Favoriting Observations of Deviance with David Mittleman: Playlist from August 24, 2024 Favoriting

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Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.

Saturday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting August 24, 2024

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Gabor Szabo  Search for Nirvana   Favoriting Jazz Raga  Impulse!  1967    0:02:14 (Pop-up)
Big Youth  Love And Happiness   Favoriting Natty Universal Dread 1973-1979  Blood & Fire  2000    0:04:22 (Pop-up)
The Observer All Stars  One Train Load Of Dub   Favoriting Dubbing With The Observer 2-CD  Doctor Bird / Cherry Red  2023    0:07:55 (Pop-up)
Tommy McCook & The Observers  One Train Load Of Collie   Favoriting Dubbing With The Observer 2-CD  Doctor Bird / Cherry Red  2023    0:11:13 (Pop-up)
Ana Carla Maza  A Tomar Café (Latin Version)   Favoriting Caribe  Persona Editorial Ltd  2023  feat. Arnaud Dolmen  0:14:31 (Pop-up)
Litto Nebbia  La Caida   Favoriting Bazar De Los Milagros  VampiSoul  2021    0:19:03 (Pop-up)
John Parish  The Girls Rehearse   Favoriting Screenplay  Thrill Jockey  2013    0:26:44 (Pop-up)
Kevin Ayers  Love Is (Radio 1 John Peel Sunday Concert 17.05.1970)   Favoriting All This Crazy Gift of Time: The Recordings 1969-1973  Cherry Red  2024  https://www.cherryred.co.uk/kevin-ayers-all-this-crazy-gift-of-time-the-recordings-1969-1973-limited-edition-deluxe-box-set  0:32:46 (Pop-up)
Kevin Ayers  We Did it Again (Radio 1 John Peel Sunday Concert 17.05.1970)   Favoriting All This Crazy Gift of Time: The Recordings 1969-1973  Cherry Red  2024  https://www.cherryred.co.uk/kevin-ayers-all-this-crazy-gift-of-time-the-recordings-1969-1973-limited-edition-deluxe-box-set  0:41:29 (Pop-up)
Kevin Ayers  Why Are We Sleeping? (live London 05.11.1972)   Favoriting All This Crazy Gift of Time: The Recordings 1969-1973  Cherry Red  2024  feat. Steve Hillage ; https://www.cherryred.co.uk/kevin-ayers-all-this-crazy-gift-of-time-the-recordings-1969-1973-limited-edition-deluxe-box-set  0:51:29 (Pop-up)
Grupo de Impovisación Tercer Mundo  Un Hilo De Luz   Favoriting Un Hilo de Luz  VampiSoul  2024  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/un-hilo-de-luz  1:04:16 (Pop-up)
Darius Jones  Another Kind of Forever   Favoriting Legend of e'Boi (The Hypervigilant Eye)  AUM Fideltity  2024  https://dariusjones.bandcamp.com/album/legend-of-eboi-the-hypervigilant-eye  1:09:30 (Pop-up)
Don Cherry, Okay Temiz  İstanbul   Favoriting Music For Turkish Theater  Caz Plak  2024  https://cazplak.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-turkish-theater  1:18:15 (Pop-up)
Patrick Jean​-​Marie  Dual   Favoriting ATIKA  Symbole  2023    1:22:22 (Pop-up)
The Little Shadows  Time For Peace   Favoriting The Time For Peace Is Now (Gospel Music About Us)  Luaka Bop  2019    1:28:11 (Pop-up)
Jason Stein  Cold Water   Favoriting Anchors  Tao Forms  2024  https://taoforms.bandcamp.com/album/anchors  1:37:05 (Pop-up)
David Murray, ?uestlove, Ray Angry  Pink Noise   Favoriting Plumb  JMI Recordings  2023    1:43:31 (Pop-up)
The Verge  Nessesse   Favoriting The Verge  Is It Jazz?  2024  https://the--verge.bandcamp.com/album/the-verge  1:59:52 (Pop-up)
Litto Nebbia  El Casamiento De Los Musicos   Favoriting Canciones Que No Quieren Morir  VampiSoul  2024  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/canciones-que-no-quieren-morir  2:07:25 (Pop-up)
Gerald Cleaver  The Process   Favoriting The Process  Positive Elevation  2024  https://positiveelevation.bandcamp.com/album/the-process  2:14:30 (Pop-up)
Jobriath  I'maman   Favoriting As The River Flows  Eschatone  2014    2:37:26 (Pop-up)
Derek Bailey, Pat Metheny, Gregg Bendian, Paul Wertico  In Quest Of A Solution   Favoriting The Sign Of 4  Knitting Factory Works  1997    2:41:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Going live in 10 minutes!
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↳ Song: "One Train Load Of Collie" by "Tommy McCook & The ...
Both are King Tubby Mixes
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↳ Song: "A Tomar Café (Latin Version)" by "Ana Carla Maza"

My exclusive ARNAUD DOLMEN interview from last week's show:


↳ Observations @7:14
Avatar 7:20pm

↳ Song: "La Caida" by "Litto Nebbia"
"Space jazz-folk masterpiece infused with prog scents from one of the true legends of Argentinian rock. Floating electric piano, acoustic guitar, female choirs and moog sounds combine with Litto’s own voice and create a unique blend of delicate beauty.

First vinyl reissue, including a facsimile version of the 32-page booklet that accompanied the original 1976 release, and remastered sound.

Includes the song ‘La Caída’, as sampled on Jay Electronica/Jay Z’s ‘The Neverending Story’.

Listed on Chee Shimizu’s Obscure Sound guidebook for record collectors."

Avatar 7:33pm

↳ Song: "Love Is (Radio 1 John Peel Sunday Concert 17.05.1...
My FOUR HOUR Kevin Ayers Mix

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↳ Song: "Love Is (Radio 1 John Peel Sunday Concert 17.05.1...
Kevin Ayers – vocals, guitar
David Bedford – keyboards
Mike Oldfield – bass
Lol Coxhill – saxophone
Mick Fincher – drums

BBC Radio 1 John Peel Sunday Concert – 17th May 1970
Avatar 7:38pm

↳ Observations @7:34
Despite these notes, it sure sounds like Oldfield plays guitar at least some of the time, especially the solos sound more like him than Kevin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Doug in MP:

Is this really four hours? lol
Avatar 7:42pm

↳ Doug in MP @7:40
That AD Mix is in fact four hours long, all Kevin Ayers!
Avatar 7:53pm

↳ Song: "Why Are We Sleeping? (live London 05.11.1972)" by...
Kevin Ayers – vocals, guitar
Steve Hillage – lead guitar
Archie Legget – bass guitar
Eddie Sparrow – drums, percussion

Recorded at The Harvest Road Show concert – Mile End, London 5th November 1972

Avatar 8:07pm

↳ Song: "Un Hilo De Luz" by "Grupo de Impovisación Tercer ...
originally released 1989

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↳ Song: "Un Hilo De Luz" by "Grupo de Impovisación Tercer ...
"A Thread Of Light"
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↳ Song: "Another Kind of Forever" by "Darius Jones"
Darius Jones: composer, alto saxophone
Gerald Cleaver: drums
Chris Lightcap: bass
Avatar 8:18pm

↳ Song: "İstanbul" by "Don Cherry, Okay Temiz"
"One of the most shocking and daring plays staged in Turkish theaters was banned by the Istanbul Governorship on February 7, 1970. The ban on the play, which was watched by 30,000 people in 60 days, did not last long." - Turkish Press, 1970
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↳ Song: "İstanbul" by "Don Cherry, Okay Temiz"
"In 1970, Turkish theater owner Engin Cezzar produced James Baldwin's groundbreaking play about gay relationships in a 1970s Istanbul prison setting. In 1969, jazz musician Don Cherry, visiting Istanbul with Okay Temiz to record an album, reunited with Baldwin and contributed music to the production. The recording session followed extensive discussions and featured performances by Cherry and Temiz, heightening the play's tension."
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↳ Song: "Dual" by "Patrick Jean​-​Marie"
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↳ Song: "Cold Water" by "Jason Stein"
Jason Stein - bass clarinet
Joshua Abrams - bass
Gerald Cleaver - drums
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↳ Song: "The Process" by "Gerald Cleaver"
"Just want to emphasize that Detroit is my heart. That’s the environment of my imagination. From the beginning."
Gerald Cleaver
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↳ Song: "The Process" by "Gerald Cleaver"
Cleaver explains that the theme of The Process is the “celebration of the freedom and power of the Black American male.”
Avatar 9:34pm

↳ Observations @9:17
This is not at all obvious.

Had I to guess its subject i'd've gone for something like "clean room" chip manufacturing.

It is great to, click star worthy for later listening
Avatar 9:41pm

After my show ends, live radio continues with

The Hotwire Mandate with Mike Lupica

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↳ Avspuk @9:34
You might also enjoy this

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↳ Song: "In Quest Of A Solution" by "Derek Bailey, Pat Met...
"derek is a musician i have admired from a distance for a long time. he is one of the few guitar players in modern times who has not only forged an unmistakable voice on the instrument, but significantly altered the potential of what the instrument could become in an improvisational setting.

the project came about as a result of the two drummers (greg bendian and paul wertico) who had played alot with derek and i respectively, suggesting to both us that we should do it. for me, i was happy for the chance to do it - and it is one of the records that i have been involved in over the past few years that i am most proud of.

one of the things that i wanted to do with this record was that i really wanted to make one that was totally unlike any record that i or derek had ever made before. i feel we did that - and that record has some amazing music on it, with a lot of variety within it's own vocabulary.

i predicted at the time two things; one was that a lot of people would have a hard time listening to it because of the particular density that that vocabulary involves. the other was that it would roundly dissed by members and critics associated with the so-called avant garde community, as was song x (the record i made with ornette coleman in 1985) at the time it was released. that predicted dissing, by the way, would in fact have absolutely nothing to do with the actual music that was actually played, even though it would be cloaked in the rhetoric of musical discussion.

so, since it seems i was right about those predictions, what is today's prediction? (this bb is turning into a jazz version of the psycic friends network)

like song x, i predict that the real appreciation of so4 will come later - it is a very special record that probably has not found it's true audience yet. i would say that it is a record that is kind of ahead of it's time - and one that only could have been made by those particular people at that time - always a good sign. all of this is a long way around just saying this - that i am really glad that you enjoyed the record."



Sign of 4 is among the top ten albums in my book, and it has been from the get-go.

Of course, my top ten albums consists of 48 albums, but that's cool, right?

Song X was dissed?!

God save the stupid among us!
Avatar 10:00pm

thank you, I'll be back next week

↳ Observations @9:43
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