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Library music + words + sounds ... 01:00:00 ... speedy - lightweight movement
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April 17, 2024: Hi-Waisted Modernists #272 - It's All In The Stars
On today's Hi-Waisted Modernists with DJ GeorgyGirl, The Blue-Haired Hippie, is the Libra husband a good match for the Scorpio wife? That's what Edie Beale wanted to know through her magnifying glass in "Grey Gardens", so today I'll be reading from Zolar's "It's All In The Stars" and we can find out together!
Library music + words + sounds ... 01:00:00 ... speedy - lightweight movement
3 pm to 4 pm Eastern/8 pm to 9 pm GMT only on #sheenasjungleroom
#LibraryMusic #SpokenWord #IncidentalMusic #WFMU #EdieBeale #Zolar
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Listener comments!
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
Paper Kosmonaut:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
I love that site :-)
Paper Kosmonaut:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
Paper Kosmonaut:
David (in London):
Bri The Beatnik:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
Mr PK, Rev D, greetings groovers both.
DJ GeorgyGirl:
I went swimming again on Monday!! :-D
Bri The Beatnik:
Paper Kosmonaut:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
Paper Kosmonaut:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
Paper Kosmonaut:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Nowadays, I think the best Astrologers tend to use their own real names ...put it that way...
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Occasionally I include clips from movies or show, but it's mostly me narrating over library music :-)
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Well - you get the idea about what I think of Zolar's insights here...
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
Paper Kosmonaut:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Turns out there was :-)
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
In hospital, can’t type easily, drip in.
Bloody Covid
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
to Aitch !
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Bri The Beatnik:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
~ TY Always DJ GG ~
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
I liked it tho so I'm playing it twice ;-)
David (in London):
DJ GeorgyGirl:
"Mine - or other people's?" ;-)
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
'DJ GerorgyGirl - more sauce than HP.'
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
David (in London):
David (in London):
Paper Kosmonaut:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl:
DJ GeorgyGirl: