Surely this song alone proves that Nathan is one of the most gifted songwriters around!!
Nathan Michel
Simple Animal
"Simple Animal" by "Nathan Michel"
The Beast- in Dec.
Wow, and this one kills me too! So great, such great musicianship, and maybe most importantly, such warmth!
Kopavogur revisited & tennis
"Kopavogur revisited & tennis" by "O.Lamm"
hello spiral
Active Suspention
.. from Paris, this guy is GREAT! I saw him play live, it was a bit more techno sounding, but this new Cd is just full of ideas, great songs and great sounds!
"Bruises" by "O.Lamm"
hello spiral
Active suspension
Another great track... really the whole album is great!
theme from concrete ambulance
"theme from concrete ambulance" by "Pidgin"
WIKKID!!! This Lady knows how to R__OO__CC_KK!!!
The Flashbulb
Lawn Wake I
"Lawn Wake I" by "The Flashbulb"
red extensions of me
Sublight/Suburban trash records
On a new label that's really coming on strong! Sublight!
Alan Astor
fantastic fantasy - drop the lime mix
"fantastic fantasy - drop the lime mix" by "Alan A...
From NYC babaay!
KIKI ill
Track 1
"Track 1" by "KIKI ill"
“kiki Ill VS con Brio CDR
CDR/12" who knows...
I think this is gonna be a 12" put out by the brilliant kracked people!
FX randomize + c. Schultz
"FX randomize + c. Schultz"
count Basie radio program… recorded from German national radio... (Thanks Wolfgang!!!)
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