Favoriting The Flange & Frigate with DJ GeorgyGirl: Playlist from August 9, 2024 Favoriting

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Welcome to The Flange & Frigate - the UK's premier pub and social club, playing the finest in British psych, fey pop, mod, and lounge!

Friday 4 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 9, 2024: The Flange & Frigate #296 - John Brumwell Mayall OBE 1933 - 2024

On today's Flange & Frigate Show with DJ GeorgyGirl, we pay tribute to John Mayall, The Father of British Blues, icon, legend, and mentor who passed away on July 22nd at the age of 90.

Welcome to The Flange & Frigate - the UK's premier pub and social club, playing the finest in British psych, fey pop, mod, prog, and folk!

4 pm to 6 pm Eastern/9 pm to 11 pm GMT only on #sheenasjungleroom

#British #FeyPop #Lounge #Psych #Mod #WFMU #JohnMayall

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
John Mayall  Little Girl   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  No More Tears   Favoriting The Blues Alone  1967  0:04:03 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  A Crazy Game   Favoriting The Latest Edition  1974  0:07:09 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Steppin' Out   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  0:11:56 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Long Gone Midnight   Favoriting Blues From Laurel Canyon  1968  0:14:16 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Mess Of Love   Favoriting Notice To Appear  1975  0:18:47 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  What'd I Say?   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  0:23:06 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Don't Hang Me Up   Favoriting Ten Years Are Gone  1973  0:27:54 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Key To Love   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  0:31:39 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Don't Waste My Time   Favoriting Empty Rooms  1969  0:34:54 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Oh Pretty Woman   Favoriting Crusade  1967  0:38:06 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Double Crossing Time   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  0:41:40 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  The Pusher Man   Favoriting The Latest Edition  1974  0:44:28 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Curly   Favoriting Crusade  1967  0:49:36 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Nature's Disappearing   Favoriting USA Union  1970  0:52:54 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Driving Till The Break Of Day   Favoriting Ten Years Are Gone  1973  0:59:00 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  2401   Favoriting Blues From Laurel Canyon  1968  1:03:51 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  I'm A Stranger   Favoriting Bare Wires  1968  1:08:37 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Don't Kick Me   Favoriting The Blues Alone  1967  1:11:27 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Somebody's Acting Like A Child   Favoriting Blues From Laurel Canyon  1968  1:14:42 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Gasoline Blues   Favoriting The Latest Edition  1974  1:17:46 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Who's Next, Who's Now?   Favoriting Notice To Appear  1975  1:22:17 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Your Funeral, My Trial   Favoriting Crusade  1967  1:26:30 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  It Ain't Right   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  1:30:41 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Memories   Favoriting Memories  1971  1:33:22 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Vacation   Favoriting Blues From Laurel Canyon  1968  1:39:32 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Checkin' Up On My Baby   Favoriting Crusade  1967  1:42:12 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Hideaway   Favoriting Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton  1966  1:46:15 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Driving Sideways   Favoriting Crusade  1967  1:49:26 (Pop-up)
John Mayall  Waiting For The Right Time   Favoriting Empty Rooms  1969  1:54:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:28am
DJ Guin:

Stream is offline
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @11:28
Oh no! Is it still offline??
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Here in Dutchyland I don't hear a thing..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:33
Same here :-(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

And on a tribute show as well! That's very rude of the stream goblins if you ask me
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Hi Georgy. IS it something in NJ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:35
The Barman just messagedme that this has been happening on and off all week :-(
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

I mean, Guin's remark is from quite a couple of hours ago..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I mean .. you could all come over to my house and I'll play it to you then :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:36pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:35
Yes, Jan's show had some hiccups last wednesday but they were just hiccups.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:36
I just checked the stream and I'm hearing nothing :-(
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:36
Let me get my shoes.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:37
I'll put the kettle on :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:37
No, it's dead silent.. eerie.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:38pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

This calls for an early hellraiser.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:37
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... this is so frustrating!!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

we need to reinforce the interweb tubes WFMU broadcasts through.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:39
I'll grab some Sellotape from Mr Peaslin's shed!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

The other streams are working fine. It's just Sheena's which isn't.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:39
I think we need a tunnel boring machine and some big big cables.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:41
Do you have a reference photo I can look at? ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Okay - I'm being told to go ahead and start broadcasting as the auto stream is separate. Fingers crossed everyone!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

And electrek.co...
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Paper Kosmonaut:

I will cross all my fingers - and my toes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:44
That should sort it out! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Okay - I'm going to try and connect. Let me know if you can hear anything.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

I see it is still stuck on a track from Merrily We Roll Along when I open the stream.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:46
Okay! I'll listen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:46
Yep - I can#t connect. Someone's on the stream
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:48pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:47
A pirate? Or Hacker?
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:49pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

I mean, it should be the robot DJ, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:49
It'll be a DJ. I'm trying to alert someone :-(
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Good luck!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:50
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Paper Kosmonaut:

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Paper Kosmonaut:

Gun Club now.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

So the robot DJ is back online.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:51
I still can't connect :-(
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Music has stopped.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Back, but autoplayer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Yep - I can't hear anything
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

I am connected via VPN to LDN and I hear Gun Club.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:54pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

GG, it does not matter if you are late. Just take your time with connecting.
Avatar 3:54pm
The Barman:

*emerges from the cellar dressed as a witchdoctor: top hat, feathers, bone necklace; and carrying a large tin of biscuits and an old Martini Henry rifle*

Now then, now then, this stream's been more erratic than the Blue Nile today so I'm told.

Evening GG, Mr PK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:54pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Okay - I'm going to try at the top of the hour - fingers crossed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:54
Thank you <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:54
Barman!! I need a very large Malbec :-(
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @3:54
Eeev'nin, Barman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:54
And it's so lovely to see your wonderful face
Avatar 3:55pm
The Barman:

I'm hearing the Easter Monkeys loud and clear right now.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @3:55
So do I.
Avatar 3:56pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:55
One very large Malbec coming right up, GG.
Nanny State to get you in the groove, Mr PK?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I can't hear anything :-(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:56
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @3:56
Bitte Schön, Herr Barmann.
Avatar 3:57pm
The Barman:

And how we have the Hully Gully Hop, which seems to instantly be rotting my brain.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

My VPN connection runs via London and I can hear the stream loud and clear. Indeed Hully Gully Hop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Yes! I can hear the stream!!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

The stream surely has gone crazy. Yodelling. *sigh*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Avatar 4:00pm
The Barman:

*unlocks the pub doors
takes deep breath*
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm going to lie down in a dark room after tonight's show. LOL
Avatar 4:01pm
The Barman:

I can hear Mr Eric riffing like a bastard.
Praise be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

<drinks half a glass of Malbec in one gulp>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:01
That was *close* and then some. ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Okay ... deep breath.
Hello DJ Guin! Hello dearest Barman and PK! :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

This calls for cake! cdn.apartmenttherapy.info...
(Not in rain)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:02
Hey sweetie. You did it.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Howdy GG and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:02
That is a beautiful sight for very sore eyes :-)
Avatar 4:03pm
The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:02
That looks good for the waistline, Mr PK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @4:02
Darling Candy! Hello! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Candy-O'67 @4:02
Hey Candy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:02
<hugs PK> I am SO relieved.
Avatar 4:03pm
Mr Fab:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Today's drinking game - take a shot every time I say "John Mayall" ;-)
Avatar 4:03pm
The Barman:

↳ Candy-O'67 @4:02
Evening Ms Candy, good to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:03
That's a skill, that is ;-) Hello, lovely :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr Fab @4:03
Thank Darwin for that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "No More Tears" by "John Mayall"
Ain't THAT the truth? ;-)
Avatar 4:04pm
The Barman:

↳ Mr Fab @4:03
Evening Mr Fab. What can I get you from the bar?
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Blimey! The sky's green outside!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm not ashamed to say that I actually burst into tears when I finally connected and got the show on. Lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:04
Green??? What is going on today??

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:05
Hello, lovely Bliss! You just missed all the drama ;-)
Avatar 🍷 4:05pm
Mr. Oxford:

Hello DJ GG! Hello PK, Mr. Fab, Barman, DJ Guin, Candy O, and Blissland!
Avatar 4:06pm
The Barman:

↳ Blissland @4:05
Evening blissland, good to see you in tonight.
What'll you have to drink?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:05
Hello, dear Mr O! :-)
Avatar 4:06pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "No More Tears" by "John Mayall"
"Damn all these guitarists who keep leaving. I'll just have to play all the instruments myself."

↳ The Barman @4:06
thank you, another coffee please
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

How are you all today, my darlings? What's been happening since last I saw you all? :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:05
I'm sorry about that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:06
I swear, a good quarter of the Flange wouldn't exist without John Mayall <raises glass>

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:05
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:07
Well, at least I'm fully awake now. Lol
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:05
Mr. O! Long time no see! How are you?
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:07
I have painted my GF's kitchen.
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:03
Hi PK!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:08
Oooo! What colour? And well done you! That's a feat in itself!
Avatar 4:08pm
The Barman:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:05
Mr Oxford, bless my soul, good to see you,
What can I get you from the bar?
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "A Crazy Game" by "John Mayall"
I love the bass work in this tune.
Avatar 🍷 4:09pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:07
I am recovering from lot of anxiety and some health issues. But I see the light. Things are turning up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:08
I was just having a little chair bop to that :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

↳ The Barman @4:03
I'll have a cold brew coffee, please! It's so hot here! Thx, Mr, Barman!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

Good morning GG and Flangers all
Avatar 4:09pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "A Crazy Game" by "John Mayall"
Not sounding a million miles away from mid-70s Beefheart here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:09
Well, I am very happy to hear that things are turning a corner! I'm always here if you need a friend, too <3
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:08
"Organic Olive". two walls.
Avatar 🍷 4:09pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:07
Yep, long time no see! How are you and how is beautiful Dutchyland these days?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:09
The good Cap'n Aitch is in the house!! Hello, my lovely :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:09
Welcome back, my friend. Relax. Everything will be all right.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:09
You know, that's true. I never thought of that before but you're absolutely spot on there <3
Avatar 🍷 4:10pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ The Barman @4:08
Good to see you too, barman! I'll have a warm and cozy cup of green tea. Thanks!
Avatar 4:10pm
Mr Fab:

I grew up on a Mayall St, and several folks hipper than me commented on it over the years. I didn't know who he was, but that's how I first learned of him.

(Maybe the city planner who named our street was a fan?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:09
A 70s kitchen! I like it :-)
Avatar 4:10pm
The Barman:

↳ Aitch @4:09
Mr Aitch, great to see you. What'll you have to drink?
Avatar 🍷 4:10pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:09
Thank you, DJ GG

Gimme that harp boy
Ain't no fat man's toy
Avatar 🍷 4:11pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:10
Thanks for your kind words, PK
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:10
Oh, I wish that was true! I hope it was! He did live in Laurel Canyon after all so you never know :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:10
Always ALWAYS here for all of you <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Stanley @4:11
Stanley!! Hello, my darling :-)

And good evening everyone
Avatar 4:12pm
The Barman:

↳ Stanley @4:11
Ah, Mr Stanley, popping up with the apposite lines as I would expect. What can I get you from the bar my good man?
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↳ The Barman @4:10
Something with some voom please Barman
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Stanley @4:11
Good evening, Stanley!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Stanley @4:11
It is a fine and wonderful evening seeing all of you :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Aitch @4:12
Good morning, Aitch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:12
We need a cocktail called that :-)
Avatar 🍷 4:12pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Aitch @4:09
G'Day Aitch!

@The Barman A long necked bottle please Mr B
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Right - I Need a dance. Who's with me?
Avatar 4:13pm
The Barman:

↳ Aitch @4:12
One pint of Old Mike Hammer coming up, Mr Aitch.
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:12
Double Ardbeg with a pinch of wizz?
Avatar 🍷 4:14pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:13
I'm an atrocious dancer but I can try!
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

A very good evening to one and all in the spirit of all things John Mayall!
Avatar 4:14pm
The Barman:

↳ Stanley @4:13
You sure can drink 'em on down, Mr Stanley.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:14
That's not a bad idea ;-) With The Essence of Keith Moon for some extra kick ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:14
PHOTOCOPY!!! How lovely to see you? :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:14
Hey Photocopy! Good to see you here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:14
Lead the way, Mr O! :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:14
Hyvää iltaa, Photocopy!
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↳ Mr. Oxford @4:12
Glad you're better Mr O, had noticed you weren't around.
The Flange a great place for a cheer-up when you're a bit off
Avatar 4:15pm
The Barman:

Aha Cha Cha, how very nice to see you.
What can I get you to drink?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:15
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Paper Kosmonaut:

And so it all became a super good time after all. Mr. Oxford is here AND Photocopy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Never forget everyone - you are LOVED here. It's a safe space. And if you ever need a chat, I'm always here. DJGG@wfmu.org. Seriously. Please don't hesitate. <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:16
Right? The magic of the Flange at work once more :-)
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:16
The international crew that makes for such good conversation.
All sorts at The Flange!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

This calls for early bitterballen!! 2.bp.blogspot.com...
Avatar 4:17pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Long Gone Midnight" by "John Mayall"
Hmm, "Blues From Laurel Canyon," Our street was in fact built around '68. Veddy interesting...*strokes chin*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:17
We get the best sorts at the Flange :-)
Avatar 4:17pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Long Gone Midnight" by "John Mayall"
Mr Mick making his entrée.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:17
I take my hat off to THAT! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:17
See what I mean? :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:17
The list is staggering. Staggering. God bless Mr Mayall <3
Avatar 🍷 4:18pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Aitch @4:15
Thanks, Aitch. Yeah I have been tuning in to WFMU a lot less in the last many months.

Perhaps the Flange and WFMU in general will make things a bit better and take my mind off of things.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr Fab @4:17
A true discovery! It might be real! Living in a street named after the great John Mayall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I have news, too.

Today, I swam in half lengths for a solid half hour. :-)
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Hey there GG, PK, all. Teretulemast Eesti mees aka Mr Oxford ;) Hello Dear Barman, anything Mr Mayall asked you to pour into his glass back in the day will be perfectly fine, ta!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Mess Of Love" by "John Mayall"
Another stunning bassline :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:18
I mean, crazier things happened in '68..
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:18
I hope so. I know so :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:16
Haha I think you, PK, and everyone else on here also makes it a super good time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:19
How are you? What have you been up to? :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:19

@DJ GeorgyGirl You really have come on. Must be a great confidence boost
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:19
Especially around Laurel Canyon!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Stanley @4:20
Thank you :-) It honestly is! I feel so liberated and empowered by it all :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:18
For me, Mr. Oxford, The Flange really is a place I can put my brain at ease and meander along with kind spirited people and music.
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The Barman:

↳ Song: "Mess Of Love" by "John Mayall"
I love the 70s sheen of this.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:19
Actually, I was nicknamed "Intialainen Ruusuu" at a Finnish karaoke club in Estonia when I broke into Irwin Goodman's "Rentun Ruusuu"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:21
I need to step outside for a second. That made me cry. In a very good way indeed <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:21
It's so slinky and gorgeous :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:21

Hello Georgy! Hello everyone ! Hoping this hurricane holds off!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:22
Hello, dear Ms Elizabeth! Oh my goodness tho - a hurricane! Please please stay safe <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "What'd I Say?" by "John Mayall"
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:20
Pretty much the same things you have done- swimming! Can’t wait for the full moon swimming on an August night. The beaches are a lot more quiet and nicer on weekdays at night since all the annoying troublemakers have school to go to in the morning…
Avatar 🍷 4:24pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:21
I am not on the verge of breaking into tears just yet like DJ GG, but this is making me a bit emotional. It's amazing how the internet and internet chat rooms can be super messy and disturbing, but not WFMU chats. Not by a long shot. THere is light, kindness and good humour on WFMU chats. Always.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:24
Full moon sounds like absolute bliss! Okay - one day you and I need to swim together. Deal? :-)
Avatar 4:25pm
The Barman:

↳ Elizabeth @4:22
Ah, Ms Elizabeth, welcome to you. What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:24
Right. Come here. I need to hug you. :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:25
Or - I need someone to hug me. Lol.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "What'd I Say?" by "John Mayall"
Drum solo, you say? Oh alright then.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:25
Here you go 🤗!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

By the way, today's interview snippets come form a 2004 Manchester radio interview that John Mayall gave :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:23
Thanks Georgy! We are also under a tornado watch until 10:00 PM also! So far, it's just windy out- the rain has held off and no funnel clouds spotted!
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:21
Intialainen Ruusu? Very odd as the song is basically about alcoholism…
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:26
<3 Eeeee! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:27
Oh Lordy!!! Sending you enormous amounts of love! <3
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:27
Yeah but that's because I am Indian. And the Finns were surprised I knew that song and could sing it.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:27
I've just done the maths and he was 70 when he gave that interview.
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:24
Deal - please keep in mind I am the slowest swimmer in the world

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:27
Thanks Georgy! Fingers crossed it misses us!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:28
I'm no Mark Spitz, don't worry! Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Mark Spitz? Mark Spitz??
How old am I??? Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:29

↳ The Barman @4:25
Hi Barman, My usual chocolate drink- still iced! It's super muggy here- tropical even! Thanks
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:29
I know who that is!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Favourite Olympics based joke: How do the fill the pools at the Olympics?

Mark Spitz.


↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:30
LOL! I know who he is also!
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:30
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:30
Thank goodness someone else does! LOl
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:30
You'd think a hurricane would have the good grace to cool things down!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:30
It's disgusting but it makes me chuckle ;-)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:30
Me too, but swimming here a big thing.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:30
I had to look him. I learned something today.
Avatar 4:32pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:30
I went swimming in the Olympic Pool in Munich where Spitz won all those medals. Its design by Frei Otto is absolutely amazing.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Key To Love" by "John Mayall"
How is this 1966?
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:28
Oh, right! Well, you have mentioned singing Pelle Miljoona in karaoke, so it seems to me you have got the Finnish songbook covered with your song choices!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:31
I aim to swim with you, too one day :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:32
Okay, THAT is impressive!!! We need to organise a swim day in that London, too :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

The Flange - entertaining, fun, kind - AND I get to find swimming buddies ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

And who can forget Gunhild Larking? Paavo Nurmi? Svetlana Boguinskaia?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:33
Yes, I think. ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:33
None of them swimmers of course. (at least not as main sport)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:32
We will be coming through Brighton after the nastiness.
I'll bring my budgie smugglers
Avatar 🍷 4:35pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:32
Haha, I still need to learn some Olavi Virta songs. Then I would have covered close to 1% of the Finnish songbook :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:34
YES!!! YESYESYES!!! That is EXCELLENT news :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:34
I have become obsessed with the Olympics synchronised swimming. :-)
Avatar 4:35pm
The Barman:

He were from Macc.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ The Barman @4:32
That's amazing!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:35
Almost as fun as the blind soccer, coming up after.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:35
I know ;-) I thoughts saying "Manchester area" would mean less explaining. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:36
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @4:35
Isn't that where Mr. Curtis also came from?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:35
Also, does that make him an honorary Macc Lad? ;-)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:36
It's a real thing, there's a bell in the ball
Avatar 4:37pm
The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:37
Aye, lived on Barton Street. Still a haunting place to visit.
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:33
In spite of my years in London, I regret to admit I never did swim there! Free swimming at Hampstead Heath, which was two train stops or a short bus ride away from my digs so no excuses there really!
Avatar 4:38pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:37
It surely does. Pies ahoy!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:37
DOH! I forgot that the Paralympics are going on at the same time. I apologise for that. I should have known better!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:38
I aim to go there :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:38
I have a signed and handwritten letter from their manager somewhere :-)
Avatar 4:40pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:39
I didn't think it was possible to respect you more, but I now do.
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:35
Good choice! And maybe some Tapio Rautavaara.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:40pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I've been watching a documentary on YouTube about the campaign to save the Hampstead swimming areas. It's really good :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:40
There's a long story that goes with it. I shall impart that over drinks ;-)
Avatar 4:41pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Oh Pretty Woman" by "John Mayall"
That's lovely playing from Mr Mick. 17 at the time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:40
It includes the "C" word as well. The letter. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:41
17?? Jesus ...
Avatar 🍷 4:41pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:40
I have heard of him but never heard his music. I shall look up his music. Thank you for the recommendation!

Yes, that is where Mr. Curtis was from! I went to his local while I was there back in 2019. I paid my respects to his grave also. Steven Morris and Gillian Gilbert live there also!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:41
I love seeing your photos from that trip :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Double Crossing Time" by "John Mayall"
I forgot to mention that this is the so-called "Beano" album :-)
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:39
Rob Gretton? Whaat?
Avatar 4:43pm
The Barman:

Mr Rabbit is missing all this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:43
Yep :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:42
I think about that trip all the time! The best of my life! It all feels like a dream!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:43
I hope he's okay ... <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:43
You'll have to come back soon :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "The Pusher Man" by "John Mayall"
There are some really rather fine basses today :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Stroopwafel, anyone? i.ytimg.com...
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:40
Is the documentary called 'The Ponds'?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:44
That is PRECISELY what I need <3 Thank you :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:44
Funky stuff.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:44
TOP!! Dankuwel, PK!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:45
It's fabulous :-)
Avatar 4:46pm
The Barman:

People need to go back to calling money 'bread'.
Avatar 4:46pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:45
yeah, that bass is POPPIN. Do we know who is playing it?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:45
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:45
Not sure ... Let me check :-)
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:43
I do hope it was friendlier than most of the conversations with him, at least according to Peter Hook they started with the words “the trouble with you is…”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:46
Let's start a movement!

@The Barman Or back a little further and call it dough
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:38
Frank in Queens on RnS stream did a Mayall show the other day.
I knew he existed, but not much other than blues guitarist, not played much down here, not by my lot anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:45
"City Swimmers" :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:46
PK just out of curiousity, do people in the Netherlands say 'Top' to describe something good or is that something only the Flemish in Belgium say?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:46
Well, Hooky is a bit vengeful lately...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:46
Oh it was very friendly! I put it somewhere safe and now can't find it! Lol
Avatar 4:47pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Stanley @4:46
bread...dough...maybe we can start calling money "bagels."
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:48pm

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:47
Kiwis, that's tops!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:47
I shall check that out! Thank you :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:44
I definitely plan to :)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:47
"Top" is something people over here also use. But not exclusively.
Avatar 4:48pm
The Barman:

↳ Mr Fab @4:46
Larry Taylor from Canned Heat (amongst others).
Avatar 🍷 4:49pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:47
Great! Thank you. I find such documentaries about conservation campaigns (nature, places, etc.) fascinating.
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:47
This is exactly my archiving method!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:46
Larry Taylor :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:48
Show gems on all the streams, a wealth of choice
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr Fab @4:47
How much for that thing? Two bagels and a croissant.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Aitch @4:48
Ahhh that's interesting. Didn't know the Kiwis used it too.
Avatar 4:49pm
The Barman:

Mm, other fire in Laurel Canyon. How surprising.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:49
Me too!!! :-)
I have one to send you that I think you'll like :-)

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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:49
My daughter suggested we have a box called "Safe Place" but I said I'd forget where THAT was. Lol
Avatar 4:50pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Curly" by "John Mayall"
It's the Green God!
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:47
At least concerning the relation between him and other New Order members.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:49
:-) <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:49
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ mmzz @4:50
Hello, lovely! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:50
Yes. Pity.
Avatar 4:51pm
The Barman:

↳ mmzz @4:50
Hell mmzz, good to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:50
I freaking LOVE this track :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:48
Got it. I don't think I have heard Top in the Netherlands (haven't been there enough and for a while though) but I heard it in Antwerp all the time last year to the point where I have started using it sometimes.
Avatar 🍷 4:51pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:49
Ahhhh I'm excited!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:51
Any more that I find and love I'll make a list for you, too :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:51
People tend to use "toppie", which I detest. I try to stay away from fashion words unless they are archaic.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:52
Oh that would be great!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:52
"Groovy" - that's as fashion as I get ;-)
Avatar 4:53pm
Mr Fab:

↳ The Barman @4:48
Ah! Thanks. Larry Taylor had an amazing history. Inc playing on all of Tom Wait's best albums.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I have been known to say "far out" and "man" a lot, I have to say.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:53
Mieters. Te Gek. Cool.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:53
I find documentaries like that so relaxing. They help me a lot :-)
Avatar 4:54pm
The Barman:

↳ Mr Fab @4:53
Yeah, that's a Hell of a CV, isn't it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

greetings GeorgyGirl and all
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:53
Cool - that's another one :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:52
"Toppie" sounds downright awful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ coelacanth∅ @4:54
Hello, lovely coel! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:54
It really does, doesn't it?
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

Yes. I was foolish enough not to go see them while he still was on bass (OK, no Gillian back then so not New Order as we all came to know and love them). The basslines are still there when they play live but no Hooky.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:54
Doesn't he primarily DJ now?
Avatar 4:55pm
The Barman:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:54
'Toppie' had a rather different meaning in the 80s. A derogatory term for a Goth bandwagon-jumper.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:55
I once knitted a Goth jumper. True story :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @4:55
So, a fake goth, so to say?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Top Tip: don't knit anything in mohair during August.
Avatar 4:57pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:56
Pete Murphy can still sometimes be seen wearing it around Istanbul in the winter.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Having said that, I'm currently crocheting a cardigan in August so I never learn. Lol
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @4:57
That's an album title.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:57
God bless him. He's a good'un. I knew he'd appreciate it :-)
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:55
DJing, I am not sure if he still does that, maybe and he has performed Joy Division as Peter Hook the Light. Plus written books on Joy Division, New Order and Hacienda.
Avatar 4:57pm
The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:56
Yes, as in 'You bought those clothes in Top Shop'.
Avatar 🍷 4:58pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:54
Me too. I have never thought of them as relaxing in the past but I understand what you mean. They are usually educational and dig a bit deeper in the human condition. I always learn something, that's for sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:57
Once he was caught putting a Mixmag cover CD into the player and walking off during a paid DJ gig. Lol
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Borrelnootjes, peeps. images1.persgroep.net...
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ The Barman @4:55
Interesting. It's quite specific in that context.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:58
I shall definitely make you a playlist then! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:58
Ooo! Thank you :-)
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:58
Naughty! Time for a refund maybe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:57
Like the indignity of carrying home an album in a WH Smiths bag.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:58
Not everyone is a DJ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @4:59
He was *pilloried* in the music press for that one ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:59
Definitely not on that occasion! ;-)
Avatar 🍷 5:00pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:59
Haha, well thank you!

I haven't watched many documentaries for a while. But I'll hopefully make a list for you too in the future. I am sure there are micro/mini-documentaries I have come across. I just need to remember them.
Avatar 5:01pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:59
I'd LOVE to do that these days!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @5:00
Excellent! I'm looking forward to that :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:01
I'm not entirely sure what the point of WH Smiths is anymore. Lol

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ kev @5:02
Hello, lovely! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

When I can't sleep I watch pool cleaning videos on YouTube. MOST relaxing :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

The Beano album :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:04
People turning big tree stumps on a lathe into big bowls also is nice to watch.
Avatar 5:06pm
The Barman:

As we agreed last week, Mr Mick was just bloody amazing.
19 on this one. Hell's bells, what a player.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:05
Yes!!! I love those :-)
Bobby Duke - check him out if you haven't already. He's very funny and hugely talented :-)
Avatar 5:06pm
The Barman:

↳ kev @5:02
Evening Kev, good to have you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:06
The more I listen to him, the more amazed I am
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Brace yourselves ...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

So many people have commented that playing with John Mayall was like going to blues university.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Another one who also is quite humorous is Bobby Fingers. He makes beautiful scaled dioramas of real situations, then buries them and when you can find out the coordinates you can dig them up and keep it. www.youtube.com...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:09
Oh! I love the sound of this!! That's going on my YouTube playlist :-)
Avatar 5:10pm
The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:09
I'm liking that.
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Beep Beep!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Herbie @5:10
Hello, lovely! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Herbie @5:10
The love bug is here!
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The Barman:

↳ Herbie @5:10
Evening Mr Herbie, good to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @5:10
He made a real rowing boat out of Jeff Bezos' head.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:12
Wait - what? Okay, I *definitely* need to see this!
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↳ The Barman @5:11
Toro Rojo - por favor!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

substackcdn.com... -(you are looking at the actual bottom of the boat)
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The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:14
Poor fish,
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @5:14
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Oh, I forgot to tell you all what happened last weekend! So, I decided to go and hang out on the beach ... bought myself a delicious sandwich. So, I'm sitting on the beach, enjoying the waves and the sunshine and my sandwich, minding my own business, chilling out ... and suddenly I am KNOCKED SIDEWAYS. This bastard bloody seagull came out of nowhere and stole my sandwich! Little shit.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:14
That is INSANE!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:15
Dave again!
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:15
Ha - Jonathan Livingston... I presume?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:15
I shall kick his arse that's for sure. Lol
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Do seagulls have actual arses?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Herbie @5:16
Nothing peace and love about that seagull, let me tell you. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:16
I'll let you know when my foot connects with one ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:17

Walkin on Sunset please
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ kev @5:17
If this wasn't a pre-record I would absolutely do that for you! :-)

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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:15
Sky rats
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Well then, some potato salad. How 'bout that? www.errenskitchen.com...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Gasoline Blues" by "John Mayall"
Seriously tho - the basswork this week!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @5:20
They really are! The sheer audacity of it as well Lol
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:20
All mentions when tracks from The latest Edition play.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:20
You always know what to do - my favourite potato salad! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:20
It's a stunning album :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I saw a meme a while ago that said "London has pickpockets. Brighton has seagulls" ;-)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:20
Long memories too, they nest on boats sometimes, not happy when nest goes overboard and they remember who did the throwing.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @5:22
I swear they're feral.
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The Barman:

↳ Aitch @5:22
Always wear a mask.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

And for the people craving something sweet I have Bossche Bollen: www.vandergrijn.nl...
(Basically giant profiteroles/cream puffs filled with whipped cream and dipped in chocolate sauce)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:22
Dear God that looks so good it's almost obscene. I'll take ten, please :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:22
The just don't give a f8ck.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:23
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:23
His uncle, one beach further: i.redd.it...
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:23
They're tiny Dinosaurs for god's sake!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:24
"Yeah - sod that, ya bastards!" ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

When I worked at a diner in Brighton, we had this one seagull who used to waltz in through the side door in the Summer, head straight for the kitchen and demolish the bins.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:26
Indeed. m.media-amazon.com...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:27
I need this t-shirt. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm supposed to be going to the beach tomorrow. I'm going to have to eat under a blanket. Lol
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Your Funeral, My Trial" by "John Mayall"
some good gob-shovin' action here.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:28
"The Flange - Good Gob-Shovin' Action" :-)
Avatar 5:31pm
The Barman:

Victor Brox!!
I once saw him play at a squat party in Hulme. He was like a man totally out of time. Someone said, "Yeah, Nico liked him a lot." A serious local character.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:31
When was this? :-)
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The Barman:

I guess around 1989 / 1990?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:31
I've just Googled him. That is a FINE beard <3
bobob Plasticland drmer:

I love your show lil Lady G we are also doin a Mayall tribute tonight on the show I'm involved with sending musician birthdays to
Avatar 5:36pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:33
"Brox was described by Jimi Hendrix and Tina Turner as their favourite white blues singer". That's no mean boast.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ bobob Plasticland drmer @5:36
Hello, dear b0b!!! Thank you, my lovely! have a magnificent show!! <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:36
WOW!! That is high praise indeed!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Memories" by "John Mayall"
What sad, sweet song <3
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:26
In the company I work at, seagulls would lay eggs in unsuspecting locations outdoors during summers and watch over them from rooftops or electricity poles. If we happen to walk anywhere near the eggs, the seagulls would fly towards us and attack us with shrieks and droppings. Some of us avoid going out of office buildings during summer because of this.
bobobobob palindrome plasticland:

It's Stonehenge WREK Ga tech 91.1 ..fridazzze ..8pm til midnight est..if you want to listen..You Are Invited lady G!!!!!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @5:38
My God!! That sounds like something out of a Hitchcock film!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ bobobobob palindrome plasticland @5:38
Ooo, thank you! <3
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:39
Haha and to a certain extent like Birdemic (a movie that is deservedly considered one of the worst ever made).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @5:40
Birdemic? Now I have to see that ;-)
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ The Barman @5:36
Things I learned from Wikipedia today: Brox wrote Warning by Black Sabbath
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

The worst movie ever made is an obscure 1980s horror called "The Comic". I still have no idea what the hell it was about.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

This one: it is so bad it's bloody awful.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Although there's also the Canadian horror film about a bed that eats people which is awful.
Avatar 5:43pm
The Barman:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @5:41
Yes, I didn't know that, either.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Death Bed: The Bed That Eats - www.imdb.com...
Avatar 5:45pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:44
Death Bed is surely the greatest title.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I was involved in three cult movie nights in Brighton and we played tons of these films :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:45
I love that they felt the need to explain it further in the title :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

I once saw a horror film about predator snails that were fast as lighning.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:46
That makes me think of "Slugs" ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:46
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:47
They were so fast they didn't stop for the t!
Avatar 5:47pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:47
We should think of Slugs often.
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

On my last trip to London I visited the fabulous Record Detective Agency in Palmer’s Green and found not only Cat Stevens’ second album and three Bluesbreakers albums, all in glorious mono! God bless that little shop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:47
That was probably my favourite Modernists Hellraiser so far :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @5:47
You have the gift of finding stunning vinyl :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:48
That was quite memorable indeed.

Starring Tippi Hedren
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:48
One of those moments where I'm thinking "What the hell am I reading?" as I'm narrating :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ bobob @5:49
Indeed! :-)
Avatar 5:51pm
The Barman:

Right, last orders at the bar please everyone.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

One more track to go!
I genuinely hope that today's show has soothed, inspired, and uplifted :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:51
Ooo, I shall plump for one more Malbec, my lovely :-)
Avatar 5:52pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:51
It's been a bloody triumph, both artistically and logistically, GG.
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:48
I simply was lucky, oh I forgot, the fifth one in that full house was an album from Knickerbockers, the band The Beatles stole all their music from (sorry I couldn’t resist being in the company of some proper beatlemaniacs)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:52
Thank you!! That means the absolute world to me :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @5:52
Lol!! ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

DJ CJ!!! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I've told CJ that as an employee of the Flange she might have to give Klaus his chocolate :-)

*Emerges from dark corner* sorry must have dozed off. Mr Barman some refreshment please
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Stanley @5:55
There you are! I wondered why you'd gone quiet :-)
Avatar 5:55pm

In about 5 minutes.....NOISE! Oh, I've been listening, but have been busy with phone calls about my heart test and it seems everybody in the offices wants to escape for the weekend. Last Minute Fun!! ...now where was I? wfmu.org...
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Paper Kosmonaut:

The Flange magic kept the show going until the end without a glitch! Yay! And a great show it was. Thank you Georgy!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:55
Hello, my lovely! :-) <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:56
Thank you, dearest PK! x

↳ Don-O @5:55
that will teach you to have a heart attack on friday
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Don-O @5:55
Hope the test was all right, Don-O.
Avatar 5:56pm
The Barman:

↳ Stanley @5:55
*shoves a whisky sour at Mr Stanley*
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

God speed, Mr Mayall! <3
Avatar 5:57pm
The Barman:

Right, have a lovely little weekend good people.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:55
Everything okay? <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @5:57
You too, Barman!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:57
Thank you, dearest Barman! x
Photocopy Cha Cha 2000:

CJ shall rule the airwaves!
Thank you so much once again for a selection of Britain’s finest - this time the late great maestro Mayan - and thank you all for company, safe travels wherever you are going!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm going to lay in a dark room with a wet flannel over my head. Lol

Thanks Georgy. John Mayall sure proved that the blue man could play the whites. See you next time. G'night all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @5:58
Thank you, dear Photocopy! <3
Avatar 5:58pm

↳ Blissland @5:56
I got talked into a heart check-up....and that was a month and a half ago. However, I had a friend who had a heart attack last week. There's theme developing here and I don't want to get involved in it.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Stanley @5:58
Thank you, dear Stanley! <3
Avatar 5:59pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Waiting For The Right Time" by "John Mayall"
Lord this is good.
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Thanks for show GG.
Cheers all.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Photocopy Cha Cha 2000 @5:58
It was great to see you here again, Photocopy.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:59
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @5:59
Thank you, dear Aitch! <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Aitch @5:59
Stay well, Aitch.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Stay well, Mr. Oxford.

↳ Don-O @5:58
sorry for being so tactless. Friday is a bad day to have to deal with such things though.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Hugs to everyone who needs a hug - and if you need an ear, I'm here. DJGG@wfmu.org xx
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Mr. Oxford:

Thaks DJ GG! THanks everyone in the chat! See you next Friday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @6:00
Thank you, dear Mr O! <3

thank you. nitey nite
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @6:01
Thank you, lovely Bliss! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

Thanks GG!

Thank you Mr. Mayall. rest in peace.
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