euphemisms in his memos
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Thank you Mark Hurst, anyone who submitted, and the accu peeeps!!! Be well everyone!!!

↳ Webhamster Henry @6:59
Avatar 5:52pm

OK, I'm a few days late, but I'm thankful for Linux, especially Slackware Linux. It has been a real pleasure using it for computing and writing shell scripts.

And I'm thankful for the Internet, especially duckduckgo.com and pi.ai. Both of these have brought much awesome improvement to my skills and abilities.
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