Favoriting The Funhouse with Harry Parmenter: Playlist from October 27, 2024 Favoriting

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A weekly hour of unpredictable rockin' fun featuring unheard music with occasional history, commentary and anecdotes from host Harry Parmenter. THE FUNHOUSE offers the listener a brief respite from the onslaught of daily existence.

Sunday 9 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting October 27, 2024: HE WOULDN'T HURT A FLY

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
The Stranglers  The Waltzinblack (Intro)   Favoriting The Gospel According To The Meninblack  EMI  1981  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mike Oldfield  Georgetown - Tubular Bells   Favoriting The Exorcist (Motion Picture Soundtrack)  Rhino/Warner Bros.  2012  MP3  0:01:20 (Pop-up)
Bernard Herrmann  The Bathroom/The Murder   Favoriting Psycho - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack    1960    0:06:21 (Pop-up)
John Williams  Shark Attack   Favoriting Jaws - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  MCA  1975  LP  0:08:49 (Pop-up)
Michael Kamen  Opening Titles   Favoriting The Dead Zone - OST  Milan  1994  CD  0:09:50 (Pop-up)
Johan Sebastian Bach & Klemens Schorr  Toccato In D Minor [Excerpt From The Luneburg Organ]   Favoriting   Amazon Music    Other  0:17:49 (Pop-up)
Alice Cooper  Killer   Favoriting Killer  Warner Brothers  1971  LP  0:20:30 (Pop-up)
John Carpenter  Halloween   Favoriting Halloween OST  MCA  1978  Other  0:23:10 (Pop-up)
Colin Stetson  Headless/Homecoming   Favoriting The Texas Chainsaw Massacre  Amazon Music  2023  Other  0:26:24 (Pop-up)
Malcolm MacDowell & David Warner  The Hotel Room   Favoriting Time After Time - Original Soundtrack    1979    0:29:21 (Pop-up)
Echo and the Bunnymen  Do It Clean   Favoriting Echo and The Bunnymen (EP)  Sire Records  1983  EP  0:30:26 (Pop-up)
Steve Jablonsky featuring Jason Voorhees  Theme   Favoriting Friday the 13th  New Line Records  2009  Other  0:37:16 (Pop-up)
Cramps  Don't Eat Stuff Off the Sidewalk   Favoriting Psychelic Jungle  I.R.S. Records  1987  LP  0:40:30 (Pop-up)
    Night of the Living Dead - original soundtrack    1968    0:42:49 (Pop-up)
John David Lynch, Elias Koteas, Mark Ruffalo, Anthony Edwards    Zodiac - Original Soundtrack    2007    0:45:39 (Pop-up)
Donovan  Hurdy Gurdy Man   Favoriting The Essential Donovan  Sony  2004  CD  0:48:08 (Pop-up)
Christopher Lee  The Cask of Amontillado   Favoriting Christopher Lee Reads Edgar Allan Poe  Listen for Pleasure  1979  LP  0:51:08 (Pop-up)
  The Addams Family   Television's Greatest Hits      CD  0:57:13 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Hey Harry
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Hey Harry
Avatar 9:01pm
Harry Parmenter:

Jeff, Med hey welcome thx for joining board.
Avatar 🥃 9:01pm

good evening
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Alvy Singer:

Evening Harry!

Hi Harry...and all...spooky tune...:)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:04pm

Harry bringin' the Sundae Knight Scaries!
Avatar 9:05pm
Harry Parmenter:

Alvy! 007! CC! Welcome all and thx for joining. Yeah we'll see if this show works you be the judge
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
Dig it.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

Just watched the Hail Mary pass at the end of the Commanders-Bears game. Billy Kilmer couldn't cover half that distance. . .

The only show that freaked me out as bad as the Exorcist
back in the day was Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black the last episode...:)
Avatar 9:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:07
thrown by who? Jayden? Or the other rookie? Who won?
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Song: "The Bathroom/The Murder" by "Bernard Herrmann"
Very creppy to hear just the audio. . . .
Avatar 9:08pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:07
oh yeah! The little doll in the oven!!! Truly frightening
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:07
Daniels. Wash won as the clock ran out.
Avatar 9:08pm
Harry Parmenter:

Zuni doll.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:08
Creepy that is
Avatar 9:08pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:08
wow that kid is really terrific
Avatar 9:09pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:08
a lot of craziness today in the nfl

The only thing about sports that I hate since the pandemic is that they leave the fans on both sides sitting on the edge of their seats???...:)
Avatar 9:11pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:10
well if it's a good game yeah!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:11pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:08
he scrambled from sideline to sideline for what seemed like 5 minutes before he launched a perfect strike to the center of the 2 yard line, which bounched off the scrum and into the hands of a reciever as time ran out. Play of the year.
Avatar 9:12pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:11
WOW MUST see obviously. Charmed season. Flutie redux eh?!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:12
Yup, that kinda play
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:14pm

This show is making me wish I was driving through a desolate stretch of highway somewhere.
Avatar 9:14pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:14
ha yeah that's the idea.

↳ Fatherflot @9:14
Without a gun...:)
Avatar 9:16pm
Harry Parmenter:

Now that's what ya call a scream
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

↳ CC @9:15
Nothing but a Stuckey's pecan log for protection
Avatar 9:17pm
Harry Parmenter:

ok pardon the, uh, interruption there...

↳ Fatherflot @9:16
or maybe one Butterfinger in your pocket and a bullet...:)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:21pm
Alvy Singer:

Beauty of a segue way Harry!
Avatar 9:22pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Alvy Singer @9:21
hey thx Alvy that's what it's all about in my book glad you dig it
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:22pm

↳ Alvy Singer @9:21

This would go great with Friends of Mine by the Guess Who???...:)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:24pm

The WFMU is truly a minimum security institution where the staff is never prepared
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:24pm

Loving the show Harry, sounds great
Avatar 9:24pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:24
Many dangerous people there to say the least
Avatar 9:25pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ medson @9:24
hey man thx a Lot medson
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Hi Harry and all!!!
Avatar 9:25pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Opening Titles" by "Michael Kamen"
I haven't seen the film since it came out, but I remember the presidential candidate's political career ended when he publicly endangered a child.
40 years later, I wonder if that would really matter to some voters.
Avatar 9:26pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ David Shortell @9:25
Amazing movie. Best King screen adaptation to me.

Good Evening, Harry!

Glad you decided to dedicate tonight's show to the best in horror movie soundtracks. You're doing a service for those of us who remember tuning in Tuesday nights to Devon E. Levins on the mothership to hear his themed shows, interviews & RIP tributes by way of the soundtrack. I know he is sorely missed by many WFMU listeners besides me and we would hope for and gratefully appreciate his return to the mothership someday.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:27pm

↳ David Shortell @9:25
I'm afraid we've already had our answer for a long time
Avatar 9:28pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ A2B @9:27
Evening to you A2B! Appreciate the comment. Don't know Devon's work but sounds way cool. Others probably do too.

I would imagine if some Maniac gets four more years as president he would think he doesn't have anything to lose and would try his best to screw up the whole world... especially if he's been a spoiled little brat all his life???...:)

I was doing that just last night and listening to spooky soundtracks like Halloween and The Shining. Had to turn it off though--it was freaking me out!🫣
Avatar 9:32pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ avidiva @9:31
Tis the season!!

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:28
You can listen in to his past shows here in the archives:


Here's a seperate link to the interviews podcast:

Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:32pm

↳ CC @9:29
If that happens there will be a power struggle among the top ministers to be the power behind the mad king's throne. He'll get all the parades and candy bars and toy balloons he wants while JD Vance (probably) cuts the deals with Putin, MBS and the rest of the axis of evil.

↳ avidiva @9:31
That comment was for Fatherflot. (I'm new here)

↳ Fatherflot @9:32
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Bunny induced terror
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

↳ avidiva @9:31
Avatar 9:34pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:33
yes the bunny seems to be wandering into the funhouse periodically...
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:34pm

↳ Song: "Do It Clean" by "Echo and the Bunnymen"
All time fav here.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:35pm

Come on Bunny, Do It Clean!
Avatar 🥃 9:35pm

I think the show is haunted Harry
Avatar 9:35pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Soulstealer007 @9:35

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:34
Thats very curious isn't it???...:)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

💯 👻🎃💀
Avatar 9:36pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:36
Curiouser and curiouser
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

”hey all you cool catz and kittens... The Bunny here... Prepare to.....”

Hey Harry, how can I save a copy
of your playlist? You're playing some great stuff. I'd like to look the songs up later and download them.

People need to pledge more and get the Bunny a brand new positronic brain...hehehe...:)
Avatar 9:40pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ avidiva @9:39
well I am putting up everything except a few audio clips can you see em up there?
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:41pm

Great vibe tonight
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ avidiva @9:39
You can copy and paste the text. Easy on a computer. If you're on a phone you may need a notes app. Or paste and email it to yourself

Bunny's playing hardball tonight, alright! Or maybe just getting in the "spirit" of things by hacking his way into the stream the same way Freddie & Pennywise do to kids minds!
Avatar 9:42pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:40
if any issues email me avidiva
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm

↳ avidiva @9:39
You can click the star for the entire show next to the date at the top.
Avatar 9:42pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:41
glad you like it Fatherflot
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:41

I do. butI'm trying to save as favorites and it keeps telling me
 I need to sign in when I'm already signed in.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

↳ avidiva @9:43
Your name is blacked out, I think you need to create an account or sign in

↳ avidiva @9:43
Maybe you need to go to your real name???...:)
Avatar 🥃 9:47pm

This is a BRILLIANT show Harry.
Thank you for putting in the work.
Avatar 9:48pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Soulstealer007 @9:47
Thx so much man. Halloween best day of the year!!

↳ Soulstealer007 @9:47
Everything takes so much time!!!...:)

↳ Fatherflot @9:42
Thanks Fatherflot!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

↳ Song: "Hurdy Gurdy Man" by "Donovan"
I was just watching Goodfellas again and was struck by how creepy it is to hear Donovan's "Atlantis" playing in the background as they beat Joey Batts to death

Thanks everybody. I needed to confirm my email,duh. 😜
Avatar 9:50pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:49
yeah what is it about Donovan? That, this, Season of the Witch, Mellow Yellow even...the vibe...
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:50pm

↳ avidiva @9:49
Glad ya got it sorted.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:50pm

↳ avidiva @9:49
Alright, welcome to the club
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
Will thee SG OCNY:


@medson Me too! 


@Harry I just watched a docu on Netflix about the Zodiac. Lots of new information. I highly recommend it.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:50
And "Superlungs" --- "she's only 14 but she knows how to DRAW"??? The only explanation I can think of for that lyric is that it was originally "ball" and the record company forced him to change it.
Avatar 9:53pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ avidiva @9:52
Watched all three episodes myself yesterday! A lot of new information indeed that whole Seawater family. Own both Graysmith books. No doubt now it was ALA
Avatar 9:53pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:52
ha yeah
Avatar 9:55pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "The Cask of Amontillado" by "Christopher Lee"
I've heard of recent efforts to revive Hammer Films. Maybe Christopher Lee can be digitally resurrected like Peter Cushing was in "Rogue One".

Another fantastic show Harry...:)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Thank you Harry, I enjoyed the show!!!
Be well everyone
Avatar 9:56pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ David Shortell @9:55
yeah I always think of C Lee as Dracula.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Killer hour Harry.... 🙏
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Hell of a way to wrap up your Hellraiser shows, Harry!! Thanks for another wild trip!
Avatar 9:57pm
Harry Parmenter:

Thanks Will! CC! Medson and everyone else for joining and enjoying it. HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL! Thanks Fatherflot ! So appreciate all the good vibes tonight.

Awesome show tonight, despite the Bunny shenanigans.
Thanks, Harry!

Thanks Harry! Glad I found your show! Great choices. 👹
Avatar 10:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

Thx A2B and avidiva! Rock On!!
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