Favoriting Material Eyez with Naomi Shamble: Playlist from June 5, 2024 Favoriting

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the sound of the convergences of elation & grief, fantasy & reality; a show for the changelings, the shining, the misfits, the enchanted, the divergent, the despisers of small-talk, and the absolutely sublime.

Tuesday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 5, 2024

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 3:05am
Colin & Eddie in Durham UK:

Morning. Was very happy to see this staying on through the summer schedule.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09am
tom tom the pipers son:

hello naomi...and all...condolences on your recent loss and may your mom's light shine on you and your family...
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 3:11am

↳ Colin & Eddie in Durham UK @3:05
Same here!
Note that the show moves to Thursdays

danny san:

Good Stuff
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 3:42am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, Naomi. Best wishes to you. ❤️
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 3:42am

DJ Naomi is the boss. I hope this show stays on the schedule forever or until she doesn’t want it
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 3:44am

I will never regret joining this snek cult
Avatar 4:08am

Well this is one reality of the world that I wasn’t expecting (maybe if I listened more often it’d be different), and it certainly clashes with the reality Clay gives us at 6am, for instance. But the 2 can coexist. Oh my brain hurts. And like many here, we learned of yr mom’s passing. I too send condolences, and a hug. I know yr mom is proud of you, and we are all happy to be with you.
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 4:13am

I will always like to be inspired by people inspired by Nancy Wilson.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14am
Paulo AD:

Heeyyoooohhh rerun right ? I remember commenting that I have been to mongolia
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 4:18am

I suspect you may be correct, but pass the Dutchie anyway!
B Wad:

Vienna waves from a sunny tram 🚋
B Wad:

Hey Paulo and friends
Avatar 🐍 Swag For Life Member 4:40am

↳ B Wad @4:29
Ahoy! I hope you are not packed in the tram like a Vienna sausage.
Avatar 5:13am

So funny, Naomi’s HAs after saying FAMILY. I can talk about mine BUT IM TRYNA SLEEP. Excuse me…
  Swag For Life Member 5:36am

Hey, Naomi. I was listening to you just now--beautiful, as always--and it made me wonder about something I'm writing about:

Words hit either our retinas, our eardrums, or, if we are blind, our fingertips. These words find their way to brain, aided by either the font a person sees, or the word sounds that the person hears.

And then something beautiful can happen. Those words with their mixture of meaning and appearence or sound bring about some sort of chemical reaction in the brain in which a person suddenly sees a raft of possibilities that they didn't see before.

And then the person who has read or seen these words does something. They may move their vocal chords to speak, or move their fingers to write. Or they may get up, and move their body in some way to visually express themselves.

And the words that the person who heard or read these words now themselves speak and write are different. They reveal a person who has undergone a change, maybe even a transformation.

And maybe that person is an oppressor, and begins to grow a conscience.

Or maybe that person sees an injustice, and figures out a way to address it.

And then others read or listen to their words, or look at some visual expression that this changed person has created, or some foot they have prepared, and eventually, we all feel as if we can express ourselves and feel our connection with each other, and seek to aid each other, and make each other stronger.

And hey, Naomi...you made me think all of that, just now. Like, you know, my thoughts just kind of...gelled. All because of that little thing you said about the power of love over oppression. At, like, five in the morning, my time.

Thanks for bringing the kindness and love to Beverly, Massachusetts, kiddo. I owe you one. And Lanky Lizards, I love this Moonpools and Caterpillars song. Hear. What an appropriate title.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38am

Naomi, woke up to your voice withering and thought something's got to be going on with this bright star. Is she OK? and I can see that no you're not. I'm so sorry. Sending love and hugs. ❤️😭 crying with you.

I was gonna go back to sleep, now I don't wanna miss this live set.. Super nice vibes for 5 a.m.......
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48am

Good morning… oh, this is good to hear😎

you on it!! wow.. great choices dj person!

gorillaz never sounded so good to me
Honest Bernardo in Argentina:

Is the playlist on the fritz? Me likely this but idk who it is??? 😢

I know this is silly, but I put thought into my posts, because I love you guys.

Let me fix a muddled paragraph:

And the words that this changed person now themselves speak and write are different. They reveal a person who has undergone a change, maybe even a transformation.

…and state that a the word near the end ought to be “food,” not “foot.”

I am overcome with shame at these errors. That is all. Thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00am

Yeah yeah yeahs! Yes!
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