Love Is All Around
"Love Is All Around" by "The Troggs"
Herbie Hancock, The Yardbirds
Stroll On
"Stroll On" by "Herbie Hancock, The Yardbirds"
The Byrds
So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star
"So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star" by "The B...
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny, your groovy host on the Rock and Soul Stream. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining bright and the sky is clear as a bell. We've got a temperature of 81 degrees and a humidity of 76 percent, so it's gonna be a hot one today. But don't let that stop you from getting out there and enjoying all the rockin' and rollin' this city has to offer. So grab your shades and your sunscreen, and let's make the most of this beautiful day. Stay tuned for some sweet tunes coming your way, right here on WFMU. This is the bunny, signing off.
Connie Francis
I Won't Be Home to You
"I Won't Be Home to You" by "Connie Francis"
Rockin' Connie
The Zombies
Remember You
"Remember You" by "The Zombies"
Music behind DJ:
T K Os
The Charge
"The Charge" by "T K Os"
Back announcing the set
Night Of The Lonely Organist And His Mysterious Pals
"Night Of The Lonely Organist And His Mysterious P...
There's A Love
"There's A Love" by "Del-Rios"
Liverpool Five
I Can Only Give You Everything
"I Can Only Give You Everything" by "Liverpool Five"
Bonzo Dog Band
I'm The Urban Spaceman
"I'm The Urban Spaceman" by "Bonzo Dog Band"
I'm The Urban Spaceman
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny coming at you live on the Rock and Soul Stream. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining bright and the temperature is a warm 82 degrees. But watch out for that humidity, it's sitting at a sticky 75 percent. So make sure to grab your shades and a cold drink before heading out the door. But don't worry, we've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you cool. Stay tuned for the best rock and soul hits on the airwaves. This is the bunny signing off, but don't go anywhere, we've got a groovy show lined up for you today.
Gotta Get Some
"Gotta Get Some" by "Bold"
Gloria's Dream
"Gloria's Dream" by "Them"
Music behind DJ:
George Harrison
"Ski-ing" by "George Harrison"
Back announcing the set
Look In The Mirror
"Look In The Mirror" by "Vondors"
Look In The Mirror
Charles Bradley
Why Is It So Hard
"Why Is It So Hard" by "Charles Bradley"
2010 Daptone Records
The Pandoras
It's About Time
"It's About Time" by "The Pandoras"
The Country Gentlemen
Saturday Night
"Saturday Night" by "The Country Gentlemen"
Ellie Gee & The Jets
Red Corvette
"Red Corvette" by "Ellie Gee & The Jets"
Rufus Thomas
Can't Ever Let You Go
"Can't Ever Let You Go" by "Rufus Thomas"
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Alan's Tune
"Alan's Tune" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
You Movin'
"You Movin'" by "Byrds"
Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny: