Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from September 19, 2023 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting September 19, 2023: Scented Pulse

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
The In-Theme          0:00:00 (Pop-up)
David Van de Woestijne  Les Céphalopodes (1964)   Favoriting V.A.: Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM): 50 Years of Electronic and Electroacoustic Music at the Ghent University  Metaphon  2013  0:01:56 (Pop-up)
Siouxsie & the Banshees  Jigsaw Feeling   Favoriting The Scream  Polydor  1978  0:07:32 (Pop-up)
Essendon Airport  Jig   Favoriting Palimpsest  RE: Chapter Music  1982  0:12:09 (Pop-up)
Birdsongs of the Mesozoic  Pulse Piece (1981)   Favoriting Dawn of the Cycads  Cuneiform  2008  0:16:16 (Pop-up)
Syrinx  Ibistix (1971)   Favoriting Tumblers from the Vault (1970–1972)  RVNG Intl.  2016  0:19:31 (Pop-up)
Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Company  My Lai (c. 1970)   Favoriting Like a Naked Man to Water  Lameduck  2004  0:27:37 (Pop-up)
Sternpost  Ögonblicket Innan   Favoriting Ulrika  Dilettante Productions  2023  0:31:14 (Pop-up)
JP Incorporated  Scented Candles   Favoriting Massage & Spa  RE: Rope Worm  2021  0:33:15 (Pop-up)
ugne&maria  Better   Favoriting Healing  Futura Resistenza  2023  0:42:10 (Pop-up)
Lieutenant Caramel  Vous l'Aurez Pas Ma Vraie Voix   Favoriting La Méthode du Discours  Éditions Suicide Commercial  1995  0:47:34 (Pop-up)
Boudewijn Buckinx  Simparolo (1966)   Favoriting V.A.: Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM): 50 Years of Electronic and Electroacoustic Music at the Ghent University  Metaphon  2013  0:51:51 (Pop-up)
Arsène Souffriau  Un Monde en Création (19??)   Favoriting Expériences BIMES  Metaphon  2010  0:55:17 (Pop-up)
Cartoon  Quotes   Favoriting Music from Left Field  Twelve Tone Productions  1983  1:06:52 (Pop-up)
Quicksilver Messenger Service  Bears (1968)   Favoriting Lost Gold and Silver  Collectors' Choice  1999  1:24:52 (Pop-up)
Wild Butter  Terribly Blind   Favoriting Wild Butter  United Artists  1970  1:27:01 (Pop-up)
Nektar  The Dream Nebula   Favoriting Journey to the Center of the Eye  Bellaphon  1971  1:30:26 (Pop-up)
Thunder and Roses  White Lace and Strange   Favoriting King of the Black Sunrise  RE: Lizard  1969  1:32:40 (Pop-up)
Scorpions  I'm Goin' Mad   Favoriting Lonesome Crow  RE: Hip-O  1972  1:35:51 (Pop-up)
Truth and Janey  Down the Road I Go   Favoriting No Rest for the Wicked  RE: Monster  1976  1:40:40 (Pop-up)
Irish Coffee  Down Down Down (1972) [bonus track]   Favoriting Irish Coffee  RE: Thors Hammer  1971  1:44:37 (Pop-up)
Peacepipe  Sea of Nightmares (c. 1969)   Favoriting John Uzonyi's Peacepipe  Shadoks  1995  1:47:12 (Pop-up)
Think  More Drops [bonus track]   Favoriting Variety  RE: Garden of Delights  1973  1:53:35 (Pop-up)
Time  Elin Experience (1968)   Favoriting Before There Was ... Time  Shadoks  2004  2:04:22 (Pop-up)
Zippo Zetterlink  Electric Light!   Favoriting In the Poor Sun  RE: Psycho-Path  1971  2:08:44 (Pop-up)
Berthet-Le Junter  Les Fûts   Favoriting Le Junter-Berthet  Vand'Oeuvre  1994  2:11:58 (Pop-up)
The Wirtschaftswunder  So Ist Es (1980)   Favoriting Preziosen & Profanes (Singles & Raritäten 1980–1981)  Tapete  2021  2:16:04 (Pop-up)
Snakefinger  You Sliced Up My Wife   Favoriting Manual of Errors  Ralph  1982  2:19:44 (Pop-up)
Baron Zen  Turn Around   Favoriting At the Mall  Stones Throw  2006  2:21:43 (Pop-up)
Parallelaktion  Vom Westen Nicht Besetzt?   Favoriting Endlos  Orkestrion Schallfolien  1995  2:24:56 (Pop-up)
H.N.A.S.  Ochs am Berge   Favoriting The Book of Dingenskirchen  Dom  1988  2:28:02 (Pop-up)
The Blech  Pypl Gurda   Favoriting Ich Wollte Meine Schuhe Zerschneiden  Heute  1989  2:33:04 (Pop-up)
Der Plan  San José Car Muzak   Favoriting Geri Reig  Warning  1980  2:37:05 (Pop-up)
Sternpost  Kanske   Favoriting Ulrika  Dilettante Productions  2023  2:43:34 (Pop-up)
ugne&maria  Healing   Favoriting Healing  Futura Resistenza  2023  2:46:39 (Pop-up)
Sternpost  Ulrika Har en Bil   Favoriting Ulrika  Dilettante Productions  2023  2:50:29 (Pop-up)
Ruth's Refrigerator  Charlie 'n Charlie #2 [bonus track]   Favoriting A Lizard Is a Submarine on Grass  RE: Cordelia  1991  2:53:10 (Pop-up)
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       2:57:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:08am
Tony Coulter:

Hello, all! Today's playlist image is by the Danish painter Rita Kernn-Larsen. It's from 1937, and is called "Self-Portrait (Know Thyself)."
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
listener james from westwood:

Good Tuesday, Tony and all!
Avatar 12:01pm

Tony. Hello.
Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, heya, James & TDK60!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

XNY 556, A for Apple, B for Bob.
How do you read me, Tony the C? 5 by 5 here.
Hello, LJfW, TDK 60.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Tony! Forks! Rhinos! Hi!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Yes, James: Tuesday, Tony, good tidings. Curious what you are sending to us today, Tony
Listener Phillip (in the Bronx)♎️⚖️:

Good day to you Mr Coulter. Always a pleasure catching your show again👍
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Tony and all other listeners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ TDK60 @12:01
Hello TDK60.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ Sem @12:02
Hiya Sem!
Avatar 12:03pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Sem, Yvang, WR, Phillip, & Andrew!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ Yvang @12:02
Hey Yvang!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

Hello Tony! Hello fellow listeners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

↳ Andrew in Toronto @12:03
Happy Tuesday, AiT!
Avatar 12:05pm
Tony Coulter:

Hi, Tim!
Avatar 12:05pm

Hey there, Tony!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ Sem @12:05
You too Sem!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ tim @12:04
Hiya Tim!
Avatar 12:06pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, Martyn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

Hey Andrew!
Avatar 12:09pm

↳ Andrew in Toronto @12:03
Ho Andrew in Toronto!

Siouxsie! :)
Avatar 12:12pm
Tony Coulter:

It's Dane & the Banshees! Hiya!

Good morning! Weird, I was just working on a photo that looks like TD60. Deja vu. Hey TDK60!

Essendon Airport! :)
Avatar 12:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Morning, rw!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

↳ Song: "Jig" by "Essendon Airport"
This is cool! And new to me too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

↳ Song: "Jig" by "Essendon Airport"
But does Jefferson Airplane make a direct connection to Essendon Airport?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
joe mulligan:

Hi Tony, I just found your show here on the drummer stream. Just wanted to mention that you were my "gateway" DJ to WFMU in 2004. Once I heard the far out sounds you played, I knew this was the station for me!
Avatar 12:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Joe! Glad you found me here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Hi Tony + Coulterites. Great show so far!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

↳ Song: "Pulse Piece (1981)" by "Birdsongs of the Mesozoic"
This is Roger Miller and Martin Swope, correct?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ Tony Coulter @12:17
It`s puppy time:

Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ HollyRT @12:18
Thanks, Holly! And ... hi there!
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ tim @12:19
Yep ... you are correct!
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Andrew in Toronto @12:19
Don't tell my cat....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ Tony Coulter @12:20
I won`t.
Avatar 12:23pm

↳ Tony Coulter @12:20
Hi tim above at 12:19. I got to see Birdsongs of the Mesozoic in about 1987. A four-piece live.
Avatar 12:25pm

↳ rw @12:12
Hi rw: How do you know what I look like?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

↳ TDK60 @12:23
That's really cool!
Avatar 12:31pm

↳ tim @12:29
Tim: I also got to see Roger Miller do solo shows about three times, late '80s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

I love Syrinx
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

↳ TDK60 @12:31
A friend of mine did too. He told me that Roger was selling Ace of Hearts Burma records at the merch table which he picked up. I've only seen Roger play in phase II Mission of Burma and Alloy Orchestra.
Avatar 12:34pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ HollyRT @12:33
Yes -- they are a great, and super unique, band.

TDK, you don't look like a planet in a dark black rectangle?

I would show the photo I'm working on but I'm not really allowed to share. It's someone's collage and not yet public.
Avatar 12:38pm

↳ tim @12:33
Tim, I've seen those too. MoB-II, twice. Alloy once, playing along with movie Metropolis. All MoB-related concerts were great.

rw at 12:36: Oh! Now I get you. No, I don't look like a red planet in dark space.
Avatar 12:45pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Song: "Better" by "ugne&maria"
I will probably play this whole cassette next week on "Tape Hiss."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

↳ Tony Coulter @12:45
That would be great! I like this and definitely want to hear more.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

↳ Song: "Ibistix (1971)" by "Syrinx"
Syrinx sent me down a rabbit hole, because the Canadian band you played is new to me (and enjoyed) but I knew there was some other Syrinx with whom I was previously familiar. That turns out to be Syrinx (listed as Syrinx 7 on Discogs) who played pan pipes and collaborated with Patrick Moraz.
Avatar 12:49pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ WR @12:46
That rings a bell....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

hi everyone!
Avatar 12:52pm
Tony Coulter:

High high hi, pot80!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm

↳ Andrew in Toronto @12:04
Hi Andrew! Better late than never
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:56pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Good morning-ish, Tony!
Avatar 12:57pm
Tony Coulter:

Morning-noon-o'-evening, Summer and Michael and Sylvia!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

↳ Song: "Un Monde en Création (19??)" by "Arsène Souffriau"
Listening to this on headphones while walking in Paris’ street is interesting!
Avatar 1:04pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Yvang @1:02
Ha! You should try blasting it from a giant boombox.
Avatar 1:05pm
Tony Coulter:

Let everyone else on the street hear it too.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:10pm

↳ Tony Coulter @1:05
The street is very competitive here in term of sound!
Avatar 1:10pm
Tony Coulter:

I tried it once with a small portable tape recorder, and some experimental type piece (can't remember which) -- but even with the volume turned all the way up, it was barely audible above the street noise. It made me realize how loud boomboxes must really be.
Avatar 1:12pm
Tony Coulter:

(This was in Manhattan.)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

I would feel at home with WFMU on speakers in the streets.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

It’s a reference extravaganza!
Avatar 1:19pm

Avatar 1:20pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Yvang @1:19
Can I quote you on that?
Avatar 1:20pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ northguineahills @1:19
NGH! Hiya, heya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm
Andrew in Toronto:

↳ Tony Coulter @1:20
Great show!
Avatar 1:35pm
Nick S.:

Hey, Tony! This Thunder and Roses song rules! Oh, it's all in the mind, btw.
Avatar 1:35pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Andrew in Toronto @1:34
Thanks, Andrew!
Avatar 1:37pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Nick S. @1:35
Hey, Nick! I like their song (and album) titles too -- they're more poetic/suggestive than usual.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

greetings, Tony and all!
Avatar 1:38pm
Nick S.:

Scorps OG on Brain! Real Krautrock.
Avatar 1:38pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ spodiodi @1:37
Hi-de-ho, spodiodi!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

Hi Tony and Streamers!
David (in Portugal):

Afternoon Tony and assembled Coultards.
Avatar 1:54pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ doctorjazz @1:53
Hola, Dr. J!
Avatar 1:55pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ David (in Portugal) @1:53
Greetings, David! In Portugal? What happened -- did the bus take a wrong turn?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm

aloha, doctorjazz and David (in Portugal)
David (in Portugal):

Ha ha, yes. Got on the 76 as normal and then suddenly found myself in the Algarve.

Still, I’m struggling on...

David (in Portugal):

Yo Spod, doc, Yvang, ngh, Andrew, S&M&S, et al.
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Hiya Tony and obscuros
Avatar 1:59pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Dean @1:57
Dean! Deane! Diane!
Avatar 1:59pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Oleh from Pittsburgh @1:59
Greetings, Oleh!
Avatar 2:00pm

↳ David (in Portugal) @1:59
heyoes, david!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

Hi spodiodi, David (in Portugal)
David (in Portugal):

That Think track was rather splendid.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:09pm

↳ Song: "Electric Light!" by "Zippo Zetterlink"
Green Onions on guitar.
Avatar 2:23pm

↳ Song: "Turn Around" by "Baron Zen"
To use a term used much in the 1980s, the recent several selections could be considered "quirky."
Avatar 2:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Baron Zen = The Residents + hip-hop.
Avatar 2:35pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Song: "Pypl Gurda" by "The Blech"
I like this photo of The Blech: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 2:35pm

↳ Tony Coulter @2:25
monocularized beats...
Avatar 2:37pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ northguineahills @2:35
Avatar 2:39pm

↳ Tony Coulter @2:37
eye see what you did there?
Listener Phillip (in the Bronx)♎️⚖️:

Wow! Great show today Mr coulter
Avatar 2:44pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Phillip!
Avatar 🥁 2:45pm

Hi Tony!
Avatar 2:46pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Julie @2:45
Hi, Julie! So glad you're back.
Avatar 🥁 2:50pm

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and glad to be your neighbor once again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Andrew in Toronto:

What another fabulous show!
Thanks Tony!
Avatar 2:51pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Andrew! Glad you enjoyed....

Superb choices from superb records and tapes, thanks from Stockholm!
Avatar 2:53pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Song: "Charlie 'n Charlie #2 [bonus track]" by "Ruth's R...
This is a cover of a Slapp Happy tune....
Avatar 2:54pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ mabmab @2:53
Thanks much, mabmab!
Oleh from Pittsburgh:

Came late, and the show’s great.
Avatar 2:54pm
Tony Coulter:

↳ Oleh from Pittsburgh @2:54
Thankee thankee!
Avatar 2:55pm

superbly excellent, tony!
David (in Portugal):

Come for the Tony Coulter, stay for the Tony Coulter.

Thanks Tony, lots of fun today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

great show! thanks, Tony
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Rich in Washington:

Wonderful show today, Tony!
Been listening & lurking since the beginning.
Avatar 2:56pm

Thanks, DJ Tony.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

Great eclectic episode today, Tony, many thanks!
Avatar 2:56pm

Is that London David in Portugal? Lucky you.
David (in Portugal):

Hello Teeds, yes it is I.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Asheville Jon:

Thanks Tony!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm

thanks tony! have a great week everyone!
Avatar 2:58pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, everyone! Toodle-oo-oo-oo!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:58pm

Thanks Tony!
Avatar 2:59pm

↳ David (in Portugal) @2:57
"Boa viagem" David.
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