Favoriting Color Red Radio with Mike Rogers: Playlist from April 16, 2023 Favoriting

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Nu Jazz, Electronic, Funk & Soul, etc.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting April 16, 2023: #52 Trippin Around the World (in half time)

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Artist Track Comments Images Approx. start time
    Color Red Radio Show with Mike Rogers! 世界的に有名なWFMU日曜日午後4時PM ESTでのマイクロジャースとのカラーレッドラジオ番組放送時間は2時間! Nu-Jazz, Funk, soul & more! ニュージャズ、ファンク、ソウルなど! www.wfmu.org/sheena 日本時間:月曜日 5 - 7 am #mrskor 
    Top 3 Film Festivals in Asia! (https://www.raindance.org/the-best-film-festivals-in-asia/) Japan Indies Film Festival! The soul mate of Raindance London is now accepting submissions! 日本インディーズ映画祭!レインダンスロンドンの日本のソウルメイトが応募を受け付けています! https://filmfreeway.com/JapanIndiesFilmfestival l #mrskor @JapanIndiesFilmFest 
Elmo Weber  Summer Mind   Favoriting  
0:00:56 (Pop-up)
Diego Damiani  Floaty Vibes   Favoriting  
0:04:39 (Pop-up)
Polose, Paolo Sessa  Algonaut   Favoriting  
0:06:57 (Pop-up)
Takada Fu  Towa   Favoriting  
0:10:18 (Pop-up)
Ken Nishikawa  Born the Be a Geisha   Favoriting  
0:12:13 (Pop-up)
Lovi Did This  Godzilla   Favoriting  
0:15:12 (Pop-up)
Sayana  Pleasure   Favoriting  
0:20:11 (Pop-up)
Bimbamboom  BB   Favoriting  
0:24:47 (Pop-up)
geneieve Artadi  Forvever forever   Favoriting  
0:28:17 (Pop-up)
Michael Ross  Bergkristal   Favoriting  
0:32:49 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber - James Meredino  Over Me   Favoriting  
0:35:55 (Pop-up)
Melonyx  Solar Power   Favoriting  
0:41:59 (Pop-up)
Catchy Claws  the Wolves of Archway   Favoriting  
0:46:36 (Pop-up)
Lovi Did This  Beautiful Liar   Favoriting  
0:51:01 (Pop-up)
Palm Skin Productions  Stealing the Sunset   Favoriting  
0:54:55 (Pop-up)
Sayana  Voices (feat Steelyvibe)   Favoriting  
1:01:08 (Pop-up)
Kill The Giants  Nuclear Giants   Favoriting  
1:06:09 (Pop-up)
The Lamplighter  A Tale of Iroh   Favoriting  
1:08:40 (Pop-up)
Lotus  Tip of the tongue   Favoriting     1:13:58 (Pop-up)
Lotus  Tip of the tongue   Favoriting  
1:13:58 (Pop-up)
Lovi Did This  The Fish Song   Favoriting  
1:19:47 (Pop-up)
The Catcher & Paolo Faz  Calliope of My Dreams   Favoriting  
1:23:40 (Pop-up)
Giopop  Leri Ho Sognato   Favoriting  
1:31:28 (Pop-up)
Bar Italia  Nurse   Favoriting  
1:34:26 (Pop-up)
BimBamBoom  Japanese   Favoriting  
1:38:18 (Pop-up)
Tinariwen  Tenere Den   Favoriting  
1:42:03 (Pop-up)
Chris Ianuzzi  So Far So Near   Favoriting  
1:46:49 (Pop-up)
Odesza  To Be Yours   Favoriting  
1:52:17 (Pop-up)
Tokoy Groove Jyoshi  My Tears Were Lost on You   Favoriting  
1:56:26 (Pop-up)
Tokoy Groove Jyoshi  My Tears Were Lost on You   Favoriting  
1:56:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:34pm
Mike Rogers:

Good Sunday Morning!
Avatar 3:34pm
Mike Rogers:

Is it still Easter?
Avatar 3:35pm
Mike Rogers:

Cool & a bit wet in Tokyo!
Avatar 3:38pm
Mike Rogers:

Lots of new music today!
Avatar 3:38pm
Mike Rogers:

Do you like David Lynch music? Three songs by Lovi Did This coming up today!
Avatar 3:47pm
Mike Rogers:

I've been on a three-day fast... Today is the final day. I'm kind of surprised how easy this was/is
Avatar 3:47pm
Mike Rogers:

Felt really hungry and sleepy last night... Just went to bed..
Avatar 3:48pm
Mike Rogers:

That's the easiest way I've found to quit drinking, doing drugs, etc... If you get the urge, just go to bed.
Avatar 3:48pm
Mike Rogers:

Really. It works well.
Avatar 3:49pm
Mike Rogers:

The first day wasn't so hard not to eat anything at all. But the second day was difficult.
Avatar 3:50pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh! I am on a three-day water fast. Fell ok actually, a little sleepy... But I would fell that way anyway at this time
Avatar 3:50pm
Mike Rogers:

"Feel" that way anyway
Avatar 3:51pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 3:51pm
Mike Rogers:

Tonight at 6 pm the fast ends... I think I’ll take lots of naps today! ;)
Avatar 3:53pm
Mike Rogers:

This robot DJ is awesome!
Avatar 3:53pm
Mike Rogers:

The robot DJ just blows away 98% of all radio.
Avatar 3:55pm
Mike Rogers:

Mr. Fab is the man behind the curtain of the Robot DJ!!!
Avatar 3:56pm
Mike Rogers:

I've even heard some Japanese bands on the Robot. Way Cool!
Avatar 3:59pm
Mike Rogers:

Here we go!

Avatar 4:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Mochy san!

Avatar 4:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 4:02pm

Elmo alright! Hi Mike-san here for the start
Avatar 4:03pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:02
Hi Shineman san!
How are you?
Avatar 4:04pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:02
Today's music was made til you in mind.... Not so much heavy electric stuff! Easy to listen to stuff

It's Tomoko-san's birthday this Thursday.
Avatar 4:04pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:04
Made for you!!! aaaggghhh!
Avatar 4:05pm

Ok could be better but not bad anyway. How are you doing?
Avatar 4:05pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:04
Avatar 4:05pm
The Lamplighter:

Greetings everyone

Avatar 4:06pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:05
I'm on the last day of a 3 day water fast! Yesterday was a bit difficult but today seems fine!
Avatar 4:06pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:05
Hi Lamplighter san!
Good Morning! Is it still Easter there?

Avatar 4:07pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:06
No that was last week
Avatar 4:07pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:06
Avatar 4:07pm

Oh anyone can fast but try stopping peeing that thats the tough one.
Avatar 4:08pm

Just kidding how's it going?
Avatar 4:08pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:07
It was? I didn't even know. They don't celebrate Easter in Japan, only because no one has figured out how to mass market it to a buddhist audeince!
Avatar 4:09pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:07
Secnd day was tough. Today is last day. I think I'm gonna make it!

Avatar 4:09pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:07
Oh tell me about it. Take a pee and then 2 minutes later feel like I gotta pee again!
Avatar 4:09pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:08
Just do it like the Americans....create a magical bunny that poops chocolate...and spend a bunch of money shopping.
Avatar 4:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:08
Have you done fasting before, Shineman san?
Avatar 4:11pm

I used to do week ones where you would eat a slice of toast just to keep things moving
Avatar 4:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:09
Shhhhh! Don't give them any ideas!!!

Avatar 4:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:11
AN entire week???? That must have been brutal!
Avatar 4:13pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:11
This is the first time in my life to do this... Not as difficult as I thought it would be....
Avatar 4:13pm
The Lamplighter:

I just watched a film about X Japan. Are they still popular in Japan?
Avatar 4:13pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:11
I always try (normally) to not eat bread (but it is so delicious!)
Avatar 4:13pm

Did 9 days with a piece of toast every day and vitamins it really clears the head
Avatar 4:14pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:13
Yeah. The leader Yoshiki is still cashing in. I interviewed him many times. He's kind of a, well, all I can say is he is surrounded by Yes Men.
Avatar 4:15pm

Just stopping meat will too.
Avatar 4:16pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Shineman @4:15
I quit eating animals and animal products 5 years ago....I feel amazing
Avatar 4:16pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:15
I don't really eat meat anyway. But my cooks it a lot. Even when I was a kid, I didn't like steak... Fish is OK. Especially rw fish.
Avatar 4:16pm

How is your head since starting?
Avatar 4:18pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:16
I got really sick and the stupid doctors prescribed all sort of drugs, for correct my "drug imbalance" (which makes no sense, take more drugs because my bodies balance is out of whack????) So I started only Raw Food diet for like 8 months. Totally cured me. I'm still about 80% raw food.
Avatar 4:18pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:16
I don't know. I'm sleepy now but i have been up since 3 am for this show! But generally feel fine.
Avatar 4:20pm

That's cool but sound like you were doing a lot to help yourself anyway
Avatar 4:21pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:16
That's great Lamplighter san!!!! When I was a kid, my folks would BBQ these huge steaks and get mad at me for not wanting to eat them. I thought it was a bit disgusted by a big slab of bloody meat... I usually ate only 2 or 3 bites. That is a bad memory of childhood for me
Avatar 4:21pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:18
I believe it. True healthcare is nutrition
Avatar 4:21pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:20
Oh, I haven't eaten fast or processed food in well over 25 years. That shit is poison!
Avatar 4:22pm
Mike Rogers:

You guys know the ancient Chinese saying, "Let thy medicine be thy food!"
Avatar 4:23pm
Mike Rogers:

I am so shocked to meet people my age who still eat fast food. It's is so sad.
Avatar 4:24pm

I eat one meal a day a large slice of pizza bread in the evenings and drink too much soda!
Avatar 4:24pm
Mike Rogers:

One of my friends keeps falling down and can't get up... His condition isn't so bad... But he keeps eating.... at a restaurant (not high end either) ..... Macaroni and Cheese for dinner.
Chris Ianuzzi:

Konichiwa Mike san
Avatar 4:25pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:23
I ate fast-food while traveling last week. I haven't eaten that in many many years. It literally made me vomit.
Avatar 4:25pm
Mike Rogers:

Macaroni & Cheese. That's it! You know that is just all chemicals!
Avatar 4:25pm

Can be
Avatar 4:26pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:24
Wow! I'm gonna try to start that. 66 years old now, gotta slim down (but compared to most people, I'm not fat, but not skinny...) I think being skinny s best.
Avatar 4:27pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:24
Hi Chris san! Good Morning!
Chris Ianuzzi:

Avatar 4:28pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:24
I haven't had a soda in decades.... But Japanese people don't usually drink soda... They buy canned green tea. Or coffee
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:27
Ive got to start putting answers here
Avatar 4:29pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:24
What time do you eat? I have thought for a long time once a day is enough.
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:28
I like the canned coffee in the machines
Avatar 4:29pm

Don't be surprised if you lose some and then just stop.
Avatar 4:30pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:25
Yeah, in America all fast food is friend chicken, or burgers or tacos... I Japan we do have healthy fast food.
Avatar 4:30pm
Mike Rogers:

In Japan, I mean.
Catchy Claws:

morning folks
Avatar 4:30pm
The Lamplighter:

morning Catchy Claws

Should I also be a little thin?

Since I quit smoking, I've eaten a lot until now.

I'm holding it down a little, but I can't lose weight easily.
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Catchy Claws @4:30
Mornin Cathy Claws
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:25
Many US fast food restaurants went bankrupt here in Japan. McDonalds is doing OK, I think... Maybe, but people are becoming way more health conscious.
Catchy Claws:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:30
how s everybody?
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

Plastic Pickles and lettuce? Yes!
Avatar 4:32pm

Good morning. I am at my office at 6.30am, the only one here. I work early in school holidays so I can get home earlier than usual. It means I am early enough to hear Color Red Radio!
Avatar 4:32pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:31
Name for a new album
Avatar 4:32pm

I eat in the evenings before bed. It is painful after and tend to get tired because of my health problems
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ laurapanic @4:32
Sushi on a conveyer belt works
Avatar 4:32pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ laurapanic @4:32
Good morning
Avatar 4:33pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:25
So how many years you been doing this?
Avatar 4:34pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:32
Bwa! Ha! Ha!
Avatar 4:34pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ laurapanic @4:32
Hi Laura san!
We're talking about diet! It seems lots of healthy people (or trying to say healthy people) here! Welcome!
Avatar 4:34pm

At least 10 now
Avatar 4:35pm

Hi Mike san! Hey there everyone!
Avatar 4:35pm
The Lamplighter:

Track 1="Plastic Pickles and Lettuce" from their debut EP "Sushi on a conveyer belt." That is gold
Avatar 4:35pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:32
Hmmm? If I eat late, I have the weirdest dreams (which is cool if I want to write something)
Avatar 4:35pm

Hello elmo

In the past, McDonald's could only choose a set of potatoes,

Now you can also choose a cup of vegetables.

I don't think it's a healthy vegetable.
Avatar 4:35pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ elmoweber @4:35
Hello Elmo
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:34
There comes a point where a person has to try
Avatar 4:36pm

Hi Shineman, how's things?
Avatar 4:36pm

↳ The Lamplighter @4:35
Hey Lamplighter
Chris Ianuzzi:

I would have McDonalds binge moments after being in Tokyo for a month
Avatar 4:37pm

No bad thanks for asking
Avatar 4:37pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:35
Hey I have the patent on the plastic pickles and lettuce. We just got a $10,000,000 grant for a parnership with a guy named Fraudci? You guys ever heard of him I guess he does lots of stuff with Bill Gates!
Avatar 4:38pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:35
Yeah, Probably loaded with chemicals to keep it, er, "Fresh!"
Avatar 4:38pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:34
I can see the diet talk. Since hitting middle age, its all very difficult to manage. And I sit down for a living, working in an office. Lots of walking, a treadmill and a step block thing are how I try to stay healthy. Sensible eating is the thing, really....but I could eat cake and sweets all day every day. I have a vicious sweet tooth.
Avatar 4:39pm

↳ Song: "Over Me" by "Elmo Weber - James Meredino"
cool track
Avatar 4:39pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:37
Fraudci? I heard he was a prince from Zimbabwe handing out inheritances
Catchy Claws:

no never
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:35
Hey Elmo san!!!!!
You missed our first song!
Avatar 4:39pm

↳ laurapanic @4:39
Thanks Laura!
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:34
Wow! Well done!
Avatar 4:40pm

I saw that you played Summer Mind, Thanks Mike san!
Avatar 4:40pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Song: "Over Me" by "Elmo Weber - James Meredino"
Nice track Elmo Do you master your own stuff, or send it out
Avatar 4:40pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:35
There is no "TRY" There is only "Do!" or "Do Not!" OK. Quiz time. Who was the original person to say that? (Hint, it wasn't Yoda!)
Avatar 4:41pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:37
You'd get sick! ;)
Avatar 4:41pm

I watched the video
Avatar 4:41pm

↳ The Lamplighter @4:40
I do it myself, I love mastering!

McDonald's, I end up eating it.

If you eat it for lunch with the whole family, it often exceeds 5000 yen.

Recently, it seems that I've been saving a little money by frying potatoes at home.
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:41
I didn't ... Young enough then
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:40
Jabba the butt?
Avatar 4:42pm

↳ elmoweber @4:39
I usually do enjoy your tracks when I hear them on Mike's show. I guess I must like your musical style!
Avatar 4:42pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:40
Mr Miagi...(probably spelled that wrong)
Avatar 4:43pm

↳ elmoweber @4:41
Worked with the great Bernie Grundman several times, learned so much
Avatar 4:43pm

McDonald's pours their burgers
Avatar 4:43pm

↳ elmoweber @4:41
this is truly nerd behaviour - love it!
Avatar 4:43pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ laurapanic @4:38
Oh! I loves sweets too. the only way I can control them is to not even have a single bite. Oh! If I have a bit, the sugar zeros my brains and I'll wind up eating everything sweet!

It's been half a year since I quit smoking on the phone call from mike-san.

It was tough at first. I managed to get used to it.
Avatar 4:44pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:39
What! He asked me to send him a copy of my vaccination card and $400!
Avatar 4:44pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ elmoweber @4:41
That's awesome.
Avatar 4:45pm

Cherry cough drops I have no power over them.
Avatar 4:45pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @4:39
Ha! Ha! Ha! No, you vill eat the plastic pickles and lettuce and will love it!
Avatar 4:45pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:40
Fab tune... Speaking of Fab. Where is he?
Avatar 4:46pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:43
me too! I can't even BUY sweets or I will just eat it all.
Chris Ianuzzi:

I remember my first morning in Tokyo. went out to a bakery to get donuts and things for myself and band members. Took on big bite into a sugar donut that was loaded with I would call fish eye paste. I'll stop there
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:41
Oh, Elmo and I co-write all his tracks. Elmo and I also co wrote Celine Dion's big hit "My Heart Will go on" (From Titanic! And we did pretty good as the part of the team that wrote "Eye of the Tiger" for whoever that was that sang that.


The offline meeting of the tomoccory show next month

Story (I'm going to go to a gyoza shop in Kamata)

Is it no good?
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:41
Oh, I made the videos too! ;)
Avatar 4:49pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:48
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:42
Go to at least Yoshinoya or Masuya!
Avatar 4:49pm

↳ Song: "the Wolves of Archway" by "Catchy Claws"
Tasty licks, Catchy!! Nice track
Avatar 4:50pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:49
Didn't you also play an Italian boxer in the movie that made that tiger song famous?
Avatar 4:50pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:43
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that... Who is Bernie Grundman???
Avatar 4:50pm

What is gyoza shop?
Catchy Claws:

oh txs Elmo !!!
I will leave something on my will :)
Avatar 4:51pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:43
I wouldn't doubt that!

Speaking of gyoza, ooshou seems to be delicious.
Avatar 4:51pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:50
Catchy Claws:

↳ Catchy Claws @4:50
I will leave you something on my will
Avatar 4:52pm

↳ Catchy Claws @4:50
that track was cool!
Avatar 4:52pm
Mike Rogers:

But, really folks, all jokes aside, Elmo is a super famous guy in Hollywood. I interviewed him on you youtube!!!! @mikerogersshow
Catchy Claws:

↳ laurapanic @4:52
Txs a lot Laurapanic
Avatar 4:53pm

↳ Catchy Claws @4:52
Thanks, that's very generous of you:)
Avatar 4:53pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:45
I'm bad with chocolate. We've divorced and gotten back together so many times!!! ARRRRGGGGGHHH!
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:52
I m definitely watching it today
Avatar 4:53pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ laurapanic @4:46
Yes. Best to be strong and not even start!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55pm

I might attempt to see Bo Ningen tomorrow. Are they good live?
Catchy Claws:

I met a bodybuilder who once told me the best way to avoid eating sweets, is to brush your teeth several times a day, summat like five times a day

DJ and listener at the tomoccory show (Internet radio played by tomoko-san, mike-san's best disciple)

We talked about going to Kamata to eat gyoza at the offline meeting.
Avatar 4:55pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:47
Yeah, often many pastries in Japanese shops are not sweet at all. Curry bread? Yuck!
Avatar 4:56pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:48
Well, of course, eating at home is always best... But that gyoza shop probably uses good ingredients.
Avatar 4:57pm

↳ Song: a song
Man, this track is cool with the loose drum loop
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:55
Sweet on the outside..... mystery on the inside
Avatar 4:57pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:49
Oh! And we co-wrote all of the Go Go's tracks!!! Where's my star on Hollywood blvd???

Yakisoba bread and Chikuwa tempura bread
Avatar 4:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:50
That was Elmo. He's a shy guy so doesn't like to, er, "Toot his own horn!"
Avatar 4:58pm

$5000 a year to have a star
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm

Just sorting out some tea and I'll be right with you
Avatar 4:59pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ The Lamplighter @4:50
But Elmo is a very famous guy in Hollywood. One of the guys behind the cameras that actually do make things happen!
Avatar 4:59pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:50
Chinese Dumplings!!!
Avatar 5:00pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:51
I love Gyoza!!!
Avatar 5:00pm

Yeah looked him up to see if I could get any of his music
Avatar 5:00pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:59
You're too kind, Mike san
Chris Ianuzzi:

Great groove thing
Avatar 5:00pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:58
I was too young to play that guy:)
Avatar 5:01pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:51
Tell him to give me a job. I can sweep floors too!
Avatar 5:02pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @4:50
Don't forget about me! But I can't wait for you to die. Just send me $50 now and we'll call it even!
Avatar 5:03pm

↳ elmoweber @4:51
what an experience that must have been - it seems like a highly regarding mastering studio.
Avatar 5:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Fred san! Good morning!
Avatar 5:04pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ fred @4:55
Gee, are they touring USA????
Avatar 5:04pm

↳ laurapanic @5:03
OK I just googled Elmo Weber. A person of quite some experience....wow!
Avatar 5:04pm

↳ laurapanic @5:03
He's the best! I've worked with a few fakers that won't let you see the knobs when they adjust them
Avatar 5:05pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @4:55
Lazy bum. Has time to brush his teeth 5 times a day!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:04
No idea, I'm in the EU
Avatar 5:05pm

↳ elmoweber @5:04
Masters who share are wonderful. No matter what the field.
Avatar 5:05pm

↳ laurapanic @5:05
Avatar 5:06pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:57
Yeah, kind of like chocolate covered whatever... The surprise (often bad) is inside!
Avatar 5:07pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:58
Man! You will feast today!!!
Avatar 5:07pm

↳ Song: "Nuclear Giants" by "Kill The Giants"
I love this track!
Avatar 5:07pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @4:58
What!? Have to pay annually? What the hell???
Avatar 5:07pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Aitch san!!!! Good morning!!!
Avatar 5:09pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @5:00
Hey Elmo san! Where can people buy your tunes? (I get 30%!!!! He, he, he!)
Avatar 5:10pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:09
They're free on my youtube channel:)
Avatar 5:10pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:07
This band seems to have only one song!
Avatar 5:10pm

I have a grand daughter in full meltdown gotta go .Sorry Mike-san
Avatar 5:10pm
Mike Rogers:

The is Lamplighter!!!! Awesome!
Avatar 5:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Shineman @5:10
OK. Be a good grandpa!
Avatar 5:11pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:10
Thank you!!!
Avatar 5:11pm

↳ Shineman @5:10
Sorry to hear, hope she's ok
Avatar 5:12pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh, how I envy Shineman san! I have no more kids living here...
Avatar 5:12pm

↳ Song: "A Tale of Iroh" by "The Lamplighter"
Great stuff, Lamplighter!
Avatar 5:12pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ elmoweber @5:12
Thank you!!!
Avatar 5:15pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:10
But! Wait! We aren't monetizing them??? Oh you have your own Youtube channel? Tell us your address!
Avatar 5:15pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:15
Don't be shy Elmo san! Promote! Sell! Promote! Sell!
Avatar 5:16pm
Mike Rogers:

Elmo do you also have a site for you merchandising goods?
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:05
exactly Mike, that was my sentiments exactly
Avatar 5:16pm
Mike Rogers:

I'm bad. I do have a site, but have no idea what the URL is... I have to ask my wife!
Avatar 5:17pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:15
Avatar 5:18pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey everyone! Go subscribe to Elmo(s Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com...
Catchy Claws:

↳ elmoweber @5:10
deffo going to listening to that today
oh and subscribe
Avatar 5:18pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:18
Catchy Claws, your song today was just awesome!!!!! I loved it within 1.5 seconds. No kidding!
Avatar 5:19pm

Also check out my video summarization invention. The test site is up.
Please visit: sumbotlabs.com
Your password to the Private Test Gallery is: EHX9-0327
Avatar 5:19pm
Mike Rogers:

You guys all send me your new stuff! I am desperate for new tunes!
Chris Ianuzzi:

↳ elmoweber @5:19
Hi Elmo, I just subscribed :)
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

David Lynch again, anyone! Lovi Did This
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:18
Cheers Mike sama !!!
Avatar 5:21pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:20
I have another Brand new Catchy Claws tune next week.
Avatar 5:21pm

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:19
Thanks Chris!
Catchy Claws:

just subscribed to ELmo's You tube Ch.
Avatar 5:21pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:19
I have new stuff coming out end of the month. I will send it to you
Avatar 5:21pm

Sorry guys, I gotta go. I have a session across town.
Bye Mike san! Great show! See you next week.
Avatar 5:21pm
The Lamplighter:

↳ elmoweber @5:21
Have a good one Elmo
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:21
Txs a l0t my man
Avatar 5:22pm

↳ Catchy Claws @5:21
Thanks Catchy! Something for you in my will:)
Chris Ianuzzi:

Gotta go, Everyone have a great week.
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

I had finished the play list when you sent me the new tunes, but I just had to play one. (I have to stop myself from fiddling with the playlist when I get it done ... Kind of like eating chocolate!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

↳ Song: "The Fish Song" by "Lovi Did This"
This is really nice.
Always different sounds on your shows Mike, fascinating
Avatar 5:23pm

I'll listen to the rest of the show in my car
Catchy Claws:

↳ elmoweber @5:22
Txs Elmo
please make it chockies or toothpaste
Avatar 5:23pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:22
Thanks Aitch san! Just for you!
Avatar 5:24pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:23
Drive careful!
Avatar 5:24pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:22
Thanks Chris! You are coming up in a few!
Avatar 5:24pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:22
Well, see you next week!
Avatar 5:25pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:23
Catchy Claws:

Loads of great music, great artist in that show for sure,,,oh and great chat,, nothing better to start the week...put a smile on me face
Avatar 5:25pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @5:22
You have a great week too!
Avatar 5:27pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:23
What is "Chockies"? Chocolate?
Avatar 5:27pm
Mike Rogers:

Listening to this music reminds me of magic mushrooms for some reason.
Catchy Claws:

chocolate yeah
Avatar 5:29pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:25
Thanks Catchy san! I wish everyone could hear your voice. You voice is so distinctly British... They should use your voice for a "Visit Britain commercail!"
Avatar 5:29pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:27
No! Chocolate and I have divorced... I will never take her back.... My heart will go on!!!
Catchy Claws:

Hahaha too funny !!
Avatar 5:30pm
Mike Rogers:

God, what I would give for some chocolate cream cake & ice cream right now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

↳ Song: a song
Very 90's sounds, nice though.
Like Goldie or maybe Olive
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:30
no you should never get back to her,,, think about summat that puts you off,,,, Margaret Thatcher for example
Avatar 5:31pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:30
You mean the commercial? Nah, maybe we should make one! You can give us the flying V at the end of the C like Sid Vicious
Avatar 5:32pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:31
Hey Aitch san, it seems to me LOTS of bands trying to recreate the 80s or 90s. You get that vibe too?
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:31
I would luv to be in a commercial like that
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:31
Yeah. Dream Date: Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher or Imelda Marcos? But you have to do her after the date is almost over
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:33
bring the chocolate back then
Avatar 5:35pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:34
I think might need something stronger than Coco!
Avatar 5:36pm
The Lamplighter:

I have to run Mike san. Thank you for playing my madness! ;)
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:35
Definitely, doing Maggie Thatcher after the date is over would be shitting on your own doorstep
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

Just looking at Elmo's link to his sumBOT.
It looks kinda fiendish
Avatar 5:36pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey! Maybe make a totally silly commercial for "Visit England" and shoot the entire thing in Tokyo (with some really shitty UK images using a green screen!)
Totally take the piss outta these stupid tourism CMs.
Catchy Claws:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:36
would be like shitting on your own doorstep
Avatar 5:37pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:36
I don't understand it!!! ;)
Avatar 5:37pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:37
I only know how to write hit songs! Bwa! Ha! Ha!
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:36
That's the spirit

reminds me of a film I saw last week,,,A futile and stupid gesture,,, highly recommended
Avatar 5:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:36
Wait! Who would be shitting on my doorstep? You are Maggie?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

It's like a mp3 compressor for data, it takes out selected data considered unnecessary.
Much like what Winston did for a job at the Ministry of Truth in 1984
Avatar 5:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:38
My own daughter watched my Yoko Ono film and said "I think I'm going to have nightmares!" I thought, "Perfect!""
Avatar 5:40pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:39
Winston Smith???? I love that!
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:39
haven t seen it yet,,,definitely want to see it
Catchy Claws:

gonna have to run in a few minutes
Avatar 5:41pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:38
Wait. This might actually be a great idea! a guy promoting the UK but he is in Japan and drunk as hell...
Catchy Claws:

Thanks a lot Mike for the show, great as usual
catch you soon, bye everybody, stay safe etc...
Avatar 5:43pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:41
He thinks he is in UK... Complains about foreigners, etc... Gets out of the taxi, "See what I mean? What was that guy saying?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:41
Wouldn't that be all of them?
Catchy Claws:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:41
I could definitely be that guy on the commercial and I d do it for free
Avatar 5:43pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:42
Thanks for sending me your great new tracks!
Avatar 5:44pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:43
True. But maybe we can make our guy special... Shott him pissing on the street or something. Just staggering around tokyo and pointing out great brisk landmarks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:44
Come to England and you can do this too ya cloth-eared cockwomble!!
Avatar 5:46pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Catchy Claws @5:43
Hey I am a 3 time Raindance Alumni! I am one of the few (it's true!) So, if I make a film lots f festivals invite me (but I don't go cause most film festivals are a waste of time!) Inides film festival is only Raindance (London)
Avatar 5:48pm
Mike Rogers:

There are a few good indies film festivals, but not very many.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

↳ Song: "So Far So Near" by "Chris Ianuzzi"
Really good
Avatar 5:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:46
Oh, I am the first two time alumni in Japanese history.
Avatar 5:49pm
Mike Rogers:

This music is like a soundtrack to a dystopia movie .... As are all of Chris's songs!
Avatar 5:49pm
Mike Rogers:

Is he saying, "Santa told me?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:49
why I like it
Avatar 5:50pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:50
This also reminds me of when I really listened to old Bowie music... Lots of weird sounds!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:50
Avatar 5:51pm
Mike Rogers:

On Headphones, this stuff is really wild!
Avatar 5:53pm
Mike Rogers:

"They followed me home"
That blew me away when i heard that... I don't remember what Bowie song that was, maybe from Diamond Dogs
Avatar 5:53pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:51
I miss Bowie!
Avatar 5:55pm
Mike Rogers:

I like using music to make a mood. This song would sound fine on hit radio (I think) but it sounds great on this weird music show (I mean weird as in very good!)
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Thanks for listening all you guys and Laura sn!

Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

See ya Aitch san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Your shows have a very different sound all over than I hear anywhere else.
The more I hear it the more I like it, like your other show I didn't expect to get at all
Avatar 5:57pm

↳ Song: "My Tears Were Lost on You" by "Tokoy Groove Jyoshi"
Super smooth! Thanks Mike - wonderful show.
Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @5:57

Avatar 5:59pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:57
Thanks Aitch san,
I get bored very quickly and don't like to hear the same song more than a few times (but I know most people aren't that way!) Thanks for the support!
Avatar 5:59pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @5:58
Avatar 6:00pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Mochy san!
Avatar 6:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Laura san!
Avatar 6:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Catchy Claws! Thanks!
Avatar 6:02pm
Mike Rogers:

The Lamplighter san!
Avatar 6:02pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @5:23
Elmo san!
Avatar 6:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Laura san!!
Avatar 6:04pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ fred @5:05
Thanks Fred san!
Avatar 6:04pm
Mike Rogers:

Shineman san!
Avatar 6:05pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy san!
Avatar 6:05pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Chris Ianuzzi @4:24
Chris san!
Avatar 6:06pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks everyone. See you next week!
Avatar 6:07pm
Mike Rogers:

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