Favoriting Come to the Sunshine with Andrew Sandoval: Playlist from April 3, 2023 Favoriting

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Andrew Sandoval's Come To The Sunshine is the home of the bah bah bah's and the la la la's. Each week he ushers you into his record room for a two-hour tour of scintillating 1960's sounds by a stunning array of no-hit wonders. Hear beat, psych, folk-rock, garage, soft pop, baroque, singer-songwriters and so much more (mostly in MONO).

Monday 6 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting April 3, 2023: Show #175: Featuring The Yardbirds

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Listener comments!

Avatar 5:56pm
DA the DJ:

Avatar 5:56pm

Avatar 6:00pm

I think Bob Crewe's April cutoff is a few years late.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm

Avatar 6:05pm


Avatar 6:32pm

Yippee Kayay.
Avatar 7:02pm
Max D:

Hiya Sunshiners! Snowing here early today, but the sun has come out for this show.
Avatar 7:11pm

↳ Max D @7:02
Max, where do you live? Colorado?
Avatar 7:15pm
Max D:

You would think so, but no. Seattle. We are having a cold start to spring.
Avatar 7:17pm
Max D:

↳ WLSClark @7:11
And by snow, I meant. Upper 30s nasty wet sleet. I am so ready for warmer days, but some years they don't get here until July. haha
Avatar 7:20pm
Max D:

Whereabouts are you, WLS?
Avatar 7:23pm

↳ Max D @7:20
Im in Lincoln, Ne: the SUNSHINE state. NO precip since July basically. Last night frost, tomorrow 77 with 50 MPH winds yet heavy snow 100 miles north and tornadoes in Iowa. We just are gifted it seems, but am worried it's coming crashing down soon. Good luck with that snow.
Avatar 7:40pm
Max D:

↳ WLSClark @7:23
It was merely disheartening. It's rare we get much accumulation, which is good because it's hilly and drivers panic and crash a lot when it sticks here. Nebraska is one state I've never been in, except for an emergency landing in Omaha when I was just a kid enroute to visit my dad in Philly.
Avatar 7:45pm

↳ Max D @7:40
Ive been in Seattle one time--2005 when we flew in for a cruise to Alaska. It was SO green but unseasonably hot at 91 that day and no one had air conditioners.
Avatar 7:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 7:55pm

Thanks DA.
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