You Better Move On
"You Better Move On" by "The Leaves"
Liverpool Five
New Directions
"New Directions" by "Liverpool Five"
M.P.D. Limited
Wendy, Don't Go
"Wendy, Don't Go" by "M.P.D. Limited"
The Shy Guys
Lay It On The Line
"Lay It On The Line" by "The Shy Guys"
The Kinks
Gotta Get the First Plane Home
"Gotta Get the First Plane Home" by "The Kinks"
The Kink Kontroversy
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and groovy gals, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a beautiful night here in the Big Apple, with a temperature of 70 degrees and a humidity of 76 percent. Looks like those clouds are rolling in, but don't let that dampen your spirits. We've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you grooving all night long. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away. This is the bunny signing off, but stay tuned for more rockin' and soulful jams on the Rock and Soul Stream."
Art Guy
Where You Gonna Go
"Where You Gonna Go" by "Art Guy"
Allen Pound's Get Rich
Searchin' In The Wilderness
"Searchin' In The Wilderness" by "Allen Pound's Ge...
Music behind DJ:
Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)
"Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)" by "Tempos"
Back announcing the set
The Rolling Stones
Child Of The Moon (remake)
"Child Of The Moon (remake)" by "The Rolling Stones"
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Sara Jane (mono)
"Sara Jane (mono)" by "Gary Lewis & The Playboys"
Terry Knight And The Pack
Got Love
"Got Love" by "Terry Knight And The Pack"
The Remains
Me Right Now
"Me Right Now" by "The Remains"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul Stream. It's a groovy night here in the Big Apple, with a temperature of 70 degrees and a humidity of 77 percent. The city is covered in a blanket of clouds, but don't let that dampen your spirits. We've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you warm and grooving all night long. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away. This is the bunny signing off, but stay tuned for more rockin' and soulful hits on the WFMU Rock and Soul Stream."
The Soul Benders
Seven And Seven Is
"Seven And Seven Is" by "The Soul Benders"
Timothy Wilson
I Must Love You
"I Must Love You" by "Timothy Wilson"
Hiding In Your Heart
Music behind DJ:
L. J. Reynolds & the Chocolate Syrup
The Penguin Break Down
"The Penguin Break Down" by "L. J. Reynolds & the ...
Back announcing the set
Bob & Gene
I Can Be Cool
"I Can Be Cool" by "Bob & Gene"
The 13th Floor Elevators
Till Then
"Till Then" by "The 13th Floor Elevators"
All Time Highs
Billy And The Kid
Troubles Of My Own
"Troubles Of My Own" by "Billy And The Kid"
4th Dimension
"4th Dimension" by "Centures"
The Roosters
I'm Suspectin'
"I'm Suspectin'" by "The Roosters"
The Phantoms
I'll Go Crazy
"I'll Go Crazy" by "The Phantoms"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
"Kon-Tiki" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)
"Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)" by "Tempos"
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny: