Favoriting Transmissions from Echo Beach with Derek Westerholm and DJ Babs: Playlist from December 14, 2023 Favoriting

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DJ Babs's avatar View DJ Babs's profile Favoriting

Description: Exuberance/Ebullience, banter, possibly an interview, context and connection, the familiar, the strange.

Find: Symphonies of Treble, Words Of Expectation, stab, skronk, shimmer, sheen, The New Sound of Now, Ideas for Walls, pleasure, pith, Flutter and Wow, Motorik, cowbells, disco akimbo, at least one Cantankerous Singer, The German Language, shards of glass, Ethiopian Punk, organic, synthetic, sawtooths & squarewaves, Library Riffage, yesterday's recipes, the wrong speed, intentional static, floating, ethereal, time and timelessness.

Thursday 8 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting December 14, 2023: Sluuuggghsssssss

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Snõõper  Company Car   Favoriting Company Car  Electric Outlet  2023  Snõõper are from Nashville, Tennessee. "Not entirely sure what the story with this song is, and Nashville's Snooper (also stylized as Snõõper) haven't given much of any info on it other than dropping it at their Bandcamp page. The song follows up their debut LP Super Sn​õ​õ​per from this past July."  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

ATM   Favoriting


Speedy Wunderground / PIAS 


Released Nov 24, 2023... From "DIY" - REVIEWER: DAISY CARTER - "Giving listeners a brief taste of their boundary-pushing creativity, on ‘Slice’ O. demonstrate just how much can be done with a pair of drumsticks, a baritone sax, and some significant pedal wizardry. Borrowing their structural dynamics from dance, the EP’s title track builds at an exponential rate, heightening anticipation for a drop that’s as seamless as it is satisfying. ‘Moon’, meanwhile, is an altogether moodier affair - all reverb and sultry sax lines, it finds the duo tracing the musical lineage of their acoustic drum and bass further back, wearing their dub influences like a well-fitting rudeboy suit. An aptly-named cut in which the synergy between sonics and moniker is apparent, it’s almost hard to believe there’s not a guitar in the mix with ‘Grouchy’, such is its shoegaze-adjacent wall of sound. Rounding off proceedings is ‘ATM’, bringing us back into the realm of frantic pacing and club-like beats in a pleasingly cyclical move that marks O.’s debut EP as a project that’s short but sweet, cohesive and well-rounded - much like the band name itself." 


0:02:04 (Pop-up)
VED  Retroactive Premonition   Favoriting If The Door Is Opened, It's Opened From Outside  Kontra-Musik  2023  Born in Soviet, raised in English boarding school, lived with elks in north of Canada, then foreign legion, NASA space program, radio-operator during the cold war, elite gymnastics, learn to play guitar, classical piano, MK-ultra, fencing, pimp-daddy in the USA, studied with Schönberg, member of Scientology, Kabbalah with Madonna, teacher of martial arts, kicked out of Surrealist movement, etc...on their fifth full-length album, If The Door Is Opened, It's Opened From The Outside, the group brings a new, literary dimension to their eclectic music by letting two of their four permanent members emerge as lyricists with wildly contrasting vocal styles - one confrontational, the other introspective - on ten songs all springing from collective improvisation. So, what are they singing about? Refrigerators, airports and excrements - or is it capitalism, transcendence and rebirth?    0:04:59 (Pop-up)
Oscillator Bug  Feel Rif   Favoriting Bursts Of The Million  Dymaxion Groove Records  2014  Chicago’s analog synth melting psych-pop artist Oscillator Bug is like a force of nature in the age of climate change: unpredictable. Borrowing from the revolution-minded mass hallucinations of 60s psych as well as weirdo bedroom pop and several decades worth of avant-garde synth experimentalism, Oscillator Bug is a wild, infectious and occasionally disturbing rendering of 21st Century popular music...Bursts Of The Million is a spectacular record, perhaps not easy on the ears of the multitude (and understandably so), but to be praised nonetheless for its technical achievements. Oscillator Bug are apt at making the combination not too noticeable, almost normal.    0:09:41 (Pop-up)
Gregor  Buried A Thought   Favoriting Thoughts & Fruits  Chapter Music  2016  Gregor was first heard via 2016 cassette Thoughts & Faults on Chapter Music, which Stereogum described as “Talking Heads meets Trolls.” Playful and idiosyncratic, the tape was the work of an artist still learning how to open up...taking the restless, inquisitive spirit of his music and applies it to his own interior emotional world. In short, love has entered the building, left its mark and Gregor will never be the same again. Gregor is striking for his musical adventurousness. Spacious and delicate, but peppered with acerbic pop moments and extended, loping grooves, his sound draws together elements of the Durutti Column, Arthur Russell and The The, all filtered through Gregor’s increasingly personal vision. Imagine if the solo albums of Holger Czukay from Can containted unstinting examinations of the soul, and you’ll get a hint of the sound and feeling    0:14:46 (Pop-up)
Pilots  IDK If You'll Do   Favoriting Pilots  Self Released  2021  Pilots are a two piece from Indiana. They hashtag themselves as "pop blue-eyed soul jazz new wave retro synth pop" This 2021 self titled release is all that exists...thus far.    0:17:23 (Pop-up)
Paul Jacobs  Thanks   Favoriting Thanks Single  Mothland  2020  Hailing from Montreal, Quebec Paul Jacobs describes his music as "a bit of this and a bit of that". Jacobs delivers neo-psychedelic sounds with a slightly mellower approach and velvety mid-tempos rhythms with dreamy and hazy soundscapes. Through his lyrics, the multi-instrumentalist paints vivid, dreamy imagery, capturing his feelings during that period of instability and reflecting on his emotional growth....    0:19:46 (Pop-up)
The John Pauls  Chuck Yeager   Favoriting Forget to Remember to Forget  Aagoo  2017  The John-Pauls are a co-ed three-piece of post-punkers from Austin, Texas. Strains of VU, Sonic Youth and Unrest creep through Phillip Niemeyer‘s poetic compositions – with lyrics akin to a storybook for adults. Songs are fluent in both the dark and the light. Phillip Niemeyer, Mark Fagan, and Mikila Zaorski have rocked in various bands in various cities (Austin’s Black Lipstick, NYC’s The French Doors, Houston’s legendary Bayou Pigs). They bringing a veteran music sense to their teenage- grownup approach. They know what they want, know how to make it, and know it’s really bad for them. Go ahead, enjoy with a bottle of good beer or a glass of cheetos, your choice.    0:21:32 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band 

Love For the Sake of Dub   Favoriting

Love For The Sake of Dub EP 

Big Crown Records 


Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band, the mysterious steel pan outfit hailing from Hamburg, Germany have amassed a cult following around the globe. 


0:24:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band 

Tough Victory   Favoriting


Big Crown Records 




0:27:52 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band 

Squaring The Circle   Favoriting


Big Crown Records 




0:31:03 (Pop-up)
The Rhubarb Triangle  67 Guilford Street (I Feel Alright)   Favoriting 67 Guilford Street (I Feel Alright) / She's A Demon  Self Released (Bandcamp)  2015  "Originating from various corners of the North of England, the group came together in the area known as The Rhubarb Triangle..." Engineered, mixed and mastered by Daniel Husayn at Sound Savers Studio, London, 2015 / Recorded all analogue, direct to reel-to-reel tape... just the way it should be! / Released October 30, 2015 Alex Aspin, Anthony Dunn, Calum Malton.Guest bass and percussion by James Porch & Baldomero Verdú of Fumaça Preta. The Rhubarb Triangle (Bandcamp) Tags - acid punk experiemental freakbeat garage rock psychedelic rock London    0:33:58 (Pop-up)
Boye  Dosta! Dosta! Dosta!   Favoriting Dosta! Dosta! Dosta!  PGP-RTB  1988  Boye (pronounced /bo.je/; a pun coming from feminine of boy and from boje, transl. colors) were a Serbian and Yugoslav rock band formed in Novi Sad in 1981. Until the late 1980s, Boye were an all-female band, but later lineups also featured male members, with drummer Biljana Babić being the only mainstay member during the band's career. Initially a part of the Yugoslav new wave scene, Boye later moved towards garage rock-influenced alternative rock. The band released four studio albums before disbanding in 2000. //// The band's debut album, Dosta! Dosta! Dosta! (Enough! Enough! Enough!) was produced by Kojić and released by PGP-RTB in 1988. Under Kojić's influence, the band had maintained their original musical style and introduced rap vocal sections, and Kojić also played guitar on three tracks. The album featured the material written during the previous years, with the prominent songs "Mama Kivi" ("Mother Kiwi"), "Gde se možemo sresti" ("Where Could We Meet") and the title track. The cover was designed by Biljana Babić. Dosta! Dosta! Dosta! was met with positive reactions by the critics, and after its release the band went on their first solo tour across Yugoslavia. In 1989, the band was joined by new bass guitarist, Ilija Vlaisavljević "Bebec", formerly of the band La Strada, bringing new ideas and becoming a new leading figure of the band.    0:38:18 (Pop-up)
Cool Kids Of Death  Żart   Favoriting Żart / Butelki z benzyną i kamienie (feat. WaluśKraksaKryzys)  Self-Released  2023  Released last Friday Dec 8. "The Cool Kids of Death is a Polish alternative rock band formed in Łódź in 2001. Their name comes from a Saint Etienne song. //// The band is well known in Poland due to their radical lyrics and widely expressing the "Generation Nothing" (Polish: Generacja Nic) voice –the "movement" which accused the Polish establishment of constraining the professional chances and future of young and well-educated Poles."  *   0:40:42 (Pop-up)
Din  Reptiles   Favoriting Great Tradition  High Velocity Records  1983  Bass, Vocals – Lee Dolan, Anthony Vick / Drums – Michael Malone / Guitar – Philip Clevenger Percussion – Terry (Tyaga) Gardner / Saxophone, Woodwind – Clifford Mabra "They were barely participants in their first music video. Their record label was shut down by federal agents. Their drummer once punctured his eyeball during rehearsals. And John Lydon once urinated on a band member’s car. //// Such was the world of The Din, an Orange County, Calif., ska-punk rock band that, in the early 1980s, went from Orange County’s clubs to college radio darlings, only to dissipate after two albums. //// The Din first started making noise in 1981, when several employees at a Los Angeles-area Tower Records shared their love of music with each other. The original lineup — guitarist Phil Clevenger, bassists Lee Dolan and Tony Vick, sax player Clifford Mabra and drummer Scott Schnabel — were popular fixtures on the Orange County club scene. Before long, fans packed the Concert Factory to hear The Din’s music. Several musicians joined and left the band (including sax player Bobby Martin, who later played sax on Flipper’s “Sex Bomb” track), but the core of Tony Vick, Phil Clevenger and Lee Dolan remained solid throughout." //// After going through a succession of drummers, The Din settled on Mike Malone, who proved his commitment to the band by actually injuring one of his eyes in a freak accident.“Mike Malone had energy to burn for sure,” said Clevenger. “One time at rehearsal, he hit the snare, and his drumstick bounced up and took a rather large chunk out of one of his eyes ... He jumped up from the kit, screaming, one hand over his eye, the other still holding a stick, gyrating like mad ... and we all thought it was just normal, crazy Mikey. Until the blood flowed.” //// “The band had many connections to the Record Trading Center in Tustin,” Vick said. “RTC was owned by Bob Heinlein. High Velocity was his brainchild, and he was working toward being an OC New Wave mogul.” Heinlein’s High Velocity Records was distributed by another company, Rocshire Records, an Anaheim-based company with some minor chart hits from singer Tony Carey... Within weeks of signing, Din’s first album, “Great Tradition” (High Velocity XR 22012) was released, as well as a single from the album, “Reptiles”/“Rejection” (Rocshire XR 95043). “Reptiles” caught on strong with college radio stations, whose deejays enjoyed the band’s musical chops and the songs’ literary-inspired backgrounds. The track “Rejection” was based on the work of Franz Kafka, while the title track “Great Tradition” was inspired by Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar.” //// To promote “Reptiles,” The Din filmed a music video at Francis Ford Coppola’s Omni Zoetrope Studios. The band thought it was making a straightforward performance video, only to discover that their camera time was shared with modified hot rods, breakdancers and girls dressed as neon-painted reptiles. “The video shoot was a strange day, indeed,” said Lee Dolan. “We had NO control over the making of the video, and in the end, I feel it hurt us more than helped. It was not who we were and had little to do with the song. In retrospect, I wish we had stood our ground and demanded something different. I remember being in New York for the College Media Journal music awards and that video was playing everywhere I went. By week’s end, I couldn’t stand myself. Love the song, though.” The band members also discovered that although the video for “Reptiles” did get some airplay on MTV, the video wasn’t really produced with The Din in mind. “We found out the hard way,” Clevenger said, “that we were the vehicle for a production company to produce a video demo, which went on to land them their ACTUAL target gig, the video for Billy Idol’s ‘Flesh For Fantasy.’ That explains why the whole thing had NOTHING to do with the content of our song and why they edited us out of pretty much the whole thing. Live and learn!” / “In a life pretty much dominated by surreal, über-silly events,” Malone said, “This particular affair occupies a wing of its own in the Weirdness Hall O’ Fame. I spent the entire useless day drinking and hitting on the dancers.” //// Still, the band was performing sold-out concerts throughout the West Coast, and the “Great Tradition” album sold a respectable 25,000 copies in the summer of 1983. But just as the door to stardom was opening for The Din, it got slammed and padlocked shut. The owners of Rocshire Records financed the record company by, of all things, an elaborate embezzlement scheme. The record company owner’s wife worked at Hughes Aircraft and forged millions of dollars in fraudulent medical reimbursement checks, which were deposited into Rocshire’s bank accounts. Federal agents swooped in and confiscated everything in Rocshire’s studios, leaving the label’s roster of singers and bands — including The Din — with scant time to save anything."    0:44:08 (Pop-up)
YAANG  Pressure   Favoriting Pressure    2023  "Formed in 2017 when Davey Moore (vocals/sampler) met Oliver Duffy (Guitars/vocals) at a rhythmic awareness class at the University of Salford – and later completed by Ben White (Ex-Working Men’s Club) on bass duties – the trio have steadily built their reputation for furious, high-energy, live shows, powered by the rocket-fuel combo of pulsating drum loops, clangorous guitars and a wicked sense of humour." // London - punk trio YAANG released the epic punk ascension of latest cut 'Pressure' ahead of a string of Autumn 2023 shows. "Typically the closer of their absorbing live show, 'Pressure' mashes up the electro-pulsations of a Snapped Ankles with the old-school punk prowess of a Wipers or Wire to unleash a stop-start, ever-building juggernaut of unabating punk-thrash hypnosis. // Produced by Formal Sppeedwear's Beck Clewlow, the track exhibits once the band's penchant for delivering intense, high-energy takes on the gripes and misgivings ailing contemporary twenty-something life, as frontman Davey Moore explains:"Pressure is about the contradiction between how mental health issues in daily life can feel like a hindrance to others but through performance can become entertaining and exciting. Stress, lack of control, and confusion forming together to create an explosive episode of beautiful mania.” // Forming in 2017 when Davey Moore (vocals/sampler) met Oliver Duffy (Guitars/vocals) at a rhythmic awareness class at the University of Salford - and later completed by Ben White (Ex-Working Men’s Club) on bass duties - the trio have steadily built their reputation for furious, high-energy, live shows, powered by the rocket-fuel combo of pulsating drum loops, clangorous guitars and a wicked sense of humour. Integral cogs in the ever-whirring grassroots scene of their beloved Manchester, Yaang regularly rub shoulders with the likes of buzzy contemporaries Maruja, Nightbus, Duvet and Splint. // Earlier this year, the band became the focus of a raging twitter storm - a video of the band shared with the controversial caption “alright everybody the UK post punk revival is over.” hit over half a million views, with keyboard warriors - including bands like Shame, HMLTD, The Rhythm Method, and Loose Articles - coming in their droves to defend or berate the band online. // Alumni of the prestigious Slow Dance Compilation, the band have gained backing from Clunk, Rodeo Magazine, Gemma Bradley (Radio 1) and BBC Introducing Mixtape, achieved notable support slots of the likes of Porijj, Keg, The Vacant Lots, and Mandrake Handshake, while also boasting a PVA remix in their catalogue to boot." //// Yaang are Davey Moore (Vocals/Sampler), Oliver Duffy (Guitar/Vocals), Ben White, (Bass/Vocals) //// YAANG (Bandcamp)    0:47:22 (Pop-up)
Savak  Set Apart   Favoriting Human Error / Human Delight  Peculiar Works  2022  SAVAK was formed in 2015 by Sohrab Habibion (Obits, Edsel) and Michael Jaworski (The Cops, Virgin Islands), who play guitars and trade off singing songs, along with drummer Matt Schulz (Holy Fuck, Enon). The live band features Jeff Gensterblum (Small Brown Bike, Her Heads On Fire) on drums and bassist Matt Hunter (New Radiant Storm King, Silver Jews). You can also visit the WFMU archives to find their live set on WFMU’s Evan “Funk” Davies show from Wednesday, April 13 2022; during which they played many songs from this album. In the meantime, find them here: Savak (Bandcamp)    0:53:39 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Set Apart (Mogwai remix)   Favoriting

Error / Delight 

Peculiar Works 


Error / Delight sees remixes from Crooks on Tape, Birthmark, Patois Councelors, Immersion, Mogwai, Michael Hampton, Plus/Minus, The Department of Human Genetics, Light Beams, Graham Walsh, Devin Ocampo, Josh Sinton & Dan Friel. -- SAVAK was formed in 2015 by Sohrab Habibion (Obits, Edsel) and Michael Jaworski (The Cops, Virgin Islands), who play guitars and trade off singing songs, along with drummer Matt Schulz (Holy Fuck, Enon). The live band features Jeff Gensterblum (Small Brown Bike, Her Heads On Fire) on drums and bassist Matt Hunter (New Radiant Storm King, Silver Jews). Savak (Bandcamp) 


0:58:28 (Pop-up)
Dara Puspita  A Go Go   Favoriting A Go Go Single  Irama  1968  Dara Puspita (Flower Girls) was Indonesia’s most successful girl band of the 1960s. While there were many popular female vocalists in Indonesia at that time, they nearly all relied on the services of a backing band. Dara Puspita was one of the few girl groups who actually played all their own music as well. In 1965 the band relocated to Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, and soon gained a reputation as a sensational live act, bashing away on their instruments, screaming out their songs and jumping up and down. The band’s stage act and the songs they played were clearly influenced by contemporary British bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, whose music at the time was banned in Indonesia. Though never arrested like some of their counterparts, they were warned by the authorities to not play the music of the Beatles...    1:11:08 (Pop-up)
The Karovas Milkshake  Zombie Wok   Favoriting In The Shade Of The Purple Sun  Groovie Records  2016  The Karovas Milkshake are a garage/psyche band that hail from the heart of the Ural mountains....heavily rooted in the 60-70's sound. Their frantic garage rock has been gradually moving in the direction of psyche in the last couple of years and perfected by playing countless shows and recording sessions. Purple Sun was their first full length, and has been followed up with a new release this last year entitled "Now It Was Said"    1:13:20 (Pop-up)
The Dandelion  The Garden of Yhi   Favoriting Old Habits & New Ways of the Dandelion  deSilver Recordings  2019  Australia's The Dandelion weave an old kind of magic. Their own mix of musical spells are not unlike those woven in the 1960’s and have seduced many believers in their brief musical career. What started as a studio project evolved into a live band led by Natalie de Silver who writes, records and produces the band’s original material. The Dandelion’s 2nd LP titled Seeds Flowers and Magical Powers of The Dandelion caught the ears of many listeners around the globe, many of whom catapulting it to their favorite album of 2015. In 2017 Natalie begun working on a third album titled “Old Habits & New Ways of The Dandelion. The Dandelion joined the Gizzfest that year curated by Ozzie favorites King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard and completed a European tour in 2019....but we need more!    1:16:12 (Pop-up)
Sir Robin & The Longbowmen  Sick Bang   Favoriting Sir Robin & The Longbowmen  Self Released  2016  Drenched with the vibe of lysergic infused fuzzed out and haunting surf guitars that are both held in check and romantically spurred on by shimmering sitars laced with trippy garage psych vocals, Sir Robin & The Longbowmen [hailing from Dresden, Germany] create a mystic atmosphere of dreamy hypnotic songs that slowly ebb and morph into nearly one conceptual piece that lays across you like a warm blanket coved with magical patterns for eclipsing the sun and recipes for mind altering chemical potions. This album is as much a journey into the hazy past of psychedelic music as it is into the future of modern adventurous neo-psych ... and they bring it all to fruition without pretense or a sense of overbearing, leaving the songs to sound etherial and breezy, where walls breathe, and trees dance in the moonlight...(review courtesy of Streetmouse)    1:19:33 (Pop-up)
Kingdom of the Holy Sun.  Flown Away   Favoriting At The Gates Dawn  Kingdom Of The Holy Sun  2016  What we are learning from this set is that 2016 seems to be peak neopsychedelia and KOTHS brought it. A quick internet search of the group reveals that the Seattle, WA band’s music has found eager ears all over the world. That may seem odd for a band just starting to gain traction, but Kingdom of the Holy Sun’s true domain has never been earth, let alone the United States. The 6-piece delivers cosmic sounds through their garage tinted brand of psychedelia, whisking listeners away on otherworldly journeys.    1:23:23 (Pop-up)
Fat White Family  Religion For One   Favoriting Religion For One Single  Domino Recording Co.  2023  Abject narcissism is our only real code of conduct anymore. Everything is thinly veiled self-interest. The post-modern post social media condition constitutes a complete death of outwardness. We are smothered by the infinite present. We have swapped art for the history of art. The game is up. The party’s over…NO SURRENDER! Fat White Family return with "Religion For One". They haven’t been sat on their arse this last four years. Since releasing their last CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED album Serfs Up, they’ve remade The Shawshank Redemption on their phones via Instagram, supported Liam Gallagher at his biggest solo show at Knebworth, made and screened an exquisite, Bergman tinged short film Moonbathing in February and frontman Lias Saoudi wrote a bestselling account of the band’s tumultuous rise to mid-level fame…Fat White Family and the Miracle of Failure.  *   1:28:10 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Dave Pike 

Philumba   Favoriting

Mambo Bounce 



Dave Pike was an American jazz vibraphone and marimba player. He appeared on many albums by Nick Brignola, Paul Bley and Kenny Clarke, Bill Evans, and Herbie Mann. He also recorded extensively as leader, including a number of albums on MPS Records 


1:31:35 (Pop-up)
Fat Dog  King Of The Slugs   Favoriting King Of The Slugs  Domino Recording Co.  2023  From "Clash" magazine... "Fat Dog’s Debut Single ‘King Of The Slugs’ Is Utterly Remarkable A bravura, over-the-top seven minute statement... ROBIN MURRAY NEWS 21 · 08 · 2023 //// London five-piece Fat Dog make their debut with lavish new single ‘King Of The Slugs’. //// Word is already out on the band, whose exuberant, gripping, eye-catching live shows have seen them support the likes of Viagra Boys, shame, and Yard Act. With a cult following coalescing around their theatrical performances, Fat Dog recently sold out South London venue Corsica Studios. //// Signing to Domino Records, Fat Dog have just unveiled their debut single. Out now, ‘King Of The Slugs’ is a ridiculous seven minute journey through sound, held together by Joe Love’s searing vocal and the band’s strident sense of purpose. //// Continually inventive, ‘King Of The Slugs’ revels in the uneasy, the lyrics carrying an unsettling quality that aligns to the spectacular musicianship. //// [The track is] Co-produced by frontman Joe Love and James Ford. //// Dylan Coates directs the video, which suitably finds Joe Love being crowned." King Of The Slugs (Official Video)  *   1:41:06 (Pop-up)
Slug Bait  I'm A Slug   Favoriting Sex Lives Of Animals Without Backbones  Push My Buttons  2019  From Sweden, recorded March/April 2018, released in 2019. Every song from the album is attributed to the band itself, except for this song, w/ Lyrics By – H. Andersson / Music By – J.T.Jones //// Recorded By, Mixed By – Stefan Brändström //// Vocals, Bass, Synth – Manuela Iwansson / Vocals, Guitar, Saxophone – Martin Savage / Drums – Henke Andersson.    1:48:07 (Pop-up)
We've Got A Fuzzbox And We're Gonna Use It  Love Is The Slug   Favoriting Bostin' Steve Austin  Warner  1986  We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It!!, often shortened to Fuzzbox, are a British alternative rock group. Formed in Birmingham in 1985, the all-female quartet originally consisted of Vix (Vickie Perks), Magz (Maggie Dunne), Jo Dunne and Tina O'Neill. The band's name was shortened to Fuzzbox for the U.S. release of their first album. They disbanded in 1990 after releasing two studio albums and reunited in 2010 for a series of concerts. A second reunion was confirmed in 2015. //// The original band members, who were from Moseley, Sheldon and Acocks Green in Birmingham, formed the group in 1985. Their name was chosen after they bought a guitar distortion pedal and Maggie Dunne stated: "We've got a fuzzbox and we're gonna use it!" //// Their first release, in March 1986, was a single of "XX Sex" and "Rules and Regulations", with the fuzzbox featuring prominently, which reached No. 41 in the UK charts. This proved a huge success for the group: while not reaching the Top 40, the Vindaloo Records release remained in the Indie chart for 25 weeks. This led to tours of the UK and Europe and, in December that year, their debut album, Bostin' Steve Austin, was released (Geffen re-titled the album We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It upon its US release). This album spawned the band's first Top 40 hit, "Love Is The Slug", and the minor hit "What's The Point"."    1:50:01 (Pop-up)
The Ramones  S.L.U.G.   Favoriting Road to Ruin (40th Anniversary Edition)  Sire / Rhino  1978 / 2018  "Quintessential punk icons the Ramones were astoundingly prolific with 14 studio albums and a still ever-growing list of compilations and live albums under their ratted, mangled belts. Although the original lineup is no longer with us, new treasures continue to emerge from the vaults. //// Rhino Records [in 2018 released] a new deluxe edition of the Queens, New York outfit’s landmark fourth album Road To Ruin; featuring a remastered version of the original album, a new stereo mix, and a disc of newly unearthed recordings – primarily outtakes and alternate versions of the classic tracklist. Fans will be particularly excited about two two previously unreleased tracks “S.L.U.G.” and “I Walk Out.” //// Savvy Ramones die-hards will be quick to point out that a demo of “S.L.U.G.” previously appeared on a 2001 expanded edition of Rocket to Russia as well as the Weird Tales of the Ramones compilation (and some bootlegs), but the version we’re hearing today is the first time we’re hearing a fully-realized version of the long lost track. //// “Two unused songs, cut during the tracking sessions, but never finished — “S.L.U.G.” and “I Walk Out” — were also unearthed from the original tapes,” shares original Road to Ruin producer Ed Stasium. “It was a thrill to discover we had recorded several vocal tracks with Joey for these two songs, which made it possible to create a new vocal comp, and, as a result after 40 years, a proper mix of both.” //// Throwing on “S.L.U.G.” gives the thrill of hearing a Ramones record for the first time all over again, if even for just two minutes. It’s a crystallized version of the band in arguably their prime, with Joey Ramone’s familiar cadence tumbling over the wonderfully simple chugging guitar chords. It’s easy to imagine an alternate reality where “S.L.U.G.” is part of the band’s canonized hits with its catchy hook spelling out the word “slug” and painting a gross scene of the mollusc crawling over Joey while he lies in bed, pining for a love he can no longer have. Take a listen for yourself and time travel back to 1978."    1:53:09 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Slice   Favoriting


Speedy Wunderground / PIAS 


Released Nov 24, 2023... From NME (By Laura Molloy) - "The Speedy Wunderground-signed duo wield the unpredictable energy of a live jam session on this fantastic debut EP --- 2020’s lockdowns undoubtedly spawned a string of ambitious new musical projects, some more visionary than others – many of which have already met their inevitable demise. It’s by no means a new story, yet the latest offering from cult label Speedy Wunderground retells the tale with fresh energy. Birthed from an era of vacant streets and shuttered venues are O., a duo seemingly united in a desire to make as much noise as possible, with as few instruments. //// On their debut EP ‘Slice’, drummer Tash Keary and baritone saxophonist Joseph Henwood overlap genres to make a record with one foot in the capital’s historic jazz bars and another in its underground venues south of the river. Scooping an eclectic mix of our most vibrant music scenes onto one EP, O. manage to expertly tread the line between the urgent energy of experimental rock and jazz improvisation. //// With production from Dan Carey that carefully captures O.’s frenzied live energy, ‘Slice’ shines in its ability to deliver the unexpected. Moments of stillness ascend into weighty tension, before collapsing into sudden crescendos of volatile force. It’s in these moments that the project’s origin as a jam session comes into focus, and their strengths reveal themselves. //// A consistent thread of urgency, emphasised by Keary’s frantic drumming, weaves itself throughout the four tracks, looping through the eerie, spy movie soundtrack-esque opening of ‘Moon’ to the dense reverb that underlines ‘Grouchy’. Best, though, is title track ‘Slice’, which somehow channels equal levels of chaotic darkness and clear joy. Elsewhere, ‘ATM’ teeters further into punk with its glitchy, otherworldly manipulation of Henwood’s sax, which is reimagined to exist in another realm from its original form. //// Two artists with an undeniable synergy, O.’s debut is a statement that often feels menacing while also offering real moments of brightness and euphoria. It’s a sensory overload that’s as indebted to the unpredictable nature of live music as to its simple origins as a pandemic jam session." 


1:55:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Moon   Favoriting


Speedy Wunderground / PIAS 


Released Nov 24, 2023..."O. was formed when Joe Henwood and Tash Keary decided to start jamming together by way of a lockdown bubble in 2020. They began to play with effects like pedal boards, reverb, and delay with Henwood’s saxophone and Keary’s drums and also hosted collaborative live sessions, cleverly named O Zone, at Brixton Windmill, further nourishing their creativity and growing their tribe. Thus, wonderful music experiments such as ‘Slice’ were produced and put out into the world for all to hear (and we’re very thankful for that!). //// Inspired by a weeklong getaway to Recife, Brazil, ‘Slice’ is brought to life through multitudes of rich and loud saxophone and drum beats. The electric pulse of the invigorating Brazilian carnival is almost tangible to the listener; one can imagine themselves in the middle of a busy audience, watching the improvisational performance between Henwood and Keary go on in front of them. There’s a heavy bass influence in there, too, taking notes from Jamaican dub legend King Tubby. ‘Slice’ is a juicy track with its own unique rhythm, creating its own language with musical instruments and providing a strong feeling of a funky electronic disorder, causing mayhem with O.’s sporadic and unconventional movements. And yet, there’s a smoothness that starts to surface, only for the listener to be pulled back down again into the depths of musical chaos seconds later…then rising back up to the top, kept on the precipice before jumping off of it again. Keary, one-half of O., says: “People have come to see us and said they’ve enjoyed the fact it feels about two centimetres from falling apart”. Their music certainly keeps one on edge, pulling one in with a strange charm and effervescent intensity." 


1:59:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
DJ Babs:

Hello and welcome Beach friends!! We'll be starting up shortly so get your beach blanket and coconut pineapple drink....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

G'day Babs, Derek & Beach Bums!

hello babs and the rest of the beach goers
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Babs! Derek! Beach Bums!

↳ Scott_Oz @7:59
scott can’t wait until you’re show on saturday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello Scott, Robm, Ultra!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
DJ Babs:

Hello hello Scott Rob and UD! Los Tres Beach Badasses...lol

↳ DJ Babs @8:01
howdy derek
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm
DJ Babs:

Scott are you doing a show on Saturda?!?!?!

Hi Babs and Derek and all others!
Avatar 8:02pm
Bob Barth:

Hey D & B!! Kick it hard!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hi Kristine!

↳ Kristine @8:02
hey kristine
Avatar 8:03pm

I went to the actual beach yesterday, it was freaking so hot. I'll chill on our goth style aural beach today
  🏝 8:03pm

slug songs!
  🏝 8:04pm

hi everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

↳ ultradamno @8:00
Cheers UltraD! It's ready to roll mate, be great ta see ya there!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

Hiya Scott
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm

↳ Robm @8:00
Whooppsss! Sorry Rob, my dyslexia got me then. that was meant for you mate! @8.04
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ laurapanic @8:03
Laura, yeah, the actual beach!!! Sounds like it would still be lovely, even if hot...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ gsdoubleu @8:04
Hello GSuu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Bob! Hi Kristine! Laura! GS...ahh it's a good crowd of peeps tonite!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:02
Yes mate! A Drop-In on R'n'S. poster is my Avatar.
Avatar 8:07pm
Alli B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello AlliB!

↳ Scott_Oz @8:06
hey don’t worry about it, going to try and people from other shows to listen to you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm

↳ laurapanic @8:03
Rub it in mate!🍻😎🤙💨🧋

↳ Scott_Oz @8:07
a a nd if ken had any sense hey would get you a show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
DJ Babs:

Helooooooo Alli!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Scott_Oz @8:07
Awesome, Scott, that's exciting! Cool poster!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
DJ Babs:

Just warming things up with a bit o’ the skronk

babs i hope it leads to a regular show for scott
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
DJ Babs:


this is lovely!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
DJ Babs:

It will be nice to have another show to drink to! Lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @8:11
Oh yeah it’s so many things I love!

↳ DJ Babs @8:11
i agree and i don’t drink either:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
DJ Babs:

I hear Bowie in this and other things….

come to think of it you’re right babs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
DJ Babs:

I feel like this could have or should have been a 2023 bowie album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

I really enjoy the zany places it goes. This is the favourite band that I never discovered in 2014 when it came out, lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

This part is like Gary Numan Krautrock
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm

↳ Robm @8:07
Cheers mate! Show page is up mate!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

↳ Song: "Buried A Thought" by "Gregor"
Getting a little Tuxedomoon and maybe even Don King/Raeo

↳ Scott_Oz @8:17
noticed that allready thanks anyway
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

↳ Robm @8:08
Mr.Fab says I'm always welcome in The Jungle Room mate! I'm just a bit half arsed at the moment, but keen. Coulda easily made it a 2 or 3 hour show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @8:18
Yes...and I get a YMO sense from the vocal delivery...
Avatar 8:20pm

↳ Song: "IDK If You'll Do" by "Pilots"
I'll beat you senseless, man? or I'll beat you, senseless man?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
DJ Babs:

Hi Roberto! That's what I love about that lyric! I can't figure it out!

↳ Scott_Oz @8:19
go for it scott, what do you have to lose
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
DJ Babs:

Either way someone's getting beat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Roberto @8:20
Ah, yes, one comma placement changes so much!!!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

Season's beatings!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:08
Cheers Derek! I wanted it as a lo-fi cheap VHS style Trash Cinema still.
I reckon I chucked it up over a beer or 2 to suit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Scott_Oz @8:19
Scott, well it's fantastic to know you have the option to join SJR at will... Hopefully one day it will be the right time to make the leap into the Jungle Room!
Avatar 8:23pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:21
It happens more often than you might realize.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm

↳ Robm @8:18
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:29pm

By the way, the news discussed earlier that St. Waters is appearing in the upcoming continuing of the third season of Chucky mastodon.social... reminds me that Cha Cha Heels (virtual John Waters fanfic by Arb and Solo's own stipulation) is being resurrected on x-mas eve (an x-mas miracle, if you will) wfmu.org... and Arb will be on later tonight on the Drummer stream
Avatar 8:30pm

I was listening to a Quebecois guy giving a presentation a couple of weeks ago and he kept talking about losing "fuck-us."
Avatar 8:32pm

↳ Roberto @8:30
"We 'ave to make sure we don't lose fuck-us."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Roberto @8:30
Ahh the fuck us....also the french word for seal is "Foque"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Roberto @8:32
That sounds just about right...!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:23
I like Jungles mate!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

You could lose fuck-us in a ruckus
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
DJ Babs:

Derek I’m not your stepping stone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Scott_Oz @8:36
Oh and how your emojis prove it, Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ DJ Babs @8:37
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
DJ Babs:

I love how all garage songs talk about what they’re not gonna do
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @8:37
Haha Ultra!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
DJ Babs:

I’m not down
I’m not doing that
I won’t go there
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:39pm

...and who they're not gonna do it with (usually a girl)

speaking of phoque...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
DJ Babs:


when i heard peau de phoque was being put on skis, i was seriously effing confused. I didnt know the word phoque, so hearing if for the first time was weird. they put it on their skis to SKI UPHILL. !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
DJ Babs:

That makes sense…sealskin

but its not really any longer from seals..!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
DJ Babs:

Thank goodness cause those chubblenauts sure are cute!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
DJ Babs:

I’m in a FB group that shares pictures of seals. It’s the best
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Żart" by "Cool Kids Of Death"
This song sounds like four different songs fighting it out to be one song. And I'm ok with that.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
DJ Babs:

Honestly I freakin love that crazy song. It seems we were both on the fractured indie trip this week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
DJ Babs:

Derek is a bit extra goth maybe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ DJ Babs @8:45
Sorta? I guess?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm
DJ Babs:

It’s the bongos on this tune doing it for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Pressure" by "YAANG"
Nope, it's not over yet...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:52pm

Sounds like he saying he does an impression of someone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @8:52
Haha, yeah, now it does... Now that you said that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
DJ Babs:

Hello Juli welcome!!! 😀
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Juli @8:56
Hello there Juli!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Juli @8:56
How are things?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm
DJ Babs:

I would take a rhythmic awareness class, lol.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:58
Things are very well!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

I assume the other band members, with guitar, singer and bass player sensitivities, were all saying "oh, walk it off"

Derek, I thought you were talking about the scandal with some TTC employees!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

Speaking of poles and music essentially of this type, picked this up last BC Friday and heartily recommend it syfrecords.bandcamp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
DJ Babs:

I dunno but insurance fraud to fund a label...i can kinda get behind!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:09
Thanks UD!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

↳ Song: "A Go Go" by "Dara Puspita"
Do you know Sophisticated Boom Boom?

If you like this and you do not, you MUST hear them sophisticated-boom-boom.bandcamp.com...

oh this is really cool. Jakarta is an absolutely insane sprawling city! never heard indonesian music except.........the gamelan!! (which I LOVE)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
DJ Babs:

Dara Puspita were the shiiiiiiiit......they played their own instruments and wrote a lot of their own material as well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:13
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
DJ Babs:

also they were Swiss!
Avatar 🏝 9:16pm

↳ Kristine @9:13
check out senyawa if you want to check out a boss contemporary indonesian psyche band: senyawaofficial.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm

↳ Song: "Zombie Wok" by "The Karovas Milkshake"
That's got to be some brain food in that wok
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ northguineahills @9:16
Hello there NGH... And thanks for the link!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:13
Ultra, as usual, thanks for all your linkiness, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:09
Syf records is so good!

Ohhhh I am liking this band a lot! super mystical vibe going on here
Avatar 🏝 9:18pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:17
yodells, derek! (catching up reading the metadata)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
DJ Babs:

Yeah, I am feeling all the psych vibez lately...desperately trying to escape the stress of everyday!!! Hi NGH!!!

is that wurlitzer organ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:07
Which TTC scandal? (I'm assuming there's a few.)

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:19
a bunch of TTC employees got caught also filing bogus health expenses for insurance..it was in the news a year or two ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:19
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:20
Ahhhh... That one.

oh, the tapete label looks good. andreas dorau!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm

↳ ultradamno @9:16
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
DJ Babs:

hahah drifting away on the happy clouds of happiness.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:19
not sure if it's a wurly or a hammond...
Avatar 🏝 9:26pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:18
palabara, hermana!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @9:24
They put out tons of quality stuff!
Avatar 9:29pm
Mr Fab:

Babs! Derek! I’m kind shocked you’ve heard of this Din album. I’m even more shocked you have so much info about them- I bought this album after hearing it on college radio back in the ‘80s, figured they then dropped off the face of the earth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Mr Fab @9:29
Mr Fab, crazy, huh! I hadn't actually heard of it until this week. Digging around for info unearthed that writeup, which is hilarious... Seems like they should have been remembered more by the world, maybe?
Avatar 🏝 9:34pm

*referencing glenn gould...* sounds like something a canadian dj would say...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ northguineahills @9:34
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Mr Fab @9:29
Fab, they reformed in 2012? www.goldminemag.com...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:37pm

I don't know about Fat White Family but I know the Fat Boys are down by law....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Bob Barth @8:02
Bob Barth, I missed saying hello earlier... What's coming up next on Sheena's, in yr. "One Night Stand" programmeeee....?
Avatar 9:39pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:36
Had no idea!

Calling them simply a “ska punk“ band is hardly accurate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Mr Fab @9:39
That's what I thought, based on the track we played, definitely much more going on there...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
DJ Babs:

↳ northguineahills @9:34
Haha! It’s true but he is extra grunty and loud!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm

↳ Song: "King Of The Slugs" by "Fat Dog"
Did this Dog stray from the Fat White Family?🐶
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "King Of The Slugs" by "Fat Dog"
Almost didn't play this song, and now here it is... We're lost in slugland...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Scott_Oz @9:43
There's every possibility it may have...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:37
Fat Whites are a band everyone should know. They are a great sleazy band for ppl who like to think
Avatar 🏝 9:44pm

there's also the hiphop emcee, slug, on anticon recs...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "King Of The Slugs" by "Fat Dog"
This song goes sideways a few times...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:43
Oh no you HAD to play this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ DJ Babs @9:45
Yes, well you were the deciding factor on this one...!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

↳ Song: "King Of The Slugs" by "Fat Dog"
In the land of the slugs, the raincoat girl spilling salt am death, destroyer of worlds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:45
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:44
But the Fat Boys have the fresh sound of the Disco Three
Ha, ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "King Of The Slugs" by "Fat Dog"
Chalk up another one for the "four songs at war with each other, attempting to make one song together" tally
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

↳ Song: "I'm A Slug" by "Slug Bait"
Cover of Urinals' I'm A Bug! Halo Of Flies did a really good cover of it too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:45
I feel bad to say I was that girl. Now I love the slugs even tho they eat my plants
Avatar 9:51pm
Bob Barth:

COMING UP NEXT... Some fun holiday offerings & a surprise announcement!! Join us into the next hour... won't you? wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
DJ Babs:

Yes! Stay tuned for Bob!!!!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

↳ ultradamno @9:49
I guess they couldn't come up with a slug equivalent to "I want to put my stinger in you"....I guess something about sliming....but, ewww.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Bob Barth @9:51
Ah, there you are... I was asking a little while ago up there... Sorry I missed saying hello earlier!
Avatar 🏝 9:52pm

↳ ultradamno @9:51
i want to slime ya! (?)
Avatar 9:53pm
Bob Barth:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:51
No worries you guys are rockin out & I'm scrambling around. same ol same ol!!
Avatar 🏝 9:53pm

i used to dig little holes in my farden, and cut up paper cups around 2" deep, and poor beer in them. in the morning, tons of slugs would have drowned in the beer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
DJ Babs:

But they are so cute! I love their little eye stalks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Bob Barth @9:53
Yup yup, I know the feeling!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:54pm

Will there be time for TG's Slug Bait?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ northguineahills @9:53
At least they knew how to go...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

Ramones, another band with a string of songs about what they don't wanna do
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:55
They were the first that came to mind for me during that thread, haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
DJ Babs:

Goddamn I love closing a loop that’s so satisfying
Avatar 🏝 9:57pm

thanks derek and babs, it was totally boss!. gastropod out!
Avatar 9:58pm
Bob Barth:

If you don't know who the Ramones are how did you wind up here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

Thanks Babs & Derek, great fun guys!
Hope to see some of you Beach Buddies in my Drop-In? Cheers!

Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Particularly happy Morton girl i.pinimg.com...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

The walk of Morton girl www.trbimg.com...

thanks for a funny slimy show guys! can you play a show theme SLIME ROCK?
Avatar 10:01pm
Bob Barth:

LOL - love you guys!
  🏝 10:01pm

another great night at the beach! thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Kristine @10:00
yes we can added to the list!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
DJ Babs:

Thank you all for hanging out with us!!! ❤️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @10:00
Slime rock... 'k... In the notebook...

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ gsdoubleu @10:01
Thanks GSW!

slimy and sleazy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @10:03
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Bob Barth @10:01
See you on the other side, Bob Barth... You're already broadcasting, I'm sure... Time to jump chats...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Derek Westerholm:

Thanks everyone, yes, Scott, excited for your Sat. set on Rock'n'Soul.
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