Favoriting Music Only I Care About with Miss Mei: Playlist from August 8, 2023 Favoriting

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Music Only I Care About is the place to go for anything weird, forgotten and fun: Demos, Private Press, Outsider oddities and more! A little bit of odd, and a little bit of even odder, brought to you by a bespectacled bird with a lisp and a love for archiving.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 8, 2023: Sand And Palms

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Images Approx. start time
Jimmie R. Vestal  Drive-Ins, Juke Boxes, and Good Times [Full LP]   Favoriting Drive-Ins, Juke Boxes, and Good Times  Sand And Palms Music  2001  CD 
Jimmie R. Vestal  Songs You Will Love... After A 6-Pak - Volume 1 (Full LP)   Favoriting Songs You Will Love... After A 6-Pak - Volume 1  Sand And Palms Music  2003  CD 
0:58:13 (Pop-up)
Jimmie R. Vestal  Struttin' In The U.S.A.   Favoriting Youtube Upload  Sand And Palms Music  2016   
1:45:38 (Pop-up)
Jimmie R. Vestal  Them Smokey Bones   Favoriting Youtube Upload  Sand And Palms Music    CD 
1:50:54 (Pop-up)
Jimmie R. Vestal  Jimmie Crack Corn (And He DOES Care)   Favoriting Youtube Upload  Sand And Palms Music  2014   
1:54:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:59pm
Mr Fab:

good hello, Miss Mei!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm

it's a bit quiet
Avatar 1:01pm
Mr Fab:

heard you clearing your throat, but the music is pretty distant.
Avatar 1:02pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:01
Let me see what the deal is.
Avatar 1:03pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:01
So I have the proper setting on and yet it seems to be recording my external mic. Give me a bit.
Avatar 1:06pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:01
I can't figure this out so I have another plan, give me a little bit and I'll get that ready.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

Hi Miss Mei & Sheena streamers.

The music sounded ok but noticeably lower than the stream was. And yes, we heard someone clear their throat, and a minute later, sing along for a phrase.

And I am so slow writing this that you will have rebooted and changed settings twice by the time you see this.
Avatar 1:08pm
Mr Fab:

Shutting the system down all the way down and restarting often works (as you probably know)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

Is this Mr Ed in German?
Avatar 1:11pm
Mr Fab:

↳ MHLee @1:09
Avatar 1:13pm
Miss Mei:

↳ WR @1:06
Sorry about that, I live with family and totally wasn't singing to myself ^^' jk i was just lowkey embarrassed
Avatar 1:13pm
Miss Mei:

Are we hearing Jimmie now?
Avatar 1:13pm
Mr Fab:

We're back, sounds good!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

Yes, loud and clear
Avatar 1:14pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:13
Ok good! I was about to go for broke and perform songs live for the next 2 hours since the mic setting wasn't changing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Hello Miss Mei, WR, Mr Fab, MHlee!
Avatar 1:16pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Miss Mei @1:14
One of these days I'm gonna do a show where I play songs live. All of your ears better be prepared for bleeding!
Avatar 1:16pm
Miss Mei:

OMG we are listening to "WHO DAT?"
Avatar 1:18pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:16
Heck yeah!
Avatar 1:20pm
Miss Mei:

Jimmie R. Vestal (B. 1940) is a musician from Winston-Salem, NC who first started recording music with bands in the 1960s. At some point, he relocated to Pinelas Park, Florida. In 1999, Irwin and Michelle played Jimmie's song "Fishin' Wire Eddy" on Incorrect Music (We'll get to that song soon) but the show wasn't archived so I looked him up on YouTube and found his really awesome channel.
Avatar 1:22pm
Miss Mei:

Birth date isn't 1940, whoops! that was for a different artist that I got confused with.
Avatar 1:23pm
Miss Mei:

I E-Mailed Jimmie last night about potentially airing new recordings on the show and to ask him about his music career. fingers crossed!
Avatar 1:24pm
Mr Fab:

i wanna clicky-star some of these songs!
Avatar 1:26pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:24
www.youtube.com... Here is the playlist on YouTube.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

This sounds great
Avatar 1:27pm
Miss Mei:

I apologise to everyone for my current format by the way. I'm in the process of being diagnosed with a condition that is very physically draining so it's hard to do things
Avatar 1:28pm
Miss Mei:

I like being meticulous with all the songs and info usually
Avatar 1:28pm
Miss Mei:

"Racing 'Round The Track" starts now! The track we just heard was "Brand New Baby."
Avatar 1:31pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:26
Ah, perfect!
Avatar 1:32pm
Miss Mei:

I PROMISE that I will bring back the good format though!
Avatar 1:33pm
Miss Mei:

We are now listening to "That's All Right"
Avatar 1:33pm
Mr Fab:

the album artwork: I gotta know what movie are they watching at the drive-in that features a stack of records? I'd watch it.
Avatar 1:34pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:33
I hope they're all private press oddities! I'll take 1 Sam Sacks and 2 Tony Fabbris, please!
Avatar 1:35pm
Miss Mei:

Now we are on one of my favourites, "My Precious Love"!
Avatar 1:37pm
Miss Mei:

Next up: "Stuck Record"!
Avatar 1:40pm
Miss Mei:

Now we're at "How Many Times?"
Avatar 1:42pm
Mr Fab:

i take it Jimmie is a one-man band?
Avatar 1:43pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:42
Yes, usually, but he has recorded with bands before. I think one or two of his 60s recordings are on one of the albums I'm playing today.
Avatar 1:44pm
Miss Mei:

In the 60s he recorded a sequel to "Wooly Bully" entitled "Wooly Bully Again" with the band The Soul Brothers.
Avatar 1:44pm
Miss Mei:

You are now listening to "Little Cajun Baby"
Avatar 1:45pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:44
love it
Avatar 1:46pm
Miss Mei:

This is "The Strongest Love".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

touching song there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

a little simplistic
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

doing search for Jimmie R. Vestal, and so far finding no info. Do see that two albums are available for MP3 play on Amazon.
Avatar 1:48pm
Miss Mei:

YES! My number one fav! FISHIN WIRE EDDY!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

this grooves though
Avatar 1:49pm
Miss Mei:

You all NEED to watch the music video for this after my show. I wanna make stuff like this.
I showed this to Gary Wilson because it reminded me of him.
Avatar 1:49pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:48
Yeah, this is fun
Avatar 1:52pm
Miss Mei:

Next song: "Our Love"
Avatar 1:54pm
Miss Mei:

Another fave, "I Got A Round Tuit"
Avatar 1:55pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:54
diggin the New Wave sound on this one
Avatar 1:58pm
Miss Mei:

Next album! Songs You Will Love .... After A 6-Pak (Volume 1) This is Hawaiian Luau!
Avatar 1:58pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:58
Crazy! This could be by The Cramps.
Avatar 2:01pm
Miss Mei:

This is "Steak Sauce And A Song" which ties in with a steak sauce called Bald Headed Diva, which is based on another song Jimmie did.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

This is something
Avatar 2:04pm
Miss Mei:

This is "He'Brew Beer And A Song"
Avatar 2:05pm
Miss Mei:

I'm not sure if it is made anymore, it was advertised as a Jewish beer
Avatar 2:06pm
Miss Mei:

Get high on the holy day
Avatar 2:07pm
Miss Mei:

Now playing: "The 3 Racketters"
Avatar 2:07pm
Miss Mei:

Next: "Clubbin' In Miami Beach"
Avatar 2:11pm
Mr Fab:

"Drive-Ins, Juke Boxes, and Good Times" was pretty much straight-ahead songs, if a bit eccentric and amateurish (in a good way). This album on the other hand is just off the rails.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:05
Found them online
Avatar 2:12pm
Miss Mei:

Next: "Bald Headed Diva (Generic)"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm

↳ Mr Fab @2:11
I agree
Avatar 2:19pm
Miss Mei:

That was "Bald Headed Diva (Hard Rock Cafe)"
Avatar 2:20pm
Miss Mei:

Next one: "Goodbye, Dear, Goodbye"
Avatar 2:21pm
Mr Fab:

Don't know what happened to Jimmie in the 2 years since he released "Drive-Ins, Juke Boxes," but dementia sure set in pretty fast. What a weird album: the same songs twice in a row with only slightly different lyrics, jokes ranging from bad to nonsensical, fake ads, whacked-out songs about Bald Headed Divas, kooky sound fx...this makes The Residents sound like Pat Boone. Quite the discovery here, Miss Mei.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:20
If there was brother harmony on that it could be maybe a good Beverly brothers song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm

Avatar 2:23pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @2:21
www.youtube.com... here is one of his many awesomely bizarre Youtube videos.
Avatar 2:23pm
Miss Mei:

This is "Two Old Flames (And Only One Match)"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:23
also quite fun
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm

Enjoying your show today...
Avatar 2:25pm
Miss Mei:

www.youtube.com... Music video for another fav, "Struttin In The U.S.A."
Avatar 2:26pm
Miss Mei:

This one is "Tell Me".
Avatar 2:29pm
Miss Mei:

"Nashville Couch Potato"
Avatar 2:33pm
Miss Mei:

"Who Dat? (2nd Version)" !!! WHO DAT!
Avatar 2:36pm
Miss Mei:

"100 Bottles of Beer On The Wall"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:38pm

Bartender, whatever you have on tap. Happy to be here at the Honky Tonk with you all.
Avatar 2:39pm
Miss Mei:

Here is Jimmie with The Soul Brothers, recorded in the 60s. "Wooly Bully Again"
Avatar 2:39pm
Miss Mei:

Jimmie wrote the lyrics and is on bass and backing vocals I believe
Avatar 2:42pm
Miss Mei:

This is called "Good-Bye".
Avatar 2:43pm
Miss Mei:

Currently it's 2:42 EST, I'm on my patio with water, a bao bun and a Dunkin' Donuts free coffee coupon book which I'm doodling on.
Hope all are well !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm

↳ Miss Mei @2:39
david crosby considered woolie bullie the worst song ever written
Avatar 2:44pm
Mr Fab:

↳ MHLee @2:44
Well, clearly he never heard "Wooly Bully Again"!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:54pm

Thanks for the recordings, Miss Mei.
Avatar 2:55pm
Miss Mei:

Thanks for joining, everyone! Had a lot of fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

Thanks Mei for Jimmie!
Avatar 2:57pm
Mr Fab:

Great stuff, thanks so much for this!
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