Favoriting It's Complicated with Dave Mandl: Playlist from May 22, 2023 Favoriting

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An hour of prog and prog-adjacent music.

Monday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 22, 2023

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Yes  Five Percent for Nothing   Favoriting Fragile  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ahora Mazda  Power   Favoriting Ahora Mazda  0:03:26 (Pop-up)
Bo Hansson  Divided Reality   Favoriting Magician's Hat  0:11:29 (Pop-up)
Emerson, Lake & Palmer  Trilogy   Favoriting Trilogy  0:19:33 (Pop-up)
Lothar and the Hand People  Wedding Night for Those Who Love   Favoriting Space Hymn  0:33:08 (Pop-up)
ZGA  God's Plant   Favoriting The End of an Epoch  0:37:38 (Pop-up)
New Trolls  IV Tempo: Shadows (Per Jimi Hendrix)   Favoriting Concerto Grosso Per I New Trolls  0:44:07 (Pop-up)
Moody Blues  How Is It (We Are Here)   Favoriting A Question of Balance  0:49:50 (Pop-up)
Kultivator  Grottekvarnen   Favoriting Barndomens Stigar  0:52:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Hey 👋
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Rich in Washington:

Ooo! Things are about to get complicated!
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Handy Haversack:

It's go time!


Greetings, Dave and the Complications.
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yes, it’s happening
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Dave! Mandlotrons!
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Hi Dave Mandl and all!!!
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Heya Dave.
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hey now.
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Dave Good Monday Evening

Halloooo Dave and progglers! Happy Sun Ra Day!
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Hi Dave complicated show!
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Chris Hiatt:

Evening, all!

complicate me, baby
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Wendy del Formaggio:

Hello Dave and other complicated people out there in radio-land.
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Missed last week due to being out of town (Portland OR). Still have to get back to that on archive...
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Evening, all!

I don't get the Wilson thing.
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why do those artists need remixing?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...a Prawgnant pause...

Wilson’s “5%” remix definitely pops a little differently
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Sun Ra was born on this day

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↳ Dean @7:02
Maybe he has compromising pictures of relevant people... haha
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hi everyone!
Avatar 7:04pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, friends. Thanks for joining me.
Androu B.:

Evening Dave & Prog dogs, Prog hogs, & Prog frogs!

@Dave, earlier today on her show, Wendy Del Fromaggio just played an amazing Latino Prog band called Espiritu! Get in touch with her if you can and ask about them!
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↳ dale @7:02
These legacy groups are always looking for ways to resell their old material again to completists.

Lots of relevant people, to judge from the fan club.
Avatar 7:05pm
Dave Mandl:

↳ Androu B. @7:04
@Androu: Yes! I will be playing them at some point. Wendy's the one who told me about them.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

Hey all!
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↳ G @7:04
makes sense. sweeten the drums here, turn down the saxamaphone there.....$$$

I approve everything besides Roger Waters cover of DSOTM
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Power" by "Ahora Mazda"
Actually reminds me of Section 43 by Country Joe ...but will be something else by time I post that...

@dale: it’s about remixing for the expanded bandwidth/different sound reproduction of modern audio equipment, vs. the original mixes that were intended for vinyl, Fred Flintstone headphones, old-style radio signals amplified through mono car radios, etc.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ dale @7:05
Saxamaphone, saxamaphone
Jackie G:

Prog time is happy time.
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I commented that they sounded a lot like Caravan. Except in Espanol ...
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Ahora Mazda is one spelling of the name of the creator god in Zoroastrianism

I know this verse melody from another song. Maybe many other songs.

I heard a copy of Close to the Edge, early pressing, beat-up condition, played against pristine remastered version from MoFi. Original was a lot more fun.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:07pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

↳ Androu B. @7:04
Thanks for the mention, Androu B, and for tuning in today. :-)
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↳ G @7:06
Is that a cult?
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Dave Mandl:

Hello Troy, Rich, Ciggy, Handy, luka, ultradamno, Will, Carmichael, dale, bleubombersune, mic_a, chresti, Chris, P-90, Mlle. Wendy, G, Holly, Dean, RRN63, ultramnno, Jackie, Wojaxsurprise, pot8o, Androu, phat!
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↳ Song: "Power" by "Ahora Mazda"
This one has me chuckling :)
Sounds like Rick Moranis (took guy) singing then meixed in a tin can. Is this a Steven Wilson re-mix (hee hee)
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↳ G @7:06
Interesting. I was assuming Spanish for "Today"
Jackie G:

Sometimes those remixes mix out the good parts. And it does not sound any better. So it's kind of a waste
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ listener phat in Lincoln @7:06
I tried to teach my daughter from an early age that was how you said the instrument name. She's onto me now.
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↳ dale @7:05
20 or so years ago I belonged for awhile to an online prog-focused bootleg-trading club online. Several of us knew Yes management and contacted them to make sure we would not get dinged for doing this. Yes management said trade bootlegs for free all you want, ***as long as you buy *all* commercially issued product. LOL
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↳ chresti @7:08
One of the 1st Death Cults well before the more famous Christianity

I've always felt Roxy Music's "Re-make, Re-model" should be remixed and remastered.
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↳ Song: "Power" by "Ahora Mazda"
i like this, psychy freakout wah wah jam.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:09

@G: Do you know Al from Southern California? Major prog trader.
Androu B.:

↳ Wendy del Formaggio @7:07
I only caught the last hour of your show, but just in time to hear you play the record. And I was quite surprised! Thank you for turning me on to them!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Power" by "Ahora Mazda"
...why ...this isn't Prawg
...this is Space / Stoner Rawk !
...Help ! Help ! Police ! Fraud !...
Oh 'Proto' - that was early was it ?

@Jacki G: yes, remixes are controversial, they definitely get mixed reviews
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Rich in Washington:

The Lord Of The Rings guy!
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↳ chresti @7:08
A major and quite ancient world religion, Iranian / Persian.

I remember when "Psych!" or "Psych-Out!" was a triumphal yelp for just having fooled someone.

The first Genesis album was Decca. Jonathan King.
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Rich in Washington:

I have his Magician's Hat LP but not the LOTRs one sadly.
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Dave! I'm glad to be here.
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good evening Dave and Mandibles
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↳ Dean @7:11
Possibly, but only if he was involved in online "tape [actually, CD] trees" back in the late 90s and 00s. Ancient times, to me!

Would love someday to hear the first Shadowfax again.
Avatar 7:13pm
Dave Mandl:

@TDK: Glad you have you!
@coelacanth∅ and @Rich, ditto.
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "Divided Reality" by "Bo Hansson"
Oh, yeah. Good ol' Bo.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

↳ Androu B. @7:11
You're welcome, Androu B. I think I mentioned on the air, I have no idea how this album ended up in my digital music files. A lot of my mystery mp3s come from an external hard drive Charlie Lewis has let me borrow long-term, but it's not on there. The Prog Elves must have put "Libre Y Natural" on my computer one night.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

Phew I made it home. here to prog, Dave and all.
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I remember Psych-Out...Bruce Dern was a seeker, or THE seeker

He was, indeed.

One day I noticed that Peter Gabriel was playing the venue across the street from where I work. I informed Al. Within a week a package of CDs arrived in my mailbox: the entire show.
True colorful peace:

Great tune
Jackie G:

↳ Wendy del Formaggio @7:14
Mark Hurst would have a theory
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↳ Dean @7:12
Yes, King was a Charterhouse alum (or, "old boy" as they say in the UK), where they were attending school then. I think the name Genesis was his idea. They got someone to get a tape into his car when he visited Charterhouse one time.
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Wendy del Formaggio:

↳ Jackie G @7:15
Hahaha, Jackie G, probably!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

"It's Complicated" is brought to you today by the letter P and the number 587.
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↳ G @7:11
Ah, thanks.
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SO enjoyment:::

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↳ Song: "Divided Reality" by "Bo Hansson"
This could be a ringer track on Morricone Island

Sagan Om Ringen!

Yes, the original name for Genesis was Phil Collins and Friends, and this was before PC joined the band!
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "Divided Reality" by "Bo Hansson"
Good prog fun tune.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

↳ P-90 @7:16
Prog Elves are real! If you're good, they put cool, rare albums on your computer. Or sometimes even in your LP and CD collection.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Divided Reality" by "Bo Hansson"
Speaking of PrawgElves - how is Bo's Lord of the Rings ? Asking for Tolkien fan - myself.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Divided Reality" by "Bo Hansson"
This is cool, it was almost reminiscent of Sergio Leone there for a sec.

I see that I still have Bo's LOTR album here on the shelf. The elves put it there.
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"From the Beginning" from that album is probably my favorite song by them
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:18
Morricone, I should say.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

From the Beginning is the first song I ever heard played live in a bar when I snuck into Wallace’s in Orange, way under age.
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completely agree regarding trilogy. listen to is beginning to end once every couple years since i was a teenager.

(tarkus probably my 2nd favorite elp)
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I was an E.L.P. fan! It's true. 'Trilogy' is a good album. (My A Certain Ratio and Wire friends slink away in embarrassment.)
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greetings, Dave! Complicated Ones!

happy and grateful to be home, and listening with you all 😺😺

it is World Goth Day (which, honestly, i did not even know was a thing until a few years ago) 🖤🖤🖤 -- growing up and listening to FM radio in the 70s . . . lots of Prog, but thinking that a lot of Prog and Prog Adjacent that would eventually morph into what would later be called "Goth" -- ??
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The first ELP album I bought, I think.

@RR -- it's been too many decades for me to give you a realiable report on Bo's LOTR. Low-key and atmospheric, I think, maybe.
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↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
this used to pass for party music on dad’s side of the family. it’s why i am how i am.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Brain Salad Surgery' one of my fave albums. If Gatekeepers wanna hate on that - know that your pompous opprobrium only gratifies me.

I know a person whose brother's given name is Tarkus. Suffice to say, the family hosted Devo at their house when they first arrived in LA.
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Dave Mandl:

@slugluv, @luka, @SeaCreature: Hey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

You ever see that graph of Top Forty Songs thru out the years w various key changes?

Lol It Flat lines in 2020 or something.

So sad:

Feel it's the same w time signatures:::
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:21
Monsieur Rabbit: Brain Salad is a gas.
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Dave Mandl:

↳ HollyRT @7:20
Good song. Good bass part.
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Maybe not::::
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↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
oh gosh Trilogy -- i loved this as a kid, and still love it
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ mic_a @7:21
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
Oh boy, Prog Classic! Crazy good

Some of Keith's best work was on the first Nice record, The Thoughts of Emerlist Davjack.
True colorful peace:

Kind of reminds me of Rick Wakeman
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ mic_a @7:21
Definitely curious. There's vinyl copies to be had for not a lot of money!
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Dave Mandl:

↳ luka @7:21
Those must have been some parties.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

Great so far, Dave. Love keith’s percussive piano on this
Jackie G:

↳ Will @7:23
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wasn't their last tour the most expensive one in history up to that point? lots of busses for personnel and hotel rooms and semis for the equipment etc...they lost money on every show...
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↳ Will @7:23
Yeah Will. This is groovy too. C'mon folks this synth stuff was an exciting new timbre back in '72
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↳ dale @7:24
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Dave Mandl:

Best use of cowbell ever.
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At least they went out w a bang.
And literally.
Literal fun.
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↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
diddily doo doo
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:21
"Good tripping music" -- one of my high school classmates, describing Brain Salad Surgery when it was released -- i loved that album too! but never tripped or anything else while listening
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↳ Juli @7:25
read it in mojo magazine so you know it's rooted in (some high person's) fact.
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Dave Mandl:

↳ Aitch @7:26
Just fulfilling the show's mandate.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:21
I love Brain Salad Surgery too. I put it on at dinner at our house, it is not the greatest dinner music, at least for everyone else!
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↳ Aitch @7:26
twiddle dee dum de dum
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

older brother got trilogy when i was ~9? i loved it
got pictures at an exhibition, not so much -but i like it more now...
got the first album, disappointed in general. "lucky man" a great song compromised by that stupisd gratuitous moog at the end!.
brain salad surgery seemed a bit predictable.
...none has held up like trilogy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

Most expensive ever?
For for j them?
Androu B.:

↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
Only discovered this track after finding their Best Of comp as a leftover from a yard sale. Tt's the end track on that disc.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

↳ Dave Mandl @7:25
I have to nominate Hair Of The Dog by Nazareth for the "he said a rude word" exclamation point use of cowbell

I love it when you play the deep prog, Dave! (ELP at present.)

I once played Hillage's Fish Rising at a dinner party. One of the guests proclaimed, "That's cool!" Three days later he was arrested for a murder he'd committed just days before dining at my place.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
This is very, very ELP.
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↳ True colorful peace @7:23
didn't Rick Wakeman leave yes because he didn't want to play synthesizers and they wanted him to?
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Trilogy" by "Emerson, Lake & Palmer"
This awesome as well. Not as familiar. And yah, Carl rocking that cowbell!
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Dean @7:28
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

I love Pictures, largely driven bu that live movie that used to Screen at 8th Street Playhouse
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I have a lot of expensive product in my hair::

I have a comb to keep fixing it lol

Need a flip comb like a greaser:::

Just saying
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↳ Dean @7:28
Didn’t know that about Hillage!

Wakeman left Yes, because the composition and recording of Tales was the last straw for him.
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Useless fact.
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Aw Dave, we're thirsting for boring facts.
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Dave the Spazz:

Keith’s playing is reminiscent of The Nice’s Everything Good in America
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When Yes lost Wakeman in 73-74, Anderson of Yes called and asked Emerson to join. As Emerson said many years later in interviews, why was he going to join as one member of Yes when he had his own group doing so well already. So Yes hired Moraz, who honestly played a lot like Emerson. Then ditched Moraz when Wakeman was willing to come back.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

Loving these facts.

Waters & Giesen's Music from the Body opens a little differently...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

but not Lothar of the Hill People
Jackie G:

↳ G @7:30
Relayer just might be one of Yes' best albums.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

Ooh, I've been meaning to check out Lothar.
Avatar 7:31pm

I saw Lothar and those humans once.

Shortly after, Moraz joined The Moody Blues.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:31pm

Space Hymn is real Allison Steele business
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Lothar & The Hand People should have live scored Manos: The Hands Of Fate at some point
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Yay Lothar and the ✋🏽 people!
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there are some albums that start with a car starting. moody blues octave, chris rea's auberge....and now the others escape me.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Jackie G @7:31
Agree, probably my favorite? Moraz contributed mightily.

THANKS FOR ELP!!!! Love Trilogy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

ELP suffered sometimes from - 'we know something about Classical Music & you probly don't & should be impressed'. BrainSaladSurgery tho had fantastic range of Genre influence & fair mastery of them all (...& that's just KeithEmerson) - presented with dynamic flow as a whole. More could be said in praise of it. If that's 'predictable', then direct me towards more of the kind that's evident to you...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

I won a Lothar LP as part of the swag-fest, but it's not here yet.
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↳ Dean @7:29
Yes found out they had huge advance sales for Tales, and at that time they had somewhat more material than would fit on two sides. So they had to decide whether to trim to a single album or expand to a double. We all know what they chose, and Wakeman thought there was just way too much padding. He went down the hall and sat in on Black Sabbath sessions in an adjoining studio. Alan White actually wrote and played some of the tinkly piano on side 4 of Tales.
Jackie G:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:33
Was listening to it earlier today.

Queens of the Stone Age, Songs for the Deaf, opens with a car door opening, the radio plays, and the car starts.
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↳ Jackie G @7:31
No argument here!

I still get an enormous kick out of Tales. "Mahlerian" it is, as I seem to recall a review at the time declaring.
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↳ Dean @7:33
close enough!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

oh it must've been the first keyboardist (Tony Kaye) that left yes because he didn't want to play the synthesizer, or other keys less common than piano and organ.
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Dave Mandl:

↳ Aitch @7:33
You won a Lothar and the Hand People album?!
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I haven't heard Jethro T's Passion Play in years. Their most proggrokish?
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↳ dale @7:32
Double Nickles On The Dime has one of those
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Dave Mandl:

↳ TDK60 @7:35
It is. I played it on one of my first shows.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

↳ Dean @7:34
I agree Dean, though I remain convinced there’s a 38 minute LP hiding in there somewhere
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↳ Aitch @7:33
Was it from Kitten Sparkles show by any chance?
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↳ SeaCreature @7:31
oh yes! Allison Steele, The Night Bird 🕊️💜
True colorful peace:

Many wives of Henry the viii
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↳ Jackie G @7:31
relayer and fragile are my 2 favorite yes albums, with 2 others close behind
Jackie G:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:35
Yeah, so he says. Then he played lots of synthesizer on 'One Live Badger"

I saw Tony Kaye with Detective at the Starwood. They opened for...Hawkwind? Stranglers?
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↳ coelacanth∅ @7:35
That was the band's story at the time, but it's not clear from all available evidence that Kaye did not want to do synths. What is clear is that Anderson and Squire and new addition Howe were super super ambitious, and wanted a clear upgrade on keys.
Jackie G:

↳ Dean @7:36
How was Detective? Rock band, yes?
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Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:33
Coming into the show late.... I should revisit Relayer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

Great to edit to:::
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Of courser the Transportation theory of Music History - Horse rhythm Musics, then Trains, then Cars, then Jets, then - ??... Motorik cause I just wanna type 'Motorik...
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↳ Jackie G @7:37
The band whose music (and one member) was used for the punk band on WKRP In Cinti
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Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

↳ SeaCreature @7:36
I will own to not going Tales from Topographic Oceans a fair chance.

Yes, pretty much a Hollywood rock band, Michael Des Barres. I didn't know their music, and so I didn't pay a lot of attention. But then I can't even remember the headliner that night. I did see Hawkwind and Stranglers at the Starwood. Both were superb.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
Now this is exactly why I pledge to WFMU.
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↳ ultradamno @7:35
see? cars starting is a good icebreaker to a song and /or album.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
That is some freaky bass clarinet. Is that bass clarinet?
True colorful peace:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:28
That guy loves synths, are you talking about the '80s maybe?
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↳ Jackie G @7:36
ha! -i wonder if he tried to come back after yes broke through with 'roundabout'!
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↳ ultradamno @7:35
ultradamno: "Nickels" had to have that.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
...you should see the Score...

The key sides of “Tales” are 1 and 4. Most of the “padding” is on 2 and 3. (for anyone looking to revisit “Tales,” or for someone who doesn’t really know it but is curious, I highly recommend checking out the live version of Side 1 on the live “Keys to Ascension” album from 1996.

It was Hawkwind. March 24, 1978.
Androu B.:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:39
It's certainly more on the John Zorn side than it is Acker Bilk!

Ha !
- Keep your ELP … I will be much happier with a large serving of ZGA !

I *love* "Ritual." No padding at all to my ears.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

↳ Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ @7:37
Some day im gonna edit Topographic, and why not? some of Eddie’s edits are audible.Kinda think Relayer is a perfect record, though very different from CTTE.
True colorful peace:

This show isn't as enjoyable as it could be considering the news about The Smiths bassist, and cyberhacking musings of the past hour
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Dean @7:39
Wait, Tony Kaye was in Scum of the Earth?
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
These guys musta been high. On "God's Plant"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Noise about Space Ritual's Half Century since Release.
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↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
My favorite of the show so far
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

↳ True colorful peace @7:39
no, i was mistaken...talking about Tony Kaye

(Sorry, I don't grok the Scum of the Earth allusion...)

ZGA, not to be confused with SZA, a pop singer these days.
Jackie G:

↳ P-90 @7:41
Yeah, "Keys" is pretty good.

Dang, gotta run my daughter to soccer practice! Bye, all.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

this hour goes by too fast.
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Lemmy's statement regarding 'quitting' Hawkwind and plans to start band to be 'dirtiest in the world' twitter.com...
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Dean @7:44
Bye, Dean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

ELP @ MSG in 74?
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↳ Dean @7:44
See you later!
Androu B.:

↳ Dean @7:44
See you, Dean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

↳ dale @7:44
this one and Mahogany are too short.
Avatar 7:45pm

↳ Dean @7:44
take care, Dean!
True colorful peace:

↳ Ciggy @7:45
Or the invasion of the Gyggas lol
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

↳ listener phat in Lincoln @7:42
I think Des Barres was the only one in Scum..
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dave, re cuneiform - PLEASE check out jasun martz's 'the pillory.' side one is mind blowing. opening track is the whole side though so don't expect to hear it here unless you need a very long bathroom break.

This is checking off circa-1970 styles left and right.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

Peter Elbling and Jim Henderson were the other two Scums Of The Earth
listener monica:

gosh, Dave, I don't usually have my radio turned on at this hour, but I was working late and I'm driving home now, listening on my car radio, so I had to pull over to comment. I used to listen to your show faithfully, it must have been over 30 years ago. Thanks for the ELP play, it was one of the 7 records I owned when I was 15 years old.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

i like relayer because it's guitar-heavy; and also because it has what seems like odd time signatures until you realise you can tap your foot in "4/4" and it meets back up again very neatly
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Dean @7:43
Detective were the band that played as the band Scum of the Earth on WKRP. I had no idea Tony Kaye was in that band. I'd honestly assumed it was just some studio dudes backing up Des Barres
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

↳ Song: "IV Tempo: Shadows (Per Jimi Hendrix)" by "New Tro...
I'm on the fence about the singing and flute
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↳ Dean @7:42
To me, Tales is actually their best, though all of the classic-sequence albums are good. It takes time to spot them all, but there are interwoven bits and themes across all four sides of Tales. Repays attention and thought. Ironic that Wakeman ended up not liking it, because it's Wakeman with his classical music-theory education who showed them how to do themes, variations, recapitulations (as in classical music) when he joined during the Fragile sessions in 71.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Androu B. @7:41
For real!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

A wet flute
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The SOTE song on WKRP, as I recall, was Detective's "Got Enough Love"...which is more Bad Company than punk...
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ ultradamno @7:46
The full band played at the end of the episode, according to Wikipedia. I need to track that down. They had actors play members of the band during the show.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ ultradamno @7:49
Definitely not punk.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
sounded like they were gonna do tush by zz top.
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michael pindar!!!
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↳ SeaCreature @7:31
i loved when she played Space Hymn -- i was just a teenager, but i would follow the guide, attempting to meditate

always here for a moody
True colorful peace:

Healthy recording techniques and musicianship, maybe the '70s were onto something.
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↳ queems @7:50
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his solo album 'the promise' has some good moments.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "How Is It (We Are Here)" by "Moody Blues"
Moodys - best representative of the precise Psych to Prawg transition ?
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "How Is It (We Are Here)" by "Moody Blues"
Gotta love that mellotron.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "IV Tempo: Shadows (Per Jimi Hendrix)" by "New Tro...
That flutist was going for it.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

↳ slugluv1313 @7:50
Me too! There was black lite and maybe some weed too ;)
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↳ Song: "How Is It (We Are Here)" by "Moody Blues"
so lovely! still, after all these years 💙💙
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

pindar was spiritual, believed we were seeded here by ancient aliens.

Wow , that New Trolls was pretty kewl … curious, didn’t seem to have that Italian vibe I’m usta hearing.
Hendrix meets J.Tull meets Sonny Sharrock meets ??? - Throw in a few others fur good measure.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Gotta say, Dave your Continental European prog game is unparalleled
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Ty so much for the hour of
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Dave Mandl:

This will take us to the end of the show. Thanks as always for listening and gabbing. Have a great week.
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Dave Mandl @7:54
Thanks Dave
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Thanks Dave!
Avatar 7:55pm

↳ SeaCreature @7:52
ah! i did not have access to weed! i did have a small black light -- but usually i would burn candles, incense. . .
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Chris Hiatt:

Another great one. Thanks, Dave Mandl and all!

This has that “Mothers of Invention-esque” sound. (With the addition of the ubiquitous Hammond organ)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Grottekvarnen" by "Kultivator"
Dig this. Like Zappa just enjoying Rawking out without any point to prove...
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

Thanks Dave
Avatar 🤯 7:55pm

↳ Song: "God's Plant" by "ZGA"
Thanks Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ DaveMandl ~
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

Great show as always, Dave!
Androu B.:

↳ Song: "How Is It (We Are Here)" by "Moody Blues"
Now suddenly my favorite era of The Moodies. whereas I first became a fan in the 80's when they had the synths and a looser, non-complicated sound.

Thanks Dave! Good fortune, proggies!
Avatar 7:56pm

thank you, Dave!
your show is always such a joy, glad i was here to listen tonight!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

↳ Androu B. @7:56
core seven, from days of future up to seventh sojourn.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

Dave Thanks for the prog. All stay safe and be well.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

thanks dave. great show.
Androu B.:

Thanks so much, Dave! One of the best shows tonight!
Avatar 7:58pm

↳ listener monica @7:47
hi Monica!!! 💜💜💜
Jackie G:

Thanks, man
Avatar 7:58pm

Gracias, DJ DM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

thanks Dave! have a great week everyone!
  🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

That was just swell, thanks Dave

@ dale : appreciated Martz’ The Pillory when I checked it a few months ago !

Great show
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

nice ending

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

Thanks Dave!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Will thee Sound Guy:

Thank you Dave Mandl!!!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Dave!
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