Favoriting Stop Hitting Yourself with DJ Greg "Spacebrother" Bishop: Playlist from April 10, 2023 Favoriting

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Weird and wonderful sounds from outsider to weird covers and occasionally painful stuff from the Golden Age Of Stupidity.

Monday 4 - 5pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting April 10, 2023: SHY #208 - Some Tunes Kicking Ass This Week

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
ME  Stop Hitting Yourself Intro   Favoriting Sheena's Jungle Room  Sheena's Jungle Room Records  NOW  2-minute cylinder     
Johnny Cash  Bonanza   Favoriting     1952    On the Grand Old Opry, sometime in 1962  0:01:33 (Pop-up)
Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band  I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman   Favoriting My Bombers My Dexy's My Highs - The Sixties Studio Sessions  Sequel Records  1998      0:03:43 (Pop-up)
The Many Moogs Of Killer Watts  I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman   Favoriting Golden Hour Of Golden Instrumental Hits Featuring The Many Moogs Of Killer Watts  Golden Hour  1974  LP    0:06:20 (Pop-up)
The Shangri-Las  Sophisticated Boom Boom   Favoriting Shangri-Las - 65!  Red Bird  1965  LP    0:08:28 (Pop-up)
The Tammys  Egyptian Shumba   Favoriting   United Artists  1964  45    0:10:30 (Pop-up)
Adryan Russ  Save The Earth   Favoriting Godzilla Vs. The Smog Monster OST    1971      0:12:49 (Pop-up)
Shintaro Sakamoto  Purging The Demons   Favoriting Love If Possible  Mesh Key  2017  LP    0:14:36 (Pop-up)
Takako Minekawa  Fantastic Cat   Favoriting   March Records  1997  7"  https://genius.com/Takako-minekawa-fantastic-cat-lyrics  0:17:54 (Pop-up)
Kipp Hamilton  The Words Get Stuck in My Throat   Favoriting War of the Gargantuas OST    1966      0:21:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Akira Ikufube 

Major Battle At Fuji I   Favoriting

Destroy All Monsters 





0:24:01 (Pop-up)
Quentin Smirhes  I'm a Train   Favoriting         See the video for full effect! https://youtu.be/Octg3-5FU4o  0:26:42 (Pop-up)
Jonanthan Richman and the Modern Lovers  Egyptian Reggae   Favoriting Rock 'N' Roll With The Modern Lovers  Beserkley  1977  LP    0:28:43 (Pop-up)
Shannon And The Clams  Cult Song   Favoriting Sleep Talk  1-2-3-4 Go! Records  2011  CD    0:31:14 (Pop-up)
Bobby Conn  Never Get Ahead   Favoriting Bobby Conn  Truckstop / Atavistic  1997  CD    0:34:06 (Pop-up)
Stereo Total  Relax Baby, Be Cool   Favoriting Paris ↔ Berlin  Kill Rock Stars  2007  CD    0:37:45 (Pop-up)
Jacqueline Taïeb  7 AM   Favoriting   Fontana  2006  45    0:40:15 (Pop-up)
Lily Chao  Picking Tea Leaves and Catching Butterflies   Favoriting Chinese Folk Songs  Four Seas Records  1968  LP    0:42:14 (Pop-up)
Pan Ron  Rom Jongvak Twist (Dance Twist)   Favoriting Cambodian Rocks  Parallel World  2000  CD    0:44:42 (Pop-up)
Sonseed  Jesus Is a Friend of Mine   Favoriting Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine  Arena Rock  2009  EP    0:47:15 (Pop-up)
Jobraith  Scumbag   Favoriting Creatures Of The Street  Elektra  1974  LP    0:49:55 (Pop-up)
Ska Cubano  Cumbia Del Monte   Favoriting Mambo Ska  Casino Sounds  2010  CD    0:52:35 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Bat Boys 

Cheatin' Charlie   Favoriting


Design Records 




0:56:55 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

John R.:

Good afternoon Space Brother Greg and fellow listeners . Great illustration! It looks like something from the old 1960s cartoons like “Gigantore”.😁
Avatar 3:59pm

Hey John! It's from a TV Funhouse parody about a robot that tortures internees in Guantanamo.
Avatar 4:00pm

And it is definitely a reference to Gigantor.
John R.:

Cool! Perfect illustration for your show.👍
Avatar 4:02pm
Mr Fab:

Greetings, spacebrothers, spacesisters, and spacerobots.
Avatar 4:02pm

Hey El Fab!!
Avatar 4:03pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Bonanza" by "Johnny Cash"
CAN'T believe this exists!?!

hey, know i wanna hear Johnny do "Gilligan's Island."
John R.:

Mr. Fab :👍😁
Avatar 4:04pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:03
THAT would be a find for SHY!
Avatar 4:04pm

I'm obsessed with this stupid song.
Avatar 4:05pm
Mr Fab:

someone should record a song called "I Was Batman's Kaiser Bill."
Avatar 4:06pm

The still is from a TV Funhouse segment on SNL, "TORBOTO" the torture robot.

Avatar 4:06pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:05
Avatar 4:08pm

The term "batman" in this song comes from a WWI term for a gofer serving a senior officer. as I recall.

I said I was obsessed with the song.
Avatar 4:12pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Sophisticated Boom Boom" by "The Shangri-Las"
not on the schedule now, but:
Avatar 4:12pm

This song looks like it's popular on FMU, but I heard it for the first time last week.
Avatar 4:13pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:12
Forgot about that show!
Avatar 4:13pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Egyptian Shumba" by "The Tammys"
oh, heck yeah! Classic. I dropped it into the Sheena stream.
Avatar 4:15pm

↳ Song: "Purging The Demons" by "Shintaro Sakamoto"
A friend's 8 year old son went nuts when he heard this, so I figured it was good enough for SHY.
John R.:

SBG: 👍
Avatar 4:18pm
Mr Fab:

↳ spacebrother @4:15
i guess his demons were being purged.
Avatar 4:19pm

Link to "Fantastic Cat" lyrics in song listing now.

Avatar 4:22pm

↳ Song: "The Words Get Stuck in My Throat" by "Kipp Hamilton"
Here's an old favorite.
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Mr Fab:

↳ spacebrother @4:19
"I chat with world using email"
Avatar 4:23pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "The Words Get Stuck in My Throat" by "Kipp Hamilton"
egg-ZACKly the song i was reminded of when you played the Godzilla song earlier.
Avatar 4:23pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:22
If these sort of lyrics could only used in more songs.
Avatar 4:23pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:23
Me too, so here it is!
John R.:

SBG: I like in the War of the gargantuas, both monsters seem to be wearing toupees …
Avatar 4:26pm

↳ John R. @4:25
They seemed like someone's last-minute idea of king-sized bigfoots/ feet.
Avatar 4:26pm

↳ John R. @4:25
And you are correct sir! LOL

I agree, the Killer Watts album is awesome!
Avatar 4:27pm

↳ Peter @4:26
I'll feature more in later shows!
Avatar 4:30pm
Mr Fab:

We've heard about the Egyptian Shumba. I'd like to know more about the Shumbas of other lands.
Avatar 4:30pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:30
There's a show title, or at least one episode "Shumbas of Many Lands."
Avatar 4:31pm
Mr Fab:

No one really liked the Belgian Shumba.
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Mr Fab:

I am the master of the Van Nuys Shumba.
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↳ Mr Fab @4:31
Fell flat. Not a shumba-ish country. Wasn't it a Eurovision contest entry in the early 1970?
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Avatar 4:34pm

You will have to post your Van Nuys Shumba moves.
Avatar 4:35pm
Mr Fab:

↳ spacebrother @4:32
Dead last. Even The Estonian Shumba got more votes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

G'day Greg & Smack Heads!
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↳ Mr Fab @4:35
1972 was the year of the Shumba.
Avatar 4:37pm

↳ Scott_Oz @4:36
Hey Scott!
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Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Relax Baby, Be Cool" by "Stereo Total"
a Serge Gainsbourg cover! Always welcome.
Avatar 4:41pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Spacebrother san!
Avatar 4:41pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Scott_Oz @4:36
here ya go, Scott - a song about getting up in the morning.
Avatar 4:41pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:40
Ah yes. Nice version.
Avatar 4:43pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:41
Mr. Mike-san!
Avatar 4:44pm

↳ Song: "Picking Tea Leaves and Catching Butterflies" by "...
The bassline in this is hypnotic.
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Mike Rogers:

↳ spacebrother @4:43
ohayou gozaimasu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:41
6am is Greg's start time down here now mate. Winter will see me absent a bit I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm

g'day Mike! ☕😎🤙💨☕
Avatar 4:46pm

↳ Scott_Oz @4:45
Too bad! Always enjoy your ears and comments.
Avatar 4:47pm

↳ Song: "Jesus Is a Friend of Mine" by "Sonseed"
Whoda thunk this was actually released as a studio recording?
Avatar 4:47pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:44
Mike, you missed some Godzilla soundtrack songs, and a Japanese girl singing about, you guessed it, cats!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
Barno in Akron:

↳ Song: "Jesus Is a Friend of Mine" by "Sonseed"
Hahaha, classic tune. I haven't heard it in years.
Avatar 4:49pm

↳ Barno in Akron @4:48
I only knew it from the video that has like 5 million views. The clarity of this recording is kind of great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

↳ spacebrother @4:46
I will miss you too mate. But I'm an early riser, so we'll see how I go. We're not in the cold dark guts of Winter mornings yet.
Avatar 4:49pm

↳ Barno in Akron @4:48
P.S. Hi Barno!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm

Jesus song has Ska'd me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Barno in Akron:

↳ spacebrother @4:49
Howdy, spacebrother! Great show today.
Avatar 4:50pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Jesus Is a Friend of Mine" by "Sonseed"
oh my. If a comedy sketch were to do a bit about the absurdity of xian ska, all they'd have to do is play this.
Is this the WHITEST singer ever?!?
Avatar 4:51pm

↳ Scott_Oz @4:50
I found a cover of it as a hardcore ska song, but it wasn't really that different or even good.
Avatar 4:51pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:50
There are a few parodies. "Satan Is A Friend of Mine" is decent.
Avatar 4:52pm

↳ Song: "Cumbia Del Monte" by "Ska Cubano"
Speaking of ska...
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I'm also kind of obsessed with this song too.
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This one is kind of a cumbia more than ska.
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Georgy wanted more cumbia, but I haven't seen her here recently.
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Mr Fab:

↳ spacebrother @4:56
Hey, I'll take 'em. Mi gusta de cumbia.
Avatar 4:58pm

↳ Mr Fab @4:57
Thumbs-up emoji.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

↳ Song: "Cumbia Del Monte" by "Ska Cubano"
I liked that track too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm

Thanks Greg, hope to be here on time next time mate.
Avatar 5:00pm

↳ Scott_Oz @4:59
Avatar 5:00pm
Mr Fab:

moo-chas grassy ass, Spacebro!
Avatar 5:01pm

↳ Mr Fab @5:00
Thanks for being here and for the help before the show.
John R.:

SBG : Thank you Sir! Great show as usual.
Avatar 5:19pm

↳ John R. @5:08
Thanks John! And thanks for listening.
Avatar 5:32pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mr Fab @4:47
Shit! I was packing packages! I missed it!
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