Favoriting Anti-Music Club with Land Phil: Playlist from December 11, 2023 Favoriting

Land Phil's avatar View Land Phil's profile Favoriting

Death metal, Grindcore, Death grind, Grind death, Death death, grind punk, black, atomospheric, noise, boomer (metal). Get off your feet and get ready for some blast beats :)

Monday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 31st, 3am - 6am: Mick Barr! (More info...)

Favoriting December 11, 2023: Born in the trash

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Artist Track Album Label Images Approx. start time
Prince  Why You Wanna Treat Me so Bad?   Favoriting Prince  Warner Bros. Records 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Fawn Limbs & Nadja  Metastable Ion Decay   Favoriting Vestigial Spectra   
0:06:08 (Pop-up)
HWWAUOCH  Voluntary Trepanation   Favoriting Under the Gaze of Dissolution  Prava Kollektiv 
0:16:27 (Pop-up)
Vile Creature  Apathy Took Helm!   Favoriting Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!  Prosthetic Records 
0:23:53 (Pop-up)
DWELLING BELOW  Attraction Vulgarity   Favoriting Self titled  Transcending Obscurity 
0:31:30 (Pop-up)
Helfró  Þögnin Ytra, Kyrrðin Innra   Favoriting T​á​lgr​ö​f   
0:40:35 (Pop-up)
Nails  God's Cold Hands   Favoriting Abandon All Life  Southern Lord 
0:45:12 (Pop-up)
Ruin Lust  Imperium   Favoriting Dissimulant  20 Buck Spin 
0:47:23 (Pop-up)
Garuda  In Celebration Of Human Death   Favoriting Cold Wired Sentiment   
0:50:53 (Pop-up)
Jarhead Fertilizer  HYSTERIA   Favoriting CARCERAL WARFARE  Closed Casket Activities 
0:54:34 (Pop-up)
Jarhead Fertilizer  CARCERAL WARFARE   Favoriting CARCERAL WARFARE  Closed Casket Activities 
0:55:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Big Chef 

whenyourmumleavesyouattheregisterandsayssheforgotsomethingandwillberightback​   Favoriting

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1:00:26 (Pop-up)
Bandit  End of the Rainbow   Favoriting Siege of Self   
1:08:42 (Pop-up)
Anti-Sapien  Billion Dollar Camping Trip   Favoriting Calculating Obsolescence  Terminus Hate City 
1:14:04 (Pop-up)
Narakah  In Hostile Purity   Favoriting Nemesis Cloak   
1:17:06 (Pop-up)
BLINDNESS  Blind Beasts   Favoriting Everything Has A Life Has An End  Esagoya Records 
1:18:19 (Pop-up)
Circle of Dead Children  Destiny of the Slug   Favoriting Human Harvest  Martyr Music Group 
1:19:57 (Pop-up)
Archspire  Golden Mouth of Ruin   Favoriting Bleed the Future  Season of Mist 
1:21:14 (Pop-up)
Gorod  Diverted Logic   Favoriting Process Of A New Decline  Willowtip 
1:25:20 (Pop-up)
Neurectomy  Dolphin   Favoriting Overwrought   
1:30:17 (Pop-up)
The Black Dahlia Murder  Catacomb Hecatomb   Favoriting Nightbringers  Metal Blade 
1:34:22 (Pop-up)
Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus  Seventeen Reasons To Die Wearing Black   Favoriting Release .0005  Been There Scene That 
1:38:02 (Pop-up)
Gorguts  Inverted   Favoriting From Wisdom to Hate  Olympic Recordings 
1:41:08 (Pop-up)
Coroner  Arrogance in Uniform   Favoriting Doomsday News (Noise Compilation)   
1:45:34 (Pop-up)
偏執症者 (Paranoid)  Musabetsuna Kutsuu   Favoriting S​.​C​.​U​.​M.  Beach Impediment 
1:49:33 (Pop-up)
Feind  Digitaler Jesus   Favoriting Moloch   
1:51:34 (Pop-up)
Post Truth  Rebuild From Ruins   Favoriting Dark Circles   
1:52:21 (Pop-up)
Massa Nera  Tristeza Consume (Lowering the Blinds)   Favoriting Derramar | Querer | Borrar   
1:59:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Awaiting Chaos 8​-​Bit Remix EP 



2:01:39 (Pop-up)
HIGH  My Socks Don't Match But I Have to Wear This Uniform (It's Hard Being the President)   Favoriting Nice to Meet You   
2:11:18 (Pop-up)
EYEHATEGOD  New Orleans Is The New Vietnam   Favoriting Single   
2:21:36 (Pop-up)
Elder  Thousand Hands   Favoriting Reflections of a Floating World   
2:26:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Big Chef 

whenyourmumleavesyouattheregisterandsayssheforgotsomethingandwillberightback​   Favoriting

*FREE​!​!​* iPhone 4 Giveaway (click here to win free iPhone 4) 



2:35:46 (Pop-up)
Artillery  In the Trash   Favoriting Terror Squad  Neat Records 
2:37:56 (Pop-up)
Dover Trench  Acid Test   Favoriting Exhibition of Speed  Speedcore USA Records 
2:42:33 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  A Gruesome Time   Favoriting In the Shadows  Metal Blade 
2:49:14 (Pop-up)
Motorhead  Nothing Up My Sleeve   Favoriting Orgasmatron  GWR Records 
2:53:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08am

G'day Phil & Philistines!
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 3:10am
Spikey BXL:

Good morning Phil, clubheads
Avatar 3:22am

I'm going through my finances and debt and this is a really appropriate soundtrack. Thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26am
Land Phil:

ayyyy waddup Fox. You'll find it's also great for ignoring your debt, which is what I'm usually doing
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 3:31am
Spikey BXL:

plays some debt metal Phil
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33am
Land Phil:

↳ Spikey BXL @3:31
Avatar 🐐 3:34am

Hi to the club 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Avatar 3:34am
Hubig Pie:

This music is dark and beautiful and I'm forgetting my debts.
Avatar 🐐 3:34am

So good rn we're all debts free
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all.
Avatar 🐐 3:39am

↳ Song: "Attraction Vulgarity" by "DWELLING BELOW"
This one is so good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42am
Land Phil:

↳ Song: "Þögnin Ytra, Kyrrðin Innra" by "Helfró"
any idea how to pronounce this one...
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 3:42am

↳ Fox @3:22
Did "Voluntary Trepanation" ring a bell?
Avatar 3:46am
Hubig Pie:

Lotsa side effects of trepanation, ask your doctor if it's right for you.
Avatar 3:50am
Hubig Pie:

Okay I'm off to experience disturbing gothic nightmares. G'night
Avatar 3:57am


Exorcist III is a Christmas movie.
Avatar 🐐 3:57am

↳ Land Phil @3:42
⟨Þ⟩, transliterated as ⟨th⟩
the letter eth (⟨ð⟩
So it would be "thognin ytra, kyrrethin innra by Helfrou"
Avatar 🐐 3:58am

↳ Fox @3:57
This is from Exorcist 3?
Avatar 3:59am

↳ Aurwood @3:58
Yeah, George C Scott.

Exorcist III is one of the best fucking horror movies ever. I fucking love it.
Avatar 🐐 4:04am

↳ Fox @3:59
Really loved the quote. Thanks.
Avatar 4:11am

Don't watch Exorcist II. It's crap.
Avatar 4:13am

So, Exorcist was such a hit, that the studios asked the writer, Blatty, and the director, Friedkin, to make a sequel. they started, but the studios decided they thought they could do better, and decided to do it on their own. So they did. And it fucking BOMBED.

So they went back to Blatty. Blatty had been a screenwriter but while out of work he wrote the novel The Exorcist. Since the studios passed on his ideas for Exorcist II, he'd since turned those ideas into a new novel, Legion.
Avatar 🐐 4:14am

↳ Fox @4:11
Oh yes I've read something about the director's cut of Exorcist 3
Avatar 4:14am

Blatty told the studios "yeah, here it is: Legion". It was already published. Blatty said he'd only do it if he could also direct it. They said yes.
Avatar 4:19am

↳ Aurwood @4:14
Blatty wanted it to be Legion. It takes place a few years after the first film, with the same police detective. But the execs wanted to call it Exorcist III. He agreed. But when they screened it, the execs decided it was a problem because there was no actual exorcism in it. And they made Blatty put an exorcism scene in, so there's a series of wierd scenes stuck throughout the movie of the guy who played Merlin preparing to prerform an exorcism and it's totally unconnected to the rest of the movie.
Avatar 4:23am

The whole plot of the film is that there's a guy in an asylum who might be possessed by a demon, the priest from Exorcist, Jason Miller. It's a mystery! They tried to get Jason Miller, but he was deep in alcoholism and couldn't remember his lines.

So.... Blatty cast BRAD motherfucking DOURIFF.

He also recast the police detective with George C Scott.

They were pleased with George, but decided AFTER THE FILM WAS DONE that they didn't want Douriff, and wanted it reshot with Jason Miller.
Avatar 4:25am

But then they saw how utter awful Jason Miller was, and decided to back to Brad, after the dailies had been destroyed, so Brad had to reshoot all his scenes months after the fact.

The original ending is very abrupt. The studio ending has an exorcism and dramatic satanic shit that looks pretty cool (Blatty still directed it) but isn't really what the movie needs.
Avatar 🐐 4:29am

Douriff looks so intense in this
Avatar 4:29am

soothing tunes for my Monday evening.
Avatar 4:30am

The studio release used some of the Jason Miller footage and had the mystery man in the asylum switch between the two actors, which was a good solution. The Legion cut removes the Jason Miller scenes and only uses the Brad Douriff footage, mostly crappy quality film. I find it pulls me out of the scene when the quality gets all faded and gritty all of a sudden.

I'd say, watch the theatrical release and just ignore the stupid exorcist guy scenes.
Avatar 4:31am

↳ Aurwood @4:29
OMG he is. He's so fucking good, man.

In spite of all the studio fuckery, it's still SUCH A GREAT MOVIE. It was released in 1990 and it feels like a 70s film. The dialogue is excellent. And it's got one of the best jump scares in all of horror history.
Avatar 4:32am

Sorry to go off, but it's one of my very favorite films. And again, it's kinda a Christmas movie!
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 4:46am

Good Morning Phil and all the Members!!
Avatar 4:47am

shit! I have a doctor appointment tomorrow! I should be asleep.

Goodnight groovy people!
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 4:48am

Hey Fox!! Good to see you on the boards!!
Avatar 4:54am

Goodnight Strandlund!
eric the hat:

Way up past my bedtime. Serious flashing back to the FMU I first discovered. Back in 92 or so
eric the hat:

eric the hat:

It was due to a show like this my mom banned the frequency…who led to myself leaving home soon after. Bless it.
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 5:01am

↳ Fox @4:54
'night Fox!!
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 5:10am
Spikey BXL:

As I prepare to leave for the dentist (don't think I can get her to stream wfmu) a recommendation for Phil and likeminded. anti-music lovers: Panopticon's "The Rime of Memory"

Needs a full album listen to fully appreciate. So good, feels so intense, painful and personal.

Catch you next week!
Avatar 🐐 Swag For Life Member 5:12am

↳ Spikey BXL @5:10
Take Care, Spikey!! Good luck at the Dentist!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19am
Land Phil:

↳ Spikey BXL @5:10
Panopticon is sick. There's so many lame one man metal projects out there but they're one of the good ones.

Haven't had a chance to check the new album yet but it's on my list.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am
Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

↳ Song: "Nothing Up My Sleeve" by "Motorhead"
I guess this is the boomer music?
I Love Horses:

The glisteners can take it
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