Favoriting It's Complicated with Dave Mandl: Playlist from May 1, 2023 Favoriting

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An hour of prog and prog-adjacent music.

Monday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 1, 2023

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Yes  Five Percent for Nothing   Favoriting Fragile  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Kayak  Trust in the Machine   Favoriting Kayak  0:02:02 (Pop-up)
Cream  Passing the Time   Favoriting Wheels of Fire  0:12:08 (Pop-up)
Baker Gurvitz Army  Love Is   Favoriting Baker Gurvitz Army  0:16:47 (Pop-up)
Octopus  Kill Your Murderer   Favoriting Best of Thoughts  0:22:39 (Pop-up)
EYOT  557799   Favoriting 557799  0:30:56 (Pop-up)
High Tide  Walking Down Their Outlook   Favoriting Sea Shanties  0:40:15 (Pop-up)
Jaydabliu  7 Is a Good Time   Favoriting Jaydabliu  0:47:13 (Pop-up)
The Dave Brubeck Quartet  Unsquare Dance   Favoriting Time Further Out  0:50:15 (Pop-up)
Porcupine Tree  Tinto Brass   Favoriting Stupid Dream  0:53:35 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Dave! Mandltrons!
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Here we go...
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Handy Haversack:

It's go time!


Hallooo Dave and proggles! Ready for de-teched progressions.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

hey now. a two fer tues.....er, monday of dave mandl.
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Chris Hiatt:

Double duty!
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Webhamster Henry:

Now: It's Less Complicated!
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Hi Hi Hi
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I got a prog in my throat!!!!
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Dave Good Evening.
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Hi Dave Mandl complicated show!
Pas Musique:

Hi Dave!
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the dutch know their prog.
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ready for some extra helpings of prog!
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Dave Mandl:

Greetings, everyone!
Jackie G:

That's better.

That hour with Mark was FRESH. That should be like a regular semi-annual event or something…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

↳ Song: "Trust in the Machine" by "Kayak"
Well chosen considering the last 60 minutes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

Daave du yu like eXpect?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

I mean UneXpect?
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↳ Song: "Trust in the Machine" by "Kayak"
Kind of unfortunate name choice that now has a tech association with booking vacation plans
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

Love this
Avatar 7:05pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey there, ultradamno, G, Handy, dale, Chris, Henry, Paul, Coach bleubombersune, Pas Musique!, dale, Troy, Jackie, P-90, String, Juli, Holly!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

Great tune, apropos your discussion with Mark Hurst earlier!
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↳ Song: "Trust in the Machine" by "Kayak"
Trust in the price comparison app!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


One Pill Mahes you ...
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Dave Mandl:

Peter! RRN63!, morphé!
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where this went is pretty groovy.
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Have some Seventh Wave:

“Oh, SO many Mellotrons…”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

greetings Dave and complicated humans
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Cream def an early Rawk band for being about the Virtuosity of the Players.
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I'm not sure I know what a mellotron sounds like
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm

'Toad' has prog's excessive bloatedness. Ginger Baker up the wazoo
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↳ dday @7:08
I have been trying to remember this band name for decades! Thanks.
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I have to assume that without Cream's White Room, we would never have The Stranglers version of White Room...or possibly even Die Kreuzen's All White, so there's that in it's favor.
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Webhamster Henry:

Wheels of Fire: Toad.

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Chris Hiatt:

↳ chresti @7:10
They sound like haunted versions of instruments you know, i.e. flute, violin...
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baker gurvitz?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

i don't think Clapton wrote anything at all on that record
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

↳ Song: "Passing the Time" by "Cream"
I listened to that Cream album a lot when I was 15
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

adrian and paul gurvitz did two albums with graem edge, drummer from the moody blues. kick off your muddy boots and paradise ballroom. so the moody's connection makes it prog.
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Barefoot Jimmy G:

Awesome, Dave!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Oh maybe I told you about them some other time?

I forget which show it was:::
I think Clay tbh
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Dave Mandl:

Hey there, coelacanth∅ and chresti. And Jimmy G.
Avatar 7:13pm

↳ TroyD8 @7:11
Here's their first LP: Short career for the band:
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "Trust in the Machine" by "Kayak"
Thought you werent supposed to trust the machines
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↳ dday @7:13

Its not just the odd signature, I call that intro to White Room a “fanfare.” Part of the origin of Prog Is the addition of fanfares to the traditional elements of writing and arranging pop songs. Like a lot of the root elements of Prog, it feels like a very British thing.
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↳ chresti @7:10
The most well-known example is the opening flute sound in Strawberry Fields Forever
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↳ Song: "Passing the Time" by "Cream"
Mountain's Felix Papalardi produced this LP
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Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

↳ Song: "Passing the Time" by "Cream"
Great piece. "As You Said" from Wheels of Fire is a favorite. As for the 20 minute blues guitar solos, as good as he was, perhaps Clapton was a bit out of his depth in Cream?
Pas Musique:

Super groovy show so far!
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "Passing the Time" by "Cream"
hey, this pretty good!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

↳ HollyRT @7:15
Ah! Thanks!
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ P-90 @7:15
Yes, yes indeed. So many fanfares. And some fugues!
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Dave Mandl:

↳ Pas Musique @7:16
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always loved CREAM
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↳ dale @7:12
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tom tom the pipers son:

hi dave, heard one of you bands on a fill in a few weeks back and really liked it. it started out like electric miles davis but went exploring in a lot of different directions. it was about twenty minutes long. can't remember band name
Marie in Queens:

↳ Song: "Love Is" by "Baker Gurvitz Army"
That's some heavy drumming
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

the baker boys were in a band before this called 'the gun.' race with the devil was their hit.
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↳ Song: "Passing the Time" by "Cream"
As much as I listened to this album at 15 I have no memory of this track- must've skipped over it haha.
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Dave Mandl:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:18
Well, I don't want to plug my own stuff here.
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↳ Chris Hiatt @7:17
Hey, how ya doin?
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chresti the sound is derived from tape, so it sounds like tape. another good example is at the beginning of king crimson's "starless" on the "red" album.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ drumbone @7:18
Hey, how ya doin?
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:18
Emergency Group (since Dave won't plug, I will)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:18
At a guess, of the many excellent Mandlprojects: Time Trout.
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Dave Mandl:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:18
The band name has the words "Emergency" and "Group" in it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

GingerBaker's technical abilities still defy my comprehension. He apparently had a natural capacity for Polyrhythms ...not the average RawkDrummer.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Dave Mandl @7:19
And I was wrong!
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↳ Dave Mandl @7:19
Tyyyy:}}} Will listen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
tom tom the pipers son:

thanks both@ holly and@ dave
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Baker was a force of nature
Marie in Queens:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:19
hm, interesting
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yeah he was threatening to just shoot everyone if i recall.
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BEWARE of Mr Baker!
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Beware of Mr. Baker
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:18
Such a wild sound. It's basically a proto synth, yes?
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(it returns in the middle of white room as well)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ chresti @7:10
'Space Oddity' might be another example of a familiar track with Mellotron. You'd know it if you heard it. That spacey orchestral Strings sound - but being tapes for each note & not actual String players - the attack of the notes is organ-like which makes it somehow ethereal...
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

OCTOPUS - an ocean of rocks is the album i have. there are three or four groups called octopus though....
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:22
- or - listen to 'Every Xian Lionhearted Man' by the BeeGees for real obvious Mellotron...
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Love Is" by "Baker Gurvitz Army"
Enjoyed this quite a bit, btw.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

listen to the song 'the entrance' sometime dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:22
hi Chris! the synthesizer came first, and the mellotron is all analogue so not really!
Marie in Queens:

Octopus--what an awesome word
Pas Musique:

↳ Dave Mandl @7:18
I don't know this Octopus. I have "Restless Night" which is super cool I love the art too.
Avatar 7:25pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:22
Genesis - Watcher of the Skies
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:24
Yeah Mellotron uses tapes of instruments - not electronically Synthesized tones. Mellotrons also notoriously unwieldily & temperamental - all those tapes running @ maybe the wrong speed, stretching - lotsa moving parts...
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↳ Song: "Love Is" by "Baker Gurvitz Army"
I have to assume this is the only prog opus adapted from the famous naked children cartoon series. www.loveiscartoon.com
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Kill Your Murderer" by "Octopus"
That right there is Mellotron.

Mellotron more the proto-sampler.
Marie in Queens:

↳ Marie in Queens @7:24
and an even greater creature
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:24
Interesting, I thought one came after the other. Maybe the Mellotron was more of a specific kind of proto patch? Like if you wanted the flute sound, but there wan't a flautist around? Or Arte there early examples of synths that could try to do that as well?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ mic_a @7:27
Well observed. Tape Loops really.
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if i remember jennifer hensell is the singer in the band.
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↳ ultradamno @7:27
Omg- I had no idea there was an animated version.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:26
A friend who owns one describes it as "a pain in the ass" :)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:28
...or maybe not Loops & they actually had to Rewind - but like that...
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Marie in Queens @7:27
those stories of octopus escaping aquariums a finding their way to the ocean are amazing
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i never understood why they didn't make the mellotron to use loops, like 4-track/8-track cartridges, instead of that stupid unwind -spring back device that limits each tone to 6 seconds.
... + the cartridges could be swapped out easily.
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↳ Chris Hiatt @7:28
Putting flautists out of work?
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The Chamberlin pre-dates the Mellotron, in the tape-strip player dept

Same concept with the Optigan, but using optical discs instead of tape.
Jackie G:

Jon Anderson touring with Band Geeks doing all the Yes classics. Better than the bunch now calling themselves Yes. Much better
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:28
it kind of was...i'm sure that was the idea that rooted it - but we all know (and Love) the sound it actually made wasn't that close!

The Chamberlin to Mellotron progression was a bit nasty, and too COMPLICATED for me to go into.
Jackie G:

↳ Marie in Queens @7:27
My octopus Teacher. Great documentary
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

American prog more muscular than European prog? Maybe not the right word-
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ chresti @7:30
Well, that tape of the flute sound on the mellotron, as beguiling as it is, is a poor stand in for actual flute sound. That's part of the charm for me, is that it really doesn't sound so much like a flute. It ends up sounding like something else, but still interesting.
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↳ Jackie G @7:31
Watched Jon Anderson & Band Geeks on YouTube the other day. Jon's voice is still pretty strong.
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↳ Chris Hiatt @7:34
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ chresti @7:33
ford vs. ferrari. ;)
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Dave Mandl:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:34
Yeah, that's the way I see it. I kind of prefer Mellotron flute to a real flute.
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "557799" by "EYOT"
Keith Jarrett-like piano
Androu B.:

Good Evening, Dave & Complicated Prog-clamators!
Evening, Rev!🐰💣♏
¡Hola, Handy!

Dave, in the event that Dan Bodah should happen to take the night off sometime in the imminent future, will you be taking advantage of the given extra hour to present a special edition of IC celebrating the 50th anniversary of "Dark Side Of The Moon", or will you decidedly forfeit the proposition with the knowledge that mainstream radio will be wringing out enough hoopla over this milestone? (Incidentally, DJ Georgy Girl has just done a special for it on The Flange & Frigate this past Friday.)
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

↳ Song: "Kill Your Murderer" by "Octopus"
They did not make the list of famous octopuses blogs.scientificamerican.com...
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Eyot then some Eloy
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↳ Chris Hiatt @7:34
Jackie G:

↳ TroyD8 @7:34
So great, right? just like Yes in the good old days.
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↳ dday @7:34
I like wobbly!
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Dave Mandl @7:34
It's that Mellotron flute with ghastly tape anomalies that puts it into the Strawberry Field.
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↳ tom tom the pipers son @7:34
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↳ Jackie G @7:36
Would love to catch them live!
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↳ chresti @7:36
That's my best descriptor for mellotron sound...wobbly :)
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ dday @7:37
Wobbly (Jon Leidecker) may or may not concur.
Jackie G:

↳ TroyD8 @7:37
They were just in NY/NJ area.
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↳ Androu B. @7:35
Haha prog-clamators!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Dave Mandl @7:34
Maybe Mellotron is somewhere between a real Orchestral sound & a Mechanical one ? Hard to articulate - & if one says the 'attack' of the note then one never knows who knows that term either...
mr 6:

Felix Papalardi and Leslie West used to pick me up hitchhiking.Felix parents lived in our neighborhood
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Dave Mandl @7:34
Me too. And I play the flute!

Is there a mellotron pedal type of situation? Feel,like there was some recent discussion here about that?
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↳ Webhamster Henry @7:38
I like that Wobbly too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

Tape retains the ape. Perfectly imperfect.

@Chris Hiatt: exactly, the “samples” in the Mellotron, starting out as tape recordings, then amplified through the tubes and transistors in the machine, then re-recorded through a mike aimed at the speaker, DON’T sound like the original instruments (or voices), it becomes a thing of its own.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ dday @7:37
Notable tape machine Flutter - Vibrato. Wobble. Yeah. @ the same time as the tone is mechanical & homogenous in a way a real Player wouldn't be.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ P-90 @7:40
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tom tom the pipers son:

high tide is often played on the night owl show
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ dday @7:34
Great descriptor.
Androu B.:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:38
Keep in mind also that the Mellotron was among the first devices used to sample "found sounds".
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↳ StringOFperils @7:30
Patrick Warren is a very good chamberlain player. I first heard him playing it on Michael Penn's first disc March
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Dave Mandl:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:39
Yes, there's a guitar pedal that makes Mellotron sounds!
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↳ Chris Hiatt @7:39
There is a Ableton pack that sampled the original Mellotron tapes with some added wobbly effects that you can control to your desired wobbly level.
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Webhamster Henry:

You can hear a bit of Optigan in Mary Wing's bed music. BTW, the iOptigan app is fantastic, and you can get all the released discs in their lo-fi scratchiness.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:40
...which I suppose the Brain interprets as real Players of a non-human character - another dimension...
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↳ dday @7:42
I will have to look for that. Thank you!
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↳ Androu B. @7:35
an Optigan show!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

I was listening to this JG Thirlwell & Simon Steensland album last night that would fit in here jgthirlwell.bandcamp.com...

Also, I've mentioned this before, but XM-3a is a band name that's easy to forget so


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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Walking Down Their Outlook" by "High Tide"
the singing is mighty morrison-y
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "Walking Down Their Outlook" by "High Tide"
yeah, this sounds good and proggy rocky
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Chris Hiatt:

↳ Webhamster Henry @7:43
Optigan, Chamberlain, mellotron. Such a weird and wonderful little corner of the music equipment space.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

Here's a Mellotron jam for y'all

Jah Wobble.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:44
...almost SteamPunk...

@coelacanth: Rick Wakeman did invest in a startup company that was developing a Mellotron-type instrument that used actual 8-track tapes, and thereby solved those problems. I believe Yes drummer Alan White was also a partner. One of those things that never came to fruition.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:46
Pas Musique:

@dave This label reproduced a lot of great stuff. Not sure how legit though. I have a fair amount. https://www.discogs.com/label/59159-Phoenix-Records-2
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↳ StringOFperils @7:45
Now I must hear a Chamberlain too
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↳ StringOFperils @7:43
Bowie's Warszawa on Low too. Not sure if Bowie or Eno played it, or Visconti. Morgan V plays with a friend of mine in The Ancients NYC
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ StringOFperils @7:45
Thx !
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Androu B.:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:46
Now there's a niche genre worth looking into: proto-Steampunk Prog!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ chresti @7:47
- right ?!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

Squire's "The Fish" (the layered bass solo on Fragile) is also in seven time.

In my opinion Blue Rondo really shoves it down yer throat but Take 5 swings in a way you don’t notice the time signature
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Webhamster Henry:

Lots of odd meters are really broken down into sub beat patterns. Like my 13's are 123-123-123-12-12
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Androu B. @7:48
...wull - get too much into Weird Instruments - & that's Avant-garde ...but that means 'Serious' & 'Art' maybe so - Prawg ...if there's Rawk @ all...
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Almost sounds like a melodica.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

For a "steampunk" proto-synth, check out the Ondes Martenot.

Bringing it full circle, I have dim memories of a Jack Bruce interview where he mentioned recording his own vocals for a Mellotron 'set.' Said it was really difficult, just holding those steady, no-context notes.
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↳ Webhamster Henry @7:48
Good for staying awake?
Jackie G:

↳ Song: "7 Is a Good Time" by "Jaydabliu"
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Webhamster Henry:

And speaking of 7:
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↳ chresti @7:47
Onde Martenot is a coo instrument too. It isn't tape though. More like a theremin. The great French 20th century organist and composer Olivier Messiaen employed it quite a bit. He also transcribed the songs of birds into his work.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ swivs @7:48
True that. Blue Rondo moves from one time sig to another and the delineation is clear and almost jarring. Take 5 is all 5 so they can sink into the swing of it.
Dave Brubeck, totally prog adjacent.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ mic_a @7:50
Ever tried singing a steady note into your Gittar Tuner ? ...Bonne Chance...
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Pink Floyd's "Money" wins my "you hardly notice it's in 7" award. For a really bad time, check out "Apocalypse in 9/8" From Supper's Ready
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:51
Cause people like Baker & Bruce of Cream came out of Jazz.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:51
7: "Nazareth, your famous son / should have stayed a great unknown..."
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↳ StringOFperils @7:51
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↳ StringOFperils @7:51
Thomas Bloch played it in Tom Wait's band & on The Black Rider disc
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:52
...in fact Baker considered himself always in Jazz. With a great deal of justification.
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getting some good edumacation here.
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The prog of motor vehicles twitter.com...
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↳ Song: "Walking Down Their Outlook" by "High Tide"
Nice Shave & a Haircut ending
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↳ DaveinVA @7:52
That's an all time favorite
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm
Tommy in Neversink:

When ever I want play in 7 I have Unsquare Dance in my mind
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Webhamster Henry @7:52
Ooh I gotta give that a listen.
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

↳ Song: "Tinto Brass" by "Porcupine Tree"
Do not let your dog lift his leg against it
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Dave Mandl:

Sorry not much time to chime in here tonight, but thanks as always for the brilliant chatter. You're amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Tommy in Neversink:

I use many cuts on Time Further Out as references or guides to playing in those time signatures
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

↳ dday @7:52
Not surprised. If ol' Tom could get a weird noise out of something, he was all over it

The Chamberlin/Mellotron funny-stuff glossed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamberlin#Development
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Dave! Good stuff!
Avatar 🤯 7:56pm

Another great show Dave, thanks!!
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Dave Mandl:

↳ Pas Musique @7:46
Thanks for that, PM!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Chris Hiatt:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:53
I have a CD of him playing with Charlie Haden and Bill Frisell, it's relatively straight ahead and pretty good!
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Tinto's nickname was Il Maestro...go used to hearing Devon call Morricone that, I thought it was his alone www.imdb.com...
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I enjoy and learn this show so much
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↳ mic_a @7:56
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ Song: "Tinto Brass" by "Porcupine Tree"
Well that was some flute playing!
Jackie G:

Thanks, man
Avatar 🤯 7:58pm

Thanks Dave! always a great time.
Avatar 7:58pm

↳ Song: "Tinto Brass" by "Porcupine Tree"
Going down Transatlantic territory
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

great show dave. with maggie's show it's been a fantastic afternoon of great music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

Zappa's Black Page would easily fit in tonight's show. The penultimate composer that devoted his life's work to time (and canons!) was Conlon Nancarrow
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Dave Great 2 hours. Hold your head high
Marie in Queens:

Another interesting voyage, thanks, Dave!
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Chris Hiatt:

Thanks, Dave Mandl! And nice chatting with you all.
Androu B.:

↳ Song: "Tinto Brass" by "Porcupine Tree"
Thanks, Dave!
And thanks to everyone else for the embarrasment of riches provided through the links!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Chris Hiatt @7:57
LOVE 'Going Back Home' ! Gratified - as I can never get other people to acknowledge that album !
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Thanks for the progusitness
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↳ coelacanth∅ @7:30
I think I've read it was 8 seconds?? Anyway, Tony Banks wrote the famous opening of Watcher of the skies so he could hold sustained chords to almost the point where they would have cut off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

This is making it all the more difficult to spend the next couple of hours being very untalented on my guitar...providing I can tear myself away from Vocal Fry. Anyway, thank you very much, Dave!

Thanks Dave! Go easy into the complicated night, gang.
Avatar 8:00pm

↳ joeray @7:58
There's a story of drummer Vinnie Coliuto playing The Black Page while eating a sandwich told by Steve Vai..on utoob I think
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ DaveMandl ~
Avatar 🤯 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Thanks for an amazing show, Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

Thanks Dave!

First of all, DJ Purple Haze rules. Secondly, “Evan Davies” sounds weird to me without the “FUNK” in it.
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