Favoriting Color Red Radio with Mike Rogers: Playlist from May 28, 2023 Favoriting

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Nu Jazz, Electronic, Funk & Soul, etc.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting May 28, 2023: #58 Airline Made of Snow

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    Color Red Radio Show with Mike Rogers! 世界的に有名なWFMU日曜日午後4時PM ESTでのマイクロジャースとのカラーレッドラジオ番組放送時間は2時間! Nu-Jazz, Funk, soul & more! ニュージャズ、ファンク、ソウルなど! www.wfmu.org/sheena 日本時間:月曜日 5 - 7 am #mrskor 
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Guy Hamper Trio  Man in the Mouth of a Cave   Favoriting  
0:00:59 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber Orchestra  Good Morning Sunshine   Favoriting  
0:03:07 (Pop-up)
Candi Nook  Backup Hecklestopper   Favoriting     0:06:50 (Pop-up)
Georgia  It's Euphoric   Favoriting     0:07:50 (Pop-up)
Ben Presto  Wurm   Favoriting  
0:11:04 (Pop-up)
Jefferson Airplane  White Rabbitt   Favoriting  
0:11:59 (Pop-up)
Roisin Murphy  The Universe   Favoriting  
0:18:13 (Pop-up)
Takada Fu  No Violence   Favoriting  
0:20:41 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber Orchestra  Desert Snake   Favoriting  
0:25:12 (Pop-up)
Bruce Kaphan  Big Brain Small Brain   Favoriting  
0:25:29 (Pop-up)
Steppenwolf  Snowblind Friend   Favoriting  
0:29:22 (Pop-up)
Lofi Circus  Baby Elephant Walk   Favoriting  
0:33:06 (Pop-up)
Hsieh Shi  Door of Memories   Favoriting  
0:36:02 (Pop-up)
Bim Bam Boom  Tokyo Adventure   Favoriting  
0:40:35 (Pop-up)
Ferret Noise  New Moon   Favoriting  
0:43:46 (Pop-up)
Lovi Did This  Army 4U   Favoriting  
0:48:26 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber Orchestra  Hugo   Favoriting  
0:51:35 (Pop-up)
Moor Mother  Arms Save   Favoriting  
0:54:34 (Pop-up)
Son DJ IS  Fortunate Son   Favoriting     0:58:37 (Pop-up)
Tinariwen  Jayche Atarak   Favoriting  
1:04:06 (Pop-up)
Natsuki  Manna   Favoriting  
1:10:01 (Pop-up)
Amendola vs. Blades  Hi-Lo   Favoriting  
1:15:06 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Swanky   Favoriting  
1:21:03 (Pop-up)
aus  Landia   Favoriting  
1:23:35 (Pop-up)
Buffalo Springfield  For What it is Worth   Favoriting  
1:27:20 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber Orchestra  Hungarian Rhapsody   Favoriting  
1:32:05 (Pop-up)
Pig  Shake   Favoriting     1:35:55 (Pop-up)
Brume  War is Peace   Favoriting     1:40:03 (Pop-up)
JDizzo  Bob Dylan - Blowing in the Wind   Favoriting  
1:43:20 (Pop-up)
Big Lazy  Exit Tucson   Favoriting  
1:43:40 (Pop-up)
Chris Ianuzzi  Hello   Favoriting  
1:48:24 (Pop-up)
Catchy Claws  Punching   Favoriting  

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Listener comments!

Avatar 2:30pm
Mike Rogers:

Good Morning!
Avatar 2:32pm
Mike Rogers:

It's gonna be a great day!
Avatar 2:33pm
Mike Rogers:

In Japan, rainy season started today... It'll rain for the next 30 days about.
Avatar 3:37pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 3:37pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 3:39pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 3:48pm
Mike Rogers:

Lots of realy cool music today!
Avatar 3:57pm
Mike Rogers:


Avatar 4:03pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:03
Hi Mochy san!!!!

Avatar 4:14pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:13

catchy Claws:

Hi Mike san
Hi Mochy san
Avatar 4:16pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:15
Avatar 4:17pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:15
Hey Catchy Claws!Thanks for posting about Japan Indies Music Awards!
catchy Claws:

you re welcome,,great event, great peeps etc

Avatar 4:18pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:18
Thanks Man!
Avatar 4:19pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:18

ohayou gozaimasu!
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:18
deffo wanna listen to your new upcoming shows
catchy Claws:

↳ mochy @4:20
ohayo Mochy san
Avatar 4:21pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:20
The new show is very weird! Perfect for me.
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:21
probably for me as well
Avatar 4:25pm
Mike Rogers:

This is the demo show "for Sounds From Space" (liste to it later prefferably when you are drinking)www.youtube.com...

Is it finally a new program?
Avatar 4:26pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:25
Yes.It will be Monday evenings at 11 pm EST (I guess that is Tuesday 12 noon in Japan... But you guys can listen to the archives).

The other day, on Ken-san's radio

It was a special feature on David Bowie,

There were a lot of songs with the theme of the universe.
catchy Claws:

just had a quick glance at the youtube link you posted,,, I already ;ove it
Avatar 4:30pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:29
Really? That's nice.
Avatar 4:30pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:29
Thanks man. It will be good for stoners, I guess.
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:29
I want to make a show that kids when they go to bed, sneak in thei iPhones and listen to under the covers. Just weird assed stuff!
Avatar 4:32pm
Mike Rogers:

I am in a serious anti-war feeling today!
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:32
right on

It's from 4 p.m. on Saturday.

It's heaqt fm in Nagoya.

It's rocksprits810.

I'm tweeting on Twitter #rocksprits810.
Avatar 4:33pm
Mike Rogers:

Today, everyone is so divided. But it wasn't that way back in the sixties. In the sixties, everyone liked the Beatles, Everyone liked the Supremes... And everyone was against war... How far we have fallen!
Avatar 4:34pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:33
What is Rock Spirits?
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:33
Just compare Woodstock in 60's and Woodstock in 90's and you find the answer to that question

I think one thing is that the music has become very diversified.

People's way of thinking has also increased in various ways, and everywhere

I think there are from small problems to big problems.

Either solve it well, or screw it with one idea by force.

It's a difficult place.
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:37
What is the answer?
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:38
Things are very bad now and most people seem not to care!

I think it's the origin of rock music.

I've only listened to it a little yet,

Last week was David Bowie.

Before that, Rod Stuart.

Before that, I think Eric Clapton and so on.

It seems to be digging deeper.
Avatar 4:45pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:44
People always think the music when they were kids was the best... I think new music is exciting.... But you can't find good new music on regular radio. You have to search.
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:39
Individualism, Greed, no cohesion, no more movement. People have different things in mind.

Woodstock in the 60's was symbolic of a whole genration of peeps who wanted the same thing , mainly peace and have a good time.. Woodstock in the 90's, the crowd was disrespectful, ended smashing the whole place, numerous incidents and so on
Avatar 4:47pm

Hey Mike san!!

Tsushimamire left for the European tour yesterday.

I'm looking forward to the souvenir story!
Avatar 4:47pm

Hey there Catchy and Mochy
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:45
Really? That's terrible.
... That is why I played "Snowblind friend" it's about a guy who ODs, but the one line, "He will always be one of us!"
That's like an arrow thru my heart.
Is there and "Us" anymore?
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Elmo san! What about me????
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo san, you are next!
catchy Claws:

Hi Elmo
How goes it?
Avatar 4:48pm

I said hi to you first!
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

Lots of songs about Military and anti-war and sixties today.... I guess most people won't "Get it."
Avatar 4:49pm

↳ Song: "Army 4U" by "Lovi Did This"
This is my favorite Lovi song
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:48
Me! Me! Me! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Avatar 4:50pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:49
Really? You always surprise me, Elmo san!
Avatar 4:50pm

↳ elmoweber @4:48
Going great, how about you?

Avatar 4:51pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:50
Lots of things getting me down.
Avatar 4:52pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo san, thanks for showing up. And you guys. It brightens my most depressing day!
Avatar 4:52pm

↳ catchy Claws @4:48
Whoops, Catchy, responded to the wrong message:) I'm fine how are you?
Avatar 4:53pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:52
Are you depressed today?
Avatar 4:53pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo san, I'm staring a new show soon. VERY out there music.
catchy Claws:

↳ elmoweber @4:52
damn I can be such a nob lol
Avatar 4:53pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:53
Yeah. Today makes 3 days in a row.
Avatar 4:54pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:53
I have some really out there stuff I'll send you
Avatar 4:54pm

↳ elmoweber @4:54
It will cheer you up

From that time on yoko ono in the 60s

Have a lot of wacky performances

I was there, but now it's little by little.

I feel like I'm being understood.
Avatar 4:56pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:54
Elmo san " This is the deomo I amde for the news Show "Sounds From Space" www.youtube.com...
catchy Claws:

↳ mochy @4:55
Mochy san, just a small question; do you play in a band ?
Avatar 4:56pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:54
Cool. Thank you.
Avatar 4:57pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:55
Mochy san! I understand you, you are a geek, like me..... BUT geeks will inherit the earth!

No! It's good for me to be a music fan.
catchy Claws:

↳ mochy @4:58
get ya !!!
Avatar 4:59pm
Mike Rogers:

Stop the War!!!
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:57
like in the X files
Avatar 5:00pm

↳ catchy Claws @4:59
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:59
Avatar 5:00pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @4:59
That was the last TV show I ever watched. Really. I threw away my TV after that!

Certainly. In that sense, my children also

Maybe everyone has a nerdy temperament.
Avatar 5:01pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:00
The X Files made you stop watching TV?
Avatar 5:01pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ catchy Claws @5:00
The USA just blows my mind, so many homeless, drug addicts, inner city problems, but we can't help them... But we can send $100 Billion dollars to war.
Avatar 5:02pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:01
No I LOVED X-Files, the rest of TV and the news was just messing me up.
catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:01
Yep !!!
Avatar 5:04pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:01
I just can't figure that part out.

Because there are various kinds of otaku temperament,

I think it's difficult to put it together quite well.

Connecting with people you care about is

I think it's the most peaceful.

So don't criticize people who think differently.

Because people are people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm

Good morning Mike and crew
Avatar 5:06pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:01
If the US didn't spend money on the military, the dictatorships would take over the world. Unfortunate truth
Avatar 5:06pm
Mike Rogers:

About the Vets, it's terrible how we treat them. BUT! If I were king, we'd have no vets, because we'd not being involved in these wars everywhere....(and we'd not have bases all over the wolrd) That's it off my shoebox! That why I live in Japan.
Avatar 5:06pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Aitch san!
How are you?
I'm just blowing off steam here!
Avatar 5:07pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @5:04
Agreed. Let the people do what they want!
Avatar 5:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:06
Hey Elmo san! You mean like now?
Avatar 5:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:06
Just pulling your leg! ;)
Avatar 5:14pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo san, I'll bet a half a donut, your beliefs and mine greatly coincide!
Avatar 5:17pm

I'm a buddhist, so I don't approve of war, but in this world there are so many bad players to protect everyone from
Avatar 5:19pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:17
I am a Buddhist too. I am worried about myself and my family. Ancient Zen Buddhist saying, "To achieve enligtenment, pick up a broom and sweep. After achieving enlightenment, Pick up a broom and sweep."
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

I guess I don't have to capacity to worry about other people!
Avatar 5:21pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:20
You have to protect yourself too
Avatar 5:21pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:17
Hey! Which war are you talking about?
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:21
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

American military is big business.
No reason having wars elsewhere means there should be local poverty.
The money made just isn't being shared.
Avatar 5:23pm

↳ Aitch @5:22
Hi Aitch, what do you mean?
Avatar 5:24pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:22
I come from a family of US Marines... Before my dad died, he became VERY anti-war and he fought in Korea and trained guys to fight in Vietnam. But he loved the Marines, bless his heart! But when Iraq and Afghanistan happened, he changed his thinking 180 degrees.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

Unfortunately places like Japan and Australia/NZ/Pacific islands etc need USA to contain China, who are trying to spread their ways/influence as far as possible.
We don't like it, but we do need it.
Avatar 5:26pm
Mike Rogers:

Grandfather was a Marine colonel, uncle was a marine, dad was a marine for 28 years! I'm proud of them...
Avatar 5:26pm
Mike Rogers:

Next song is for you guys!!!!
Avatar 5:26pm

↳ Aitch @5:25
I agree. If we could somehow foster democracy around the world, that would be the first step toward world peace.
Avatar 5:28pm

↳ Song: "For What it is Worth" by "Buffalo Springfield"
Who did this remix?
Avatar 5:28pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:28
JDizzo Hyperbang Remix!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm

Middle east no business of theirs, very silly and we were involved.
Ukraine WTF?
Vladdy reeeally misjudged that one.
Avatar 5:29pm
Mike Rogers:

I'm glad we could come here and express our opinions (and confused ideas! Ha!) and not get in a big fight. This is brotherhood!
Avatar 5:31pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:29
That mean's world peace is possible:)
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Elmo san, in 1988 ~ 1991, I was a CNN News caster and had my own TV show. I quit when, one day, I realized that those people and I were from different planets. They were happy when, say, a big airliner would crash.... Good rating that night! It depressed me (I get depressed a lot!)
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:33
CNN Japan
Avatar 5:34pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:33
Bad new and fake news sells:)
Avatar 5:34pm
Mike Rogers:

My show was called, "News Wave" Get it? "News Wave!" Like New Wave? Nah. No one else seems to get it either!
Avatar 5:35pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:34
Avatar 5:35pm
Mike Rogers:

Ha! Ha! Ha! It was a good experience... I learned a lot about myself.
Avatar 5:35pm

↳ Song: "Hungarian Rhapsody" by "Elmo Weber Orchestra"
This song should make you giggle a little bit
Avatar 5:36pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:35
I sent mR. Fab 4 songs of yours yesterday! ONLY your songs. He was so happy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm

↳ Song: "Shake" by "Pig"
nice and dirty
Avatar 5:37pm
Mike Rogers:

Psychedelic stuff coming up in a minute!
Avatar 5:37pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:36
Thanks Mike san! You're my champion!
Avatar 5:37pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:37
The Lions must be fed.
Avatar 5:37pm

↳ Song: "Shake" by "Pig"
This song is cool as shit!! Love it
Avatar 5:42pm
Mike Rogers:

In 2018, I was on a panel at Raindance Film Festival about Brexit and filmmaking (I don't even know what Brexit is and don't care! I thought it was weird they invited me on that panel.) The main guys kept kissing each others butss and stuff. I said nothing, but then they called on me and I said, "I don't know about any of this stuff, but I do now that the only thing that will surely change society is music and films.!" I got a standing ovation! The moderators wouldn't shake my hand after the meeting was over! (It was strange!)
Avatar 5:43pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh elmo san, That Buffalo Springfield song was "Virgin magnetic Material Remix"
Sorry about that!
Avatar 5:45pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:42
Well Brexit was the dumbest idea, just like the US electing Trump. What a major disaster.
Avatar 5:45pm
Mike Rogers:

Trying to do everything at once here!
Avatar 5:45pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:45
Avatar 5:46pm
Mike Rogers:

But I don't live in either country, so I don't care! Come to think of it, I can't even tell you the name of the Japanese Prime Minister!!!
Avatar 5:47pm
Mike Rogers:

Is Merkel still Prime minister of Germany!? Thatcher in UK?
Avatar 5:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:46
I'm not joking either!
Avatar 5:49pm

↳ Song: "Hello" by "Chris Ianuzzi"
Nice stuff
Avatar 5:51pm
Mike Rogers:

It wonderful being an outsider in a another country. You don't have to follow societal rules! (Of course I think I know many of them and do not cross) But given a great amount of slack... Because I have lived here for 40 years and I could live here for 400 years but I will always be "That foreign guy living over there!" Chuckle!
Avatar 5:51pm
Mike Rogers:

Chris san is visiting his in-laws. I told him to give them a hug for all of us!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

↳ Song: "Hello" by "Chris Ianuzzi"
Loving his stuff, yours too elmo
Avatar 5:53pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:53
I should make an "The Elmo Weber Show" What do you guys think?
Avatar 5:53pm

↳ Aitch @5:53
Thank Aitch!
Avatar 5:55pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:53
People might stop listening:)

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

↳ elmoweber @5:53
Mike has a very good ear, all this stuff is good. I'll double back later for the first half when something lame is on
Avatar 5:55pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 5:56pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:55
Thanks Aitch san!
Avatar 5:56pm

Great show Mike san!! Thanks for your support. See you next time!
Avatar 5:56pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @5:55
Mochy san! Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:56
Are you still thinking of moving the time of your other show?
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo san! Thanks!
Will send Mr. Fab a few more today!
Avatar 5:57pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:57
Awesome, buddy!
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:56
Yeah, but it is in God's hands now! All I can do is pray! ;)
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Aitch san! Thanks!
Avatar 5:58pm

Bye Aitch!
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:57
Thanks, Buddy!!!!!
Avatar 5:59pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Catchy Claws!
Avatar 5:59pm

See you Aitch, your comments are like poetry
Avatar 6:00pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks! Everybody!!!!
Avatar 6:01pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:59
...in motion!
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