Favoriting Color Red Radio with Mike Rogers: Playlist from August 13, 2023 Favoriting

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Nu Jazz, Electronic, Funk & Soul, etc.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 13, 2023: #68 Grab bag new & old

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Artist Track Comments Images Approx. start time
    Color Red Radio Show with Mike Rogers! 世界的に有名なWFMU日曜日午後4時PM ESTでのマイクロジャースとのカラーレッドラジオ番組放送時間は2時間! Nu-Jazz, Funk, soul & more! ニュージャズ、ファンク、ソウルなど! www.wfmu.org/sheena 日本時間:月曜日 5 - 7 am #mrskor 
Grinda  Why   Favoriting  
0:01:44 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber Orchestra  Magicians   Favoriting  
0:05:25 (Pop-up)
Jah Wobble's Invader's of the Heart  Lam Tang Way Dub   Favoriting  
0:07:49 (Pop-up)
Liquid  Tropicalist   Favoriting  
0:11:15 (Pop-up)
Romy  The Sea   Favoriting  
0:15:02 (Pop-up)
Moebius & Renziehausen  Isolated Case   Favoriting  
0:18:18 (Pop-up)
Yeule  Sulky Baby   Favoriting  
0:24:26 (Pop-up)
Lavelle  F* Echo   Favoriting  
0:29:51 (Pop-up)
Yumi & the Weather  Will You Ever   Favoriting  
0:32:37 (Pop-up)
Big Theif  Vampire Empire   Favoriting  
0:39:51 (Pop-up)
Philomena Cunk on Earth  Pump Up The Jam   Favoriting  
0:42:23 (Pop-up)
My LIfe With the Thrill Kill Kult  Kooler Than Jesus   Favoriting  
0:46:06 (Pop-up)
D. Dvsh  Time Passed   Favoriting  
0:48:40 (Pop-up)
William Orbit  Atom Dream   Favoriting  
0:55:24 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber - James Meredino  Waxation   Favoriting  
0:59:12 (Pop-up)
Hot Chip  Fire of Mercy   Favoriting  
1:03:16 (Pop-up)
Baauer  3_3_3   Favoriting  
1:07:08 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber  Farewell   Favoriting  
1:10:18 (Pop-up)
Kenny Beats  Hot Hand   Favoriting  
1:13:54 (Pop-up)
Bassomatic  Set The Controls for the Heart of the Bass   Favoriting  
1:16:38 (Pop-up)
Danger Mouse & Black Thought  Aquamarine   Favoriting  
1:22:08 (Pop-up)
Meat Beat Manifesto  Deviate   Favoriting  
1:25:50 (Pop-up)
Yeule  Fish in the Pool   Favoriting  
1:31:22 (Pop-up)
Chris Ianuzzi  Distant Suns   Favoriting  
1:33:21 (Pop-up)
Craig David  DNA   Favoriting  
1:37:37 (Pop-up)
DJ Trotsky  Babooshka   Favoriting  
1:41:24 (Pop-up)
Sunking  My Mind is an Oven   Favoriting  
1:43:53 (Pop-up)
Grinda  You said   Favoriting  
1:45:43 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber  Lydia's Secret   Favoriting  
1:56:06 (Pop-up)
Lavelle  Job Well Done   Favoriting  
1:56:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Avatar 4:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm

Hey Mike and mochy, listening while I get myself organised
Avatar 4:02pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

Hi Mochy san
Avatar 4:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Good Morning everyone!
Avatar 4:02pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

Hola Aitch!
Avatar 4:03pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

Good morning Mike san
Avatar 4:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Aitch san!

Good morning.
Avatar 4:04pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Chris san!

good morning‼️
Avatar 4:05pm
Mike Rogers:

I woke up an hour late this morning. I just got set up 2 minutes before show time! Almost a panic situation..... But gonna try to chill
Avatar 4:07pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

I'm back again..

On Saturday, I watched a live performance at Sangenjaya and drank alcohol on the roadside.

I've had a lot of fun with fireworks.
Avatar 4:08pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

Boom Crack.. I have a love for Bottle Rockets
Avatar 4:09pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:07
Welcome Back!!!!!
Avatar 4:09pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:07
How was the show? Tsushimamire, right?

Fujiyama's record store in Sangenjaya

Have you ever been to mike-san?

Avatar 4:10pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:09
Who is Fujiyama san?
Avatar 4:10pm
Mike Rogers:

I know Fujiyama mama!
Avatar 4:10pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:10

The owner is an old man with a black T-shirt and a white beard.
Avatar 4:13pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:10
Chris, did you know that Fujiyama Mama is NOT a Wanda Jackson original tune?
Avatar 4:14pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:11
That's cool. I wish I were old I am) but I don't run a record shop!
Avatar 4:14pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:13
oh no I didn't:0 Who made it

Basically, there are a lot of indie records.

It seems that old records are sold unopened.

It seems that Tsushimamire's CD will also be put next time.
Avatar 4:15pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:14
Avatar 4:15pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:14
Wait a second. It's quite different.
Avatar 4:17pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:14
Anisteen Allen. This is pretty interesting: www.youtube.com...
Avatar 4:18pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:17
Oh, That is Special!
Avatar 4:19pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:17
Fiuji YamaYama I'm just about to blow my top
Avatar 4:20pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:18
Good to make a cover of that
Avatar 4:20pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:14
So he sells lots of returned records? That's way cool. In the USA people don't take good care of their records (like they do in Japan & Germany) so I've been to record stores where everything was dusty.... even kind of sandy
Avatar 4:21pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:20
Yeah, everyone knows Wanda Jackson.... But it seems few know that is a cover song. I kind of like the original
Avatar 4:22pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:19
In Japan everyone knows the Wanda Jackson version.
Avatar 4:26pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:20
Yama Yama oh Mama
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm

Japanese records usually better than Australian pressings. Heavier vinyl, better printing, gatefold covers and such. My trader friends come up twice a year to Shibuya etc to buy records to re-sell.
Avatar 4:27pm
Mike Rogers:

You know, Chris you are a true musician. Why? I can tell. I've been doing this silly job for soon to be 45 years (and will be doing it until I die). I have seen so any people come and go.
The weirdest thing about musicians, I think, is if you are going to play their song for sure, they will listen. That strikes me as quite odd.
Maybe you know I was a musicians once. You wlll very rarely hear my song on my show. Why? I've heard it a 100,000 times. I don't need to hear it again....
Avatar 4:29pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:27
That Happens to all of us!
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

So some musicians will come to my show if I play their records. That strikes me as weird or (I'm forgetting English). I played in a band, had a hit. I could be happy if I never heard that song again,.
Avatar 4:34pm
Mike Rogers:

But, I believe that a true musician wants/needs to hear what other are making. I'm playing all sorts of shit (I hope others aren't playing). So I will play, say "A" musician and they will listen until i stop playing their music (well hell, they've only sent me 4 or 5 songs and I've played them all a few 3, 4, sometimes even 5 times.... I'm not American Top 40 radio.
Avatar 4:35pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:34
Thank you for being you! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:38pm

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:35
Mike's shows don't sound like anyone else's.
Avatar 4:40pm
Mike Rogers:

So, when I stop playing their music, they stop coming. That seems really weird to me. 1) If they sent me tons of music, maybe I would play it 2) Hearing your own song once or twice is a thrill, but after that "The thrill is gone" - BB King
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm

greetings Mike and all
Avatar 4:44pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

Hi coelacantho san
Avatar 4:45pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ coelacanth∅ @4:43
Hi Coelacantho san!!!!!! Thanks
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:38
Thanks Aitch san. I wanna hear (mostly - like 96% new stuff) but I do sometime play old stufff like this (but there is a reason, but it is one for me to know!)
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

Only for me to know, about a long gone friend.... a memory....
Avatar 4:50pm
Mike Rogers:

We all have these special people and memories.... Keep the safely in your hearts forever!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

With the 4 streams on wfmu, you can be constantly hearing stuff you haven't heard before, whether it's new or old.
All picked for you, not always good, but always interesting
Avatar 4:51pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:51
Yes. It is what I love listening to the most by far!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:50
I have very strong connections between songs and people/places. Can take you back there in a moment
Avatar 4:52pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:52
I'm in a Bit of a melancholy mood today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:52
For me a new client appeared, with lots of different jobs, going to see 2 of them today.
Things going to get so busy, that's good.
Daughter about to go away for a year, that's good too really, but very stressful - as you know very well. Marvellous but sad at the same time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:52
Talk to your kids today, you'll feel better
Avatar 4:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:56
Tell your daughter, "Always try to do well by people and yourself. And REMEMBER No matter what, Daddy is always on your side. No MATTER WHAT!" I think few parents tell their kids that.
Avatar 5:00pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:58
I will tell my daughter as well as Alex!
Avatar 5:01pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:00
I don't think most parents ever tell their kids that!
Avatar 5:01pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:01
I think your right
Avatar 5:09pm
Mike Rogers:

Yesterday, my son really touched my heart. You see, I have had a lump in my throat. It didn't hurt nor bother me, I found it by accident. Of course, being a paranoid idiots, I feared cancer, I went to the doctor and she immediately asked me, Do you ave any cavities?" "Yes!"" I answered. She asked "Since when?" I said "it doesn't hurt at all, so I haven't been to the dentist in more than a year!"
She got mad at me and ordered me to fo to the dentist! I'm going today. She gave me antibiotics and I asked "So it's not cancer!" She said "No! GO TO THE DENTIST!"
Late that day, my son came to me and said, "How did it go?"
"How did what go?"
"The lump in your throat."
I told him the story. he seemed so relieved.

That was the first time I ever really felt that he cared about me. I was so happy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:58
I always have told them that.
It's a team.
Avatar 5:10pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:09
You are rare and good father
Avatar 5:16pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:09
It really surprised mw, when I was kid sports team coach, how little kids are set of bullied by their dads or belittled.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm

Hi red radio show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm

I'm getting a sun/skin cancer cut out under my nose next week. Just had some off my scalp already 2 weeks ago.
Won't kill me, but it really hurts.
so so nervous at the thought.
I'll be needing some sounds to help remain calm.
Took an hour to cut/sew the ones on the top of my head, I listened to an hour of extremely good dub records on The Explorers Room show (Drummer Stream) while they were doing it, bluetooth headphones.
Avatar 5:18pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:17
Do they have CBD oil there? It works great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm
Tom P:

↳ Song: "Set The Controls for the Heart of the Bass" by "B...
This is a a cool number. Obviously based on Pink Floyd's "Set the controls for the heart of the sun". Which is another cool track
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:17
Hi Christi san!
Thanks for coming.... Today is a bit different than usual.... It's a dedication to a long lost friend.
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Tom P @5:19
Hi Tom P san!
Thanks you for coming. I have BIG TIME Pink Floyd fans surrounding me I should check it out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Tom P:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:20
Enjoying the show, Mike!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:20
That's ok, I am unaware of the usual
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:21
I sincerely hope you enjoy it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

hi chresti
Avatar 5:23pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Tom P @5:21
Thanks Tom p san! That really makes me happy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:22
hi coel🚫!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:44
hi Chris (belated)
Avatar 5:27pm
Mike Rogers:

Thank yo you all for coming!!!! It's nice not having to talk myself all the time.
Avatar 5:28pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:27
Avatar 5:30pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey! Don't forget Monday night at 11 pm EST - Sounds from Space! Now that is some weird stuff (but I am still on the melacholy thingy for another day!) But totally different music
Avatar 5:33pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:30
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey everyone! This is Chris Ianuzzi's latest!!!
Avatar 5:34pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

This gets released September 15!
Avatar 5:35pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:34
Oh! OK. I will play the out of it before everyone else does!!!!!! that's 4 more Color Red Shows!
Avatar 5:36pm
Mike Rogers:

But this might work for Sounds from Space.... Do you have an instrumental version (I'm serious!)
Avatar 5:36pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:36
I can make one
Avatar 5:37pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:36
I will play it every week until sale date!!! PROMISE!!!!
Avatar 5:37pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:37
I will do as soon as I can
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38pm

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:36
Very distinctive sound, hints of Foetus which is good
Avatar 5:39pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Aitch @5:38
Don't know Foetus... will check
Avatar 5:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:37
Old Japanese saying (stolen for Star wars many years later.) "There is not try. There is only do or do not!" General Nogi (1904 or so!)
Avatar 5:40pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:38
Me too. Only know the name!
Avatar 5:41pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:39
Old Japanese society was a lot of things, "Yes or No?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm
Will thee Sound Guy:

Been listening for a while, diggin it Mike Rogers
Avatar 5:44pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:41
Does that work in Japanese society?
A yes or no ?
Avatar 5:45pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:41
Maybe means NO I think
Avatar 5:47pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:45
I like "only "Do or Do Not"
Avatar 5:47pm
Mike Rogers:

But, back to the music question. I have never understtod musicians not listening unless the DJ plays their record... I want to hear what others are doing, I don't want to hear my shitty record ever again.
Avatar 5:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @5:42
Dear Will san!
Thanks so much!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:45
Have a look at this Foetus track (after show), the video was made by a fan and is quite amazing, made up of australian workplace safety videos etc.
Track is from 1984, so extra amazing.
Avatar 5:53pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:45
Dear Chris san,
Here's a hint. Japanese will very rarely say "No!" (Except to their kids). Thing are either a "Yes" or, "Well, think about it, or difficult, maybe, sucking air through teeth all mean "NO!"
Avatar 5:54pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:53
Yes...One day, I will tell you stories
Avatar 5:55pm
Chris Ianuzzi:

Good night all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Will thee Sound Guy:

Thank you Mike Rogers!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Thanks Mike!

Nice Chris!
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:55
Oh, don't worry about me. I have heard them all and experienced them all. But do tell the juicy ones!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

See you in space Mike.
Don't be sad and thanks for show.
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Will san! I appreciate your coming!
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Chresti san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Thanks Mike!
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:57
You too, my friend! Your daughter is going out on a great adventure!
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

Colelacantho san!
Thank you so much!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

See you all later!
Avatar 6:00pm
Mike Rogers:

My son goes back to Canada next week. I'm going to tell him how touched I was that he was worried enough about my lump in my throat to ask me. I thought he didn't particularly care,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
Tom P:

Thank you, Mike.
Avatar 6:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Tom P, stop by anytime!
Avatar 6:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Aitch san! Thanks! Hug your wife and kids.
Avatar 6:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy saan! Thank YOU!
Avatar 6:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Christi san! Thank you so much.
Avatar 6:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Will san!
Thank you so much!
Avatar 6:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Chris san!
Avatar 6:22pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks everyone.

Thanks so much for supporting Lavelle! Much appreciated!
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