It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (mono 45 mix)
"It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (mono 45 mix)" by "T...
The Beau Brummels
Don't Make Promises (mono)
"Don't Make Promises (mono)" by "The Beau Brummels"
The Left Banke
Pedestal (stereo mix)
"Pedestal (stereo mix)" by "The Left Banke"
Denny Laine
Catherine's Wheel
"Catherine's Wheel" by "Denny Laine"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a misty night here in the Big Apple with a balmy temperature of 75 degrees and a humidity of 88 percent. So, if you're looking for a romantic evening, this is the night to do it!
The Toads
Babe, While The Wind Blows Goodbye
"Babe, While The Wind Blows Goodbye" by "The Toads"
Just Another Face (mono 45)
"Just Another Face (mono 45)" by "The Blades Of Gr...
Dana Gillespie
Life Is Short
"Life Is Short" by "Dana Gillespie"
Chris Wilson
Inspiration Road
"Inspiration Road" by "Chris Wilson"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a misty night here in the Big Apple with a balmy temperature of 75 degrees and a humidity of 88 percent. So if you're out and about tonight, don't forget your umbrella!
Bill Chadwick
Talking To The Wall
"Talking To The Wall" by "Bill Chadwick"
The Cyrkle
Squeeze Play (film version)
"Squeeze Play (film version)" by "The Cyrkle"
Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
Peter's Trip
"Peter's Trip" by "the Electric Flag, an American ...
Back announcing the set
Nip Sip
"Nip Sip" by "Clovers"
Duncan Browne
Give Me, Take You
"Give Me, Take You" by "Duncan Browne"
Twice As Much
The Spinning Wheel (mono)
"The Spinning Wheel (mono)" by "Twice As Much"
Cat Stevens
Baby Get Your Head Screwed On (mono)
"Baby Get Your Head Screwed On (mono)" by "Cat Ste...
The Train (UK 45)
"The Train (UK 45)" by "Brincos"
The Byzantine Empire
Girl In The Courtyard
"Girl In The Courtyard" by "The Byzantine Empire"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"badlittleloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
The Thomas Group
I've Got No More To Say (mono 45)
"I've Got No More To Say (mono 45)" by "The Thomas...
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