Favoriting Radio Ravioli with Olivia: Playlist from July 10, 2023 Favoriting

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Genre-fluid, ambient textures, global sounds, punk energy, electronica, jangle pop, disco, post punk, soul, r&b, and more...

Wednesday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Wed. Apr 9th, 9pm - Midnight: Sam Cummins (RRR) and Jordanne (Dinosaur City Records) Guest DJ! (More info...)
Wed. Apr 16th, 9pm - Midnight: Radio Ravioli presents: Ravioli Tourism Monthly Open Lines Extravaganza - Home Edition (More info...)
Wed. Apr 23rd, 9pm - Midnight: Live with Old Maybe (More info...)

Favoriting July 10, 2023: Celestial Return

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images Approx. start time
Olivia  welcome   Favoriting           0:00:00 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Amp  Celestial Return   Favoriting Astralmoonbeamprojections  kranky  1997   
0:02:51 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Jamila Woods feat. Nico Segal  Breadcrumbs   Favoriting HEAVN  Jagjaguwar  2017   
0:21:34 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Cities Aviv  SUBTERRANEAN STAIRCASE   Favoriting MAN PLAYS THE HORN  D.O.T.  2022   
0:25:22 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Suki Sou  Oscillating Swoosh   Favoriting Notes on Listening  Curious Music  2023   
0:29:49 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
The Fascinating Chimera Project  Weeds   Favoriting The Fascinating Chimera Project  Self Released  2019   
0:33:59 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Tiny Ruins  Dogs Dreaming   Favoriting Ceremony  Ba Da Bing!  2023   
0:38:29 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Robert Wyatt  Sea Song   Favoriting Rock Bottom  Virgin Records  1974   
0:42:06 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
William Tyler & the Impossible Truth  Highway Anxiety / Radioactivity   Favoriting Secret Stratosphere  Merge  2023   
0:48:55 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Tortoise  Djed   Favoriting Millions Now Living Will Never Die  Thrill Jockey  1996   
1:11:50 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Digable Planets  For Corners   Favoriting Blowout Comb  Capitol  1994   
1:33:02 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
DJ Rashad  Itz Not Rite   Favoriting Itz Not Rite  Planet Mu  2010   
1:39:37 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Hardrive  Deep Inside   Favoriting Deep Inside  Strictly Rhythm  1993   
1:42:53 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
RP Boo  Baby Come On   Favoriting Classics Vol. 1  Planet Mu  2015   
1:49:20 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Theo Parrish  Heal Yourself and Move   Favoriting First Floor  Peacefrog Records  1998   
1:55:22 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Designer  Vandal   Favoriting Vandal  Organico  1996  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM9NiwoBNkA 
2:06:48 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Faizal Mostrixx  Back to Tanzania   Favoriting Mutations  Glitterbeat  2023   
2:10:02 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Orchestra Gold  Keleya   Favoriting Medicine  Self Released  2022   
2:14:08 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Mike Cooper  Black Flamingo - Geoff Hawkins Tenor Saxophone   Favoriting Black Flamingo  Room40  2023   
2:19:54 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Mari Dangerfield  Eco-Anxiety (Rory Childs Remix)   Favoriting Eco-Fever EP  Dimple Discs  2023   
2:27:42 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
ABRA  Roses   Favoriting Rose  ACID PALACE RECORDINGS  2015   
2:31:07 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Softee  Grief   Favoriting Natural  City Slang  2023   
2:34:43 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Chanel Beads  Ef   Favoriting Ef/Shining Armor  4444mirror  2022   
2:37:51 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Cindy  Standard Candle #3   Favoriting Why Not Now?  Mt. St. Mtn.  2023   
2:40:50 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Cindy  Earthly Belonging   Favoriting Why Not Now?  Mt. St. Mtn.  2023   
2:44:03 (Pop-up | Pop-up)
Structure  Episodes   Favoriting Pop Music  Sommor  2022   
2:51:04 (Pop-up | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Matt formerly jetboy:

Love the guest segments!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Krys O.:

Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
Chris Hiatt:

Is this the ravioli line?
Avatar 3:02pm

Happy afternoon Olivia, hope you had a great weekend! Hello pastafarians, hoping your weened was excellent as well.
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listener james from westwood:

Afternoon, Olivia and all!
Avatar 3:02pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

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Crosby in KC:

Hello, Olivia and Raviolians! Happy Monday, if that's a thing.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Ravioli pours out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

Is this a repeat?
Avatar 3:05pm

hey everybody! it's a happy monday now that it's ravioli time
Avatar 3:05pm

↳ olivia @3:05
Forgot to say love the freshen up of the YouTube, the banner looks amazing!
Avatar 3:05pm

↳ Juli @3:04
like is the song repeating or is the show repeating? idk but i'm right here choosing new music just for today
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Tim S:

↳ Song: "Celestial Return" by "Amp"
extremely my jam. hello everyone
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Listener Jonny in New England:

↳ olivia @3:05
Loving the tunes... Thx for playing Olivia!
Matt formerly jetboy:

Holy ravioli, my comment about Jim’s show ended up here! Hello Olivia and all pasta lovers.
Avatar 3:06pm

↳ love2laf @3:05
ahh i'm so glad you like it! I am excited to talk to you tomorrow and make the fmu youtube even better! :o <3
Avatar 3:06pm

↳ Matt formerly jetboy @3:06
i had a feeling! hello.
Avatar 3:07pm

↳ Tim S @3:06
yesss... so good ....
Avatar 3:08pm

↳ olivia @3:06
If I can't use my knowledge for good, what use am I? I'm excited too, it's nice that I can be a quasi-volunteer from far away.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

hello friends
Avatar 3:09pm

↳ love2laf @3:08
did everyone here hear about the revamped fmu youtube? www.youtube.com...
Avatar 3:11pm

hey olivia,
excellent opener!!!
a quick quiz : last year i was on holiday in the city where ravioli supposedly originates from....where was i?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm

hi ravioli!
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↳ mischi @3:11
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ mischi @3:11
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Avatar 3:13pm

↳ olivia @3:12
nope...wrong country
Avatar 3:13pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

↳ Song: "Celestial Return" by "Amp"
always nice when i discover a new Kranky release to delve into.
Avatar 3:14pm

↳ mischi @3:13
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ mischi @3:11
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↳ Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen @3:13
if you're looking for more, go read the kranky book by bruce adams! lots of late 90s kranky titles i hadn't listened to before were mentioned
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Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

↳ mischi @3:11
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Chris Hiatt @3:15
Wait that's not a city, was it Zagreb?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

↳ mischi @3:11
Perhaps Portugal? Somewhere not far from Italy I would think, unless we are including things like Tibetan momos.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

I'm just thankful that my online homework doesn't have awful banjo music playing in the background so I can have WFMU playing instead.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

↳ Chris Hiatt @3:16
Noted - Lisbon.
Avatar 3:17pm

↳ olivia @3:14
nice in france...which used to be belong to italy
  🍝 Swag For Life Member 3:17pm

The left channel cutting out on my ancient receiver is really adding to this music!!!
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Tim S:

↳ mischi @3:11
Pastatown, USA
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↳ mischi @3:17
ahh, wow. that's some good trivia.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ mischi @3:17
Fascinating. I bet that was a fun trip!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

↳ mischi @3:17
Nice is very nice. The food! Those awesome pan bagnat!
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↳ Chris Hiatt @3:18
it was indeed....
amazing town, food, drinks and people
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↳ olivia @3:18
thanks...i didn`t know until then either...but there were ravioli everywhere, so i guessed something was up.
Avatar 3:21pm
winston legthigh:

hell0 0livia and awl.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ mischi @3:17
Nizza in Italian.
Avatar 3:22pm

Hello DJ Olivia. I'm enjoying the organ music.
Avatar 3:22pm

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @3:22
and german
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↳ Song: "Breadcrumbs" by "Jamila Woods feat. Nico Segal"
Hello, Stereolab.
Avatar 3:24pm

Is it super weird my cat has fave DJ's? Two songs in, and she's on the ottoman in the sweet spot with ears at attention.
Avatar 3:27pm
winston legthigh:

↳ love2laf @3:24
that's a wonderful wonderful cat 😺
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm

Oh hey sorry!

Because it says Jun 10

That's cool tho!

Avatar 3:29pm

↳ winston legthigh @3:27
Can't argue with you there, although her absolute fave is the weekends when the jazz vinyls get to spinning on the home turntable.
Avatar 3:31pm

↳ Juli @3:29
woops!! thanks for the catch. i keep forgetting its already july.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm

↳ olivia @3:31
Avatar 3:32pm
winston legthigh:

↳ love2laf @3:29
jazz vinyls would make for a fabulous radio show.
Avatar 3:33pm
Tim S:

↳ Song: "Oscillating Swoosh" by "Suki Sou"
great stuff. i was annoyed i couldn't nap in my car during lunch. this is putting my mind back on track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

↳ winston legthigh @3:32
Might get the jazz police nosing around again though

↳ Song: "Oscillating Swoosh" by "Suki Sou"
Good aft, Olivia and all. I have the show on two different devices and it is perfectly synced. That never happens. I am confused and surprised and enjoying!
Avatar 3:35pm
winston legthigh:

↳ Matt_ @3:34
good point. i don't know what kind of jazz we're talking about.
Avatar 3:35pm

↳ winston legthigh @3:35
The jazz police visit often, I find playing yacht rock causes them to lose focus, forget what they were investigating, and they drive away again.
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Tim S:

↳ Andres @3:34
sometimes i have the radio and the app on at the same time and I think, this is how Steve Reich listens to FMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

↳ love2laf @3:35
Yacht rock has the same effect on me!
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winston legthigh:

↳ love2laf @3:35
michael macdonald gets no traffic tickets for a reason.
Avatar 3:41pm

↳ winston legthigh @3:40
Of course not, you don't call em traffic tickets when your on a yacht.

@Matt_ now we know your kryptonite.

↳ Tim S @3:36
That’s what I was hoping for. :)
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↳ love2laf @3:41
you're! Damn, just read a bit before hitting post.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

↳ love2laf @3:41
That would make for a good t-shirt
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Dogs Dreaming" by "Tiny Ruins"
This is cozy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
listener 126464:

Good afternoon!
Marie in Queens:

Just tuning in. Hello, Olivia and Olivians! Nice to meet you at the movie yesterday, Olivia. It was fun, a great aural experience. It was like a real journey, very intense at times.
Avatar 3:45pm

↳ Marie in Queens @3:44
So cool to meet you, too, Marie! I'm glad you made it out. :)
Marie in Queens:

↳ olivia @3:45
Thanks so much! It was really quite the immersive experience and I had a great time @)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...round & round in the circlegame ...cause it's all over now babyblue...
Avatar 3:52pm

↳ Song: "Highway Anxiety / Radioactivity" by "William Tyle...
There is something perfect about having clicky starred this already, from Matt's show. Such a haunting and beautiful piece.
Marie in Queens:

↳ Song: "Sea Song" by "Robert Wyatt"
Speaking of the sea, I'm going to Maine for a week in August with a couple of friends. One of them found out that there are tidal pool tours with local experts in the sea life and environment there. We're going to take one--sounds so good right now.
Avatar 3:53pm
Tim S:

↳ Song: "Highway Anxiety / Radioactivity" by "William Tyle...
reminiscent of Shawn Lane's work with Jonas Hellborg and Jeff Sipe, minus the shredding
Avatar 3:54pm

↳ love2laf @3:52
hahaha, yes, i find it so funny when i go to clicky star something and see that i already have done it. it's like when i go to play a song thinking that i've never played it before but then i played it two years ago and forgot about it
  🍝 Swag For Life Member 3:57pm

↳ Marie in Queens @3:53
Thanks for reminding me of the exquisite Casco Bay tidal pools near Portland. It’s been so long I’d forgotten.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
listener james from westwood:

↳ Song: "Highway Anxiety / Radioactivity" by "William Tyle...
Oh, love this Tyler/Truth/Kraftwerk-o-rama.

This song insane πŸ’ͺ❀️🀌

↳ listener james from westwood @3:58
Thank you. Kraftwerk. Was knawing at me. Western ambience totally threw me.

↳ Andres @3:59
Although I guess it was in the title. :)
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Rob (Jerzcity):

Great event, last night, Olivia!. I'm glad the two questions I was going to ask Sam were answered before I even had the chance to ask them. What an experience.
Avatar 4:02pm

↳ Rob (Jerzcity) @4:00
ah, i didn't see you there, rob! Loved the Q&A -- ppl had so many questions, which was awesome!!!

Hi✌🏽Olivia and all you raviolis πŸ™‚
gauche knee:

about to get stuck in traffic for 2 hrs, RR makes it all melt away.
gauche knee:

Had tix for 32 sounds but flooding, sad to miss! Hope to catch it somewhere else…tho it won’t be the same 😒
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Listener Bryan (the Professor):

I wish I'd been there last night. I've seen the film with live narration and in the version where he narrates on film. I love it either way. Also had the chance to do a Q&A with him once and it was a delight.
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Jason from Houston:

I am into CDs.
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Listener Bryan (the Professor):

(Loving today's show so far too!)
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Jason from Houston:

↳ Song: "Djed" by "Tortoise"
Marie in Queens:

↳ SeaCreature @3:57
Oh, I know nothing about that--wow, I want to go there now. Must be something if it has its own name... I've never been to Maine--I'm psyched. We'll be going to Acadia National Park. And I was surprised to see how close it is to Canada.
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Jason from Houston:

Speaking of CDs... Good vintage right here.
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Listener Jonny in New England:

↳ Song: "Djed" by "Tortoise"
Wow... You never hear this one on the radio. Classic!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

Heads up to San Rafael and Columbus, OH
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Crosby in KC:

Aaaaahhhh...I didn't know that I needed some Tortoise today
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

And Louisville KY (Hearty)
Marie in Queens:

↳ Marie in Queens @4:14
(that last part prolly makes me sound stoopid--I mean I knew generally. The upper NE of the US is the part of the country I've been to the least)

Last week somebody said β€œHalloween is only four months away”. i thought to myself β€œNooooooooo”! Enjoying the long days as much as I can. Humidity be damned!
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winston legthigh:

↳ gauche knee @4:10
that flooding was insane. looks like vermont will get over a foot. be safe and keep your raviolis dry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ Song: "Djed" by "Tortoise"
Wreck your own adventure with Wendy del Formaggio has this as her opening track. i came back into the room and thought i was in a time loop of some sort... :) also, hello, olivia and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ DjLorraine @4:14
thanks, DjLorraine! curse my luck, i'll be out of town when it airs here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ chris in the redwoods @4:20
airs? err, screens, rather. :)

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Listener Jonny -- d-_-b:

↳ Song: "Djed" by "Tortoise"
This is the part that blew my mind about 29 years ago.
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↳ wind @4:04
This is nice.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

All of Djed still blows my mind
Avatar 4:26pm
winston legthigh:

↳ Marie in Queens @4:16
not at all. enjoy your trip. maine is beautiful. i love all the lighthouses. sterling hayden lived on an island just off bar harbor near acadia.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:28pm

Could someone refresh my memory when Wendy's show airs?

↳ Song: "Djed" by "Tortoise"
if somebody finds this at the cd sale in the cardboard sleeve then please grab it for me.
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joe mulligan:

↳ DjLorraine @4:14
im in also san rafael, thanks!! not a whole lot of culture comes our way up here, what a treat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:30pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ DjLorraine @4:28
adjacent to this show on the drummer stream :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ joe mulligan @4:29
the Rafael is a true gem!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
greg g:

havent heard in a long time, sounding very good
Avatar 4:33pm
winston legthigh:

↳ chris in the redwoods @4:30
Wendy broadcasting live from the Bellows Falls Yacht Club.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
greg g:

still have my copy from the co-op bookstore in oberlin, oh
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:34pm

↳ Andres @4:29
Still have my first copy

↳ Bobby @4:34
Mine is… somewhere here?

Was very sad to realize, after dozens of times moving my collection, that the Blowout Comb LP is no longer part of it. Got it from a college station in the mid 90’s. Anyone have a spare copy I could use?!!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:40pm

↳ Andres @4:37
Haha. I bought other copies for friends down the line while preaching from the Book of Tortoise
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:40pm

I loved Digable Planets @ 11

↳ Bobby @4:40
Nice. Have done the same when I find something at the thrift store that doesn’t deserve to be left behind.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

↳ Andres @4:41
Thank you for your service

Loved the last 20 minutes of my ride listening to Djed!
So bummed we had to bail on our tickets last night due to crazy storms. Sounds like it was a great event!

deep deep deep in snot
Avatar 4:46pm
winston legthigh:

thanks olivia, later!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
joe mulligan:

↳ chris in the redwoods @4:33
IIRC, they filmed scenes from American Graffiti in front of The Rafael
Avatar 4:47pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

↳ Song: "Deep Inside" by "Hardrive"
radio rave-ioli
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listener james from westwood:

↳ Song: "Deep Inside" by "Hardrive"
Nice nice this Hardrive!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
joe mulligan:

↳ Song: "Deep Inside" by "Hardrive"
this was an instant dance club hit with decades of staying power

Who needs a glowstick? Love it!

Avatar 4:58pm

↳ Song: "Heal Yourself and Move" by "Theo Parrish"
Nice to come back to this after a nice long chat with my sister.
Marie in Queens:

↳ Song: "Heal Yourself and Move" by "Theo Parrish"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

↳ Song: "Heal Yourself and Move" by "Theo Parrish"
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:02pm

This is a good record this is a good dj

Loving the tracks!
Marie in Queens:

That's right. You can do whatever you want, Olivia. It's your show! @)
Deano de los Muertos:

reminds me of that Fugazi song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm

Everyday I fight for my right to make
Art& Musick lol

Don't you think it's silly how humans aren't like easy going lol

KK I wil stop.
It is j everyday so much standing up for myself.

I guess I should seclude & work on film.

I j like ppl so much lol
So its kind of a Catch 22
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm

Hey Olivia! Hey everyone! Sounding most excellent!
Avatar 5:13pm

↳ tim @5:11
hey Tim! Thanks! Good to see you here!
Avatar 5:13pm

↳ Marie in Queens @5:09
right?!?! hell yea! haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm

Lucky for us: WFMU:
Lucky for us: Olivia is playing the jams rn!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

You are not small.
You are mighty.

Stand up for yourself.
Avatar 5:15pm

Cocktail hour with my human is nearly here, off the accu but still listening to the fantastic music. Thank you Olivia, and looking forward to next week's show, too bad the library doesn't have the book. Have a lovely evening WFMUers, it's been a very good to chat with you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16pm

↳ Song: "Keleya" by "Orchestra Gold"
This is super cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm

↳ tim @5:16
Came here to say the same thing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

Going for a walk sorry
Must be able to kick zombie butt if needed:
Must get buff

Bye y'all

That was a super fun show!
Super fast!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:24pm
Crosby in KC:

LOVING the show today, Olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

This is a great set, Olivia! Good to be here for it live.
Avatar 5:26pm

i'm so glad yall are digging today's show!! :) :) :)
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:34pm

↳ Song: "Roses" by "ABRA"
Love to hear Abra!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm

So glad last night's event went great too - i loved '32 sounds' when i saw/heard it. Jealous of the WFMU talk back/q&a

Love ABRA! Yas
Marie in Queens:

I have found grief to be like a river, and myself to be a little boat on it and in it
Marie in Queens:

↳ love2laf @5:15
have a lovely evening!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:40pm
Crosby in KC:

thanks, Olivia! I've gotta run. See all y'all later
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm
chris in the redwoods:

back-to-back Cindy tracks? Why Not Now? :D
Avatar 5:46pm
gone with the wind:

↳ Marie in Queens @5:39
That's a really beautiful way to think of grief Marie :)
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:49pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Love the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

Thanks olivia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

Franco likes Colby
Marie in Queens:

↳ gone with the wind @5:46
Thanks, GTW
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Deano de los Muertos:

Joe and Mark awful quiet right now.. πŸ‘€. πŸ‘€
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm
Krys O.:

I remember that interview you just spoke about. It was great

Thanks, Olivia for a wonderful show!
Marie in Queens:

Thanks, Olivia!; And thanks again for putting that movie on yesterday!
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

Thanks for not taking off today, Olivia!
Avatar 5:54pm
Jeff Moore:

A Joe Belock and Mark Hurst rager of a party is a curious thing to imagine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
chris in the redwoods:

thanks for the terrific show, Olivia! :)
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Olivia & Nabil. Good times!
gauche knee:

Fantastic show Olivia! Made it to destination in record time , head bobbin all the way 😎
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Chris Hiatt:

Thanks for the great show, Olivia. Have good evenings, all.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
listener james from westwood:

Thanks, Olivia!
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