Private Harold Harris (stereo)
"Private Harold Harris (stereo)" by "The Ian Campb...
The Byrds
The World Turns All Around Her (mono LP)
"The World Turns All Around Her (mono LP)" by "The...
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Girls In Love (mono)
"Girls In Love (mono)" by "Gary Lewis & The Playboys"
Bobby Rydell
The Lovin' Things
"The Lovin' Things" by "Bobby Rydell"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy night here in the Big Apple, with the clouds rolling in and a temperature of 65 degrees. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you warm and fuzzy inside. And speaking of fuzzy, the humidity is at a comfortable 62 percent, so you can leave those frizzy hair worries at home. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away on this cloudy night in NYC. Keep it locked right here on the Rock and Soul stream, where the hits just keep on coming. This is the bunny, signing off.
The Lee Kings
It's Not Right
"It's Not Right" by "The Lee Kings"
The Kinks
Love Me Till The Sun Shines (Saturday Club, 9 July 1968)
"Love Me Till The Sun Shines (Saturday Club, 9 Jul...
The Beau Brummels
Gentle Wandering Ways
"Gentle Wandering Ways" by "The Beau Brummels"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Wonderful Land
"Wonderful Land" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
The Bows And Arrows
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
"I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have ...
The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
The Equestrian Statue (mono 45)
"The Equestrian Statue (mono 45)" by "The Bonzo Do...
Art Guy
Teenage Millionaire
"Teenage Millionaire" by "Art Guy"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is the bunny coming to you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy night here in the Big Apple, with the clouds rolling in and a temperature of 65 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 62 percent, so you can leave your frizz cream at home, folks. Looks like it's gonna be a mellow night, perfect for cuddling up with your sweetheart or grooving to some soulful tunes. Stay tuned for more rock and soul hits coming your way, right here on the Rock and Soul stream. This is the bunny, signing off."
Jackie DeShannon
Till You Say You'll Be Mine (Single Version)
"Till You Say You'll Be Mine (Single Version)" by ...
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny: