Favoriting Irwin Chusid: Playlist from October 2, 2024 Favoriting

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Favoriting October 2, 2024: "No one can really build a fence between past and present." - Henry Charlton Beck

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Thelonious Monk  Just You, Just Me   Favoriting The Complete Riverside Recordings   
Kitty Flanagan (Helen), Alison Whyte (Ruth)  Vasectomy   Favoriting Fisk S1E1 - Portrait of a Lady  0:07:21 (Pop-up)
Lord Nelson  Back a Yard   Favoriting Pepper  0:09:29 (Pop-up)
Illuminati Hotties  Falling in Love with Somebody Better   Favoriting Power  0:15:33 (Pop-up)
Girl Scout  Honey   Favoriting Honey  0:18:14 (Pop-up)
Nick Haywood Trio with Petra Haden  When You Wish Upon a Star   Favoriting Back to the Garden  0:22:07 (Pop-up)
Gus Bodenheim  Mr. Bodenheim Regrets (But Not Really)   Favoriting The Bodenheim All-Purpose Excuse Anthology  0:31:37 (Pop-up)
Grand Pianoramax (ft. Jojo Mayer)  Feudor   Favoriting The Obliqsound Selection Vol 2  0:33:20 (Pop-up)
Dr. John  Average Kind of Guy   Favoriting The Brightest Smile in Town  0:38:43 (Pop-up)
The Holmes Brothers  (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding?   Favoriting State of Grace  0:42:02 (Pop-up)
Bent Knee  Never Coming Home   Favoriting Twenty Pills Without Water  0:46:12 (Pop-up)
Alta Vista  Old Nevada Home   Favoriting Old Nevada Home  0:50:12 (Pop-up)
Spirit  Cold Wind   Favoriting Clear  0:56:27 (Pop-up)
Andrew Bird  Mancey   Favoriting Outside Problems  1:04:06 (Pop-up)
Widowspeak  Money   Favoriting Plum  1:08:34 (Pop-up)
Tan Sleeve  You'll Thank Me for This Someday   Favoriting Bad from Both Sides  1:13:30 (Pop-up)
Donald Byrd  Pentecostal Feeling   Favoriting Free Form  1:17:26 (Pop-up)
Tom Scharpling  Steely Dan Sickness   Favoriting Best Show on WFMU  1:24:09 (Pop-up)
Steely Dan  Black Cow   Favoriting Aja  1:24:50 (Pop-up)
Ben Goldberg  Someone Has to Be Lowered into the Whale Skull for the Ambergris   Favoriting Good Day for Cloud Fishing  1:34:52 (Pop-up)
Eddi Front  Pumps   Favoriting Marina  1:39:25 (Pop-up)
Soccer Mommy  Up the Walls   Favoriting Color Theory  1:43:18 (Pop-up)
Sunflower Bean  Lucky Number   Favoriting Shake  1:45:49 (Pop-up)
Turn Me on Dead Man  Killer Sound Waves from Space   Favoriting God Bless the Electric Freak  1:49:27 (Pop-up)
Ron Livingston (Sam), Laura Mennell (Allison)  The Music Snob   Favoriting Loudermilk (S1E5)  1:55:57 (Pop-up)
Bow Wow Wow  Chihuahua   Favoriting See Jungle! See Jungle! Go Join Your Gang, Yeah, City All Over! Go Ape Crazy!  1:57:57 (Pop-up)
Hennadii Boichenko  Sea Song   Favoriting Sea Songs  2:08:15 (Pop-up)
The Good Rats  Phil Fleisch   Favoriting Tasty  2:11:30 (Pop-up)
The Ponys  Double Vision   Favoriting Turn the Lights Out  2:15:33 (Pop-up)
Blondshell (ft. Bully)  Docket   Favoriting Docket  2:19:11 (Pop-up)
Jack Bruce  Tickets to Waterfalls   Favoriting Songs for a Tailor  2:22:59 (Pop-up)
Pearl & the Oysters  Triangular Girl   Favoriting Planet Pearl  2:25:50 (Pop-up)
Gus Bodenheim  The Freeloading Orgiastic Insatiable   Favoriting Gus Bodenheim's Faulty Reminiscences  2:32:30 (Pop-up)
Martial Solal  Balade du 10 Mars   Favoriting Balade du 10 Mars  2:42:16 (Pop-up)
Jackie McLean  Dusty Foot   Favoriting Vertigo  2:46:00 (Pop-up)
Steven Kamperman  La Pièce à Musique   Favoriting Maison Moderne  2:52:29 (Pop-up)
Kitty Flanagan (Helen), Julia Zemiro (Roz), Aaron Chen (George)  Cuckolding   Favoriting Fisk S1E5 - Ladies in Black  2:55:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Listener Robert:

Pictured: the Old Codger with Sophie Tucker, advertising Ivory soap.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "Just You, Just Me" by "Thelonious Monk"
I have this on a 10" somewhere...
Marie in Chicago:

Good afternoon, Irwin and All. If I had to pick one favorite jazz great, Mr. Monk would be it.

Greetings Irwin & all.
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Spikey BXL:

Irwin, Monk, chusidals
Avatar 3:05pm

Didn't an MTV VJ ask, "Who is 'The Loneliest Monk?' "?
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↳ Carmichael @3:05
I think that's apocryphal. But funny.

Steve Stein told that story once. (suburban legend)
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↳ Song: "Vasectomy" by "Kitty Flanagan (Helen), Alison Why...
Listener Robert:

↳ Song: "Vasectomy" by "Kitty Flanagan (Helen), Alison Why...
So a party portrait penis painter...named Peter?
Listener Robert:

He probably wouldn't do it sober, though. Peter the pickled party portrait penis painter.
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Spikey BXL:

A colleague of Banksy's, Dongsy
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Crosby in KC:

Hello, Irwin and all
f⭕f⭕ 🕳️ (:

Hi Irwin and friends!

Thanks for last week's The Medium, Irwin. i hated them at first thinking it was Yes' singer's new band. But after listening some of their songs on the YouTube they quicly became my band of the week.
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↳ f⭕f⭕ 🕳️ ( @3:19
Thumbs-up emoji!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good afternoon, Irwin and fence-sitters.
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Bob Tankenstein:

Hello to all
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The Oscar:

↳ Carmichael @3:05
There was a sushi restaurant in Cambridge a few years ago called "Thelonious Monkfish," but they had to change the name following legal action.
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Present and reporting for duty
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Dan 2:

Afternoon, folks!
Avatar 3:29pm

↳ Song: "Falling in Love with Somebody Better" by "Illumin...
Irwin! Chusidites!
Listener Robert:

↳ The Oscar @3:26
The monkfish sued?
f⭕f⭕ 🕳️ (:

↳ The Oscar @3:26
They renamed to The Lonious Monk (i.e. a monk from Loniousiana)
Marie in Chicago:

"logorrhea"--you'de think that defines something else...
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↳ The Oscar @3:26
I wonder if they could've gotten away with Felonious Monkfish.
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↳ The Oscar @3:26
Can you verify that online? I'm in a skeptical mood today.
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d-_-b __Listener Jonny in MA:

↳ Song: "Feudor" by "Grand Pianoramax (ft. Jojo Mayer)"
Oh nice! I didn't know JoJo Mayer plays in a piano trio! I only know his playing in Nerve.

This is spectacular!
Marie in Chicago:

↳ Song: "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understan...
what a great song.
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↳ Song: "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understan...
This is my favorite song, and I like this interpretation very much.
Marie in Chicago:

↳ JohnnyReno @3:44
me too (re: the interpretation)
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↳ JohnnyReno @3:44
What about "We Didn't Start the Fire"?
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↳ Marie in Chicago @3:31
diarrhea of the mouth

/logo=word rhea=flow (if my greek checks out)
Danny in Poughkeepsie:

Great show Irwin. Thanks!!
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↳ Irwin @3:46
Billy Joel bashing can take over the comments board like a dropped match on dry grass, as you well know.
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↳ northguineahills @3:49
"We Didn't Start the Fire" is logorrheic.
Marie in Chicago:

↳ northguineahills @3:49
I know but it makes me think more of logs, many logs moving..... @)
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↳ JohnnyReno @3:51
In which case, you will have started the fire, Irwin.
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The comments board is unusually quiet today without M@tt from Spr'f'ld.
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↳ JohnnyReno @3:52
So far it's just you and me, JR.
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thanks, Irwin! it's been fun
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aw, there was Billy Joel bashing and i missed it?
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↳ Irwin @3:54
I'm not worthy to carry Matt's jock strap.
Laura L:

↳ Irwin @3:54
I'm busy making some books for a change--work is so distracting!
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↳ Laura L @3:55
You have an addictive habit, LL.

Hello Irwin & Jazzbo-denheimers!

Just pased through Cranford recently. The place is still the quaint yet bustling small town it always has been. It has undergone some changes since the last time I came through there. Haven't had the good fortune of spotting Mr. Bodenheim at his favorite haunts, however. Will try too keep a keen eye out for him next time I'm there, hopes kept to a minimum. It should be noted that Gus' hometown is but a stones throw down the Raritan commuter rail line from Charles Addams' own hometown of Westfield. Speaking of which, I feel obligated to bring attention to a monthly festive event taking place there:

Marie in Chicago:

↳ JohnnyReno @3:55
hee hee hee
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↳ Carmichael @3:05
I'm thinking Tabitha Soren, but I'm not certain.
Avatar 4:00pm

Aaahh, Clear Spirit. What a lovely album, surrounded by other lovely Spirit albums.
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↳ Song: "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understan...
I saw The Holmes Brothers open for Richard Thompson. They were very very good. Sometimes openers can really impress.
Marie in Chicago:

↳ Song: "Cold Wind" by "Spirit"
I heard they created an album that they never released, called "Smear"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm

Yes. I heard something attention Grabbing
Danny in Poughkeepsie:

Back in 1984 my ex-wife and I went to the Hicksville movie theater . Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley were in front of us on line. I said Hi Billy Hi Christie. They said hello back. My ex-wife elbowed me and said I didn’t introduce her to my friends. She knew I couldn’t stand Billy Joel . But she was not so bright.
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Jim the Poet:

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↳ Danny in Poughkeepsie @4:04
I didn't lol at this. I laughed out LOUD.
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↳ Danny in Poughkeepsie @4:04
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Look at this. www.worthpoint.com... Why is Worthpoint telling me to collect Monkee Albums?

I can’t listen to all the copies I have now and they’re not worth 5 bucks with all the writing and scratches…No mold though
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↳ Irwin @3:51
hahahaha! just ask billy joel, he'd concur!
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↳ Carmichael @4:00
They say Randy California was just 19 years old when 'Twelve Dreams' was recorded.
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↳ Song: "Mancey" by "Andrew Bird"
Reminds me of the Work Song.
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↳ JohnnyReno @4:06
I think your math is accurate.
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↳ PaulRobeson1924 @4:03
Clumsy Densmore?
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↳ JohnnyReno @4:06
Born in '51, so it makes sense. I really liked Nature's Way and Mr. Skin.
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↳ Carmichael @4:08
Classics, both!
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↳ Carmichael @4:08
And that was their FOURTH album. Didn't realize he was just 17 when they issued their debut.
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↳ A2B @3:57
i spent a few hours in cranford a few days ago too. same police state as always; same racist bullshit as always (from people with light skin and dark)
...still many beautiful old houses, some without ugly modern perversions. didn't notice if "oft herec ord" -where i bought many records as a teenager, is still there. i presume not.
a park is preserved, Thankfully, and another has a free give-take book lending structure, nicely decorated. "back to nature" is gone. it sucked anyway.
if i walked past Gus Bodenheim i didn't notice. is he from/in cranford?
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↳ Carmichael @4:08
Mechanical World scared me when it came on the radio when I was a kid.
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↳ Carmichael @4:08
So much promise, so early. Never reached those creative heights again. Died young (drowned saving his son from a rip tide).
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↳ Song: "Money" by "Widowspeak"
diggery ensuing
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↳ Woo @4:10
It's a very dystopian song. Nothing like it ever. Just a unique arrangement, embellished with strings and horns by Marty Paich.
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chris in the redwoods:

↳ Song: "Money" by "Widowspeak"
very nice indeed.
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Hey, Mr. Carmichael! Is that young Alice Cooper practicing with his 1st band, Earwigs, in 1964 in your profile pic?
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↳ Fredericks @4:08
I recall Mr.Irwin saying something friendly about Mr.Densmore and the greatest American Rock& Roll band to date
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↳ Song: "You'll Thank Me for This Someday" by "Tan Sleeve"
Steve Katz and Lane Steinberg.
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↳ PaulRobeson1924 @4:14
Jimbo, the Lizard King, Lord of the Reptiles, Prince of Toads.
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Dan 2:

I feel like, someday, I'll thank you for this
Laura L:

↳ Irwin @4:14
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↳ Dan 2 @4:16
Prophetic song, eh?
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Find me some Mono Copies of The Doors 1st Album and i’d kiss you. I read about this DCC Cd and Repress. Does it really sound the best? I wonder if WFMU has a copy!l?
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↳ JohnnyReno @4:13
You are the first person to notice Mr. Furnier, so you win the grand prize. Bonus points for the guy on the left.
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↳ Irwin @4:16
Not everything works out and not everything makes sense, baby
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↳ Carmichael @4:17
I believe guy with glasses on the left is Glen Buxton, John Speer on drums, Vince, John Tatum on guitar and Dennis Dunaway on bass.
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If Worthpoint wrote about collecting The Doors 1st album I would understand. But why the Monkees? What Monkee album is going for 1,200 dollars?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm

i have a mono copy of the doors' first album...or maybe i sold it for a buck, i don't remember. it's beat to shit, and there was -as i would expect- nothing about the recording/mastering to redeem it.
stereo's better, in general. it's how we hear (those of us with 2 ears)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...AliceCooper was a GROUP.
Yeah just Alice is great too...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Psychedelia & Stereo seemed a natural pairing. Just of course Mono mixes are often a.) just different & b.) punchier.

↳ coelacanth∅ @4:10
I've been to that record store you mentioned. I was there to purchase a ticket to a show in New York, as I recall. And, yes, that store has since closed down many years ago. I've seen that book-lending box you mention, as well. And if you'd heard his latest installment previously, yes, Gus apparemtly calls Cranford his (un)official home, from what can be surmised of his frequent hailings to that burg.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:22
My jaw dropped when I heard so much more detail on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club in mono.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:21
yes, and only. vinnie hijacked a name he was/is undeserving of.
the group was Great, but not more than 1/3 because of him.
(if not 1/5th)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:22
sometimes the mono is "punchier; but it only takes a good mixer to make a stereo mix just as punchy.
just put key elements square in the center.
..."the end" in mono? no thank you!
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I love Steely Dan. There, I said it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ JohnnyReno @4:23
Pepper a case where Mono was different, punchier ...& probly trippier - all @ once. An element there being attention was on Mono mixes for the mass market still & Stereo still a novelty & somewhat an afterthot... Only with 'Abbey Road' - their last Album Recorded together - was there no Mono mix...
f⭕f⭕ 🕳️ (:

↳ JohnnyReno @4:25
The opposite here.
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chris in the redwoods:

Dan fan here.
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↳ A2B @4:23
interesting. i expect to spend a lot of time in cranford over the next few weeks or months.
-i'll look for him!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...tho I am actually kinda fond of nutty early~mid 1960s Stereo imaging with super wide Separation & stuff...
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Will thee SG OCNY:

It's about Dan Time ⏰⏰⏰
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↳ Song: "Black Cow" by "Steely Dan"
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dan still elicits body reaction for imminent drug consumption
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↳ JohnnyReno @4:19
You are correct re: Mr. Buxton, but since you anal-retentedly named all of them, your grand prize has been rescinded (it was a vintage Piper Cub).
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Have some allergic reaction to mid~late 70s to early 80s stuff that Charted too high. Always was okay with the Dan tho. Pretty much.
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i'm shocked...SHOCKED tom scharpling would have an ill-informed, narrow-minded opinion about a band.
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dave wuz here:

sly + family vibe
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Worthpoint if yer reading this I don’t get the Monkees and I don’t need to horde more records.

So many of the record labels I do have look like kelp forests with lightning streaks of mold grown over the papers. I don’t even know the names or titles of hundreds of records I do have…Don’t need more worthpoint… Could be a few treasures in there
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↳ Carmichael @4:28
I'll have you know it's called OCD, and I don't have any place to park a Piper Cub.
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↳ coelacanth∅ @4:29

Thank you! Love, Delores B.

Hi Irwin,
You use to play stories about man his name started with letter E, I think. One story I remember was about how he went on a cruise ship and people got sick and he had to perform surgery. Do you remember? I miss the stories. I think the guy he is no longer with us.
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↳ northguineahills @4:31
can't click that on this laptop. i'll check it out later
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the breaks on the title?
Laura L:

Hi ya Ms. Bink!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...tho I regarded Satin Jacket Rawk as the Enemy - & point taken about Audiophiles who use Music to listen to their Stereos rather than other way around. The Dan's surface is frictionless & their underside slyly spiky. Pretty distinctive - neat trick. & they were outstanding @ all of that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

Re Aja, The drumming on Peg always blows me away. I don't know what you call the groove- A shuffle? It's real effective though
Marie in Chicago:

I heard some people replace alcohol with kefir...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

i don't like the aja album, but i did like it at first.
too slick for me...and his voice.

in the early days they knew enough to get guest vocalists for some songs

This is exactly me (the drinking.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34pm

↳ JG @4:33
the "Purdy shuffle"?
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Dave G in VT:

↳ JG @4:33
IIRC, the drummer on Aja is none other than Bernard Purdie himself, creator of the Purdie Shuffle.
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↳ JG @4:33
he’s at drum clinics all the time; fantastic performer
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↳ Dave G in VT @4:34
oh crap i misspelled Purdie.
no disrespect intended.
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Milk Thistle? Gus is juicing. On gear. Roided up!
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I love Irwin’s 🎃 the best
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Oh damn, I was in a meeting and missed "Steely Dan Sickness" -- I don't think I've ever heard that clip. Will have to remember to hit the archives. Somebody remind me.
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↳ Dave G in VT @4:34
Purdie was in the Beatles. You all knew that, right? He said so.

Hiya, Laura!
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↳ Irwin @4:36
the 8th beatle
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Milkthistle used to benefit the liver. So there's that...
Magnesium like Calcium among the Minerals that both support bones & relax the nerves - & lower blood pressure. Take a capsule @ bedtime myself (being highly caffeinated otherwise)...
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↳ ∫ydniuß @4:35
Good to know Pretty is still going strong: youtu.be...
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:38
what about goldenrod?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Irwin @4:36
Yeah so weird. Legendary status ...has to cop some Ringo cred ?? Reckon it's a Session Idenitiy complex - as Carol Kaye has claimed some - interesting things...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm

i add zinc and a b-complex to that, and chromium and dandelion root...
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I whole-heartedly agree with Mr. Scharpling. And I have some pretty great speakers.
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Slipper Elm
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↳ Carmichael @4:39
Tell us more about your speakers, Carm, please.
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↳ PaulRobeson1924 @4:40
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ ∫ydniuß @4:38
No idea !
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:40
I hear good things about plantain too. not desperate. moderation!
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↳ Carmichael @4:39
My wife has a Steely Dan firewall. But she doesn't know why. She doesn't even know their music. Maybe she assumes it's generic Yacht Rock.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Carmichael @4:39
B-Complex converts sugars to energy - & supports the nervous system specifically. Could enable mental focus & steadiness - but might be stimulating for bedtime. You might remember vivid dreams, is my anecdotal...
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Feel free to hit the pledge widget atop the playlist. This is an annual fundraising month for the station. We only ask for donations twice a year.
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last time i was a regular drinker, 4-5 years ago, i was mostly a day-drinker for a year or 2. it was fun, and a whole different group of hoodlums at the pub. no or few college kids, and i often controlled the jukebox
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Is Bread Yeast rock?

↳ Irwin @4:41
100% wrong! I absolutely know why I don't like Steely Dan. It's they way they sound.
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↳ ∫ydniuß @4:43
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I've got no place to park a yacht, and I'm fine with that.
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↳ Wife @4:44
I fixed your typo, darling.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:42
...B-Complex is depleted by alcohol use - so yeah it's good for putting nerves back together there...
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↳ Wife @4:44
"It's the way they sound": I don't know why this is hilarious, but it is.
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↳ Wife @4:44
I think that's a diversionary answer.

Steely Dan was ubiquitous on AM Top 40 radio in the 70's, and on FM AOR stations from the 70's into the 80's. That's how I was first acquainted with their music. Bought a copy of the "Hey Nineteen" single in 1980. Then I bought Donald Fagen's "Nightfly" album in '82, which, imo, stands up well against his work in Dan.
Kind of disappointed that Bob Brainen no longer plays SD anymore. The last things Bob played that was Dan-related were tracks off the recently released comp of pre-Dan recordings from 1969.
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↳ Irwin @4:44
awwww [heart emoji]
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↳ Irwin @4:41
I am strongly resisting my urge to reply ...
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↳ Ike @4:45
She's never heard "Brooklyn" from Can't Buy a Thrill. It's so irresistible.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Lucky Number" by "Sunflower Bean"
Triggering some Julianna Hatfield receptors while I Rawk a bit. Works for me...
Listener Robert:

I heard that painter got started because of a pecadillo -- Peter the petty pickled party penis portrait painter.
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d-_-b __Listener Jonny in MA:

↳ Song: "Killer Sound Waves from Space" by "Turn Me on Dea...
Great band name,
Laura L:

↳ Song: "Killer Sound Waves from Space" by "Turn Me on Dea...
Yay--thanks, Irwin!
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↳ Laura L @4:51
Sound waves. From space. That KILL.
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↳ Song: "Lucky Number" by "Sunflower Bean"
Looking at pictures of Julia Cumming, vocalist of Sunflower Bean, is akin to staring at the sun.
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↳ Song: "Lucky Number" by "Sunflower Bean"
Sunflower Bean playing at Baby’s All Right tonight at 9:30pm. Anyone wanna meet me there?

↳ Irwin @4:48
Forgot to mention: I also had "Can't Buy A Thrill" on 8-track!
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Yern me on yed man

Hahaha Loudermilk…good show

“Just comes with the territory of being right”
Marie in Chicago:

I think that character in Loudermilk is so obnoxious and no one in the real world would like him
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

BrainSaladSurgery is a *great* Album.
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↳ Mattynotimes @4:58
He's not wrong. As a Certified Elite WFMU DJ I can attest.

Hahaha dont come to NYC then because this place is made of Loudermilks
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Tommy in Neversink:

Love Loudermilk
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↳ Mattynotimes @4:59
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↳ Marie in Chicago @4:58
The show is a cautionary tale for anyone considering giving up drink.
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Michael C St Lou:

↳ Mattynotimes @4:59
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Tommy in Neversink:

↳ JohnnyReno @4:59
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↳ JohnnyReno @4:59
You're not wrong. Going home after the show to get HAMMERED.
Marie in Chicago:

"lovable" "curmudgeon" "in recovery"--ugh
Avatar 5:01pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:58
Agreed. I bought that live album, and had Works Vol 1 as well. Saw them in the late 70s, too. Landmark show. LANDMARK, Loudermilk!

His def not wrong hahaha
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↳ Irwin @5:00
Don't forget the milk weed.

Marie I think you just described all marriages in the 70s
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:58
sorry, but i think brain salad surgery is weak!
... TARKUS is excellent! trilogy even moreso
Marie in Chicago:

↳ Mattynotimes @5:02
do you mean tv marriages?
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Crosby in KC:

↳ Song: "Chihuahua" by "Bow Wow Wow"
Most of Bow Wow Wow holds up
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I'm always angry that the song Brain Salad Surgery is not on the album.
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↳ Marie in Chicago @5:02
yeah my parents' marriage was nowhere near that civil.

Nope just my own observations of my friends parents growing up and then all of their divorces

Killer set as usual Irwin
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "The Music Snob" by "Ron Livingston (Sam), Laura M...
I like to say every FMU-J is a World.
Truth is ...there's a good %age of those Worlds where I am not welcome - don't feel comfortable - &/or am not interested in them.
Obvsly - there is quite a range of these Worlds - some I absolutely love - & am most welcomed.
In fact there are more Worlds here than I have even been to...
My other analogy is FMU Programs are Parties in different Rooms in some very large building ...Rent Parties as it happens...
But I digress...

I like that description. There was a club in NYC called Limelight and it was setup that way. Every room, floor had different music going in it. It was really cool, kinda one of a kind. But there are definitely a lot of worlds at FMU
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It was Malcolm Mclaren's idea to put a naked 14 year old on an album cover.
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↳ Mattynotimes @5:06
the limelight was also Gorgeous, aesthetically, structurally; and the acoustics were excellent.
- just had to get your drink on before going in.

That it was!
Marie in Chicago:

Ken Kim Jong Un Freedman, right?
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↳ JohnnyReno @5:07
the whole band was mclaren's idea.
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↳ Mattynotimes @5:04
Thanks. Hope you weren't hit by sonic shrapnel.
Marie in Chicago:

I have to fly, Thanks, Irwin (and all). I guess divorce really became acceptable in the 70s..
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Mattynotimes @5:06
I think it also a useful analogy for the FMU-J as Party Host as Moderator. Even @ a Rent Party - one is a Guest - & it's the Host's call. With the caveat that Rent happens to go to the entire building - as the sort of pimp ...well every metaphor breaks down...
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basically, he created adam and the ants - with the Brilliant idea to have "tribal" rhythms and general vibe (not being sarcastic. it was brilliant)
then he ripped it apart to form bow wow wow and only needed a jailbait sex-symbol to sell more records than adam and the ants.
marketing genius.
- it didn't hurt that all 3 of the musicians were excellent.

↳ Mattynotimes @5:06
Been to that place myself. Saw my share of good industrial, Goth & alternative bands there. The fact that it was once a cathedral made it perfect for a performance venue, as it provided the right acoustics.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:13
...& having been pimped & ripped off like that - AdamAnt had to rise from the ashes like a good ♏︎Scorpio does... JulianCope writes of his Management doing something similar stealing all his concepts for Echo & the Bunnymen's act...
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(and she was 15-16 for that photoshoot)
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:16
they didn't wither away after all.
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↳ coelacanth∅ @5:16
I read she was was 14 at the time of the album's release. Mclaren was 10% genius, 30% pornographer 70% huckster.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ JohnnyReno @5:18
...'I would say for the sEXPiSToLs I was more of a *mis*manager'...
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huzzah for the good rats. peppi really had his growl working there.
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↳ JohnnyReno @5:18
I have a lot of respect for MM. Didn't like every project of his, but he was entrepreneurial, daring, outspoken, and very very funny.
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↳ JohnnyReno @5:18
i read otherwise but you may be correct. can't look into it now.
...but where's the line between marketing genius and huckster?
(i won't give you "pornographer")
was Chuck Berry a marketing genius, or a huckster?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm

Bowie...marketing genius or huckster?
madonna - crappy marketing genius, or crappy huckster?!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's always been the Business of Show.
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↳ coelacanth∅ @5:21
I once edited an interview with McLaren in which he explained the roots of hip-hop reached back to square dancing. And he made a solid case!
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↳ coelacanth∅ @5:21
Chuck Berry was both the primary architect of rock and roll and a degenerate sex addict. (I have great reverence for him.)
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↳ Irwin @5:23
i'd like to read that!
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↳ coelacanth∅ @5:24
It was audio, for a syndicated '80s college radio series.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ JohnnyReno @5:24
& that's not meaningless or a mistake.
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↳ JohnnyReno @5:24
he was very astute. after combining some proven musical and lyrical elements, and blatantly stealing a guitar riff from Louis Jordan's tympany 5, he specifically geared it to a "white" audience.
he wasn't *the most rock & roll", but he was a marketing genius.
rx "rexy" scabin:

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Which doesn't make one an apologist for ChuckBerry's violations. But as Pete Townshend noted about his Musical Contemporaries - you could consider anyone notable among them - & there was probly something screwed up happened to them in their earliest War ~ PostWar years of life...
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Deano de los Muertos:

Hey Irwin…hey Gus
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:32
...just to say - the RawkaRollaz didn't come out of nowhere...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:33
...or from the perfectly-adjusted...
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↳ Song: "The Freeloading Orgiastic Insatiable" by "Gus Bod...
"Perineum Press"

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:21
i suppose it depends on who you talk to about wht it means to be "band manager". Most folks view the job as being simple and pedantic But, in fact, the position demands much of the one assumiing it:
Negotiations with the record labels production companies in charge of tour arrangements & contacing participatiig venues
Signing contracts & runners & appointing notaries for certification of both, etc.
rx "rexy" scabin:

I am home unexpectably: illness. It is worth it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ A2B @5:35
Maclaren had a Situationist's understanding of Promotion.
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Crosby in KC:

Thanks Irwin!
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↳ Song: "The Freeloading Orgiastic Insatiable" by "Gus Bod...
Dog on high alert!
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chris in the redwoods:

↳ Irwin @5:21
also musically visionary, in my view.
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Sorry to be stumbling in so late. I guess I'll need to dig into the archive.
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Deano de los Muertos:

I’ll never be able to hear Sister Ray without hearing the line “half a dozen ring dings” again
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Hendrix's creepy Manager Mike Jeffries had an exMI5 understanding of power plays
- Zeppelin's Manager PeterGrant had an exWrestler's understanding of carrying a cricket bat & collecting all that was owed them...
Yes it's quite an array of Skills - being the thuggy Yang to loads of Yin otherworldly Creatives... Or somethings.

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:37
It does make one wonder about the path McLaren took before he became manager to the rudest band in the UK.
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↳ JohnnyReno @4:54
Looking at pictures of Julia Cumming's Rickenbacker bass is akin to staring into the eyes of God.
Joey C says:

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↳ A2B @5:41
He sold rubber fetish gear and presided over the disintegration of The New York Dolls.

↳ JohnnyReno @5:43
Ha! Well, that explains a lot!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

PeteTownshend said he first intended TheWho as an ArtSchool conception of his - a band that would intentionally self-destruct. But kids responded to his Songs ...& of course the Checks came in.
I think of the PiSToLs as if a band stuck to the original plan ...well, @ first, anyway.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:45
I hope he had an Art blog, too.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:41
but Hendrix's earlier manager was fully responsible for the experience. his idea, his introductions, his pulling the Great Mitch Mitchell from obscurity.
...Thank Apollo for Chas Chandler!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:47
Right - well - Jeffries had been TheAnimals' Manager. & Chass from TheAnimals. This illustrates the A&R & the Business bifurcation in Management...

Time for me to bow out.
Thanks, Irwin & all in Accu-chat!
A pleasant evening to all!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:48
...& most unfortunately - Hendrix lost Chandler as a buffer when they started to disagree on direction & methods...
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:48
ugh. i didn't know that. was only aware of his later machiavellian exploits (and possible involvement in a murder)
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Bob Tankenstein:

↳ Song: "La Pièce à Musique" by "Steven Kamperman"
This rocks Irwin
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listener 126464:

Thanks for a swell show today, Irwin.
Laura L:

5:55 already! Thanks, Irwin and Gus!
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Oh damn it's over already. Thanks, Irwin.

Thanks, Irwin.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Chandler had been Producer ...which McLaren was like in some respects. I mean - he made his own releases in his own name too... In the case of say TheBeatles - these were entirely separated into Epstein & Martin. & everybody acting from basically everyone else's best interests, whatever shortcomings ...then Epstein died.
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Bob Tankenstein:

Thanks Irwin!
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Another triumph today, Irwin. I'm going to watch Fisk tonight thanks to you.
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chris in the redwoods:

thanks, Irwin!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ Mr. IDC Sir ~
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Deano de los Muertos:

Thanks Irwin
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Thank you, Mr.Irwin
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Thanqs Irwin!
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↳ Song: "Cuckolding" by "Kitty Flanagan (Helen), Julia Zem...
. . . no it's not that
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Thanks Irwin!
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