Favoriting Music For a Free World with Dave Sewelson: Playlist from October 28, 2023 Favoriting

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Charles Mingus said jazz was a word invented to separate musicians from their money. Music for a Free World brings us together, drawing listeners to the healing power of smooth free jazz. Each week, surprise guests bring their own sides to spin and their instruments of choice to spontaneously jam.

Saturday 2 - 5pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 28, 2023: Robert Pepper and Alex Lozupone discuss the legacy and impact left behind by David Tamura, who passed earlier this year on June 23, and listen to a wide breadth of his musical recordings.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
80 Pound Pug  Spectrum track   Favoriting          
Nattahnam  Studio Rehearsal   Favoriting     2009    0:08:23 (Pop-up)
The Jazzfakers  Here Is Now   Favoriting Weise Horn  Alrealon Musique    https://alrealonmusique.bandcamp.com/album/here-is-now-alrn043  0:12:28 (Pop-up)
Marc Edwards & Slipstream Time Travel  Untitled   Favoriting   unreleased      0:20:47 (Pop-up)
The Jazzfakers  Open Head Exercise   Favoriting The Jazzfakers      https://thejazzfakers.bandcamp.com/album/the-jazzfakers-2  0:30:20 (Pop-up)
Von Lmo  Flying Saucer 88   Favoriting Red Resistor        0:40:57 (Pop-up)
Joe Chonto  Love Kills   Favoriting       Thoughts About David Tamura by Joseph Chonto I met David when he showed up to check out Robin Brown, a guitarist who was looking for people to play free improv in a workshop type setting to start. Robin was a great player in a Derek Bailey kind of mode. He always went for the unpredictable, eschewed all clichés, inventing new weird chords, etc. He, David and I clicked immediately. Our first attempt at playing lasted 40 minutes — just a constantly inspired level of musical conversation, argument, and joy. Unfortunately, the demands of Robin’s studies in psychology at Columbia meant he had to drop out. There are hours of rehearsal recordings, which David was especially proud of, thought that was one of the best things he had done, and wanted release some of the music on CD, which he was willing to undertake himself. Unfortunately, he passed too suddenly for that — but I plan to make that happen in 2024. David and I continued together, eventually forming the Sonic Insurgency, which worked on a telepathic level. I only needed to give basic descriptions of what a piece should be about and our hive mind took care of the rest. Kidd Jordan and Sabir Mateen, who guested on our recordings, totally dug the music and said they were ready to do another whenever. We also did a recording session with Deniz Tek, the rocker who founded the highly influential band Radio Birdman, Tamura and Tek got along well and David seemed to know exactly what to do. The session is unreleased for now, but will possibly come out next year. We did a recording and some gigs with Dave Burrell which we all thought were excellent (Burrell saying it was his personal favorite of his trio recordings). On the way to the studio we spoke with Cecil Taylor on the phone, who gave us his best wishes. By the end of the day, we had a CDs worth of material recorded, all first takes, just an immediate connection among us, because we had never played together before. Burrell just had faith that we’d be able to “bring it,” and we did. Unfortunately, short-lived as Burrell’s “advisers” thought he should focus more on his Civil War project, Windward Passages opera and cultivate the image of a distinguished, elder statesman of the music, rather than as one who’d play “until there was blood on the floor.” (Burrell’s words) Personally and musically David and I clicked like brothers. We were able to intuit each other’s thoughts, starting, stopping in an instant, rising, decrescendo, whatever, etc. He was always a pleasure to hang out with, though that didn’t happen too often as he seemed to be almost always working — if not in a musical setting, then as a martial arts teacher or security guard. He was a man of total integrity, intent on having his own sound and conception. He’d tell it like he thought it, straight-no-chaser. And he hated the bullshit of the scene — musicians who might talk one way when you’re in the room and another when you’re not; the difficulty getting gigs because we were either too rock for one set of venues or too jazz for another set. But every gig we played was rapturously received, people telling us we should be on the Vision Fest, be here, there and everywhere, etc. He was a passionate, driven person. And effusive with his good wishes for everyone — whenever saying goodbyes he would say tell this person such and such, that person this & that and etc., etc. His death was devastating to me, like a family member lost. I will always miss him.  0:47:37 (Pop-up)
Gene Janas Matt Luczak Gene Moore David Tamura  Untitled song   Favoriting Music On Monroe Street        0:52:26 (Pop-up)
Band of Sailors  Snowman   Favoriting live at someplace      When I heard Dave Tamura had died- I suddenly felt like a part of New York might have died with him. Thinking about Dave, sent me back to the moment I first met him. A sight. He really was a sight. He’d be one of those people you’d see on a subway and just want to stare at, but wouldn’t because you’d think he’d kick your ass- but you’d be wrong. He could- but he wouldn’t. Well, maybe if the wrong person stared at him he would. But he was one of the nicest people I came across- possibly ever. He just had a true genuine quality of kindness- despite the appearance of being some kind of underground-street-gangster. This sight of him was a character out of Quinten Tarantino movie. Exuding cool. Arms filled with tattoos, and a jet black hair almost looking like fire folding around his face. Arms that were Crazy guns- and then the saxophone. He busted it out and he was just a full fledged experimental jazz machine. He really was A Comic book action hero. He taught me how to disarm someone holding a knife. Or was it a gun? Whatever it was- I remember thinking- there is no way I could be this calm, cool and collected. And Dave said that’s what it was all about was just drilling, practicing it relentlessly until it just was a reflex. Because really you don’t have a choice if someone is holding a gun or a knife at you- I still haven’t practiced it. Yet Dave was able to make everything look easy. He told me that he trained the NYPD with this move. Trained the NYPD? Wow, that’s really badass. And that saxophone. When I first met him- now I really don’t know how- but he was just like that guy that everyone invited into their band for a cameo- on stage- and I played lots of little shows which is where Alex Luzophone and I met- we just were in this ragtag scene on the outside of New York’s outer edges- even in the music world- I felt like a fringe part of the fringe. And that was actually great. It was freedom. That’s what Dave’s playing sounded like. A kind of free wheeling, free spirited playful romp into a song. He’d come and go-make his presence known- and then leave the song with a mysterious air that really was exactly like he was a person. Kind, extremely kind and gentle. His unique presence blended stoic Art-of-War military commander authority, with an avant garde truly punk rock energy. It was something that was unique. And I really think there was absolutely no one even slightly like Dave Tamura. Rock on Dave.  1:01:31 (Pop-up)
ron anderson / robert l. pepper / david tamura / phillipe petit  2   Favoriting Closed Encounters of the 4 Minds (live @ BC Studio)  Public Eyesore      1:08:22 (Pop-up)
Big Brother On Acid    Big Brother On Acid  Alrealon Musique    https://alrealonmusique.bandcamp.com/album/big-brother-on-acid-alrn055  1:18:43 (Pop-up)
Pas Musique  PAS Musique (Feat. Black Saturn and Dave Tamura) - Sound of Thought in Motion   Favoriting Reconstruction  Alrealon Musique      1:22:17 (Pop-up)
80 Pound Pug with Steve Dalachinksy  Excerpts from B   Favoriting         1:29:48 (Pop-up)
Toadal Package  Bullshitters   Favoriting Final Entrance      https://davidtamuratoadalpackage.bandcamp.com/album/final-entrance  1:34:01 (Pop-up)
80 Pound Pug  No Sympathy For Truth   Favoriting   unreleased    I found David to be a great accompanist of sorts. He shared great emotion. When I sang, he would often “comp” rhythmically in the manner of a pianist except with singular tones. I found that to be grounding and more meaning to what I had to say particularly in the abstract setting of Eighty-pound Pug. I think he was outside the box in that sense and I will miss him for that as well as his thoughts on our social environment.  1:38:57 (Pop-up)
ZILMRAH  Remote Viewing   Favoriting Looming      https://zilmrah.bandcamp.com/album/looming  1:53:07 (Pop-up)
Dave Burrell  Mutiny   Favoriting Conception  some real music      1:58:09 (Pop-up)
The Jazzfakers  Attention Three Finals   Favoriting Little Water Radio Recordings  Alrealon Musique    https://alrealonmusique.bandcamp.com/album/little-water-radio-recordings-alrn096  2:08:10 (Pop-up)
80 Pound Pug  When the Flowers Bloom In Baltimore   Favoriting When the Flowers Bloom In Baltimore        2:14:54 (Pop-up)
80 Pound Pug  Elliot Levin Poem   Favoriting   unreleased      2:21:44 (Pop-up)
80 Pound Pug  fatpug   Favoriting   unreleased      2:26:40 (Pop-up)
The Jazzfakers with Roy Carroll  unreleased track   Favoriting The Jazzfakers with Roy Carroll at Spectrum  umreleased      2:38:35 (Pop-up)
Pas Musique  'Venomous', A Study in Movement and Sound   Favoriting Venemous Movie      https://youtu.be/LpoaK6VTkpc?si=Ya1mBaf-rXjzMoOw  2:42:43 (Pop-up)
Pas Musique  Pas Musique (Feat. FluiD and Dave Tamura) - Sea of Illusion   Favoriting Reconstruction      https://pasmusique.bandcamp.com/album/reconstruction  2:47:14 (Pop-up)
80 Pound Pug  Kumbaya   Favoriting First Meetings        2:57:35 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 1:50pm
Dave Sewelson:

its almost time for the Free World....
Avatar 2:27pm
Dave Sewelson:

check check check...
Pas Musique:

Hi Folks.

Hi! I can't figure out how to listen
Avatar 2:31pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ @2:30
click Pop-up

We’re here! Nobody’s chatty today?
Avatar 2:31pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Dave Sewelson @2:31
or try www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 2:32pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Dave Sewelson @2:31
listen now...pop up...
Avatar 2:32pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Pas Musique @2:28
hey Pas...

Thank! That worked. - Stacy

Hi Robert!
Pas Musique:

Hi wife!
Avatar 2:35pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ DavidJ @2:31
hey DavidJ...figgered it was to nice out to chat....


Hi Robert - CB
Pas Musique:

Hey CB!
Rachel Mason:

Hey guys!!!! Thank you for doing this tribute! So awesome!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:47pm
Andrew Waterloo:

good afternoon.. .loving this set so far
Avatar 2:48pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Rachel Mason @2:46
thanks Rachel!!
Avatar 2:49pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Andrew Waterloo @2:47
thanks Andrew....
Pas Musique:

Hi Rachel. Hi Andrew.

I’m liking this
Rachel Mason:

Wow u can’t remember… maybe it was Spectrum??
Rachel Mason:

I mean “I” can’t remember
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:12pm

↳ Song: "2" by "ron anderson / robert l. pepper / david ta...
true jazz
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:13pm

greetings Dave and Freeworldlings
Avatar 3:13pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ coelacanth∅ @3:12
yeah sealy....
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:14pm

ahoy Robert Pepper & Alex Lozupone
Pas Musique:

Ahoy Coelacantho!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

↳ Pas Musique @3:14
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:22pm

i'm working on some outside stuff, glad i caught a good chunk of that last one though...working on a doorway now so i'll be able to sort of listen (when i don't have earplugs in)
but shan't be very chatty

- i think a lot of the usuals are outside on this one of the last gorgeous days here before winter
Avatar 3:23pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ coelacanth∅ @3:22
glad you got a doorway....does it go in or out?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

(...of course, that's only here)

< ...'need a letter or 2 in the track column so i can clickystar it!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

↳ Dave Sewelson @3:23
Michael Jung:

Just put up some pix from Hank's in 2018 on @mikey_donut on instagram and my FB page. (Couldn't post images here.) <3 David.

So nice to hear Steve!
Avatar 3:39pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Michael Jung @3:25
thanks Michael....
Avatar 3:40pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ DavidJ @3:36
yeah...good to hear him....
Pas Musique:

Hi Michael Jung! Thanks
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 4:01pm

Hi Dave and everyone. I'm late but I'm here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Mxter Baba:

I'm later than duke! Hello David and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Mxter Baba:

wwwwoooowwwww this is WILD!
Avatar 4:05pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ duke @4:01
better late then something...
Avatar 4:05pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Mxter Baba @4:03
late is the new early
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

Squat squawk signifying going on here. I like it.
Avatar 4:25pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ WR @4:23
yeah WR....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
Gina Bacon:

Hi Dave, Robert and Alex!
Pas Musique:

Hi Gina!
Avatar 4:31pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Gina Bacon @4:29

Is this Aubrey?!
Avatar 4:34pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Osumosan @4:33
yes...it is Aubrey....
Avatar 4:41pm
Dave Sewelson:

if you want to kick us some beans...pledge.wfmu.org...
Avatar 4:58pm
Dave Sewelson:

↳ Gina Bacon @4:29
we gonna fade it to you GINA....
Avatar 4:59pm
Dave Sewelson:

thanks all you listenears!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 4:59pm

KUMBAYA us out. Thank you folks for honoring us with the music of David Tamura and collaborators,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Gina Bacon:

↳ Pas Musique @4:31
Thanks, you guys...great stuff today!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:04pm

Thanks Dave and all y'all!
got to visit the archive and really sink into this episode, when i have time
Fred Schneider:

I was lucky enough to play with David several times. I met him when I sat in with Eighty-Pound Pug. We had an improv thing called Electric Ocean with my brother Rob and friend Mark Yachnin. David was really high on the sessions and said we should play out together. Sadly, it was not to be. Happy to share if anyone's interested.
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