Favoriting The Fantastic World of Kitten Sparkles with Kitten Sparkles AKA Don Bolles: Playlist from June 13, 2024 Favoriting

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Glambient! (Sound collage, Cosmic Surrealism, Sacred and secular children's records, oddities, Anomalies, Guests - and a little Glam and Bubblegum!)

Thursday 5 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting June 13, 2024: Machines, Domestic

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Utter Sparkles  Les Glabience pour FH   Favoriting     Meow  Other   
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Red Crayola with The Familiar Ugly  Hurricane Fighter Plane   Favoriting The Parable of Arable Land  International Artists  1967  Vinyl  US 
Fancy Space People  The Friendly Stars That Glow   Favoriting   UNISEX International  LANDING SOON  Other  US 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Kitten! Fantasticles!
Avatar 🎸 5:04pm
Owo Org At John:

Hey fellow Sparklers! Hey, Kitten, Debbie before your ride, Cheree, Ultradamno, everyone! Really glad they finally got rid of the Rob Zombie clone, and the guy wearing a mask underneath an astronaut helmet, with the Ghetto Blaster, dancing!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:05pm

Hiya OOAJ!


Cheree July:

Is this Yar's Revenge?👽
Avatar 🎸 5:07pm
Owo Org At John:

Just tried calling Kitten via Messenger - not getting any audio... He didn't answer. Are they still on the road?
Avatar 5:08pm
Mr Fab:

Hello, sparkling kittens!
Avatar 🎸 5:08pm
Owo Org At John:

Ah, Just had to click on play, again!
Avatar 🎸 5:09pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Mr Fab @5:08
Hello Mr Fab! R.I.P. Francoise Hardy!
Avatar 🎸 5:10pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:09
I tagged Dawn about her passing, yesterday...
Avatar 5:12pm
Debbie Davenport:

Hello fantastic world friends. Hello Kitten Sparkles, Dawn and Princess Tinkle!
Avatar 🎸 5:14pm
Owo Org At John:

According to the David Bowie site - R.I.P. Mark Carr Pritchett, who was involved with Bowie's Arnold Corns, and was the second guitarist on The 1984 Floor Show!
Avatar 🎸 5:14pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:12
Hello again, D.D., before your ride!
Avatar 5:15pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:14
Avatar 🎸 5:17pm
Owo Org At John:

Didn't find any significant musicians birthdays today.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:19pm

OMG! That pic looks just like my home office.

Hello Kitten Sparkles and folks.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:19pm

Both Olsen twins were born today...what are the odds?
Avatar 🎸 5:20pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:14
Oh! D.B. borrowed Prichett's red Les Paul, for the cover shot of "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars"!
Cheree July:

Hello John! I have no idea if Kitten & Dawn are on the road🤷‍♀️
Cheree July:

Really ultradamno?
Avatar 🎸 5:21pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @5:20
I wasn't receiving audio, when I signed into the chatroom, Cheree - had to reclick the play button to get audio...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

That they were born today, yeah. Stellan Skarsgård and Kat Dennings were best ones for today on the thing I found that on....
Avatar 🎸 5:22pm
Owo Org At John:

"She's bait"?!?
Avatar 🎸 5:23pm
Owo Org At John:

"Harlock" like Warlock???
Cheree July:

John, that's usually what you have to do. I also just messaged Kitten too.😺
Avatar 🎸 5:29pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Song: "Les Glabience pour FH" by "Utter Sparkles"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:35pm

↳ Owo Org At John @5:17
hmmm. birthdays on June 13:
Bob McGrath, Attila Zoller, Carlos Chávez, "Doc" Cheatham, "Si" Zentner, Bobby Freeman, James Carr, Paul Buckmaster, "Jorge" Santana, are some of music related folks who were born on June 13. Lots of other less known folks but these were people immediately recognizable to me. I'm particularly a fan of James Carr but his music has few intersections with glambience.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

↳ Owo Org At John @5:21
I was listening to the previous program and didn't have to do anything when "Fantastic World..." started. But I've experienced needing to restart, more often when listening via the pop up. Usually I listen via the MP3 stream but nothing is glitch free.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:42pm

No problems from ios app
Avatar 🎸 5:45pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ WR @5:41
Usually I have no problems, when I click on TFWOKS. Today, I still heard the last of Ray Santiago's set, then nothing... until I clicked on the play icon again
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

Alan Vega art show page www.laurentgodin.com...
Cheree July:

Is Debbie still here? I wanted to make sure I said hi to Debbie👋
Avatar 5:54pm
Debbie Davenport:

↳ Cheree July @5:49
Hi Cheree! What a trip. I just walked over to the computer as the comment from you was rising up on the screen!
I'm a little bummed that me and Gordon getting things done is frequently interfering with some or all of my listening time on thursdays. But, it's been over 24 years for us not syncing up right. I gotta work with it and make it a habit so we make some changes happen! Dusting off and boxing up his cds today. I want to move so badly!!!
What a great sense of community here. I often compare it to church, because it fits!
Avatar 5:55pm
Debbie Davenport:

He'll be here soon. So see ya later chatroom gang!
Avatar 🎸 5:56pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:55
Good luck, D.D.!
Avatar 🎸 5:59pm
Owo Org At John:

It's Adrienne Barbeau's birthday today!
Avatar 6:01pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Hey, there, Seekers! It’s been a pretty hands-on show so far, so sorry to be so… distant….
Avatar 6:02pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Some of the same lps Parmegiani used in a piece from 2 weeks ago
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Rich in Washington:

I hear some unrestrained snorking going on in the mix.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

....and Dennings, as previously mentioned...similar assets
Avatar 🎸 6:03pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @6:02
You do what you need to, Kitten!It all sounds groovadelic!
Avatar 🎸 6:04pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Rich in Washington @6:02
Snorkling The Fantastic World Of Kitten Sparkles! I love that! Hi Rich!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Owo Org At John @6:04
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Owo Org At John:

Nobody gives a proper send off, the way that The Fantastic World Of Kitten Sparkles does!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

Steve Buscemi as Q...the earliest avant-garde trailblazer of the alphabet that paved the way for W, X, Y & Z but got none of the adoration they enjoyed. mastodon.social...
Avatar 🎸 6:21pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @6:15
I am saddened, and tired of my old PC, that won't pull these up or take forever to do so!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

Does it do better with this page?
Avatar 🎸 6:24pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @6:24
No, took forever to boot up...
Avatar 🎸 6:26pm
Owo Org At John:

I really need to start thinking of getting a new PC, dammit!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

I just saw the director of Smile and Robert Pattinson are remaking Possession...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

(the Isabelle Adjani one)
Avatar 🎸 6:32pm
lala lu:

↳ Owo Org At John @5:04
Hi glittery glambience gang!!
Avatar 🎸 6:32pm
Owo Org At John:

Fortified with all 1,226 recognized nutrients!
Avatar 🎸 6:33pm
lala lu:

↳ Debbie Davenport @5:55
💙💙💙💙🎶🎶🎶 muah!
Avatar 🎸 6:34pm
lala lu:

↳ Owo Org At John @6:26
I just login on my phone browser with vlc download et voila
Avatar 🎸 6:34pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ lala lu @6:33
Hi, Lala Lu!
Avatar 🎸 6:35pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ lala lu @6:34
My android doesn't hold much memory - looking in to getting more soon.
Cheree July:

Glad that you're still here, Debbie!😊🙌
Avatar 🎸 6:36pm
lala lu:

↳ Cheree July @6:36
Hi gorgeous ladies both of you!!! 🧡🧡🧡
Avatar 🎸 6:38pm
lala lu:

↳ Owo Org At John @6:35
Awww I see yessss I have the new Droid s 24 ultra is pretty bomb n big screen
Cheree July:

Hi Lala Lu!👋
Avatar 🎸 6:41pm
Owo Org At John:

"Hands on" Kitten Sparkles is the best Kitten Sparkles, IMHO!
Avatar 🎸 6:43pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ lala lu @6:36
Kudos, to all the gorgeous women glistening in, here, today!
Avatar 🎸 6:43pm
Owo Org At John:

Backwards music is always fun!
Cheree July:

You mean "paws on" John😸🐈‍⬛🐾
Avatar 6:44pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Haw haw paw
Avatar 🎸 6:45pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @6:44
That too!
Avatar 🎸 6:46pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @6:44
Whatever appendage works, Cheree!
Avatar 🎸 6:48pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @6:44
Haw "Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch"?
Avatar 🎸 6:49pm
lala lu:

↳ Cheree July @6:39
🩷🩷🩷how are you dazzling lady of LA? Hope all is well!
Avatar 🎸 6:50pm
lala lu:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @6:44
Way down yonder in the kitten 😸 paw paw patch!
Cheree July:

Kitten, you usually channel your inner Henrietta Pussycat & say "Meow, meow, meow!"🐱😹
Avatar 🎸 6:54pm
Owo Org At John:

"Someone's in the kicthen with Kitten, someone's in the kitchen with Kitten all da-aay, someone's in the kitchen with kitten, cooking in the kitchen all da-aay!"
Cheree July:

I've been taking it easy this week, Lala Lu.
Cheree July:

Meow, meow, most beautiful glambient meow!😹✨️
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

I think this General Shadow and friends pic would make a good Fantastic World flier villains.fandom.com...
Avatar 🎸 7:00pm
Owo Org At John:

"Cooking With Kitten"! Maybe you ought to put out your own cookbook, K.S.!
Avatar 🎸 7:02pm
Owo Org At John:

Another hour of Glambience power!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

Things get crazy when you get mixed up with hailstoners
Cheree July:

The return of Raindrop!💧
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

Ah, another episode of Little Rain Drop.
Cheree July:

"You're gonna need your rubbers?!"😆🤣😅😵
Avatar 🎸 7:09pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ WR @7:08
Cheree July:

Why the hell do they keep talking about rubbers?! Who made this Christian childrens' record?!
Avatar 🎸 7:12pm
Owo Org At John:

She knows what to do with that foghorn, if you ask me!
Cheree July:

Couldn't they just say rain boots?☔️
Avatar 🎸 7:14pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @7:13
Their mythology protects them.
Avatar 🎸 7:17pm
lala lu:

This is perfect coz I'm doing some healing work for a couple to bring em together magic wand waved be a dooer!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

K-TEL Glambience!
Cheree July:

Did Kitten get his Revox working again?
Cheree July:

Avatar 🎸 7:21pm
Owo Org At John:

K.D.I.L. The radio station that vibrates yer brain!
Avatar 🎸 7:22pm
Owo Org At John:

Out of beautiful downtown Wickenburg!
Avatar 🎸 7:22pm
Owo Org At John:

Kitten beat me to DJing by only a few years!
Cheree July:

There's no Downtown in Wickenburg, AZ. It's in the middle of nowhere.
Avatar 🎸 7:25pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Cheree July @7:24
Ha ha ha! But that's how their illegal promo went...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

Things will be great when you're downtown www.mygrandcanyonpark.com...
Avatar 🎸 7:28pm
Owo Org At John:

K.D.I.L., was an underground radio station, where Kitten Disc Jockeyed his first time. It was on wheels, in a van, for sometime too - relocating as needed.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

Old downtown www.pinterest.com...
Avatar 7:29pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Had to get the olde Ring Modulator out.
Avatar 🎸 7:29pm
Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @7:29
Cheree July:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

↳ ultradamno @7:27
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lala lu:

↳ Cheree July @7:12
Some straight rubber latex freaks!
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Owo Org At John:

Malcolm McDowell is 81 today!
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Owo Org At John:

Satellite loving!
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Owo Org At John:

Kitten, sparkling!
Avatar 🎸 7:41pm
lala lu:

↳ Owo Org At John @7:37
Love him I'm that hg wells movie time after time I think it's called?
Avatar 7:46pm
Kitten Sparkles:

You guys don’t hate psychedelic space rock, do you?
Avatar 🎸 7:47pm
lala lu:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @7:46
Heck no as per usual I'm tripping out into a shamanic realm from all this stuff super gets me in the zone 🙃
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Owo Org At John:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @7:46
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lala lu:

↳ Kitten Sparkles @7:46
This song reminds of Village of the Giants!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Avatar 🎸 7:52pm
Owo Org At John:

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Owo Org At John:

Once again Thank You Kitten Sparkles! For a glam-tastic glambient time! Thank you all my chatroom compadres! See ya all next week (or on Wired Up! or both!)!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

Apparently our Canadian friends have something involving the 90s, Joey Ramone and Wire coming up next.
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Owo Org At John:

↳ ultradamno @7:56
Coolness! Huge Wire fan(atic)_
Avatar 🎸 7:59pm
Owo Org At John:

Fancy Space People, Kitten?
Avatar 8:11pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Correct, Owo. And sorry Bans & Derek - forgot how looong that song is. I even edited out (very poorly) almost two minutes as it was playing. And still we went a minute over. That’s a long and happy song about Vacuum Decay, one possible way the entire universe could be completely obliterated in like a nano second. Yay!
Avatar 8:12pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Babs. Oops
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