Favoriting Ridgewood Radio with David Weinstein: Playlist from September 6, 2023 Favoriting

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Ridgewood Radio features concert recordings by adventurous bands and experimental musicians and restored archival tapes from private and institutional collections captured at venues large and small across the five boroughs of New York. It is produced by David Weinstein and Outpost Artists Resources operating out of the Ridgewood section of Queens, NY, where you'll find more yellow bricks than on the road to Oz and the cemetery of your choice is never more than a few blocks from home.

Wednesday 5 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting September 6, 2023: Festival Pass

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Tomorrowland Festival, Belgium
Tomorrowland Festival, Belgium
Tomorrowland Festival, Belgium

A collection of tracks from artists engaged in two multi-evening, multi-artist series’ in Sept 2023 in NYC:
20 Years of Shinkoyo at Roulette and Rhythm in the Kitchen at Prime Produce.

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Nyokabi Kariũki  Equator Song   Favoriting peace places: kenyan memories  Scrawl  2022  Kenyan composer and performer based between Maryland, New York, and Nairobi.    
Jason McMahon  Demons Can't Hide   Favoriting It's That Time Again  Shinkoyo/artist_pool  2022  Composer McMahon guitars and everything.  0:06:27 (Pop-up)
Severiano Martinez  Clocks (You Wake Up)   Favoriting Clocks and Psandas  Shinkoyo/artist_pool  2003  Described as "ambient liturgical music with elements of shoegaze, noise, new age, and imagined forms of ancient electronics”.  0:11:13 (Pop-up)
Lia Kohl  Moon Bean   Favoriting Too Small to be a Plain  Shinkoyo/artist_pool  2022  Composer Kohl, cello, synthesizer, everything.  0:21:25 (Pop-up)
Dave Scanlon  Mount Deborah   Favoriting Coupling Duet  Shinkoyo/artist_pool  2017  Composer/guitarist, and member of the experimental rock band JOBS, the avant-garde collective Pet Bottle Ningen, and the pop group Leverage Models.  0:31:40 (Pop-up)
Skeletons  We're the Boss   Favoriting The Bus  Shinkoyo/artist_pool  2012  Credited to: Matthew Mehlan, Jason McMahon, Jonathan Leland, Tony Lowe, Mike Gallope, Sam Kulik, Ryan Snow, Johnny Butler, Mike Pride, Darius Jones, Travis Laplante, Elliot Bergman, Dan Peck, Jeremiah Cymerman, Justin Frye, Erica Dicker, Caley Monahan-Ward, Keith Parker, Matt Nelson.  0:36:45 (Pop-up)
Doron Sadja  Heart Skin   Favoriting Breath Heart Skin  Shinkoyo/artist_pool  2014  Stereo mix of a piece originally designed for the 21-speaker, surround-sound system at Issue Project Room (NYC).  0:43:02 (Pop-up)
Ayumi Ishito  Entropic Hawk   Favoriting Entropic Hop  Bandcamp  2023  Aymui Ishito, saxophone, electronics; Aron Namenwirth, guitar; Kevin Shea, drums, electronics.  0:56:48 (Pop-up)
Sana Nagano  Dark Waw   Favoriting Smashing Humans  577 Records  2021  Composer/violinist Nagano with Peter Apfelbaum, tenor sax; Keisuke Matsuno, guitar; Ken Filiano, bass; Joe Hertenstein, drums.  1:05:34 (Pop-up)
Hans Tammen & Third Eye Electric Band  Revisiting Miles   Favoriting Bitches Brew Residency  Out-To-See Festival  2016  Arranged and conducted by Tammen and featuring Nick Didkovsky, guitar; Welf Dorr, alto sax; Chuck Bettis, electronics; and Yuko Togami, drums. Constructed from Miles Davis' material from 1969-86, Bitches Brew to Tutu. The rhythm section is playing Rated X, with the ensemble playing the theme of Maze over it.  1:13:18 (Pop-up)
William Hooker  Extra-Planetary Livingness   Favoriting Big Moon  Org Music  2021  Composer Hooker, drums; Jimmy Lopez, percussion; Jair-Rohm Parker Wells, bass; Charles Compo, flute; Stephen Gauci, tenor sax; Mara Rosenbloom and Mark Hennen, piano; Theo Woodward, synth; Sarah Manning, alto sax.  1:25:00 (Pop-up)
Ka Baird  Concert Recording   Favoriting Underground Institute Festival  Collection of the artist  2022  Ka Baird voice, flute, electronics. Excerpt of performance at Underground Institute Festival in Berlin 2022.  1:31:00 (Pop-up)
Phill Niblock  First Out   Favoriting Working Touch  Touch  2022  Guitarist David First embedded in Niblock’s densely textured drones.  1:37:35 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, Ridgewoodians and all!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
david w:

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

Hello David W, Ruth, James, Ridgewoodians present past and future.

Hi David and Ruth and ridgewoodians !
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
david w:

Hello WR! chresti!
Avatar 5:02pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm

David, ruth, LJfW, WR, gailvachon: hello, hello, hello.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm

Hello David, Ruth, and Ridgewoodnics!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
david w:

Hello, gail. Hello, Sem. Hello, djazz!
Avatar 5:10pm

This is cool.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:12pm

Random observation: I've had my VLC player in VU meter visualization mode since Kim Sorise had a channel drop issue on Monday. That opening track is the first time I've noticed the meter anywhere near being pegged. Makes me think that most hosts run their output level a bit low, (and often we can hear they are not as loud as the auto stream). As I wrote, random observation, nevermind.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
Webhamster Henry:

Greetings to Ridgewood!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
david w:

↳ WR @5:12
I push the thing as hard as I can, but the dynamics (in non-pop music) vary. So its a scramble.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:15pm
david w:

↳ Webhamster Henry @5:13
Welcome, Henry!

Hi everybody. hope you're not too roasted...
Avatar 5:16pm

I cannot imagine being without air conditioning.
Avatar 5:16pm
still b/p:

Random Calibration Assessment Team dispatched to both ends! They're packing their parachutes!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
david w:

↳ still b/p @5:16
Thanks, still b/p. It's good for me to know how things play at your end.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:18pm

↳ david w @5:14
yes, music does normally have a "dynamic range".

still b/p, have them check they have their Funky Meters with them.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:20pm

↳ Song: "Clocks (You Wake Up)" by "Severiano Martinez"
Hello! I like this track but it's got some painful high pitches in it!
Avatar 5:22pm
still b/p:

It would make a great adventure/drama series on a legacy broadcast TV network. "Will they or won't they" romance angle drawn out forever between main characters Peg and db.

@ gail come to my studio and you won't have to imagine UGH.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
david w:

↳ ranjit @5:20
ranjit! Wait for the Doron Sadja track, it really pushes that high end.
Avatar 5:25pm

i just heard joe bataan for the first time in the wild...
Avatar 5:25pm
Hill Country Fox:

Howdy buddies!! Happy to stumble in amist a convo about dynamic range.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
david w:

ngh in the wild and the Fox on the range! Hello!
Avatar 5:27pm
Hill Country Fox:

Ohhhh and before I forget the poddy on jaimie branch was so good. Loved hearing from her sis.
Avatar 5:28pm

↳ gailvachon @5:16
*nods in floridian*
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:28pm
david w:

↳ Hill Country Fox @5:27
Thanks, Fox. that was a tough one to navigate. But it has just the right tone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30pm

↳ Hill Country Fox @5:27
What was that?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:32pm
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Heyo. Working away but wanted to stop in and say hi. Also waiting for UPS to show up.
Avatar 5:32pm
Hill Country Fox:

↳ doctorjazz @5:30
The most recent podcast episode of The Roulette Tapes was on jaimie branch. If you are not listening/following the podcast, you should. I know you would dig it!! Unlike my endless stream of murder shows, I always feel better for listening. ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm

↳ Hill Country Fox @5:32
I didn't know it existed, just subscribed, thanks Fox!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm

↳ Hill Country Fox @5:32
(I listen to an endless stream of politics/news/history shows, talk about leaving you feeling bad...)
Avatar 5:36pm

↳ Hill Country Fox @5:32
"Unlike my endless stream of murder ̶s̶h̶o̶w̶s̶"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

↳ Song: "Mount Deborah" by "Dave Scanlon"
This is cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

↳ northguineahills @5:36
I misread that as "murder-shrews" which sound adorable but highly dangerous
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

Mainstream Is Harsh rn hahah
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
david w:

Avatar 5:40pm
still b/p:

↳ northguineahills @5:36
In your new job paperwork, you checked "Yes" where it asked "Have ya killed some folks?" right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

↳ david w @5:39
Rerro {Scooby Doo}
Avatar 5:42pm

↳ still b/p @5:40
no comment
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

↳ david w @5:23
whoa, you weren't kidding about the sadja squeakies!
Avatar 5:45pm

↳ ranjit @5:39
once one gets up your pant-leg, you're a goner!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

↳ Song: "Heart Skin" by "Doron Sadja"
Wendy Del Formaggio had a Bell Laboratory lecture series she'd play, the one on beating would be appropriate now...

This Doron Sadja's amazing..
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 5:49pm
david w:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

↳ Song: "Heart Skin" by "Doron Sadja"
Must have been something out of 21 speakers!
Avatar 5:55pm

↳ ranjit @5:44
i don't even notice any more (i'm used to sounds at all fequencies)
Avatar 5:56pm

↳ doctorjazz @5:48
and you how jealous i am of her for having that on vinyl...
Avatar 6:01pm

↳ Song: "Entropic Hawk" by "Ayumi Ishito"
should have known that percussion was kevin, his sound is immediately recogizeable@
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

↳ northguineahills @6:01
Yo NGH! Been listening to some of your Rubaiyats of the Cicadas recordings!! Very nice!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

↳ rf @6:02
Ooh, now that I know they exist, I'll be listening too!

...aww, now I found them and it reminds me that I miss SHARE
Avatar 6:08pm

↳ rf @6:02
oh, wow, thanks! I'm supposed to play w/ them and daniel carter, oct 6, but, I'm not sure if I can make it now that my job probably won't start by then, and I'm essentially broke. I do, sort of need to go up to nyc beforehand to figure out what I'm going to do before I start working, so, if I can make it work, i'll let everyone know. Thanks again.

I used to not want us to be recorded, but jeremy insisted. then, i didn't want the recordings to be available, but i relented after this last few years of unpleasantness, and i'm glad they are there, now.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
david w:

Thanks, rf. It is a great collection. And glad ngh came around!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

↳ northguineahills @6:08
Indeed! Always Be Recording. I hope the gig pans out! If you had a Venmo or something posted here I'm sure the FMU communtiy would gladly pass the hat for u...
Avatar 6:12pm

↳ rf @6:02
actually, I'll make it a priority to make that gig (still trying to make sure my stuff in different cities stored in different friends/relatives is organized so, I have it ready to go).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

↳ northguineahills @6:12
Sounds like an epic journey :) Best of luck
Avatar 6:14pm

↳ rf @6:11
well, i rarely do this, but Irene and handy did help me put this together: www.gofundme.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

↳ northguineahills @6:14
Avatar 6:17pm

when rotc started, i had more or less some notation and scoring... then it was up to the guest musicians, then game theory, then pure improv, but by the 2010s, i put us in the post-fluxus box. I would show up at gigs w/o any instruments/electronics, and see what happens. Now, I'm pendulating back the other way...(the last 2 years being homeless will do that to someone)
Avatar 6:19pm

↳ Song: "Revisiting Miles" by "Hans Tammen & Third Eye Ele...
not to be confused w/ the south african prog band, the third eye, or the bristol based FSA affiliated d&b noise group, third eye foundation.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
david w:

Some info on the after us:
7-10pm (EDT): BODEGA POP with Gary Sullivan: Musician of the Generations: Mohamed Abdel Wahab
So fierce was singer, musician, and composer Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Egyptian diva Oum Kalthoum refused for decades to work with him, fearing he’d upstage her. When the two finally collaborated, they produced several of Kalthoum’s greatest songs, including Enta Omri, Fakarouni, and Laylet Hob. This tribute focuses on rare 45s, LPs, and cassettes of Abdel Wahab’s own recordings, with a few covers and songs written for others woven in.
10pm-Midnite: IF YOU LOSE YOUR HORSE with Sam Segal

Hi, Hi, David, and Ruth. Listening from the hinterlands. Sorry to be checking in so late ---meant to listen earlier -- good thing you archive these puppies.
Avatar 6:30pm

↳ Song: "Extra-Planetary Livingness" by "William Hooker"
haven't heard william hooker since 2007...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:31pm
david w:

↳ catverde @6:28
Hi there, cat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

Hey all:::}
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

Boomp! www.gofundme.com...
Avatar 6:39pm

↳ ranjit @6:05
you know keiko is a dear friend of mine. I owe much to her for thrusting me into many situations/venues i would have never graced w/o her support/curatorialship
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

↳ Song: "First Out" by "Phill Niblock"
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "First Out" by "Phill Niblock"
Playing my song. (A)
Avatar 6:41pm

↳ Song: "First Out" by "Phill Niblock"
I was just reading up on phil's recent vinyl output, and how the difference from his analog days vs his more recent usuage of 'pro tools etc' allowed him to realize his visions on cd, to now, liking to challenge him to attempt using the LP as a recording output medium again...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

Loving this::::::...::::..:::::::::
Avatar 6:43pm

↳ Song: "First Out" by "Phill Niblock"
when i was in grad school, david first had a gig at his loft, he specified 'no outside drinks'. I, being the clumsy idiot I was, dropped a 40 oz on his floor [and spent a good amount of time cleaning it up])
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

↳ northguineahills @6:43
it was at EI that I first met Keiko, who pulled me into this web of amazing music and musicians! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

↳ northguineahills @6:12
Hoping I can get to some gigs when you start to appear in the NYC area again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Loved the show, thanks, David and Ruth!
Laters all!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
david w:

Thanks, doc!
Avatar 6:51pm

↳ doctorjazz @6:49
i'll hit you up!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
david w:

As I get ready to exit, have to thank Hans Tammen, William Hooker, and Matt Mehlan for making this all possible. And thanks to you all for listening!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "First Out" by "Phill Niblock"
I'm singing along with this one.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

↳ Webhamster Henry @6:52
i'm humming
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Webhamster Henry:

↳ Webhamster Henry @6:52
[throat singing]
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

thank you for the music!
Avatar 6:55pm
Hill Country Fox:

Great show... sending you all murder shrew abrazos but hoping you have drone dreams!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

Thank you! David!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Thanks David!
Avatar 6:58pm

david, amazing... beyond comprehension!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Thank you David! That last track was a real stunner!
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