Favoriting Music Only I Care About with Miss Mei: Playlist from April 30, 2024 Favoriting

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Music Only I Care About is the place to go for anything weird, forgotten and fun: Demos, Private Press, Outsider oddities and more! A little bit of odd, and a little bit of even odder, brought to you by a bespectacled bird with a lisp and a love for archiving.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting April 30, 2024: The sound, the demons can't stand it!

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Artist Track Album Year Format Images Approx. start time
Gene Berrier  Shake The Planet   Favoriting Come To The Well  2009  CD 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sid Yiddish And His Candy Store Henchmen  Flight Of The Satanic Danish Squirrel   Favoriting Until Further Notice Every Day Feels Like Sunday  2020  CD 
0:03:39 (Pop-up)
Sid Yiddish And His Candy Store Henchmen  Mom I'm Tripping Call The Rabbi   Favoriting Hard Boiled Eggs  2022  CD 
0:08:16 (Pop-up)
Jimmie R. Vestal  Fishin' Wire Eddy (Early Version)   Favoriting Unknown  199X   
0:12:55 (Pop-up)
Blue Man Group  Bathroom Song   Favoriting Unreleased  1998  Other 
0:15:20 (Pop-up)
Cyber Mike  Cyber Charles Iz Hip!   Favoriting Cyber Mike And Friends  2007  Other 
0:22:03 (Pop-up)
Carl MaultsBy  Toccata on "Spirit of the Living God"   Favoriting Organpiece  2004  CD 
0:23:46 (Pop-up)
Spring Glen Grade School Band  Stray Cat Strut   Favoriting Spring Concert 1990  1990  CD-R 
0:27:17 (Pop-up)
Pipo  Tus Dientecitos   Favoriting Vacaciones  1987  Cassette 
0:29:50 (Pop-up)
Pipo  Mi Maestra   Favoriting Vacaciones  1987  Cassette 
0:32:42 (Pop-up)
El Payasito Que Le Canta Al Amor  Cosas del Amor   Favoriting El show de Los Chicharrines  200X  Other 
0:35:17 (Pop-up)
Nirvana  E. Coli (Summer 1993 Rehearsal Demo)   Favoriting Unreleased  1993  Other 
0:38:23 (Pop-up)
Kurt Cobain  Opinion (Home Demo)   Favoriting Unreleased  199X  Other 
0:46:39 (Pop-up)
M & H Band  Ordinopaso   Favoriting Popcorn - US 12'' Vinyl Mixes  1988  12" 
0:48:28 (Pop-up)
Adrian J Pratt  Egg   Favoriting Book Of Lyriks 2  19XX  MP3 
0:52:18 (Pop-up)
Joe Raposo & Didi Conn  Disco Dolly (Wonderama 1978)   Favoriting Unreleased  1978  Other 
0:55:40 (Pop-up)
Didi Conn & Mark Baker  Candy Hearts & Paper Flowers   Favoriting Raggedy Ann & Andy A Musical Adventure  1977  Vinyl 
0:59:22 (Pop-up)
Original Broadway Cast of Rag Dolly  Mexico   Favoriting Rag Dolly Cast Demos  1984  Other 
1:03:47 (Pop-up)
The Care Bears  Care-a-Lot   Favoriting The Care Bears Adventures in Care-A-Lot  1983  Vinyl 
1:07:37 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Black Mesa   Favoriting SXSW 2004 Sampler  2004  CD 
1:10:24 (Pop-up)
Sir Bird  Phony Tony   Favoriting B-Eagle Mixtape  2011  MP3 
1:13:53 (Pop-up)
Doubleswee  Da real spongebob   Favoriting Youtube upload  2013  Other 
1:17:39 (Pop-up)
Doubleswee  Return Of The SPONGE!   Favoriting Youtube upload  2013  Other 
1:18:31 (Pop-up)
Klaus Nomi  I Feel Love (Studio Version)   Favoriting I Feel Love  1986  7" 
1:20:56 (Pop-up)
Alestorm  Fucked With an Anchor   Favoriting No Grave But The Sea  2017  CD 
1:24:55 (Pop-up)
Tiny Tim  Love Medley   Favoriting Unplugged  1996  CD 
1:28:21 (Pop-up)
Jacko  I'm An Individual   Favoriting I'm An Individual/Our Relationship Is Giving Me The Creeps  1985  7" 
1:44:42 (Pop-up)
Frances Cannon, the Singing Psychic  Robin & Maynard Predictions   Favoriting Unreleased  199X  Other 
1:47:10 (Pop-up)
Frances Cannon, the Singing Psychic  Miracles (Judy Joy Jones Show 2008)   Favoriting Unreleased  2008  Other 
1:48:47 (Pop-up)
Frances Cannon, the Singing Psychic  1999 Oscars Predictions (Howard Stern Show)   Favoriting Unreleased  1999  Other 
1:49:51 (Pop-up)
Frances Cannon, the Singing Psychic  The Nanny's Panties   Favoriting Tape for Irwin Chusid  2000  Cassette 
1:51:13 (Pop-up)
Richard Peterson  Poor Don't Walk Lights (Why Do Ya Gotta Blink)   Favoriting The Second Album  1985  Vinyl 
1:52:29 (Pop-up)
Monee  Yi Jian Monee   Favoriting Prositutions, Ookers & Low Life Girls  2023      1:56:10 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 1:02pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Shake The Planet" by "Gene Berrier"
Gene Berrier, the other half of Jimmie R Vestal's 60s band "The Soul Brothers"! Gene graciously sent me a series of documents, magazines and 45s given to him years ago by Jimmie. He also sent me several CDs of his own Christian music, and boy is it a treat! I can see why Jimmie recorded with him!

This is awesome!!
Avatar 1:06pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Gene @1:04
Hey Gene! We're listening to my good friend and musical collaborator, Chicago's Sid Yiddish! We recorded some songs together on cassette when he visited NY some years back.

Sid Yiddish is a funny pun. Is he on bandcamp or anything?
Avatar 1:11pm
Miss Mei:

↳ wimpy @1:09
Avatar 1:14pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Fishin' Wire Eddy (Early Version)" by "Jimmie R. ...
The other Soul Brother, Jimmie R Vestal!
Avatar 1:15pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Fishin' Wire Eddy (Early Version)" by "Jimmie R. ...
This early version of Fishin' Wire Eddy ended up on some compilation album if I recall.
Avatar 1:17pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Bathroom Song" by "Blue Man Group"
I remember being a young teen and hearing this song in the Blue Man Group lobby bathroom in NYC. BMG may be one of the most fun concerts I ever attended, up there with Weird Al and Genesis.
Avatar 1:23pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Cyber Charles Iz Hip!" by "Cyber Mike"
This British chap wants you to know how cool and hip he is! I'm sure you'll agree, he's one happening dude!
Avatar 1:25pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Toccata on "Spirit of the Living God"" by "Carl M...
Carl MaultsBy is the musician at the historic St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. He has been a member of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. MaultsBy is founder of Rejoicensemble! a not-for-profit chamber vocal ensemble dedicated to the performance, preservation, and development of African American sacred music, and dedicated to developing and showcasing the works of contemporary African American composers. He holds a DFA in music and mathematics, and a Masters in Jazz/Commercial Composition from Manhattan School of Music. He has written for Broadway, film, and television including an HBO special on Harry Belafonte. He is in demand as a composer, choral director, and workshop leader. He lives in Orlando, Florida.
Avatar 1:28pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Stray Cat Strut" by "Spring Glen Grade School Band"
Sadly, the majority of this CDR is lost media, but we can enjoy one of the few hilariously bad tracks that I extracted from old WFMU streams! :)
Avatar 1:32pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Tus Dientecitos" by "Pipo"
I love how you can hear Pipo trying to stifle a laugh.
Avatar 1:33pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Tus Dientecitos" by "Pipo"
This track, along with the next one was lost media until a few days ago! This album by Pipo is now complete!
Avatar 1:40pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "E. Coli (Summer 1993 Rehearsal Demo)" by "Nirvana"
Next up we have 2 unreleased Nirvana recordings, one of which surfaced only a few days ago! Both songs were leaked by fans. There is plenty more where that came from, but only time will tell if we hear more.
Avatar 1:48pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Opinion (Home Demo)" by "Kurt Cobain"
Fans wanted this demo to be uncovered in full since 2015. However, Kurt gets cut off by someone who took a poo and stunk up the house!
Avatar 2:08pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Care-a-Lot" by "The Care Bears"
Love that casiotone melody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:20pm

Hi Miss Mei and folks.
Avatar 2:20pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Return Of The SPONGE!" by "Doubleswee"
Word to ya sponge!
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Miss Mei:

↳ WR @2:20
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

Interesting variety today. Look forward to hearing it all from the archice.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:23pm

Hi Yooz!
Avatar 2:24pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "I Feel Love (Studio Version)" by "Klaus Nomi"
Did....Did I just hear a toilet flush on the song?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:25pm

↳ Song: "Da real spongebob" by "Doubleswee"
He's porous for us.
Avatar 2:28pm
Miss Mei:

↳ WR @2:21
I hate to toot my own horn but I am pleased with the selection
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:28pm

↳ Song: "I Feel Love (Studio Version)" by "Klaus Nomi"
I never knew this existed - so cool!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:31pm

↳ Song: "Love Medley" by "Tiny Tim"
It's interresting how TT's singing voice got older with age and still sounded good.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:32pm

↳ Herbie @2:31
Haha - lower, not older!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:34pm

↳ WR @2:21
Me too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm

Just in time for tiny tim
Avatar 2:37pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Herbie @2:31
His voice improved with age IMO. 80s-90s Tiny is my fav era.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:37
Prisoner of Love is a stellar album
Avatar 2:39pm
Miss Mei:

↳ MHLee @2:37
That's a great album, but my fav Tiny recordings are ones that remain unreleased. However, the great people at Ship To Shore Phonograph Co are working to change that.
Avatar 2:41pm
Miss Mei:

Previously lost/unknown Frances Cannon, The Singing Psychic audio coming up soon, plus a re-play of her Jonbenet Ramsey tribute!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:39
Tiny's America is probably my favorite vinyl record. There's so much good stuff and archival work he;'s got. He got me into wax cylinders which I am collecting now.
Avatar 2:44pm
Miss Mei:

↳ MHLee @2:41
I have a copy of that. Great one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm

↳ MHLee @2:41
My pride of records... resiussed Nigerian rock, tiny tim, and Pimpollin
Avatar 2:45pm
Miss Mei:

My White Whale of Tiny Tim lost media is his cover of Human League's Don't You Want Me B/W Culture Club's Do You Really Want To Hurt Me, produced by guitarist Bill Millay, who worked with The Runaways among others. I have never been able to contact Millay, and I have no idea if he is even still alive.
Avatar 2:45pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "I'm An Individual" by "Jacko"
Get ready to get ENERGISED! OI!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm

↳ Song: "I'm An Individual" by "Jacko"
This could be a Devo song
Avatar 2:47pm
Miss Mei:

↳ MHLee @2:46
Yeah, totally!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:47pm

↳ MHLee @2:46
Jacko Homo
Avatar 2:48pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Robin & Maynard Predictions" by "Frances Cannon, ...
Recovered from the Robin & Maynard website, year unknown. One of 3 uncovered radio performances by Cannon!
Avatar 2:50pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Miracles (Judy Joy Jones Show 2008)" by "Frances ...
The last known recording of Cannon, from a year before her passing.
Avatar 2:52pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "1999 Oscars Predictions (Howard Stern Show)" by "...
"And I'm not sure what her name is but she's gonna dump you!"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

↳ Song: "Poor Don't Walk Lights (Why Do Ya Gotta Blink)" b...
I surprised he didn't go with "Dick" Peterson
Avatar 2:57pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Herbie @2:55
His documentary is called Big City Dick, a nickname he suggested when he moved to Seattle.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:57
Avatar 3:00pm
Miss Mei:

Thanks to all who joined!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

Sid Yiddish:

Hi Wimpy. You can look for my work on SoundCloud, Spotify & YouTube where I post all of my band performances. I’m quite Googleable and as for name my middle name is Sid and I’m a Yid. That’s my story and I’m sticking to that.
Avatar 6:03am

listening on the archive. Brilliant.
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