Favoriting Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock: Playlist from March 13, 2023 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 13, 2023: WFMU Marathon Week #2 with co-host Marty McSorley!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Wilco  Monday   Favoriting         0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Sparkles  Hipsville 29 B.C. (I Need Help)   Favoriting         0:03:32 (Pop-up)
Sir Kenneth and the Yorkshire Coachmen  Money   Favoriting         0:05:45 (Pop-up)
R. Stevie Moore  Pledge Your Money   Favoriting         0:07:39 (Pop-up)
Hi-Risers  One Note Joe   Favoriting         0:11:20 (Pop-up)
Bobby Long  Jersey City   Favoriting         1:05:28 (Pop-up)
Green/Blue  In Lies   Favoriting Paper Thin  Feel It Records  2022    0:23:52 (Pop-up)
Green/Blue  Again   Favoriting Paper Thin  Feel It Records  2022    0:29:45 (Pop-up)
Smirk  Violent Game   Favoriting LP  Feel It Records  2022    0:40:51 (Pop-up)
Smirk  N.W.O.   Favoriting LP  Feel It Records  2022    0:44:24 (Pop-up)
Miss Georgia Peach  Back Side Of Dallas   Favoriting Aloha From Kentucky  Rum Bar  2022    1:12:29 (Pop-up)
Miss Georgia Peach  Tennessee Bird Walk   Favoriting Aloha From Kentucky  Rum Bar  2022    1:15:19 (Pop-up)
The William Loveday Intention  It Ain't Mine   Favoriting Cowboys Are SQ  Liberation Hall  2022    1:36:37 (Pop-up)
The William Loveday Intention  Girl From '62   Favoriting Cowboys Are SQ  Liberation Hall  2022    1:39:44 (Pop-up)
Eddie Kendricks  Keep On Truckin'   Favoriting     1973    1:56:15 (Pop-up)
Merry Clayton  Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow   Favoriting         2:00:29 (Pop-up)
The Shadows Of Knight  Potato Chip   Favoriting Potato Chip: Crunchy Dunwich Garage  Beat Rocket  2022  2 LP set - seaglass blue vinyl!  2:15:31 (Pop-up)
The Luv'd Ones  Dance Kid Dance   Favoriting Potato Chip: Crunchy Dunwich Garage  Beat Rocket  2022    2:17:57 (Pop-up)
The Del-Vettes  Last Time Around   Favoriting Potato Chip: Crunchy Dunwich Garage  Beat Rocket  2022    2:28:50 (Pop-up)
Things To Come  I'm Not Talking   Favoriting Potato Chip: Crunchy Dunwich Garage  Beat Rocket  2022    2:31:25 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers  Here Come the Martian Martians   Favoriting s/t  Omnivore Recordings  1976/2022    2:45:54 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers  Rockin' Shopping Center   Favoriting s/t  Omnivore Recordings  1976/2022    2:53:01 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Three Chord Marty!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm

My Swag gets me Liquor Stores Sunglasses!
Thanks Marty!
Hello Joe!
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Handy Haversack:

Joe! Marty! All the Montebanks at the Party!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
B R M:

Let's go!!

here's a quarter... of a million!!!! (i wish!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Yo Joe & Marty & all!
Avatar 12:01pm

Greetings fellow nerds...

we wanna be FREE - but we can't this week!!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ nycmusicnerd @12:01
Great to meet you yesterday, nycmusicnerd!

↳ Handy Haversack @12:01
oh badass!! cool!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

We know that we didn't make a mistake supporting the PEOPLE'S CHAMP!
Go Joe go!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The trucker hat & the liquor store locs are going to be the look this summer! 🕶️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Hi! Great to meet you yesterday, nycmusicnerd and Handy (and K8)!

↳ nycmusicnerd @12:01
nice nycmn!!

↳ Song: "Monday" by "Wilco"
Woo hoo! Looking forward to hearing Joe and Marty!
Avatar 12:03pm

Hey Handy! Hey Magenta!! We survived a Jonesy pledge drive!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Magenta @12:02
100 percent, Magenta! That was awesome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Hey Joe and all

↳ Handy Haversack @12:03
i think that is over 25%
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
B R M:

man, I gotta get on the volunteer schedule... you guys are having too much fun! Thanks to the volunteers! 👏
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

↳ nycmusicnerd @12:03
The energy in that room was indescribable.
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Rich in Wading River:

Hey Joe and Marty! How did Wilco go from being a great bar band with Jay Bennett to their current form as a great prog/country band? Still haven't made a great record since the Jay days. Hope you move a lot of trucker hats today!
Avatar 12:05pm
Marty McSorley:

yooooo lets help Joe get this money
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

I'm getting stressed about the icons I look like a shirker
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tim from washington:

The Champ is raring to go! Get them pledges in! 800-989-9368!

↳ Magenta @12:05
the handy effect!!
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San Pedro Girl:

Good morning Joe and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
B R M:

↳ patrick321 @12:05
one of ussss....one of ussss....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ patrick321 @12:05
You got the boombox and the heart!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Will thee Sound Guy:

Hi Joe B, Marty, and all!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

Kill it today Champ 🥊
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Handy Haversack:

↳ clarke @12:05
It was all them -- I was on the next shift!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

↳ clarke @12:05
Not just that, but also Jonesy and Ken separated by only a piece of glass!
Avatar 12:07pm

↳ Magenta @12:05
I almost went Sister Mary Elephant on Ken. I absolutely could NOT hear what was coming through on the phone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Deano de los Muertos:

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↳ Song: "Money" by "Sir Kenneth and the Yorkshire Coachmen"
He keeps a good beat that can be danced to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Alvy Singer:

↳ Song: "Money" by "Sir Kenneth and the Yorkshire Coachmen"
He is better than Lars Ulrich.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Frank In Queens:

Hey Joe!

↳ Handy Haversack @12:07
the bookmobile was a'rockin'!
Avatar 12:08pm

↳ Frank In Queens @12:08
Hey Frank!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm

↳ nycmusicnerd @12:07
Oh same! The number of times I had to ask people to repeat themselves!
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tim from washington:

↳ Song: "Pledge Your Money" by "R. Stevie Moore"
Sounds like this is from the Repo Man soundtrack.

↳ Frank In Queens @12:08
good day, sir!
Avatar 12:08pm
Rich in Bristol:

Champiñones! Champiñones! Ole ole ole!
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Frank In Queens:

↳ nycmusicnerd @12:08
Hey there! Great meeting you yesterday.

↳ tim from washington @12:08
a personal fave!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Frank In Queens:

Hi clarke and Magenta and everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

↳ Handy Haversack @12:06
Hey Handy I meant the TCM guitar. It's not important I know it will show up. Just carried away by my enthusiasm
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Son Of Pantz:

The People's Champ and Marty, together again for the first time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

↳ Frank In Queens @12:09
Hey! Great meeting you yesterday!

↳ Frank In Queens @12:09
sup buddeee!!
Avatar 12:09pm
Rich in Bristol:

Thank you, daylight savings time, for an extra hour of the people's champ Joe Belock! (for those of us in the UK)

the rekkid buyin' public
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Will thee Sound Guy:

I didn't realize I missed you Joe, I did a thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm

Hi Joe and Marty and PLEDGERs!
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↳ patrick321 @12:05
The Radio means you support the whole station EVERY MONTH.
Nothing finer!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:10pm

Hey Joe and everyone!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Get Joe loaded with pledges!

we dont wanna be free this week!

CANDY!!! i didn't mean it!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
tim from washington:

One Note Joe! Let's get Joe some 100 note pledges!
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, Candy-O!
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↳ clarke @12:11
Hey clarke! Haha! You must be referrring to SXSW? It's in full swing over here!
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↳ clarke @12:10
Hey! That's us!!
Avatar 12:12pm

↳ Song: "One Note Joe" by "Hi-Risers"
ONE NOTE JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE this song by the Hi-Risers!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

Hey Handy!
Avatar 12:12pm
Joe B:


↳ Candy-O'67 @12:12
i was not, but are you going to attend??
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:13pm

↳ clarke @12:12
Yes, I will...here and there when I can!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
tim from washington:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:10
Hey Candy! I'm at the station across the glass from Mr Belock as we speak!
Avatar 12:13pm
Marty McSorley:

one note joe needs your pledges

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:13
acts of note??
Avatar 12:14pm

↳ nycmusicnerd @12:12
Contemplating a trip to Rochester at some point in the distant future to see Greg Townson and/or the Hi-Risers.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

↳ Rich in Wading River @12:05
an eternal question and the source of a lot of flame wars (on the Postcard list et al.; the Old 97s became pariahs too) 20 years ago.
Avatar 12:14pm

I'm being forced to take an early lunch today, so I'll be back in an hour. I'll need some good music, as I have to make a nasty phone call on my break.
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Frank In Queens:

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↳ clarke @12:12
Saturday was great at Hotel Vegas - Andrew Cashen and 3 great backup singer gals who are in other great Austin bands; Anabelle Chairlegs, Nolan Potter's Nightmare band, and one killer psychedelic Cumbia band inside. Danced out butts off! There were more acts, but those are the ones I dug the most!

↳ Rich in Wading River @12:05
i happen to like the latest Wilco album a whole lot.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

↳ tim from washington @12:13
Yay, Tim! That's right. I remember you're helping out! Have a blast!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:15
now THAT'S cool!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:17pm

↳ clarke @12:16
It was so. It's just gettin' started! All week! woohoo!!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:17pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:15
Nice, Nolan Potter!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:17
Hi Candy! How are you doing?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

↳ Handy Haversack @12:17
Heck yeah, Handy. He does a few different styles. They started off with a cool kind of jazz fusion song. Lots of hard psychedelic going on. Great musicians!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:18
Hey San Pedro Girl. Doing great! How about you?

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:17
i'm sorry i can't make it, this year.. but to be honest, the last time i WAS there, that fest is just TOO big for its own britches, these days (as is every fest!).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

↳ Daybreak @12:10
👍 righto Db and back at you
Avatar 12:19pm

Joe! Marty! Pledgers! Music! Thise who are loaded! please pledge more and more and more!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Deano de los Muertos:

it’s Jets colors, baby ✈️ 😆
I’m gettin mine
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:18
Doing well today, thanks! Were you at a festival over the weekend?
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↳ clarke @12:18
I hear ya. I tend to stay at the smaller places. I'm hoping to catch a couple of day shows, too. I really want to see Civic at San Jose Hotel Thurs. at 7:00. There's a cool early evening showcase at Carousel I plan to catch. Courettes are playing Far Out Lounge this weekend, I think. I gotta see what day. I keep forgetting to check! haha
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Rich in Wading River:

↳ clarke @12:15
I like it too. More than I thought I would have.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:20
SXSW has just gotten started. It's all week and through next weekend here in Austin :)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

DJs are up for adoption:
www.flickr.com... Joe
www.flickr.com... Marty

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:20
speaking from an artist's point of view, it used to be SO great to play SXSW, but it is just a PITA these days.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Carmichael @12:19
Carmichael, it was a real treat to speak to you on the phone yesterday. K8 and were both so glad you called into the station.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:22pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @12:19
Hi Carmichael! I hope you doing well despite the torrential rains we've had.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Handy Haversack @12:21
K8 and *I were
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tim from washington:

No phones have rung yet for the Champ! Call to pledge 800-989-9368!

↳ Handy Haversack @12:21
Handy - Voice Of Herald!
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tim from washington:

Get in the running for this Green/Blue! It's a kick ass record. Pledge!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:20
I hope you're having a blast. Although I've never attended I hear it is a great event.
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↳ clarke @12:21
I know. I've been going since the '90's when it was $10 for a wristband! haha! I've never bought a wristband since those days. Don't really need one - free day shows and just pay a small cover at some places in the evening. Last year we were getting in free everywhere at night. I think being local, they just let us on in. I have fond memories of years past when smaller, too. So, don't think you need a wristband. Not necessary for most shows. It's a waste of money

what do volunteers do during this drive?

I've seen lots of 7" records with small holes but I've never seen a 12" on record with a big hole
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

Only 21 to 2,800!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @12:24
Thanks, SPG! I will be. You should come some year.
Avatar 12:26pm
Marty McSorley:

$20 pledge gets you in the running to win this Green/Blue LP! lets hear from you!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:24
i know this is first world problems, but it used to be that an artist could just walk into any venue, without standing in the lines, etc. which is important if you have to get back to your show, etc.
Avatar 12:27pm

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:22
Thanks, SP Girl. Another "atmospheric river" to hit this afternoon. Snowpack in Tahoe is 200% of normal! Best winter in years.

Working in the Emergency Ops Center for the next few days to deal with flooding issues.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:28pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:25
Aside from the festival, I hear the BBQ in Austin is worth traveling for. :)

that sounds like it is above 25%
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:28pm

↳ clarke @12:26
Yeah, it has gotten a little too big for that. Just like everything else around here really....
Avatar 12:28pm

↳ Handy Haversack @12:21
Thanks Handy, likewise. I called in specifically to chat with you both. Hopefully I'll see you in September.

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:28
New Braunfels, TX is the spot
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Carmichael @12:28
It's our hope as well!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:28
SPG, to be honest, I haven't found anything I find too spectacular here. Now, in Houston - that's where there's the BEST BBQ!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:28
i know. too bad. progress.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @12:28
Is that so? I'm getting hungry thinking about it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:28
If you ever go to Houston, you gotta go to Goode Company BBQ on S. Kirby Drive. The best I think I've ever had!
Avatar 12:30pm

Can't get to the pop up player. "Domain is not configured"

Anyone else?

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:29
best BBQ in houston, i contend is Old Hickory Inn (out in missouri city, TX)!!! five stars with killer service!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm

↳ clarke @12:28
Clarke, what BBQ joint do you like in New Braunfels? I need to know! LOL
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:29
Well, you live in TX. I imagine you have high standards. I am in SF. We have limited (lame) BBQ options.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
tim from washington:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:28
I went to a 'big' show last week that I didn't anticipate was going to be big. It was really disorienting. I'm used to going to small shows that hardly no one goes to -hahaha,
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Carmichael @12:30
Just tested: working here.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm

↳ clarke @12:31
I need to try that one. Haven't been there!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:31
are you saying that you haven't had good bbq in NB, TX?? ha ha.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
tim from washington:

Pledge for Joe! The hardest working double show DJ at the station!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @12:31
Are you from TX?

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:31
a MUST!! one of the best thangs is their smoked turkey - unreal!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Handy Haversack:


↳ San Pedro Girl @12:32
no new orleans.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @12:32
I'm taking notes.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Handy Haversack:


↳ tim from washington @12:31
what show Timothy?
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Handy Haversack:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

↳ clarke @12:32
Haha, Tim! I like to keep it to the small ones, too
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

↳ clarke @12:32
Haha! Don't think I've eaten BBQ there! LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Love your show too, Marty! Didn’t mean to leave you out

that Smirk LP is f'n GREAT!! worth any pledge!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

↳ clarke @12:33
You didn't give me the name for New Braunfels BBQ! Give it up! haha
Avatar 12:36pm

↳ clarke @12:33
Close enough 🙃
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
tim from washington:

↳ clarke @12:34
Unwound and Circuit Des Yeux. The music was great! Unwound was huge for me in the 90s. Being at a professional club/theater and being around so many youngsters looking at videos on the phone really threw me for a loop - hahaha!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:36
i have stopped at several joints in that area - ALL great!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:37pm
Handy Haversack:

3CM hat, liquor store locs, AND Marty's fuzzy dice from last year. When you care enough to wear the very best.

Morning y’all

↳ tim from washington @12:36
i was into Unwound, too, but have not re-visited in a while.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ clarke @12:37
I don't know if I'll ever be in Houston, but if I am, I am going here, day one: houstonsaucepit.com
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
tim from washington:

↳ clarke @12:37
It holds up really well.
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Handy Haversack:

Ha, the elevator terrified K8 yesterday! She hadn't been in it for a while.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Hoboken Jack:

Hello Joe, Marty, Candy-o, Handy, Oscar winning Bagpipe, Clarke, HP Ken in rain pants, Frank, NYCMnerd, Will, McGroove, everybody! Let's bring it home for the People's Champ!!

↳ clarke @12:37
i can't even get specific, Candy! there are a bunch of german names, ha ha. each has its own nuance, i guess.
Avatar 12:39pm

↳ clarke @12:37
I can't believe Franklin BBQ hasn't been mentioned.
Avatar 12:39pm

↳ Handy Haversack @12:37
But that bucket hat! 😍

↳ Hoboken Jack @12:38
Maryland Jack!!! how goes, man?
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↳ Handy Haversack @12:38
That looks great, Handy! I'll have to check it out sometimes when I'm over there. I can eat vegan sometimes, too!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

Just woke up from being up all night.
Let me have my coffee
Then I'll take a look at the swag

↳ Carmichael @12:39
haven't been there car!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

↳ clarke @12:39
That's ok, Clarke! I'll take your word for it and be on the lookout next time I'm down there
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Hoboken Jack @12:38
Jack! I tried a complicated scheme yesterday where our pledges were going to return tripled in a sort of reverse-pyramid scheme, but efd was too smart for me.

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:40
look for german names, ha ha!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

↳ Carmichael @12:39
Carmichael, I've been here 9 years and still haven't eaten there! I wish they didn't have that insane line. I don't know if it's still that way, but this week is not the week to find out! SXSW going on...

↳ Song: "Violent Game" by "Smirk"

↳ Song: "Violent Game" by "Smirk"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:39
I meant to be responding to clarke here! Multitasking isn't working out right now! haha

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:41
right ON! avoid crowdS!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:39
Now, I've really lost it. I was responding to you. I was looking for my response to clarke last and got mixed up. Carry on!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @12:33
NOLA is a mecca of great food.
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tim from washington:

Let's get some calls in here! 800-989-9368, The phones are dead. I didn't expect the Three Chord Monte listeners to be so internet literate! ;)
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↳ San Pedro Girl @12:42
It is. So is Houston!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:42
we're good, kiddo!! but houston is inhabited by robots!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tim from washington @12:43
Helps that a lot of it has pictures!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:43
which is why the FRIENDLY service at Old Hickory Inn is so refreshingly shocking!!
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only 22 to 3,500!
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tim from washington:

Man, this Smirk is good! Pledge and get in the running for it!
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Marty McSorley:

i was trying to use a smirk emoji but this computer is too old and i cant figure out how to do it on here. please help with a pledge of $20 or more to get in the running to win this Smirk LP

↳ Song: "N.W.O." by "Smirk"
this WHOLE album is so good!

Ten-50 BBQ is our go-to in dfw. Great food and rarely a stupid-long line.
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↳ Marty McSorley @12:46
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↳ clarke @12:45
Nice! I gotta jump off chat now and attend to work things. Still listening

↳ prof.fuzz @12:46
are we in the FuzzMobile????
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @12:39
I think Franklin gets a lot of pr coverage and good reviews, so has become too popular.

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:46
l8r dear!!

We are camping at KIA while they look into an electronic issue with the fuZZZmobile

↳ prof.fuzz @12:48
has Tim been transmitting signals again?!?
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↳ San Pedro Girl @12:47
"Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded."

- Yogi Berra
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Handy Haversack:

↳ prof.fuzz @12:48
*Really* hoping you meant KOA.

↳ Carmichael @12:49
berra-isms are the best!!

they think tim’s pirate fuZZZZ radio broadcasts may have messed up the instrument panel illumination control… thanks tim!
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Handy Haversack:

I been working in the Kremlin with a three-neck guitar!

↳ Handy Haversack @12:49
naw, as in killed-in-action

i wish, handy!

↳ prof.fuzz @12:50
that rat bastid!!1
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tim from washington:

↳ clarke @12:48
Probably my fault. I stole a cigarette lighter from an AMC Hornet and tried to plug it into to the FuZZZmobile cord charger plug in the console.
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:41
I'm sure during a big festival you just want to map out the smaller, easier shows to attend and the most accessible places in general.
It is why I kind of avoid big festivals.

↳ tim from washington @12:50
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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↳ clarke @12:28
I like to go to Kreuz Market in Lockhart...added bonus: you can see landmarks from Waiting for Guffman (like Corky's outside apartment stairs) from the parking lot.

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:51
i'm also jaded on JazzFest (nola) as well.

@tim: no worries. you can’t broadcast pirate fuZZZ without AMC hornet components. we’ll get it sorted out.

↳ drr @12:52
man, i was waiting for you to get Here!!
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The skull has headphones
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @12:49
it is a conundrum. The great places get found out and are soon not fun to attend...too many people!!!
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↳ prof.fuzz @12:52
Livin' the rock 'n' roll lifestyle, Fuzz
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Hoboken Jack @12:38
Ahoy, Jack! Ready to roll up the cuffs once the water starts rising!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @12:51
Totally, SPG!
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↳ clarke @12:53
I woulda been here, but it seems like all my clocks are, like, an hour behind? Guess I forgot to wind the batteries.
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Handy Haversack:

Marty, was it Velma?

↳ drr @12:54
i'm still revelling in that show i tried to get you to go to, last night!!! Bi-Polaroid was UNREAL!!! all NEW songs and really in a power-pop vein!! i was jaw-dropped stunned!!

indeed, carmichael! listening to 3CM and reading the new issue of razorcake in a car dealership waiting room.

↳ prof.fuzz @12:55
too bad you don't have a brand new vehicle!!
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tim from washington:

↳ prof.fuzz @12:52
Thanks for understanding!

@clarkEEEEEE: drive by the computer, die by the computer…
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↳ clarke @12:55
Dude, I love Bi-Polaroid!!! Seen them here in Austin during SXSW a few years ago and talked to the singer. Super nice guy! Love them!

Fat Burger is the TRUTH
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Hoboken Jack:

↳ clarke @12:39
Happily back in soggy Hudson County!

↳ Candy-O'67 @12:57
well, they used to sound like barret-era Floyd - which is just fine!! but, now HOLY HELL, they are unreal!!

I gotta get to a Fat Burger. I've lived in 2 neighborhoods that got totally gentrified
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @12:52
My sister lives in NOLA. And, I have so many friends who are enamored with that city. I have only visited a few times.
I would never attend the Jazz Fest. I hear in the past, before it moved to the fairgrounds, it was awesome.

↳ Hoboken Jack @12:57
jack - glad to hear that. hopefully, things are okay??
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Hoboken Jack:

↳ HyperDose @12:46
Howdy HyperDose!
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Hoboken Jack:

↳ clarke @12:58
Oh yeah was just visiting my mom, thanks!

↳ San Pedro Girl @12:58
it was always at the fairgrounds, even the first year, but it used to be cool - now, it is trying to be popular. those two rarely intersect.

↳ Hoboken Jack @12:59
oh ok - whew!! very good!!
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alan the painter:

ok, I want to go on the cruze, it is a blast...a bit of choppy water in the bay and currents, plus wakes from other crafts, it is truly a joy ride. I was lucky to have a ticket to Ceramic Dog's bot/er boat ride a few years ago. being a painter I wanted to paint CD while in cruze, sitting directly at bands knees, chess's symbol crashing down into middle of page while we cruzin, ribots music flying around, shahazads bass foot at my knee.
On a RR cruse you fly and everybody dances lick a mosh pit on water...

If you could use only one thing to gauge the goodness of a Chinese take out restaurant, I would say it would be the egg roll--they are kind of a challenge to do well
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Hubig Pie:

↳ clarke @12:55
Sometime in the early aughts, Bi-Polaroid were being hassled by the Polaroid ™ corp. They splained that their name was a play on Bob Pollard of GBV
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @1:00
I guess you have lived there a long time.
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Handy Haversack:

We used to think Greenpoint was too inconvenient to gentrify. The gentrifiers will find a way.

↳ Hubig Pie @1:01
that's why they hyphenated their name!! howya???

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:01
not really! i grew up here then went away for a LONG time! i've returned a few times. ha ha. and, honestly, i feel like a stranger in my own home town!

↳ Handy Haversack @1:01
mm hm--it's crazy how many super high-end buildings are around the park there. But I think a lot of people from the East Village started moving out there in the late 80s/early 90s cause of the L train
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Deano de los Muertos:

Caught that broadcast by accident, so good
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Todd-o-phonic Todd:

It was FRANTIC! Hey Joe and Marty!
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tim from washington:

Do the gentrifiers appreciate all those wonderful Polish bakeries?
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↳ clarke @12:55
Oh no! I was just goofin' off and missed it. Bipolaroid is real good.
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↳ clarke @12:58
Ooooooh, I gotta hear them now! I do follow them in Insta. They got a new album out? I wonder if they're playing anytime during 2nd weekend of Jazz Fest at night. Me and my friend will be there again staying with my sis. Keep me posted! We got 4-day passes again.

↳ drr @1:04
well, whatever you thought about them before, multiply that by their 8+ new songs!
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I listened to that entire broadcast. Also heard Medson getting in trouble ... 😂
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↳ Marie @1:03
I learned to drive a stick shift in Williamsburg Brooklyn in about 1996 because it was so dead and empty around there.

↳ Candy-O'67 @1:04
they have a gig next week - which i will NOT miss, and then they go into 'studio' to record the new songs. i don't know if they are playing around fest time, but gigs are weird here, now and esp THEN!
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Handy Haversack:

W$$$: The Voice of Potterville!
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↳ clarke @1:04
I apologize. what is the next show?
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↳ clarke @1:06
Wish I was there for that show! Let me know how it goes. Send me some videos if ya can! What's their newest rekkid that you like? I have some older ones, a couple

↳ drr @1:06
i will find out and let you know! had to sit thru three crappy bands to get to them, pretty late, but it ended up being worth it!!
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Handy Haversack:

Yeah, there was some serious Marty distortion there for a while!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @1:03
Change = the one thing we can count on.
If you live long enough everything you've come to know transforms, rarely for the better.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Mike R!

while i am buddies with all the guys, i don't have anything recent by them. but, Nick Diablo (from American Death Ray) is now drumming with them - amazing!!
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↳ clarke @1:09
You talking about Bipolaroid?
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Barney Grubbs:

↳ tim from washington @12:36
we went last night (w/ Teke Teke opening) & brought the 16-year old kid. She wore my holey unwound shirt from 1998, disappeared up front, and then showed up with some cute young dudes after the show. Yikes, but I guess she wasn’t staring at a screen the whole time!
Dave e:

The Reservoir Tavern is the best. Just go there mid afternoon or late evening. Otherwise, the place is packed. I’ve been going there for years as have my parents. They have many interesting old sports photographs from Bolton sports over the years. My father’s pictures, even in there when he played football for the boonton bombers.

Joe- Love the Reservoir Tavern, but I must correct you. It’s in Parsippany- not Boonton. Easy error because it’s on the border
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tim from washington:

My arms are tired after flying in. But not so tired that I can't pick up a phone to take your pledge. 800-989-9368!
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Handy Haversack:

This Miss Georgia Peach album is great! Pledge for it, pledgers!

↳ Candy-O'67 @1:10
yes, sorry! dare i say their new stuff sounds like Monkees meet Stones toughness!! bueno!!
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Hoboken Jack:

Reservoir's own website lists it as Boonton, though
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tim from washington:

↳ Barney Grubbs @1:10
Ha! that's great. I saw the show in Chicago which can get pretty fashioned out depending on the show.

↳ tim from washington @1:11
yer arms are tired from altering the Fuzzmobile dashboard

the back-side of dallas has a KIA dealershit, er, ship!!

She later turnedED XRISTAIN?????

I guess I’m on the front side of dallas at the moment…
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↳ clarke @1:11
Awesome! Ok, off again. Gotta work! haha!
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Later, Candy!

ok Candy - take care!!

↳ prof.fuzz @1:14
the front-side has complimentary coffee!!
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Marley P. Dogg:

Those are some catchy tunes!
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Cover of Mouth & McNeal.
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tim from washington:

↳ clarke @1:13
Actually, My arms are a little fried from sticking my fingers in the AMC Hornet cigarette lighter plugs.
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Handy Haversack:

Stick with chowdah!
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Daniel Donuts:

All hail joe b's pizza rankings.

Death to the barstool pizza scale
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paddy in matawan:

Had Chimney Rock in pie last night. MmMmmM

I've liked DeLucia's in Raritan a lot for years, but after Brostool guy gave it a thumbs up, it made lines there super annoyingly long.

I’m a Jersey guy but Lee’s Tavern in Staten Island gets a high rating from me!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Daniel Donuts @1:20
I don't even know what it is!
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tim from washington:

Joe B is the Peoples Champ and the Peoples Pizza Champ! Pledge for the Peoples Pizza Champ!
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Todd-o-phonic Todd:

I was eating a slice outside in Hoboken months back and some little kid came up and starting yelling, "Don't eat the green stuff!" (there was some scattering of parsley on it). A kid after my own heart.
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Here we go, the pineapple on pizza discussion!
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↳ Handy Haversack @12:21
Hey Handy! Great to meet you and K8 yesterday.
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Handy Haversack:

This is an amazing record of one man's pizza consumption and what he paid: elkue.com...
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Daniel Donuts:

↳ Handy Haversack @1:21
Whoever the guy is at barstool ranking pizza's... he's a chump
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Marley P. Dogg:

I went to a great Danish hot dog place in the east village last night
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Barney Grubbs:

↳ tim from washington @1:13
I can imagine! This was in new york city so I suspect it could be an issue here too, but it has been so long since I've been to a show that I didn't really pay attention.
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alan the painter:

come on...
Alpastor Pizza!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Daniel Donuts @1:22
Never hoid of it. But I get all my news and most of my food reviews right here on WFMU.
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tom from Manchester:

hot dogs with green stuff on sounds like some Chicago nonsense
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Daniel Donuts:

Strawberry's Pub is a solid pie...
asheville jon:

Arugula on a hot dog??? WTF??

I stand corrected Jack- I think they like the all the glitz and glamour associated with the town of Boonton
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paddy in matawan:

Strawberry's is great!! Used to live right by it!
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alan the painter:

pizza...Prince street, or go to New Haven...
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tom from Manchester:

it WAS tom from Glasgow! i moved

Yes Joe, F the Barstool guy. I agree
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B R M:

I live down the street from a top 10 Barstool place (Luigi's in South Park Slope). It is simple and old school and really good.
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You guys talking about the Strawberry's near the Woodbridge/Perth Amboy line?
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @1:22
I grew up in NY.
We here in CA have really poor pizza. I'm always jealous hearing East coasters talking about the vast options of great pizza they have there.
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Daniel Donuts:

↳ paddy in matawan @1:23
I still live near it!

When I was a wee lad I used to play basketball behind the pub and then hop down the hill and get a slice and a birch beer for $1.25

If i was lucky they would let me sit at the bar :D
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Daniel Donuts:

↳ efd @1:25
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↳ tom from Manchester @1:24
I was gonna say!
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paddy in matawan:

↳ Daniel Donuts @1:25
Heh! I used to ball over at Warren park. There was some serious guys playing over there in the 90s.
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↳ Daniel Donuts @1:25
I live near there myself! Went there a few years ago and I have to say I was unimpressed, but I'll give it another shot!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tom from Manchester @1:24
Must have got you another couple of hours of daylight, Tom!
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Daniel Donuts:

↳ paddy in matawan @1:26
Big time ballers out there.

Same with the lower level at Roosevelt near Menlo Mall
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paddy in matawan:

Wow who knew Hoodbridge is such a listener hotspot! I have 2 big FMU listener friends that are there/from there as well.

↳ tom from Manchester @1:23
More like Chicago awesomeness. Also Joe, next time you're at a Devs game, check out the Sumo Dog on the upper level.
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tom from Manchester:

↳ Handy Haversack @1:27
daylight savings tom, that's what they call me
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Dance the Blues:

↳ B R M @1:24
It's decent. Grandma's slice is tiny and hunched over owner is super crabby.
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Daniel Donuts:

↳ efd @1:27
Hope it turns out better this time!

I'm around the corner ;)
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tom from Manchester:

i like that you can reply to other posts now, might mean my jokes get lost less
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Barney Grubbs:

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:25
there are supposed to be some interesting non-traditional pizza joints down your way (www.lataco.com...), but my family is up by pasadena so I haven't tried any when in town (though side pie in altadena is really good if you ever make it up that way). My LI-raised kid turns up her nose at most CA pizza though (but liked side pie).
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Handy Haversack:

↳ tom from Manchester @1:28

I've never been to Manchester. Would love to see it one day. Spent a great few days in Glasgow once -- and have got lost there driving around a couple of times! Hope to make it back one day.

Jay Sherman-Godfrey = great Songs!!!!
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Daniel Donuts:

↳ paddy in matawan @1:28
I wonder where they are hiding?!

Guess I should throw up my new bumper sticker on my Scooter and flex around town ;)
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paddy in matawan:

↳ efd @1:27
great cheesesteaks too
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↳ Handy Haversack @1:29
Sherri and I will be visiting Manchester for a couple of days in June — Tom, I'll be in touch!
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tom from Manchester:

↳ efd @1:30

↳ efd @1:30
nice mate!!! i love the way ya'll travel!!!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Barney Grubbs @1:29
I live in SF. But, I grew up in LI, then moved to NYC, then Brooklyn--all had good pizza. Moving to the Bay Area was a rude awakening in that respect. They say the water is different here. So they can't make the same kind of dough.

Jack, you still around?
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Marley P. Dogg:

I love all WFMU DJ’s, but I gotta say this is one of the best DJ combos so far!

Pledge to The Monty!!!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Marley P. Dogg @1:32
For reals, Marley!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:32
California pizza is way different from NY pizza. If you came from the east coast out to here, you will NEVER get used to the crust and toppings. More experimental here, pisses off the traditionalists.
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tim from washington:

Don't be a square cowboy and pledge to Joe B! 800-989-9368!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @1:36
Exactly! Did you grow up here?

maybe, but ya'll have the best burritos i have ever had!!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:37
Since I was 8, so most of my life.
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35 to 4,300!

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:37
that was for you SPG!
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London Calling Francky:

It is indeed such a huge challenge to navigate through the insane discographic output of Sir Billy Childish!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @1:38
Got it! I agree, burritos are good here.

i see FiQ has been bizzy on the interwebs...

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:40
omg - yes!!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @1:38
Well, after 30 plus years in the Bay Area I've become accustomed to settling for mediocre pizza.

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:32
Yes! that’s why no one else can get bagels right, either. water minerals are a big deal. entire breweries owe their flavors to water source

our weed tastes better too
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ @1:42
That is correct. The bagels are far worse than the pizza. But the brewers here make some very good beers.
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Barney Grubbs:

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:32
oh--sorry I made assumptions about San Pedro!
I had the opposite rude awakening about burritos, etc., when I moved to NY from southern california in 1993 (though admittedly I should have realized that moving to Ithaca, NY, would be a shock in a number of ways)
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ @1:44
So you're here in CA too?
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Johnny Rocko wants MORE!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Barney Grubbs @1:45
That would make sense. Most people assume that. San Pedro refers to a type of cactus I used to collect.
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:42
Ha! Have you ever tried "NY Style Pizza" out here? I'll bet it's shite ...
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @1:48
Where, pray tell, would I find that?

taking a moment to step on the soapbox, here: Three Chord Monte means a LOT to my week!!! if you are on the fence about donating, you will be preserving a JUST CAUSE!! but, i am sure EVERYONE here has already given plenty!!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:50
Not sure. Occasionally, I see a place touting "NY Style Pizza" in town here. I think it just means "big slices", another thing that California doesn't so.
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:50
There's a NY pizza place on Haight St
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @1:52
Oh, it definitely sucks. They just can't pull it off.
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Todd-o-phonic Todd:

↳ chresti @1:53
And "Hoboken Pie" in Austin!
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London Calling Francky:

Francois in the UK is my alter-ego :-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Hullo !
You know tomato is a fruit too yeah ?? You'd have pineapple with ham... Pineapple aids digestion as well...
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paddy in matawan:

Duckpin. I think Candle pin is further north like Maine.

↳ chresti @1:53
maybe, but there is a KILLER burrito place on Haight Street
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↳ Todd-o-phonic Todd @1:54
How's that?
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ chresti @1:53
What they mean is CA style "NY Pizza," which is to say, NOT really like NY pizza at all.

↳ paddy in matawan @1:54
candle-pin on cape cod, so... that's southern NE.
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paddy in matawan:

↳ clarke @1:55
I stand corrected.
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↳ clarke @1:55
Really? Which one? There are Great burritos in the Mission.
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bill hanke:

apparently salad is necessary
Jason from Screwston:

Yeah... Why that rope?

↳ chresti @1:56
i haven't played there in years, now, but used to be toward the end of the strip - native mexicans ran it - it was unreal. cilantro heaven!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:55
Are you a native of CA?
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↳ San Pedro Girl @1:55
Yeah- the best thing about that place is that it's relatively cheap
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Handy Haversack:

Pledge for operator error!
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Barney Grubbs:

↳ Carmichael @1:52
It has been a long long time, but there was a little stand-up shop in Berkeley--Arinell Pizza--that was at least close in style (at least in my memory).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

15 dollares for operator error!
Zinn The Mood:

There is no funkier tune ever to make the top 10. Could be my favorite single of all-time.


↳ chresti @1:57
man, i'm like mcgasko with venue names, ha ha. it is past where The Golden Cane is/was??
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tom from Manchester:

oof that open drum break

the freshest dead air in the land!!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ chresti @1:57
Cheap? in SF?? I guess, compared to your other options, it would be.
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↳ Song: "Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow" by "Merry Clayton"
I was in a gym with my dad in the late '80s and Robert Blake was working out there. He made some completely unwarranted snide comments to my dad. RIP Shmuck.
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↳ clarke @1:59
The Mission District? Is south of Market. Great Mexican food there. Franco can remember the names of those places
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I listen to Joe B for the gutteral sounds that emanates from his body

dats the name o dat tune!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Barney Grubbs @1:58
Yes! Arinell was good. I don't know if it is still there.
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Handy Haversack:

Tim! He's pledging from inside the room!
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tom from Manchester:

Jason! cool guy

↳ chresti @2:03
oh yeah, i love mission district, too. but this was right in the haight. it may not be there, anymore. i'm sure leases are insane.

↳ Handy Haversack @2:03
Nnnnooooooo!!!! get out!!
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San Pedro Girl:

Arinell's is a long way ffrom me. In SF, Giorgio's on Clement and Third is pretty good.
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Handy Haversack:

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San Pedro Girl:

↳ clarke @2:04
Leases are insane throughout the bay area.

im sure!
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↳ San Pedro Girl @2:06
Is outta sight pizza still around, on Larkin near Turk? That's supposedly authentic NY style.

this was a place you had the feeling was there from the 60's and probably got edged out.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Analog to my : Jazz is just Blues for people who play too well.
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↳ clarke @2:04
There's a good Mexi place on Haight near Amoeba we've gone to in the past.
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San Pedro Girl:

@ Joe B. This is the BEST jazz show.

↳ chresti @2:08
yes! not far from Amoeba = if that's still there? ha ha.
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15 to reach 4,400!
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Barney Grubbs:

↳ chresti @2:03
El Farolito was great (though that opinion is likely strongly influenced by the number of 2 am burritos I had there), and Taqueria Cancun too (but it has been ~25 years)
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @2:07
I've not been there.
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Handy Haversack:

Man, my Yankees hat is from like 1998 and barely even has a logo on it anymore. I will wear it until it disintegrates entirely.
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↳ clarke @2:08
I believe so. It's been there a long time!

drunk food is good food, most times, barney!

I’m looking forward to my very first trucker hat…

you have to get a truck first, FuZZZ

..since you are at the KIA dealership....
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↳ San Pedro Girl @2:10
You now have an assignment!

how come FMU doesn't have PANTS......... MYSTERIES!!
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I went to Dollywood spring break last year!
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How did i not know about duck and candle pin bowling?
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paddy in matawan:

holy crap this place looks nuts!

damn. now i need a multi-purpose vehicle* hat!

* KIA’s official designation for the FuZZZmobile.
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↳ clarke @2:12
I know! It's a missed opportunity to have a head-to-toe WFMU outfit!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Barney Grubbs @2:09
Those are both popular. There are some very good options in the Mission.

↳ Magenta @2:13
FuZZZ won't wear 'em!!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ prof.fuzz @2:13
Ohhhhh, Kia. I was scared it was KIA.

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Karl Ward:

↳ Song: "Potato Chip" by "The Shadows Of Knight"
Why are they singing about my lunch?
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tim from washington:

Joe McGasko goes for the sweet potatoes and Joe Belock goes for the potato chips! Pledge for them chips! 800-989-9368
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↳ San Pedro Girl @2:14
There's a street taco place on Haight, but it's closer to Clayton than the panhandle..

Dunwich Garage is a beautiful collection!!
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The chips just keep on comin'. Awesome show, Joe!
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tom from Manchester:

i learned that in the 1910s in the UK we called fish and chip shops "fried fish and chipped potato saloons" and i have not known peace since
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Karl Ward:

Technically they are dishing out the chips
Hugo (NL):

This is great 💛

although, i have not been too impressed with colored vinyl pressings, lately.
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tim from washington:

↳ Karl Ward @2:17
Pledge to Joe and Marty dishing out the chips!
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great show
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Don't get Ruffled, just pledge!

↳ nycmusicnerd @2:18
hey, how was that nasty call? hope it went YOUR way!! ;]
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$20 more into the hat!

one of my favorite chips: Cape Cod Crinkle Cross-Cut - o my!
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↳ clarke @2:19
Not going to go into details, but suffice it to say that I have ZERO patience with stupidity/incompetence. And the poor soul who answered the phone found that out the hard way.
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Clancy's Kettle Cooked Salt and Vinegar.
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Karl Ward:

McSorley has triggered a chip panic, fed regulators step in to prevent a chip run
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Frank In Queens:

When in Canada, Ruffles All Dressed are a must.
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joe mulligan:

maui onion or hawaiian luau bbq
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ALDI baby!

↳ nycmusicnerd @2:20

↳ Frank In Queens @2:20
spoken like a Letterkenny fan!!!
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The Oscar:

Zapp's Voodoo Chips are OUTSTANDINGLY good, with Utz Crab Chips a close second.
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↳ Barney Grubbs @2:09
El Farolito sounds like a Franco favorite. There's a great place on Bryant st, south of 22nd called El Metate one of my favorites!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Carmichael @2:16
No shortage of great Mexican food in SF.
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@Marty big box stores sell a big box of snack sized chips, also Halloween time is your window.
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Son Of Pantz:

Grippo's BBQ chips are the best
Fred And Alan:

Hello All Fred and Alan from Pseus thing with a hook
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Local Utz was an underrated '90s band.
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↳ joe mulligan @2:20
Plain ol' chips with french onion dip. Breakfast of champions!

I first tried the voodoo chips in New Orleans
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Chicago chips are real thick?
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paddy in matawan:

Old Style rules.
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Fred And Alan @2:22
Hi Fred and Alan!
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joe mulligan:

↳ The Oscar @2:21
heck yea voodoo chips

↳ yippie @2:22
those are a little sweet, sadly.
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↳ chresti @2:22
You have to eat them with a knife and fork, HA HA
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Alex of Chicago:

Never heard of Chicago-style chips. And Old Style isn't that great. But it was cheap at one time.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ The Oscar @2:21
I *think* the Voodoo chips are ketchup chips with more seasoning -- but basically spicy ketchup!

Voice of Tim!

sparks, the drink of orange tongues
Marie in Queens:

↳ drr @1:06
Wow. It's crazy in NYC. Chicago has Jay's potatoe chips. I love(d) their BBQ chips (I'm from Chicago)

Fred And Alan:

Hello San Pedro Girl you are great
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I wanna try those Canadian fully dressed chips

Old Style used to have an ad campaign with Dennis Farina busting people from NYC and LA sneaking into Chicago to steal Old Style.

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I miss Sparx too
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↳ HyperDose @2:24
Does that include mayonnaise?
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Fred And Alan @2:24
Thank you!
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Frank In Queens:

There was a whole food about the cannibalism angle on logos/advertising: suicidefood.blogspot.com

I heard that the voodoo chips are bbq mixed with salt and vinegar
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Fred And Alan:

Thanks for letting us into your lives
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joe mulligan:

have' a corn chips from LA
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↳ Carmichael @2:24
I hope not! It's a seasoning blend, not like a condiment topping

Spike from Needles.
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ chresti @2:25
That looks good. I'll have to try it when I'm over that way.
Marie in Queens:

↳ Jeremiah @2:24
Hey, did you mean to type Spankx? Just kidding!
Marie in Queens:

↳ Chalmers @2:24
I've had my fair share of Old Style @)
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Frank In Queens:

The whole stadium did that same scream that Keitel makes in Bad Lieutenant when the Padres beat the Mets in the playoffs last year.
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↳ Frank In Queens @2:24
It's almost all pork. My fave BBQ place's logo was a pig dancing on a fire while holding a plate of ribs.

↳ Frank In Queens @2:28
spit the f'n gum out!!
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↳ Spankyflop @2:28
Sounds like Corky's in Memphis.
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tim from washington:

Only the Champ can delivery heat like the Del-Vettes! Pledge to Joe Belock and WFMU!
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Todd-o-phonic Todd:

This might be The Last Time Around for WFMU. Pledge to The People's Champ!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ chresti @2:25
Lol! I need food recommendations from L.A. folks.
You have great Mexican food down there ,and a raft of culinary options.
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Todd-o-phonic Todd:

↳ Spankyflop @2:28
Isn't that the logo of every BBQ place?
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Son Of Pantz:

↳ Todd-o-phonic Todd @2:30
Say it ain't so!
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↳ Song: "Last Time Around" by "The Del-Vettes"
I know a different version of this song. This is stereo. Maybe the one I know is mono.

One of my favorite sixties songs

↳ tim from washington @2:30
you sound taller on the radio!
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Sweet Corn Lizzie:

Tito's Tacos in Culver City is a cult favorite!
Yuri G:

Sounds like YARDBIRDS
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "I'm Not Talking" by "Things To Come"
Mose Allison composition.
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↳ San Pedro Girl @2:30
SF is still in the lead for Italian food though.

↳ Sweet Corn Lizzie @2:32
i'm going to file that for when i get to l.a. later this spring!! thnx!!
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Marty McSorley:

↳ Sweet Corn Lizzie @2:32
only thing better than a tito's taco is two (miss their commercials more than their tacos lol)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Yuri G @2:32
Last two *both* straight yARdbiRdS.
& well.
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tim from washington:

↳ clarke @2:32
I'm so glad you noticed!
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Handy Haversack:

Almost to $5K on the day!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hell I *still* wanna be JeffBeck in 1966. Any year past that was too accomplished for me to imagine...
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When I was a kid, all the garage bands in town played "Shapes of Things." But the guitar solo . . . fugeddaboutit

↳ tim from washington @2:34
yer a swell fellow for volunteering and TRAVELLING to volunteer!!
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joe mulligan:

crabs claw Lavallette NJ! local surf hero sam hammer's family owned
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↳ Zipperhead7 @2:35
They'd have the keyboardist approximate it on the Farfisa
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tim from washington:

↳ clarke @2:35
Thanks! I'm happy to be here.
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tom from Manchester:

didn't he ask that the Monty Hall carpet be removed because it was bad for his acoustics

↳ tim from washington @2:37
yer a good man!!
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ONLY 35 to 5k!
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Didn't win the prize, but everybody wins with the station being supported!!!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ chresti @2:38
$20 to go!
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Handy Haversack:


↳ tim from washington @2:37
even though we know you didn't come all the way from washington, heh heh. cam-pag-nahhh!! urbanaaaah!!
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Ivan Drago
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tim from washington:

↳ chresti @2:38
What chrest said! Get Joe to the goal! Don't let the Rocky heels KO the People's Champ! Pledge!

"i must break you"
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Creed 3 is actually pretty good, better than Creed 2 at any rate.
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ chresti @2:33
Where do you like to eat Italian here? I'm taking notes.
Glistener MW:

I refuse to ever see that robotless Rocky IV.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Sinner! Hello Kevin
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Daniel Donuts:


daily affirmation?
Marie in Queens:

Have yet to see a Rocky movie--adding it to my list
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Todd-o-phonic Todd:

↳ tom from Manchester @2:37
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Deano de los Muertos:

Great quote, Marty!!

↳ Marie in Queens @2:42
i'm with you marie!! never.
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joe mulligan:

I met a nurse at MSKCC who's husband was one of the original Jamaican bobsled team members

what is this wfmu fanfiction
Glistener MW:

I’m now imagining that the discarded+forgotten prop of Paulie’s robot is sitting in pieces in Monty Hall’s basement, beside the cobweb-covered skeletons of Better Than Ezra.

↳ Todd-o-phonic Todd @2:42
i'm sorry i was deep into my activities book to say hey!!
Marie in Queens:

I hope ur stocked up on the TP, man
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tim from washington:

15 minutes left to Pledge! Keep it coming folks!
Marie in Queens:

I saw Jonathan Richman touring with a comedian once and he was so politically incorrect and kinda dark. I thought he was hilarious but not a lot of people in the crowd did. I can't remember his name. It was in the 90s I think
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Still time to hit $6k? Can we do it?

15 minutes until Prof blows a fuse in the waiting room!!
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Matt Clarke:

Go Joe + Marty!
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Optometrist Time
See ya
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tim from washington:

Get Joe to the $6000!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Ciggy @2:49
I see what you did there. 👓

I’m deep into 3CM and a Razorcake article on Target Video.
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Son Of Pantz:

↳ Ciggy @2:49
Guess who I bumped into at the Optometrist

↳ prof.fuzz @2:50
they are gonna have to get an AMC specialist in for your van!
Yuri G:

DEPECHE MODE interview was v good

ha ha ha ha - that frampton is FUNNY!!! thank yew!!
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↳ Karl Ward @2:16
They're psychic.

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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Joe, Marty, Tim, Muriel, phone peeps, and all! Over $6K!!!
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↳ clarke @2:16
I want it!

I think I have it on a hard drive somewhere in mp3 form

i had it on cd. mui am besten.
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San Pedro Girl:

@ Joe and Marty, great show! Thank you!
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Thanks Joe & Marty! Great show!
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Handy Haversack:

full metal monkey!

almost as good as the Disney series Spin & Marty!! thanks guys!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJs JoeB & Marty ~
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Music with a good, steady beat that can be easily danced to can raise a lot of money? Who knew?
Miss Georgia Peach:

Great show! Thanks

Thanks joe and marty!
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Thanks Joe & Marty!
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Thank you Joe,, Marty, all the pledgers
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