Favoriting Freaking Out with Kendraplex: Playlist from August 23, 2023 Favoriting

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Extra dimensions are old hat. Now each vibe is a Pokémon, wwyd? Agitation classics, spiritual chaos, noise genre, drone excerpts, tone worship, safe & sane record warping. Music! Every media format! Incoming and outgoing phone calls! Voicemail, audio attachments, reading your horoscopes thru a tasteful amount of delay. For the people.

Monday Midnight - 3am (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting August 23, 2023: oh how the play of light upon you brings one to reminisce of the lighthorse

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Location Location Location  Branch, Breezy   Favoriting Damaged Goods  Cuneiform Records  2023    https://cuneiformrecords.bandcamp.com/track/branch-breezy-2 (8:46) Anthony Pirog: guitar, guitar synth, synthesizers Michael Formanek: 4 & 5 string electric and double bass, guitar Mike Pride: drumset, marimba, bongos, dub An ultimate pandemic project of legends. RIP Jaimie Breezy Branch 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dissociative Identity Quartet  While My Synth Gently Rap   Favoriting Excursions  Cruel Nature Records  2023    https://cruelnaturerecordings.bandcamp.com/track/while-my-synth-gently-rap (3:09) Dissociative Identity Quartet wishes to remain anonymous and this appears to be their only release. Here is a cool music video for a different song called song of theirs called Crickets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU9XgPWObSA Excursions was released in 2023 on Cruel Nature based in Northumberland, UK. 
0:08:15 (Pop-up)
MrDougDoug  SaD DaDi   Favoriting SOS Forks AI REM II  Hausu Mountain  2023    https://hausumountain.bandcamp.com/track/sad-dadi (3:20) Dog Kaplan was born in Illinois in 1988 and runs Hausu Mountain with Max Allison. Member/former member of Good Willsmith, BBsitters Club, Pepper Mill Rondo, and The Earth is a Man. 
0:11:21 (Pop-up)
Arrington de Dionyso  The Black Song of Cacllicoatl   Favoriting Exorcist Blues  Chocolate Monk      CDr here http://chocolatemonk.co.uk/available.html (2:44) Olympia, Washington based experimental musician throat singing and playing bass clarinet. He's also in Old Time Relijun. Also a visual artist. 
0:14:41 (Pop-up)
Sitar Outreach Ministry  Angels at the End of Time   Favoriting Mythic Times  Let's Pretend Records  2023    https://letspretendrecords1.bandcamp.com/track/angels-at-the-end-of-time (5:49) Founded by sitar player Nick McGill + collaborators. Sitar Outreach Ministry and Let's Pretend Records both in Bloomington, Indiana. 
0:17:36 (Pop-up)
Jeremiah Cymerman  Purification​/​Dissolution   Favoriting Purification​/​Dissolution  5049 Records  2012    https://jeremiahcymerman.bandcamp.com/album/purification-dissolution (13:29) NYC composer, clarinetist, producer involved with contemporary classical, electroacoustic experimentation, free improvisation and dark ambient soundscapes. Purification​/​Dissolution released on his label 5049 Records in 2012. 
0:24:06 (Pop-up)
Crazy Doberman  The Repeaters   Favoriting everyone is rolling down a hill" or "the journey to the center of some arcane mystery and the entanglements of the vines and veins of the cosmic and unwieldy millieu encountered in the midst of that e  Astral Spirits  2001    https://crazydoberman.bandcamp.com/track/the-repeaters (4:12) Time-centric community-based Midwest sound provision. Collaborative, improvisational, free music using shared language using live sets as source for recordings. I saw them incorporate a the sound of a chain in a cement mixer in 2019. 
0:37:08 (Pop-up)
Alan Licht  Four Years Later   Favoriting Four Years Older  Editions Mego  2013    https://alanlicht.bandcamp.com/track/four-years-later (15:31) NYC improv guitar legend. Recorded Four Years Older live December 7, 2008 at the Electric Possible, Washington D.C. and it was released in 2013 by Vienna, Austria label Editions Mego. Also in groups Alan Licht's 1970, Blue Humans, Lee Ranaldo And The Dust, Lee Ranaldo Band, Licht-Akiyama Trios, Love Child, Mandarin Movie, Run On, Supreme Indifference, Text Of Light, The Alan Licht / Loren Mazzacane-Connors Ensemble, The Max Factory, Threshing Floor, Weasel Walter Large Ensemble. Born June 6th, a Gemini. 
0:41:32 (Pop-up)
Ulaan Kohl  Dreaming and Forgetting   Favoriting Milk Thistle  Desastre/Worstward      https://desastre-records.bandcamp.com/track/dreaming-and-forgetting (5:31) Ulaan Khol is the Monkier of guitarist Steven R. Smith based in San Francisco, CA. Other names he's used include Hala Strana, Ulaan Khol, Ulaan Markhor and Ulaan Passerine. This album Milk Thistle was released on Marseille, France based label Desastre which of course means Disaster in French. 
0:55:58 (Pop-up)
Sandcastle  Skull Valley   Favoriting Wild Legend  Strange Mono  2023    https://strangemono.bandcamp.com/track/skull-valley (1:55) Sandcastle is the moniker for songwriter Philadelphia, PA based Sam Kassel. 2012 album Wild Legend reissued by Strange Mono in 2023. More music at https://sandcastle.bandcamp.com/ Skull Valley Lyrics: Skull valley is where my father sleeps Where the bones of my mother play guitar Where my lady weeps Skull valley her tears upon the graves In the very last hole of that old boneyard S’where my body lay Where my baby lay My ghost holds on, my soul holds on Holding onto you My ghost holds on, my soul holds on Holding onto you My ghost holds on, my soul holds on 
1:02:57 (Pop-up)
Gate  Stars Keep   Favoriting The Numbers  Precious Metal  2022    https://gatemm.bandcamp.com/album/the-numbers (5:02) Experimental musician Michael Morley from New Zealand and living in Dunedin, NZ. Records solo as Gate. The Numbers recorded in 2012 and released on this label Precious Metal in 2022.He's in The Dead C, Sun Valley, The Fuck Chairs, and The Righteous Yeah. 
1:05:12 (Pop-up)
knifedoutofexistance  Everywhere At Once   Favoriting Heather and Gorse; Salt and Stone  Outsider Art  2023    https://knifedoutofexistence.bandcamp.com/track/everywhere-at-once (5:10) The album "Heather and Gorse; Salt and Stone" collects material recorded between 2017 and 2023. Emotional power electronics from South Coast AUK. Releasing music since 2013. 
1:10:21 (Pop-up)
Jacob Sunderlin  Side A   Favoriting Atavistic Ritual  Working Man Lay Down  2019    https://jacobsunderlin.bandcamp.com/album/atavistic-ritual (5:00) Guitar collage and field recordings. Midwestern. Musician and writer, of poetry in particular for example: https://www.compajournal.com/jacob-sunderlin-4-poems Discography a mix of psycho free music, and American solo acoustic guitar tradition. 
1:15:26 (Pop-up)
Ludmila Nunes  I Will Look at You Through the Veils   Favoriting Tyrian Tapestry  Flat Plastic Home Media  2023    https://ludmilanunes.bandcamp.com/track/i-will-look-at-you-through-the-veils (7:07) Galilee, Mississippi based 
1:20:22 (Pop-up)
Stare Case  Stare Case Zone Side b   Favoriting Difficult Messages Two "The Clock Box"  Lower Floor  2021  LP  https://wolf-eyes.bandcamp.com/track/stare-case-zone-side-b (6:13) Stare Case is John Olson and Nate Young and this track is from the Difficult Messages Two "The Clock Box" which is a compilation of various artist recordings in a hand-painted box set of 7"s from the core Wolf Eyes crew. 
1:27:29 (Pop-up)
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto  Scoria   Favoriting Scoria  Longform Editions  2022    https://tatsuhisayamamoto.bandcamp.com/track/scoria (18:39) Tatsuhisa Yamamoto is a drummer from Yamaguchi, Japan collaborating with Eiko Ishibashi, Jim O’Rourke, Keiji Haino and Oren Ambarchi. He says Scoria refers to the feeling of muscle fatigue caused by repetitive motion, which occurs when playing the same drum pattern over and over for a long time. Released on Longform Editions in Sydney, Australia. 
1:33:44 (Pop-up)
JG Thirlwell & Mivos Quartet  Fibrostitis   Favoriting Dystonia  Cantaloupe Music  2023    https://jgthirlwell.bandcamp.com/track/fibrostitis (2:05) Dystonia is five pieces for string quartet composed 2014-2021 by JG Thirwell, & performed by Mivos Quartet. Thirlwell works under many pseudonyms, including Manorexia, Foetus, Xordox, Steroid Maximus, Baby Zizanie, Hydroze Plus, Clint Ruin and Wiseblood 
1:52:23 (Pop-up)
Fangyi Liu & Shanyio  Shanyio - Frk 2   Favoriting Long Night / Prepared Cutlery  Karma Detonation Tapes      https://karmadetonationtapes.bandcamp.com/track/frk-2 (1:57) Fangyi Liu (a.k.a Chih-Ting Liu) is a Kaohsiung, Taiwan-based improviser and sound artist. He utilizes acoustic objects, electronics, field recordings, cassette tapes and his voice in his performances and compositions. Shanyio (Romania) is an improviser using prepared traditional instruments, everyday objects and electronic sounds. Released on Karma Detonation Tapes in Taipei, Taiwan 
1:54:30 (Pop-up)
Megzbow & Vinegar Tom  remember   Favoriting Welsh Noise Vol. II  Brachliegen Tapes ☽      https://brachliegentapes.bandcamp.com/track/remember (3:24) Constructed primarily from field recordings taken in Pembrokeshire during the summers of 2021 and 2022, with fragments of additional audio from the film work of Margaret Tait. Arranged and mixed in Deal, Kent. Released on Deal, UK label Brachliegen Tapes. 
1:56:25 (Pop-up)
R. Kitt  I Keep Hearing A Sound   Favoriting Signs of life: Part 5  Moot Tapes  2023    https://moottapeslabel.bandcamp.com/track/r-kitt-i-keep-hearing-a-sound (3:00) Dublin, Ireland based producer and DJ releasing this track on Kilkenny, Ireland based Moot Tapes. 
2:01:02 (Pop-up)
Sprays  Lieber Chaos   Favoriting Die Todliche Dosis (V/A)  Lustgewinn Schallplatten  1981    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QILHnFuYSI (3:43) Austrian New Wave group, based in Vienna including member Thomas Szabolcs who was in other groups in the 80s such as Die Nervösen Vögel, Empty Wien, and Karl Gott. 
2:08:27 (Pop-up)
Harry Pussy  Brown Butterfly   Favoriting Brown Butterfly b​/​w Hoedown  Palilalia Records  2020    https://harrypussy.bandcamp.com/album/brown-butterfly-b-w-hoedown (01:22) Miami, FL. Recorded at Churchill's in 1992 and released on Bill Orcutt's Palilalia Records in 2020. Adris Hoyos: Drums Bill Orcutt: Guitar/Vox 
2:12:15 (Pop-up)
Harry Pussy  Hoedown   Favoriting   Palilalia Records  2020    https://harrypussy.bandcamp.com/album/brown-butterfly-b-w-hoedown (05:17) Miami, FL. Recorded at Churchill's in 1992 and released on Bill Orcutt's Palilalia Records in 2020. Adris Hoyos: Drums Bill Orcutt: Guitar/Vox 
2:13:37 (Pop-up)
Daniel Bachman  540 Supercell   Favoriting Almanac Behind  Three Lobed  2022    https://threelobed.bandcamp.com/track/540-supercell (2:53) Daniel Bachman is a steel string fingerstyle guitarist currently living in Madison, Virginia. Almanac Behind is an anagram of Daniel Bachman and a reference to our shared experience of climate chaos and environmental crisis. Released in 2022 on Three Lobed Recordings (Jamestown, NC) 
2:18:43 (Pop-up)
Methods Body  Snares   Favoriting Plural Not Possessive  Beacon Sound      https://methodsbody.bandcamp.com/album/plural-not-possessive (9:23) From Portland, Oregon. Album recorded in forest studio.in Corbett, OR which is on the Columbia River. "Methods Body creates original sound art and music using custom tuning systems, involuted polyrhythms, and the cadences of language" John Niekrasz (Ecstatic Peace, ESP-Disk') and Luke Wyland (The Leaf Label, Hometapes, Crammed Records) 
2:21:42 (Pop-up)
Jake Acosta  Rehearsal Park   Favoriting Rehearsal Park  Husky Pants Records  2022  CD  https://jakeacosta.bandcamp.com/track/rehearsal-park-2 (17:07) Jake Acosta is based. 
2:31:05 (Pop-up)
Melvin Gibbs  Inner Chamber   Favoriting Anamibia Sessions 1: The Wave  Editions Mego  2022    https://music.melvin-gibbs.com/track/inner-chamber-2 (4:16) Brooklyn native bass guitarist who has appeared on 200+ albums including the album Seize the Rainbow by Sonny Sharrock Band. He was also in Rollins Band and played with them at Woodstock '94. 
2:47:54 (Pop-up)
Monastat 7  Gorgonzola Coda   Favoriting Operatic Genitalia Of 7 Bowel Movements  Lost Frog Productions  1995    https://lostfrog.bandcamp.com/track/gorgonzola-coda (1:42) Experimental / Avant Garde Grindcore act from Cheyenne, WY. Reissued by Relapse Records in 1994. Japan Label Lost Frog released this EP in 1995. Monastat 7 was: John Brown II - Vocals, Lyrics Dr. Stat3 - Bass, Keyboards, BGV, Lyrics Henkaboo E. Boltz - Guitar, Programming, Violin, BGV 
2:52:08 (Pop-up)
Haco, Takako Minekawa, Dustin Wong, Tarnovski  Kannazuki   Favoriting Kannazuki  Warm Winters Ltd.  2019    https://dustinwong.bandcamp.com/album/kannazuki (18:16) Recorded in Tokyo in 2017. Kannazuki' - the traditional name for the tenth month of the year in the Japanese lunar calendar. Dustin Wong is based in Los Angeles, CA. CD released in 2019 by Warm Winters in Bratislava, Slovakia. 
2:58:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Hi from Holland:

Eerie Aloha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03am
Paulo AD:

What is up :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05am
tom tom the pipers son:

hi kendra.... its the kendraplex.... what's playing?
Avatar 3:08am

hello welcome
Avatar 3:09am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:05
that before was the track Branch, Breezy by Location, Location, Location. Did you like it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10am
Paulo AD:

It was decent :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ kendraplex @3:09
i thought guitar was great. that's what i noticed most, just waking up... thx for asking.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:14am

Dang fine show!
Avatar 3:15am

hi Ike!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "The Black Song of Cacllicoatl" by "Arrington de D...
this is groovy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22am
tom tom the pipers son:

thx for putting up the xtra info, good idea
Avatar 3:24am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:22
it was fun to dig up
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24am
tom from Manchester:

oh nice, Hausu Mountain material. good morning!
Avatar 3:24am

↳ tom from Manchester @3:24
we love hausu!!

Hi. I'm in western Canada. I'm realllllllllllly liking this

↳ Iantheterrible @3:26
Hello! Ya its so cool I'm glad it's 13min long

Full disclosure. Had a few edibles this evening

↳ @3:27
Everyone needs a pee break
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33am
tom tom the pipers son:

like how he brought the clarinet in there
Avatar 3:33am

music for zones
Hi from Holland:

↳ Song: "Purification​/​Dissolution" by "Jeremiah Cymerman"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47am
tom tom the pipers son:

one of the first bands i saw in ny was love child an licht stood out even then.
but was standing near him on L train and he kept on giving me disapproving looks like i was staring at him, which i wasn't, kind of a jerk, but that was a long time ago
Avatar 3:48am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:47
He's playing at Union Pool September 10 w/ Black Duck & Dan Melchior & Honey Radar
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49am
tom tom the pipers son:

maybe i can give him a dirty look... :)

this is interesting though
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:54am
tom tom the pipers son:

licht did the booking at tonic and must have been the one who booked derek bailey there, but i don't think he ever played with bailey
Avatar 3:58am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:54
played at his memorial though I'm seeing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03am
tom from Manchester:

this is great stuff, going to the archives for your other shows afterwards
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crazzzy doberman
Avatar 4:03am

↳ tom from Manchester @4:03
thanks tom from Manchester! music is the best
Avatar 4:03am

↳ slowbowl @4:03
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ kendraplex @3:58
oh, he did, i don't remember him playing, zorn did not attend and that upset bailey's wife.
Avatar 4:04am

i bought a juul in indiana and am vaping it now while freaking out
Steve aka 3rdfloortapes:

HI 👋
Avatar 4:07am

↳ slowbowl @4:04
what flavor? i remember going to a vape shop in indiana once. cool
Avatar 4:07am

speaking of bailey, i went to that Company Weeks inspired tribute night at Roulette back in jan and it got me so excited again about music
Avatar 4:07am

↳ Steve aka 3rdfloortapes @4:05
Hello Steve!
Avatar 4:08am

↳ slowbowl @4:07
Can you tell me about the purse situation again?
Steve aka 3rdfloortapes:

Hello! I also went to a vape shop in Indiana once. Haha
Steve aka 3rdfloortapes:

Imagine if you had to do arithmetic in real life in order to have a conversation. 🤣
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Steve aka 3rdfloortapes @4:09
ha! just sign in.
Avatar 4:10am

every time mary halvorson went up to jam she brought up her super fancy purse with her to the stage it had wooden handles
Avatar 4:10am

↳ slowbowl @4:10
thank you
Avatar 4:11am

↳ Steve aka 3rdfloortapes @4:08
vape daze
Avatar 4:11am

↳ Steve aka 3rdfloortapes @4:08
The Crossroads of America
Avatar 4:16am

what was the hausu mountain track you played?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ slowbowl @4:10
ha! funny. a long time ago my ex curated a show w/ halvorsen when she was just starting out. she seemed like a bit of a careerist even then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20am
Krys O.:

Avatar 4:20am

↳ slowbowl @4:16
SaD DaDi from MrDougDoug. Did you catch it? It is superb
Avatar 4:21am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:17
mary is god
Avatar 4:21am

↳ Krys O. @4:20
hello welcome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21am
tom from Manchester:

↳ Krys O. @4:20
mornin' Krys
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21am
tom tom the pipers son:

hi krys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21am

I love this show!
I hope you'll be on the next schedule
Avatar 4:22am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:17
yeah i can see that. her session with vibraphonist patricia brennan and bill frisell was the best thing ive ever heard maybe
Avatar 4:22am

↳ fred @4:21
thank you fred!!
Dan from Delco:

Good morning
Avatar 4:27am

↳ kendraplex @4:10
you can see her purse here-

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ slowbowl @4:22
my ex was trying to start a community, mary halvorsen just did not engage

i remember hearing patricia brennan on the station, must be a reason
Avatar 4:28am

↳ Dan from Delco @4:26
good morning Dan!
Avatar 4:29am

i booked Stare Case at Ball Hall once! it was great
Avatar 4:30am

↳ slowbowl @4:29
i was there, that is when i decided it is possibly my favorite incarnation, because of the bass
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31am
tom from Manchester:

↳ fred @4:21
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ slowbowl @4:27
wonder if that series was in tribute to bailey's wife who died dec. '22
Avatar 4:31am

↳ kendraplex @4:30
DEFinitely. love that time in our lives
Avatar 4:33am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:31
oh interesting, i did not remember hearing anything about that, but possibly could have been the spark
Avatar 4:38am

slow burning scoria
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44am

Good Morning Kendraplex and everyone tuning in...
Avatar 4:45am

↳ Strandlund @4:44
Good morning Strandlund welcome
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47am

↳ kendraplex @4:38
scorching track
Avatar 4:50am

↳ kendraplex @3:09
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Shanyio - Frk 2" by "Fangyi Liu & Shanyio"
liked that one, using everyday objects could be a cutesy, kitschy idea, imho, which they totally avoided
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08am
tom tom the pipers son:

apologizing for not being funny made me chuckle
Avatar 5:08am


Gotta go. Im deathly afraid of dragons. I cant even listen to imagine dragons. Oh god the fear the fear.
Avatar 5:10am

↳ Steve@3rdfloortapes @5:09
dragons in reverse, they're not there. thanks steve. see ya next time

I'm not actually leaving. Just a bit about dragons. Although if i have to leave for mentioning imagine dragons i will show myself out. 🤣
LiXiviated Life:

I’ll say this
it’s never not what you wouldn’t expect to not be on the air at 5 AM
Avatar 5:14am

Dr. Agon says take two and freak out in the morn'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Hoedown" by "Harry Pussy"
wonder if there's a word for fatigue from playing different notes over and over
Avatar 5:19am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:17
remembering when people used to say 'same difference'
Avatar 5:21am

im downloading the wfmu radio app now, any one use it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24am
tom tom the pipers son:

yes, thought it was "scoria" of sorts
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25am

↳ slowbowl @5:21
I use the app all the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ slowbowl @5:19
funny phrase that is, "same difference"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30am
Krys O.:

Splendid show. Thanks, Kendraplex.
Avatar 5:32am

okay... based
Avatar 5:33am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:24
very based

I use the app all the time, it’s fabulous
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Rehearsal Park" by "Jake Acosta"
liking the orchestration and how it comes together
Avatar 5:41am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:40
a kind of magic that it keeps flowing and going
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44am
Listener John from NJ:

Dzień dobry, from the late, great Sunshine State!
(jacksonville, Duval County)
Avatar 5:45am

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:40
Rob Frye of Bitchin' Bajas/Flux Bikes on tenor sax, Joe Starita on strings arrangements
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47am
tom tom the pipers son:

thx, didn't know if it was all you...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52am
tom tom the pipers son:

hey kendra, thanks for all the sonic pressies, you spoil us listeners.
ah, the crack of dawn...
LiXiviated Life:

“It’s not you.
It’s me.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54am

Hey, been lurking here for most of the last hour. Fantastic show... look forward to your future fill-ins and shows.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54am

Thanks Kendra
Avatar 5:56am

thanks for listening, this was fun
Brian K from Charlottesville:

Thanks for the great show, Kendra.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57am

Great fill-in!! Thanks!!

Thanks Kendra!
Avatar 6:04am

Oh my...I need coffee. How many Monkees episodes did we watch last night?!?

What a cool thread of call and response, musical q&a and sounds in answers before the question is asked. Definitely took a ride on this nights magic carpet
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