Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from April 14, 2024 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 14, 2024: SPECIAL: Blixa Bargeld Interview & Einsturzende Neubauten - "Rampen" Listening Party!!

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Einstürzende Neubauten (L to R): Alexander Hacke; Rudolph Moser; Blixa Bargeld; Jochen Arbeit; & N.U. Unruh
Einstürzende Neubauten (L to R): Alexander Hacke; Rudolph Moser; Blixa Bargeld; Jochen Arbeit; & N.U. Unruh
Einstürzende Neubauten (L to R): Alexander Hacke; Rudolph Moser; Blixa Bargeld; Jochen Arbeit; & N.U. Unruh

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Blixa Bargeld  Dumpfe Stimmen - Ouvertüre   Favoriting Commissioned Music    1995  Music For The Play "Dumpfe Stimmen"    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  Hexagon (excerpt)   Favoriting Hexagon for Sonambiente Berlin    2021  recorded in 2021 for the sound festival "Somambiente, which took over Berlin's recently decommissioned Tegel Airport    0:04:49 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld w/ The Tim Isfort Orchestra  Mother   Favoriting Recycled (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)    2000      0:06:01 (Pop-up)
ANBB (Alva Noto / Blixa Bargeld)  Once Again   Favoriting Mimikry    2010      0:09:23 (Pop-up)
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld  Ziegenfisch   Favoriting Fall (EP)  Specula  2017      0:14:31 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About artists he's worked with   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          0:18:46 (Pop-up)
Kiku & Blixa Bargeld  Eng, Düster Und Bang (feat. Blixa Bargeld)   Favoriting Eng, Düster Und Bang  Everest  2017      0:20:31 (Pop-up)
Nick Cave, Mick Harvey, Blixa Bargeld  Pop Mix   Favoriting Ghosts... of the Civil Dead  Mute  1989  soundtrack for the film    0:25:54 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  The NYTimes said I play guitar like I'm waiting for the bus...I like that...   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          0:28:40 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld Liest Bertolt Brecht  Erst Ließ Freude Mich Nicht Schlafen (1956)   Favoriting Erotische Gedichte (Erotic Poems)  Der Hörverlag  2006      0:29:06 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Grazer Damm   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          0:29:25 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Grazer Damm   Favoriting Alles In Allem  Potomak  2020      0:34:19 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  Interview - April 10, 2024 (excerpt)   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          0:40:42 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Negativ Nein   Favoriting Kollaps  Zickzack  1981      0:42:30 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Rampen   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          0:49:48 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Working With Neubauten & "Wie Lange"   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          0:57:01 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Wie lange noch? (How Much Longer?)   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Wie lange noch? | How much longer? || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || Alles schon geschrieben | All been written || Alles schon gesagt | All been said || Das Innere der Zwiebel | Inside the onion || Längsschnitt – ausgelesen | Vertical cut – selection made || bis auf weiteres vertagt | Adjourned till further notice || Der Müll wird ausgewurzelt | Trash is being eradicated || Ein Solitär wird hergerollt | A solitaire is being rolled up || Alles schon besungen | everything’s been sung about || Alles schon passiert | everything’s already happened || Wie lange noch? | How much longer? || Wie wie wie wie lange noch? | How how how how much longer? || Der Schnitt durchs Ladekabel | The cut through the charger cable || Jetzt gilt: | To be done: || Die Brust wird ausgefegt | The chest is being swept clean || Wie lange noch? | How much longer? || near roses: sing | near roses: sing || Alles schon gesungen | already sung || Alles schon gedacht | Everything already thought || Die Tricks sind ausgegangen | The tricks all used up || Gedruckt mit Blut auf Flügeln | Printed in blood on wings || und unters Volk gebracht | and aired in public || In diesem Sinne: | In this vein: || Endmoräne | terminal moraine || Wie lange noch? | How much longer? || Wie wie wie wie lange noch? | How how how how much longer? || BB: vocals/NU: metal perc./AH: electric bass guitar/RM: pvc-buckets, amplified metal spring, recorder/JA: e-bow, “Homeswinger”-12-string harp/FG: synthesizer  *   0:58:51 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Ist Ist (Is Is)   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Ist Ist | Is Is || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || I’ve been to Niagara Falls | I‘ve been to both great walls | but it wasn’t there | It wasn’t there | No, it was not there | ist ist | is is || I’ve been to the end of Europe | I’ve been to the other side | but it wasn’t there | It wasn’t there | No, it was not there | ist ist | is is || BB: vocals, piano, voice performance/NU: processed metal perc./AH: electric bass guitar, drones/RM: amplified metal spring, metal sheet/JA: “The Box”, loops/FG: voice performance samples, electric piano, electronics  *   1:04:10 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Language & "Pestalozzi"   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          1:07:54 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Pestalozzi   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Pestalozzi | by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || I’m sitting in my chair | Feeling very Pestalozzi | Feeling very A.S. Neill | I wont slave to the recipe | or the picture on the box | I am not a great authority | just give me the missing ingredients | An Easy Nebulizer | A Super Ninja fruit fly trap | A pack of bamboo skewers | anything that isn’t crap | A sack of dead sea salt | A pair of quail egg scissors | and a cellar full of noise | I’ll wash them all together | I just want it | want it all | BB: vocals/NU: metal percussion, choir/AH: vibrator, electric bass guitar/RM: bass drum, big drum, metal percussion, orchestral bells, processed recorder, choir/JA: electric guitar, choir/FG: piano  *   1:11:47 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Es Könnte Sein (It Could Be)   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Es koennte sein | It could be || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit || Es koennte sein | It could be || das das was grad noch sicher schien es nicht meh | that that which seemed so certain just now no longer is || Es koennte sein | It could be || das das was fest war sich verfluessigt | that that which was solid has now turned liquid || Es koennte sein | It could be || das es aus dem blickfeld sich verfluechtigt | that it has simply vanished out of sight || Es koennte sein | It could be || das es dahinter steil schon abwaerts geht | that right behind it, it is going steeply downhill || Es koennte sein | It could be || das so, wie es da unten liegt | that, the way it is lying down there, || kaum noch erkennbar ist | it barely can be recognised || Es koennte sein | It could be || nicht anfassen!!! | don’t touch!!! || Es koennte sein | It could be || das wir klarkommen | that we will get by || auch ohne | even without || nichts vermissen | will not miss anything || das koennte sein | That could be || BB: vocals/NU: metal percussion, choir/AH: electric bass guitar/RM: big drum, orchestral bells, hi-hat, metal percussion, harmonium, choir/JA: accoustic guitar, amplified metal sticks, choir  *   1:16:56 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About using a jet turbine   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          1:20:20 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Before I Go   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Before I go | by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || Before I go | I collect my necessities | my masks and all the tea | catch remaing sleep | enough of former lives and lies | Before I go | all the windows are painted and blind | I switch off the freezer | I switch off the router | I switch off the lights | better I take out the fuses | Before I go | I take out the trash and all its letters | I put a cryptic message on the door | Before I Go | Before | Before I go | just before I go | Before I know | BB: vocals, string samples/NU: xylophone, amplified spring/AH: electric bass guitar/RM: big drum, amplified metal spring, metal percussion/JA: electric guitar, amplified metal plates/FG: string samples  *   1:21:14 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Isso Isso (That's Right)   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Isso Isso | That’s right || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || Isso Isso | That’s right || Ich seh’ irrlichternde Träume wandeln | I see flighty dreams wisping about || keiner von denen meiner | none of them mine || Ich hoffe keiner deiner | I hope none are yours || ehemals versenkt in Sümpfen | previously submerged in swamps || Moorleichen wie gehabt | bog bodies as ever || Isso Isso Isso | That’s right || Ich seh’ irrlichternde Träume wandeln - im Dunkeln | I see flighty dreams wisping about – in the dark || Ich seh’ irrlichternde Träume wandeln - ungefragt | I see flighty dreams wisping about – unsummoned || Isso Isso | That’s right || keiner von denen meiner | none of them mine || Ich hoffe auch keiner deiner | I hope none are yours || Irrtümer als Wiedergänger | fallacies as revenants || einst veropfert in die Unterwelt | once sacrificed to the underworld || im Moor verschlossen | sealed inside the bog || die Haut verledert | skin turned leather || gefangen in der Schlinge noch | still captive in the noose || aus dem Torf gestochen | cut loose from the peat || In situ | in situ || Isso Isso Isso | That’s right || Ich seh’ irrlichternde Träume wandeln | I see flighty dreams wisping about || keiner von denen meiner | none of them mine || Ich hoffe keiner deiner | I hope none are yours || Besser die verlor’n Geglaubten | Better those thought lost || Die schon verlor’n Geglaubten | Those thought long lost || sind unversehrt zurückgekehrt | have returned unscathed || mit einer Flamme auf dem Kopf | with flames on their head || Isso Isso Isso | That’s right || BB: vocals/NU: chimes, metal percussion/AH: electric bass guitar/RM: amplified metal spring, harmonium/JA: amplified kalimba/FG: electronic organ  *   1:25:31 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Besser Isses (Better Like That)   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Besser Isses | Better like that || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || Deine Hochstapelei lässt mich erkalten | Your grandstanding chills me || Ich will dein lästiges Erbe nicht länger mehr verwalten | I’m done with managing your tiresome legacy || Seit gefühlt 2000 Jahren | for what feels like 2000 years || renn’ ich deinen Lügen hinterher | I’ve been chasing your lies || Wo bin ich jetzt? | Where am I now? || Ich ohne dich | Me without you || Du ohne mich | You without me || Das ist alles | That is all || Ich ohne dich | Me without you || Du ohne mich | You without me || Besser isses | Better like that || Du hast meine kosmische Wohnung | You planted bugs throughout || vollständig verwanzt | my cosmic suite || Dabei hab’ ich deinen Ringelreihen | Yet to your ring-a-ring-o’-roses || viel zu lange mitgetanzt | I kept dancing far too long || Als Amöbe und als Übermensch bis | Excelling as amoeba and übermensch through || Sapiens Sapiens dann brilliert | to sapiens sapiens || Bis in 10 Milliarden Jahren die Sonne | Until in 10 billion years the sun || endlich kollabiert | finally collapses || Ich bin dran | It’s my turn || Ich bin dran Ich bin dran | It’s my turn It’s my turn || ohne dich besser dran | better off without you || Ich bin dran Ich bin dran | It’s my turn It’s my turn || ohne dich | without you || auf und davon | up and away || Wo bin ich jetzt? | Where am I now? || Ich ohne dich | Me without you || Du ohne mich | You without me || Das ist alles | That is all || Ich ohne dich | Me without you || Du ohne mich | You without me || Besser isses | Better like that || Die alte Haut ist abgestreift und hängend | My old skin is peeled off and draped || im Gestrüpp | in the undergrowth || die Beine in den Bauch gestanden | Kicking my heels || zu lang gewartet, falscher Dampfer | Waited too long, barking up the wrong tree || Drinnen sitzen stehend Leute schweigend | Inside people seated on their feet silently || ins Gespräch vertieft | immersed in conversation || Wo bin ich jetzt? | Where am I now? || Ein Schluck Wasser in der Kurve | A drink of water as I take the curve || blümerant „bleu mourant“ | Blümerant “bleu mourant” || Vergissmeinicht in Milch gekocht | Forget-me-not cooked in milk || Wo bin ich jetzt? | Where am I now? || Mit Schisslaweng | With panache || Ich ohne dich | Me without you || Du ohne mich | You without me || Das ist alles | That is all || Ich ohne dich | Me without you || Du ohne mich | You without me || Besser isses | Better like that || Besser isses BB: vocals/NU: metal percussion, choir/AH: electric Better like that bass guitar, choir/RM: bass drum, big drum, marble Besser isses plate, amplified metal spring, metal percussion, choir/ Better like that FG: synthesizer, electronics, choir  *   1:30:27 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Chaos & "Everything Will Be Fine"   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          1:35:13 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Everything Will Be Fine   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Everything will be Fine | by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || The void || The nothingness in the centre || die sich sofort auf mein Zentrum überträgt | that instantly transmits to my centre || Ich merke, wie diese Leere, die gar keine Leere | I notice how this nothingness that is not really || ist, sondern ein gedachtes Etwas, das eine Mitte | nothingness, but an imagined something that’s meant || darstellen soll… | to represent a centre… || und mir nichts weiter übrigbleibt, als den | and there’s nothing more for me to do than || freundlichen Molekülen meine ausgestreckten | stretch my arms out || Arme entgegen zu halten mit der Bitte: | towards the friendly molecules with the appeal: || Hier hier hier hier hier hier! Kommt her! Haltet | here here here here here here! Come here! Keep close || euch an mich. So dass ihr vielleicht in irgendeiner | to me! So that you might in some form or another arrive || Form eine nützliche neue Existenz eingehen könnt. | at a useful new existence. || Hier oder im nächsten Hier oder im übernächsten | Here or in the next here or in the here after that, || Hier, was auch immer sich anbietet dafür | whatever occasion for that arises || Hier | Here || Everything will be fine. || Brandlinien Schnittmenge Spontanes | Firebreaks overlaps spontaneous || Bombardement | bombardment || Wo kann ich denn noch hingehen ? Oder ist | Where else can I go? Or is || das schon the end? | this already the end? || Ich habe keine Seite und mein Entsetzen | I have no side and my horror || keine Form | has no form || Der Rabe hat sein Lied verloren: | The raven has lost its song: || Nevermore and never mourn || Everything will be fine || Everything, yes, everything || Brandlinien Schnittmenge Spontanes | Firebreaks overlaps spontaneous || Bombardement | bombardment || Wo sollen wir denn jetzt noch hin ? Or is this | Where else can we still go? Or is this || all dead end? || Neuseeland ist vorüber das kommt leider | New Zealand is over, that sometimes || manchmal vor | sadly happens || Der Rabe hat sein Lied verloren: | The raven has lost its song: || Nevermore and Nevermore || Everything will be fine || wers glaubt wird selig | blessed are those who believe || It’s time and nothing else but time || BB: vocals/NU: metal percussion, choir/AH: vibrator, wah-wah pedal, electric bass guitar/RM: bass drum, hi-hat, marble plate, shopping cart, choir/JA: amplified kalimba, choir/FG: samples  *   1:39:01 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Language & Context   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          1:48:23 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  The Pit of Language   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  The Pit of Language | Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || I fell into the pit of language | covered in tar and words | I fell into the pit of language | I couldn’t lift myself out | I fell into the pit of language | buried up to my waist | words, syllables and fragments | stammer all around | I fell into the pit of language | I fell very deep | I fell into the tar-hole of language | and I’m sinking | I keep my mouth shut | phonemes, molecules and fossils | all the way up to my neck | I fell into the pit of language | and I couldn’t lift myself out | I fell into the pit of language | BB: vocals/NU: pvc-tubes, choir/AH: electric bass guitar, choir, keyboard-oboe/RM: shopping cart, hi-hat, choir/JA: amplified kalimba, choir/FG: electronics  *   1:52:24 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Planet Umbra   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Planet Umbra | Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || Planet Umbra | We cast no shadows | on Planet Umbra | We cast no shadows | on Planet Umbra | Planet Umbra | and if it rains | if it rains | on Planet Umbra | Planet Umbra | deep down brown | rivers in brown | on Planet Umbra | Planet Umbra | keep your face down | keep your face | keep your head down | on Planet Umbra | Planet Umbra | so far | we cast no shadows | on Planet Umbra | thick brown clouds | sand in your face | they send sand | sand sand sand | in your face | Planet Umbra | on Planet Umbra | Planet Umbra | We cast no shadows | on Planet Umbra | Planet Umbra | lets get down | Planet Umbra | BB: vocals/NU: processed water sounds, cymbals/AH: electric bass guitar, electronics/RM: bass drum, big drum, hi-hat, marble plate, amplified metal spring, metal percussion, processing/JA: electric guitar FG: organ  *   1:56:32 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Tar & Feathers   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Tar & Feathers | by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit || I wait in the pit of language | before I get tarred and feathered | in a mass vendetta campaign | I wait in the pit of language | before I get tarred and feathered | I try to drag myself out || BB: vocals, whispers, vibraphone / NU: choir / AH: electric bass guitar, electronics, choir / RM: large ammunition shells, orchestral bells, microphone / JA: choir  *   2:05:18 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Aus den Zeiten (from The Times)   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Aus den Zeiten | From the Times || by Bargeld // Chudy / Hacke / Moser / Arbeit || sing für mich in gelb | sing for me in yellow || am morgen | in the morning || in der küche | in the kitchen || im tiefen winterlicht | in the deep winter light || sing für mich in gelb | sing for me in yellow || roll deine zunge | roll your tongue || unschuldig | innocently || in den kurzen kalten tag | into the short cold day || sing für mich | sing for me || die unsichtbaren vertikalen | the invisible verticals || von hier bis in die wolken | from down here up into the clouds || die federn fallen aus | the feathers are falling out || was bleibt ist nur | all that remains is || das alte lied | the ancient song || aus den zeiten | from the times || noch bevor der markt geschlossen wurde | well before the market was closed || sing für mich in gelb | sing for me in yellow || sing mir in gelb das alte lied | song me in yellow that ancient song || aus den zeiten | from the times || den zweischenzeiten | from the times between || sing mir die wahre farbe | sing me the true colour || sing die wahre farbe | sing the true colour || Ich hore eie schon den ganzen tag | I've been hearing her all day long || sie kommt übers dach | she's coming over the roof || sie kratzt an den fenstern | scratching at the windows || sie flieht hinter die bücher | escaping behind the books || hier will sie nicht sein | she doesn't want to be here || bis die tuer sich offnet | until the door opens || in die nacht | into the night || sing für mich in gelb | sing for me in yellow || sing mir die wahre farbe | sing me the true colour || aus den zeiten | from the times || BB: vocals / NU: processed amplified spring / AH: falsetto vocals, electric bass guitar / RM: bass drum, marble plate, amplified metal spring, metal percussion / JA: amplified "Hard Drive"  *   2:10:32 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Ick wees nich (Noch Nich) (I dunno (not yet))   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Ick wees nich (Noch nich) | I dunno (not yet) || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard | Ick wees nich | I dunno || Is allet verschoben | Everything’s shifted || Dit is nich hier und och nich da | Stuff’s not here and not there either || noch nich | not yet || Ick wees nich | I dunno || Keene Ahnung | No idea || Wat sich da nu verschoben hat | what has actually shifted || Dit is nich mehr da | Stuff is not there any more || da wos war | where it was || Und och noch nich da | and not yet there where || wos seien sollte | it’s supposed to be || Noch nich | not yet || irjendwie schief | somehow askew || allet hat sich uffjelöst | everything’s come undone || Wat nu? | What next? || Irjendwann issit denn soweit | Sometime it’ll be time || denn issit da | then it’ll be there || abba | but || Noch nich | not yet || BB: vocals/NU: amplified spring/AH: electric bass guitar/RM: bass drum, marble plate, processed metal percussion/JA: amplified kalimba/FG: samples  *   2:15:45 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Reading & Listening With Humor   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          2:19:01 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Trilobiten   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)      Trilobiten | Trilobites || by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit || irgendwo haben minen sich versteckt | Somewhere mines are hidden || ich grab mich ein | I dig myself in || ich grab dich aus | I dig you out || letzte ausfahrt | last exit || kleine diamanten aus grauer vorzeit | small diamonds from grey prehistory || perm jura silur | Permian Jurassic Silurian || fossiliien, die wir beide sind | fossils, as we both are, || trilobiten, ungetrennt | trilobites, undivided || ritual: | ritual: || was ist noch uebrig? | what still remains? || schleuse, druckabfall | sluice, pressure drop || pagane ruecksichtslosigkeit | pagan recklessness || moloch | Molech || und siehe mir wird aufgetan! ha! | And look, it’s being opened up for me, hey! || lichtatmer | breathers of light || die untoten, vorboten | the undead, harbingers || ich sage dir die meisten hier, die schlafen nur… | I tell you most of those here are just sleeping… || nur der kopf guckt raus | just the head poking out || es gibt kopfgeld | there’s head bounty || auf dem grund der dinge gibt es eine schleuse | at the bottom of things there is a portal || unter dem meer, zwischen gluecklichen | beneath the ocean, between happy || krustentieren | crustaceans || noch ist sie verschlossen | it is still shut || ICH / DU | ME / YOU || wir tragen die erbschaft der einzeller, urviecher, | we carry the heritage of unicellulars, primordials, || vorprimaten in uns. | pre-primates within us. || wo ist der schluessel? | where is the key? || schnappverschluesse | snapshutters || tanztheater | dance theatre || ICH / DU, DU / ICH ICH / DU… | ME / YOU, YOU / ME, ME / YOU… || valenzelektronen | Valence electrons || Die äusserste schale angefüllt | the outer shell replete || edelgase | noble gases || reaktionsunfreudig | non-reactive || ICH / DU… | ME / YOU… || wo ist der schluessel? | where is the key? || wo ist die Schleuse? | where is the portal? || ICH / DU… | ME / YOU… || ich grab mich ein | I dig myself in || ich grab dich aus | I dig you out || kleine diamanten, kohlenstoff und hoher druck | small diamonds, carbon and high pressure || aus bunter vorzeit | from colourful prehistory || fossiliien, die wir beide sind | fossils, as we both are, || ungetrennt | undivided || fossiliien, die wir beide sind | fossils, as we both are, || trilobiten | trilobites || noch ungetrennt | still undivided || ICH / DU… | ME / YOU… || BB: vocals/NU: air compressor, pvc-tubes/AH: accustic guitar, electric bass guitar, electronics/ RM: big drum, bass drum, pvc-buckets, metal percussion/JA: amplified harmonika    2:21:40 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About "Halber Mensch" & "Gesundebrunnen"   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          2:27:40 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Gesundbrunnen   Favoriting Rampen (apm: alien pop music)  Potomak  2024  Gesundbrunnen | by Bargeld//Bargeld/Chudy/Hacke/Moser/Arbeit/Gebhard || Flickenteppich, grosse Löcher | Patchwork rug, large holes || viel an den Rändern ins Leere geschaut | from its edges gazing into emptiness || viel zu lang auf die Unterseite | far too long at the underside || auf die Unterseite des Teppichs gestarrt | staring at the underside of the rug || erkannt das Sehnen die Knoten hält | recognising that yearning holds the knots together || Damit sich oben ein Bild ergibt | so an image can emerge at the top || Die grössten Löcher sind zugedacht | the biggest holes are intended || schlecht verhäkelt auf Verdacht | poorly crocheted on suspicion || mit Annahmen nur scheinbar | with presumptions only seemingly || scheinbar tragfähig gemacht | seemingly made sustainable || Komm hoch | come up here || Komm rüber | come over here || Bleib hier | stay here || Bleib weiter | stay further || Trau dich aus der Unterwelt | venture out of the underworld || Korrigieren wir das Bild | Let’s correct the picture || Neu geknüpft nicht neu verhandelt | newly woven, not newly negotiated || Wir klinken uns aus der Entwicklung | we’re opting out of development || Wir klinken uns aus der Evolution | we’re opting out of evolution || Vorwärts rückwärts in allen Schatten | forwards backwards in all shades || Undenk- und Möglichkeiten | unthink- and probabilities || Wir üben das Neue | we rehearse what is new || Ganz außerhalb der Biologie | fully beyond biology || Als Sintwesen | as diluvian beings || Vielwesenheiten | multitudinous beings || Vielwesenheiten Nicht determiniert | multitudinous beings not determined || Wo vorher keine Tür war | where once there had been no door || Da machen ich dir jetzt auf | I will now open up for you || Wo vorher keine Tür war | where once there had been no door || Da machen ich dir jetzt auf | I will now open up for you || Meine Sprechwerkzeuge wollen mich nicht mehr | My speech toolset no longer wants me || Meine Sprechwerkzeuge wollen mich nicht mehr | My speech toolset no longer wants me || Zappenduster | pitch black || Glühendheiss | scorching hot || Unten zappenduster | below pitch black || oben schlehendweiss | above blackthorn white || BB: vocals, hammond organ/NU: metal perc./AH: electric bass guitar/RM: bass drum, electric drill, metal percussion/JA: vibrator, electric guitar/FG: electronics  *   2:32:02 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Tempelhof Airport   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          2:40:03 (Pop-up)
Einstürzende Neubauten  Palast der Republik   Favoriting Strategies Against Architecture IV - 2002–2010      EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN played live at Berlin’s “Palast der Republik” on November 4, 2004. This building, which has been torn down since then, was the former seat of power of the once imposing German Democratic Republic. The concert was filmed & released on DVD.    2:42:48 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About Cooking Black Squid Ink Risotto & About Wearing Black   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          2:45:20 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Music For The Play Dumpfe Stimmen)   Favoriting Commissioned Music  Rough Trade  1995      2:50:37 (Pop-up)
Blixa Bargeld  About how he met his wife   Favoriting Interview w/ Blixa Bargeld - recorded on April 10, 2024          2:54:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Heidee (in Heidelberg):

Good morning Carol❣️ Good morning Blixa!! 😎 I was sooo looking
forward to today’s show, for weeks. Now it happens that I am on a
family festivity, and I can’t make it… 😫 I have bought Rampen
last week and I love it! Wishing you lots of fun this morning, I’ll be
back for the archives, I’m such a fan!!

Peace and greetings
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:03am
Balthazar B:

Hi Heidee! Have fun!
Good morning Carol..warm greetings to one and all.
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Who's excited?

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<------ thus guy!
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Joey C:

Good morning Carol and Moon-Beamers
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Good morning Carol and all!!!
Avatar 🌜 6:04am
Michael of Cologne:

Good noonday, Carol & all.

Good morning everyone! I think there’s a golf game going on here this weekend.
Chris Crisco:

↳ Dan-From-Augusta @6:05

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David (in London):

Morning Moonfaces.
All hail the mind-expanding Carol Crow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12am

CAROLLLLLL!!! I have missed your moon for so long mate!
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13am

↳ Scott_Oz @6:12
I was probably known as Scott67 last time I was here.
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol! Good Morning
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:15am

Drooling, but here! Late night with Heilung! 🌱Good Morning, Carol! Good Morning, Blixa! Good Morning, Sonatonians!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:15am

Once again, twice again, thrice again...
Avatar 6:17am

Good morning all! So happy to be with you all today!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:19am

↳ Song: "Ziegenfisch" by "Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld"
Sea goat (Ziegenfisch) -- The sea goat is a legendary aquatic animal described as a creature that is half-goat and half-fish.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:21am

good morning!!!! guten morgen!!
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Balthazar B:

↳ Scott_Oz @6:13
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Song: "Ziegenfisch" by "Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld"
Blixa sounds rather like Rio Rieser from Ton Steine Scherben.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:24am

Morning Carol and all Blixa Barfield fans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25am
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Well I'm up too damn late, but here for Blixa! Gotta re listen to whole thing tomorrow
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Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and moonsters.
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Gmornin Seriousasses
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I feared the worst; glad it's a listening party!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29am

↳ Balthazar B @6:23
G'day mate! 🍻😎🤙💨🍺or☕
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31am

↳ Cooh John @6:27
G'day again Cooh.J! How'd ya sleep mate?
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Michael of Cologne @6:24
Make that Rio Reiser from Ton Steine Scherben. en.wikipedia.org...
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Just pledged again for badge
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Cooh John:

↳ Scott_Oz @6:31
G'day Scott. Well as always.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:39am
Cooh John:

↳ Cooh John @6:37
Schlafen sehr gut!
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:39am

Good morning, Carol! I'm a frequent Sunday morning listener, but rarely login to comment. I just want to say I love your show!

Good morning Carol und everyone, danke
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:40am

I'm also making a comments board tour of all the shows I selected to support this marathon, to see what the special icon is. My work here is done!:)
lazy pierogi:


Paul Campos@LGM summed it up perfectly: having much of the United States government either under the direct control of, or considerably influenced by, religious lunatics in the grip of apocalyptic fantasies, is a bad thing. Especially given the similar dynamics in the Middle East.
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NotARealDoctor in Norfolk VA:

Good morning Carol! Hello fellow Moonies! And a special greetings to Blixa! We're checking in from the dog park this morning, chasing the ball and the squirrels!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am

↳ Cooh John @6:37
Welcome to the Sunday I've been warming up for ya all day mate.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:47am
Cooh John:

↳ Scott_Oz @6:46
Danke sehr, Scott.
Tom from Stirling:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:49am
Balthazar B:

Sounds good to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am

I guess the interview is prerecorded?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55am

↳ fred @6:53
Doh! It's right there on the playlist
Avatar 6:57am

greetings, Carol! Moonlighters!
hello Blixa!

this is so cool -- so grateful and happy to be listening here with you all 🖤🖤🖤

(thank goodness for the archives too -- definitely going to be listening again!)

Good morning Carol and all other FMU early birds!
Avatar 7:04am

Welcome everyone! We're doing a special listening party today for the new Einstürzende Neubauten album, "Rampen apm: alien pop music" & speaking with Blixa Bargeld about it! Hope you enjoy!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:05am

↳ CarolCrow @7:04
Your show is always amazing Carol, but this is really special! Thank you for putting this together!
Tom from Stirling:

Which one is Blixa?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:06am

↳ Tom from Stirling @7:06
The dude pointing in the pic I believe
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Song: "Wie lange noch? (How Much Longer?)" by "Einstürze...
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Good morning, Carol.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ JeremyB @7:06
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Cooh John:

Liebe die Musik.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:08am

Good Sunday Morning, Carol and all you Moonlighters out there all over the world!!
Hey Jeremy!!
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Cooh John:

Rare that I get to use my 3 years of German from high school.
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↳ Strandlund @7:08
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Song: "Ist Ist (Is Is)" by "Einstürzende Neubauten"
Ist ist? nein.
Is is? no.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:14am
Cooh John:

Similar to The Necks alà Deutsch.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am

↳ Cooh John @7:14
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Cooh John:

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:11
"Nein" oder "no"? Heisenberg and Schröedinger may help point the way.
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↳ Michael of Cologne @7:11
Was ist ist / was ist nicht / ist möglich.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:18am

I agree, salad spinners really are the height of human technology. What else do we need?
max (friend of ken‘s):

if this is live… greets to blixa.
Avatar 7:19am

ack, my banking data changed. time to bugger joe mcgasko to get my icons back....
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Cooh John:

↳ Scott_Oz @7:16
Almost got to see The Necks. Damn that Covid.
Avatar 7:19am

↳ Song: "Pestalozzi" by "Einstürzende Neubauten"
always nice when all tracks are pre-clickied.....
Avatar 🌜 7:20am

↳ northguineahills @7:19
You could just ask him!
Avatar 7:21am

↳ Niall @7:20
he's the best. (still too early to attempt anything)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

↳ Cooh John @7:19
They played 30km down the road from me last year & again last month & I didn't know each time. I live under a rock I think mate.🪨
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Cooh John:

Going above and beyond in the comments, Carol.
Avatar 7:22am

↳ Scott_Oz @7:21
A➡B (A zu die B):

Guten Tag Carol und Herr Bargeld!

Didn't want to miss one minute of this (but such is my fate)! Will be archiving for offline later, anyway.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:25am
Cooh John:

↳ Scott_Oz @7:21
I was 2 months and 53 km away. Still waiting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am

↳ northguineahills @7:22
G'day mate! I have all my icons (sorry Carol) but no email confirming my Swag choices. *I thought/remember that normally happens?Maybe I stuffed up the selection process?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am

I took German for 4 years, to no effect. First year the teacher fell ill on the second week, no replacement. Second and third year teacher ignored that and would only speak in German. Fourth year I was so behind I quit. Fifth year the German teacher tried to get me expelled from high school, though I wasn't even taking her class anymore and I was an honors student in English and math.
Let's say I have a complicated relationship with that language
Avatar 7:28am

↳ Scott_Oz @7:25
my banking card was stolen during the marathon. joe got my new data after the marathon (when i made another donation). so, it's just a clerical error.
Avatar 7:29am

Just to let everyone know, we recorded the Blixa interview this past week. He & his wife, Erin, said they would try to check in during the show if possible!
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Cooh John:

↳ fred @7:25
Sturm and drang.
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ fred @7:25
Bedauerlich! I, on the other hand, never took to French. Later I taught myself German, to which I had an affinity.

@David (in London) A good morning to you too. Carol Crow's sets are indeed a cerebral journey.
  🌜 7:30am

Great, Great show, as always Carol you are the best.!!!!
A➡B (A zu die B):

↳ Scott_Oz @7:25
G'day Scottso! 😎👊⚡🌏☕🎶🎧🎶
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:29
One of my many bosses used to email me in German (knowing I don't know the language). I managed to mention that in front of his wife in a funny way, and he stopped
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Just tuning in- my first thought was 'dead?'
Avatar 7:37am

Carol, Tolle show!!!! Gut gemacht!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37am

↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @7:31
G'day A-B!🍻😎🤙💨☕
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:38am

Great show for the archives
Avatar 7:39am

↳ Song: "Es Könnte Sein (It Could Be)" by "Einstürzende Ne...
exquisite 🖤🖤🖤

i am so happy that Einstürzende Neubauten is still creating
Avatar 7:41am

What is the raven's song?

super sonic thx carol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am

German people are so much into bullying, though nowhere near Americans
Avatar 7:47am

↳ fred @7:25
My son is has been taking German since sixth grade and thankfully has had great teachers and thriving. That’s awful what you had to deal with in your school.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Everything Will Be Fine" by "Einstürzende Neubauten"
Take your word for it
Avatar 🌜 7:49am

Yes, Carol. Thanks for the lyrics posting.
Avatar 7:49am

Carol, Tolle show!! Gut gemacht!!

Carol. Even on a hard morning your show and your laugh bring me immense joy. You are so awesome.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:51am

This show is why I get up early on Sunday mornings...pure bliss!!
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Cooh John:

Nuance and context constantly get lost in our world.
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ fred @7:46
Germans have long since lost their imperial privilege, but it's taking a long time for them to get out of their authoritarian ways. Today there is more pretence of being free and easy, but it's a veneer that scratches easily..
Tom from Stirling:

German is pretty close to the English language.
Avatar 🌜 7:56am

I never thought I'd hear about A.S. Neill today. Hee.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:59am
Cooh John:

Phonemes vs. morphemes. Discuss.

nice tunage carol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03am

↳ Michael of Cologne @7:52
A German coworker (young, Gay) was calling me a Gay hater for saying Germany had colonies. I still don't know how that would make sense
A➡B (A zu die B):

↳ Tom from Stirling @7:55
German is among the oldest languages in the world next to Chinese and the majority of tribal tongues.

Esperanto was the closest at being a "utopian language", but it was initially concocted as a "secret code" used to communicate between soldiers and agents of different countries.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Planet Umbra" by "Einstürzende Neubauten"
Kinda grows on you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06am

↳ fred @8:03
Got on my HR record anyway
Tom from Stirling:

↳ fred @8:03
He fell into the pit of language.
Avatar 8:07am

the first time i dropped (ahem), i was at an hs ap field trip at mickeyland. i saw someone w/ a neubaten tattoo, and ended up hanging w/ him. this was '94.
Avatar 🌜 8:08am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ Song: "Planet Umbra" by "Einstürzende Neubauten"
Shadow of the wandering star. We inhabit the Irrstern, the erring star.

hellos morning seriously
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:11am

have had my ears on. great show!
Avatar 8:12am

↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @8:03
being a linguistic pendant. no language is recognizable audibly, from even 6-7 centuries beforehand, including mandarin. then you have have dialetical diversions to account for as well.

Did Carol mention earlier that her dad fought in WWII?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am
Spikey BXL:

↳ fred @8:06
there's probably a colon/colony pun there, but I am staying clear
Avatar 8:19am

↳ Song: "Aus den Zeiten (from The Times)" by "Einstürzende...
is it odd that this track reminds me of pj harvey?
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Balthazar B:

Mae'r Gymraeg yn un o'r ieithoedd byw hynaf yn Ewrop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20am

A➡B (A zu die B):

↳ northguineahills @8:12
Yes, true about verbally understanding any language. it's all a matter of understanding the nature of a language's many nuances that allows one to better understand what is being said. And the languages that have stood the test of time certainly underwent many changes over the centuries of existence through dialectical diversions and reappropriations.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:23am
Balthazar B:

↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @8:22
Doris from Droitwich:

Didn’t expect the Rammstein shade!
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Song: "About Reading & Listening With Humor" by "Blixa B...
Kafka a humorist!? This opens other perspectives!
Avatar 8:26am

↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @8:22
mos def. it's only b/c of printing that standardization happened in languages. I still like the dialectable differences in languages, like in spanish (castillian, galician, mexican, colombiab, dominican, etc), and german, (upper, lower, swiss, austrian, etc)
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↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @8:22
and of course, the chinese standardized their alphabet before anyone else (and we'll not get into the simplfied pinyin)
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when i was a kid we used to go to the creek and look for trilobite fossils. fun fact!
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↳ Michael of Cologne @8:26
you might say that it will metamorphized you!
Avatar 8:34am

thanks, carol and blixa, got get moving, this interview snippets are tretastic!
A➡B (A zu die B):

Each dialect is dependent on the culture it derives from, basically.

German in particular has the distinction of showing evidence of a number particular words sharing a similar root (although other languages, English included, have their own number of particular words deriving from a root, be it from Latin, Greek, or another older lannguage).
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Gesundbrunnen" by "Einstürzende Neubauten"
Blixa right about this track. KInda crazy. Crazy good.
A➡B (A zu die B):

↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @8:38
To be more succinct, the similarity of certain German words shows how the language itself has evolved over the centuries.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:40am

Danke für die wunderbare Interview-Hörparty, Carol!
Language guides our thoughts.
Avatar 8:41am

↳ A➡B (A zu die B) @8:38
as for english: “The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.”
― James D. Nicoll

So good!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:42am
NotARealDoctor in Norfolk VA:

Thanks Carol, thanks Blixa! Vielen dank für ein hervorragendes Programm und Interview!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:44am

Oh, this was such a wonderful episode of a show that has so many amazing episodes! 😍 Can't wait to listen back! So glad that Blixa understands that Carol is royalty! Yes, Blixa! You know it! 🫅🏽
Avatar 🌜 8:48am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ northguineahills @8:41
German went in the other direction, keeping a distance from foreign tongues by making German equivalents of the components of, say, Latin (e.g. excludere = ausschließen) and Ancient Greek (e.g. _proairaesis_ = Vorhaben = plan). Adopted foreign words are therefore called 'Fremdwörter', 'alien words'.
A➡B (A zu die B):

I had the privilege of seeing Blixa's bandmate Alex Hacke perform at Monty Hall on 8 December, 2021. Photos are posted on my FB (which I rarely use, anyway).
Avatar 8:50am

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:48
but still not as ridiculous as academie francaise
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:51am

Thanks Carol, Blixa!
Mike in CO:

My kid woke me up unexpectedly early so I went on a 5 am MT run and listened to Blixa..great way to start the day. Thanks!!

The evolution of language is indeed fascinating. German's approach of creating its own equivalents rather than adopting foreign words is a testament to the strength and adaptability of the language. Carol Crow's sets, much like language, are a dynamic blend of the old and new, creating a unique auditory experience.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:53am
David (in London):

Thanks Carol, top Blixa action today.
Avatar 8:54am

↳ f0b0t @8:53
i think i should attempt Cornish (i have a thing for near/extinct languages)

good day, night chanters, hope you've seen the pretty new moon
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:55am
Balthazar B:

Thanks Blixa, thanks Carol.
Tom from Stirling:

GO go GO
Avatar 🌜 8:56am

Fine and fascinatin' radio, presenter Carol. And danke, Blixa.
Avatar 8:56am

this has been such a wonderful treat (gotta listen again via the archives) thank you so very much, Carol and Blixa!
A➡B (A zu die B):

Thanks for this special show & interview, Carol!
Und Danke viel, Herr Bargeld!
Avatar 🌜 8:57am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ northguineahills @8:50
And German grammar is still holding up fairly well under the dumbing-down onslaught, whereas English grammar today is an utter shambles.
ami ad:

Thank you,DJ. Fine show, again. Peace, it's essential.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am

This was excellent..thanks so much Carol & Blixa!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am

Frau Carol vielen dank fur das absolut wunderbare interview mit Blixa Bleiben sie gesund und blieiben sie gesund
Avatar 8:57am

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:57
just look as my (lack of) grammar. language should be fluid...
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Balthazar B:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:57
Hard disagree language grows constantly and evolves.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol!

Can't thank you enough
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:59am

WOW 🤩 😍 🥰 CAROL!!!! Thank you! 🙏🏼 🥹
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Was half asleep this morning (as usual early Sundays) - but had to come back & let you know how much I appreciated the BlixaFest here !
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