She Has A Way (demo five)
"She Has A Way (demo five)" by "The Byrds"
Another Time (mono single mix)
"Another Time (mono single mix)" by "Sagittarius"
The Left Banke
I Haven't Got The Nerve (mono mix from tape)
"I Haven't Got The Nerve (mono mix from tape)" by ...
The Kinks
Village Green (mono mix)
"Village Green (mono mix)" by "The Kinks"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a wet one out there in the Big Apple tonight, with a chilly 53 degrees and a humidity of 91 percent. So be sure to grab your umbrellas and raincoats before you head out tonight. Stay safe and dry, folks!
Denny Laine
Say You Don't Mind
"Say You Don't Mind" by "Denny Laine"
The Stained Glass
My Buddy Sin
"My Buddy Sin" by "The Stained Glass"
Del Shannon
Friendly With You
"Friendly With You" by "Del Shannon"
Music behind DJ:
Jimi Hendrix
South Saturn Delta
"South Saturn Delta" by "Jimi Hendrix"
Back announcing the set
Raun Mac Kinnon
Chicken Little
"Chicken Little" by "Raun Mac Kinnon"
Life Is A Dream (mono)
"Life Is A Dream (mono)" by "Thorinshield"
The Cyrkle
Reading Her Paper (mono)
"Reading Her Paper (mono)" by "The Cyrkle"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a wet one out there tonight in New York City with a chilly 53 degrees and a high humidity of 91 percent. So, if you're heading out, don't forget your umbrella!
Mason Williams
"Baroque-A-Nova" by "Mason Williams"
The Searchers
I Don't Believe (BBC)
"I Don't Believe (BBC)" by "The Searchers"
Bill Peyton
Don't Smoke in Bed
"Don't Smoke in Bed" by "Bill Peyton"
Music behind DJ:
Music For My Mother (Instrumental)
"Music For My Mother (Instrumental)" by "Funkadelic"
Back announcing the set
John Simon
The Wabe
"The Wabe" by "John Simon"
The Move
Blackberry Way
"Blackberry Way" by "The Move"
Duncan Browne
On The Bombsite (mono)
"On The Bombsite (mono)" by "Duncan Browne"
The Sandals
Tell Us Dylan
"Tell Us Dylan" by "The Sandals"
Anthony & The Imperials
I'm Hypnotized (mono 45)
"I'm Hypnotized (mono 45)" by "Anthony & The Imper...
Scott Trusty
I Bred Quarter Horses (vocal version)
"I Bred Quarter Horses (vocal version)" by "Scott ...
Music behind DJ:
Roland Vincent
LSD Party
"LSD Party" by "Roland Vincent"
Back announcing the set
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Neighborhood Rock 'n' Roll Band
"Neighborhood Rock 'n' Roll Band" by "Gary Lewis &...
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