Do You Remember Walter (mono)
"Do You Remember Walter (mono)" by "The Kinks"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a rainy night here in the Big Apple, with a temperature of 67 degrees and a humidity of 85 percent. So make sure to grab your umbrellas and raincoats before you head out, because it's gonna be a wet one out there. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some groovy tunes lined up for you tonight. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away on this rainy evening. This is the bunny, signing off and wishing you all a soulful night.
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Orangutan (version two)
"Orangutan (version two)" by "Gary Lewis & The Pla...
Homer's Knods
Mr. Rainbow
"Mr. Rainbow" by "Homer's Knods"
The Utica Club Natural Carbonation Band
The Utica Club Natural Carbonation Beer Drinking Song
"The Utica Club Natural Carbonation Beer Drinking ...
Music behind DJ:
Melvin Jackson
Funky Skull - Parts 1 & 2
"Funky Skull - Parts 1 & 2" by "Melvin Jackson"
Back announcing the set
Love In Motion
"Love In Motion" by "Stories"
The Hollies
Look Through Any Window (mono)
"Look Through Any Window (mono)" by "The Hollies"
The Mojo Men
New York City (mono)
"New York City (mono)" by "The Mojo Men"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. It's a rainy night here in the big apple, with a temperature of 67 degrees and a humidity of 86 percent. So make sure to grab your umbrellas and raincoats before heading out, unless you want to get drenched like a wet mop. But don't let the weather bring you down, because we've got some groovy tunes lined up for you tonight. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away on this rainy evening. This is the bunny signing off, but stay tuned for more rockin' and soulful hits on the WFMU Rock and Soul Stream."
The New Colony Six
Hold Me With Your Eyes (mono 45)
"Hold Me With Your Eyes (mono 45)" by "The New Col...
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny: