Don't Believe in Christmas
"Don't Believe in Christmas" by "The Sonics"
He 5
Here Comes Santa Claus
"Here Comes Santa Claus" by "He 5"
Becky Lee Beck
I Want A Beatle For Christmas
"I Want A Beatle For Christmas" by "Becky Lee Beck"
The Royal Guardsmen
Snoopy's Christmas
"Snoopy's Christmas" by "The Royal Guardsmen"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone, it's a beautiful night out there in New York City! The temperature is a cool 38 degrees and the humidity is a comfortable 56 percent. So grab a light jacket and get out there and enjoy the night!
Anglo Saxon
"Ruby" by "Anglo Saxon"
The Hep Stars
Christmas On My Mind
"Christmas On My Mind" by "The Hep Stars"
The Crystals
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
"Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" by "The Crystals"
Music behind DJ:
Music For My Mother (Instrumental)
"Music For My Mother (Instrumental)" by "Funkadelic"
Back announcing the set
The Iguanas
Again & Again
"Again & Again" by "The Iguanas"
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
If You Want This Love
"If You Want This Love" by "West Coast Pop Art Exp...
Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968
I Must Go On Without You
"I Must Go On Without You" by "Attention!"
The Who
"Christmas" by "The Who"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening folks, it's a beautiful night in New York City with clear skies and a temperature of 38 degrees. The humidity is at 56 percent, so make sure to grab a jacket if you're heading out tonight. Enjoy the night and stay warm!
Husky Team
The Man With All the Toys
"The Man With All the Toys" by "Husky Team"
Christmas In Memphis
Len Barry
I'll Always Need You
"I'll Always Need You" by "Len Barry"
Tammy / I'll Always Need You
Music behind DJ:
Beaver & Krause
Another Part Of Time
"Another Part Of Time" by "Beaver & Krause"
Back announcing the set
The Ronettes
Frosty The Snowman
"Frosty The Snowman" by "The Ronettes"
Eric Burdon And The Animals
Ain't That So
"Ain't That So" by "Eric Burdon And The Animals"
Monterey / Ain't That So
The Beach Boys
Santa's Beard (stereo album)
"Santa's Beard (stereo album)" by "The Beach Boys"
My Little Bike
"My Little Bike" by "Surfaris"
Don Fardon
I'm Alive
"I'm Alive" by "Don Fardon"
Bob Seger and The Last Heard
Sock it to Me Santa
"Sock it to Me Santa" by "Bob Seger and The Last H...
Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan
"Tallyman" by "Big Jim Sullivan"
Back announcing the set
You'll Have to Wait
"You'll Have to Wait" by "Babysitters"
Northern Soul Fever 2b
The Tornadoes
Hymn for Teenagers
"Hymn for Teenagers" by "The Tornadoes"
Downliners Sect
Comin' Home
"Comin' Home" by "Downliners Sect"
The Rumbles Ltd.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (mono 45)
"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (mono 45)" by "The ...
The Trashmen
Dancin' With Santa
"Dancin' With Santa" by "The Trashmen"
Faces Come, Feelings Go
"Faces Come, Feelings Go" by "Concepts"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a chilly night in the Big Apple with cloudy skies and a temperature of 37 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 55 percent. Bundle up and stay warm out there!
The Rolling Stones
"SHE SAID YEAH" by "The Rolling Stones"
The Sonics
Santa Claus
"Santa Claus" by "The Sonics"
Livet Nord
I'd Have to Be Outta My Mind
"I'd Have to Be Outta My Mind" by "Livet Nord"
Human Beinz
Turn on Your Love Light
"Turn on Your Love Light" by "Human Beinz"
Music behind DJ:
The Beach Boys
Salt Lake City
"Salt Lake City" by "The Beach Boys"
Back announcing the set
The Century's
Hard Times
"Hard Times" by "The Century's"
Matthew Moore Plus Four
Codyne (She's Real)
"Codyne (She's Real)" by "Matthew Moore Plus Four"
Sonny & Cher
It's Gonna Rain
"It's Gonna Rain" by "Sonny & Cher"
Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening listeners! It's a cloudy night here in NYC with a temperature of 37 degrees and a humidity of 54 percent. So bundle up and enjoy the night!
The Go-Betweens
Have You for My Own
"Have You for My Own" by "The Go-Betweens"
What Can Go Wrong
"What Can Go Wrong" by "Thrills"
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
How Do I Let A Good Man Down?
"How Do I Let A Good Man Down?" by "Sharon Jones &...
2005 Daptone Records
Music behind DJ:
Renfo Orchestra
A Case of Love
"A Case of Love" by "Renfo Orchestra"
Back announcing the set
Little Boy Blues
The Great Train Robbery
"The Great Train Robbery" by "Little Boy Blues"
The Belfast Gypsies
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [French EP Mix]
"It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [French EP Mix]" by ...
"Raw-Hide" by "Tornadoes"
That's Your Way
"That's Your Way" by "Aardvarks"
Michigan Mayhem! 02
Husky Team
Silent Knight
"Silent Knight" by "Husky Team"
Christmas In Memphis
Booker T. & The MGs
Hip Hug-Her
"Hip Hug-Her" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
Music behind DJ:
Black Sand
"Black Sand" by "Brainticket"
Back announcing the set
Eddie Holman
Eddie's My Name
"Eddie's My Name" by "Eddie Holman"
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